Module 4 Unit 3 Language in use基础知识精练(含答案2课时)外研版八年级下册

Module 4 Unit 3 Language in use
fever, awful, perhaps, day, condition, member, that's why, start walking, a healthy diet, for the first time, take more exercise, set up
1. I often don't feel well, so I decide to ________________ from now on.
2. To keep fit, you should have enough sleep and ________________.
3. Don't worry. Your son is in excellent ________.
4. How many ________ are there in your fan club
5. Running in the morning has become part of my ________ life.
6. —How old is Mrs. Smith
—________ she's fifty years old, but I'm not sure.
7. Some people feel ________when they take a plane.
8. I got up late and ____________ I didn't catch the train.
9. Chinese often shake hands when they meet ________.
10. We can ________________ a website to help us keep in touch after graduation.
二 用for或since完成句子。
1. He has lived in Shanghai ________ the year before last.
2. I've known him ________ we were children.
3. Our teacher has studied French ________ three years.
4. She has been away from the city ________ about ten years.
5. It's about ten years ________ she left the city.
1. He ________ the city since he graduated from college. [中考·齐齐哈尔]
A. has left B. left C. has been away from
2. William Shakespeare ________ for 400 years, but his works still have great influence today. [中考·青岛]
A. died B. was dying
C. has died D. has been dead
3. The film Operation Red Sea ________ a lot of praise since its first show months ago. [中考·上海]
A. wins B. win C. will win D. has won
4. —Lucy, is your uncle a teacher [中考·北京]
—Yes, he is. He ________ history for nearly 20 years.
A. teaches B. has taught C. is teaching D. will teach
5. —Mom, I want to watch The Legend of Miyue(芈月传) on Channel 8 tonight. [中考·泰州]
—Oh, dear, it ________ for a few e on!
A. has begun B. will begin
C. has been on D. will be on
综合填空 [中考·浙江]
阅读下面短文, 然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Have you ever heard of “National Smile Month” It started on the 14th of ________ 6(五月) in the UK.
During this month, people are made to think about the importance of brushing their teeth, _____________ 7 (吃) less sweet food and going to see the ________ 8(医生) from time to time.
The British are ___________________ 9(出名的) for their bad teeth. Even a dictionary has the expression“British Smile”, meaning “Any smile with bad teeth”.
________ 10(然而) , in America, the “Hollywood Smile” gets its name because American movie ________ 11(明星) are so proud to show off their beautiful teeth.
But what about smiling in the UK Do the British smile a lot, or do they look ________ 12(悲伤的) all the time It’s said that the British don’t often show their feelings. But actually it all ________ 13(取决于) on the situation. For example, Britain doesn’t ________ 14(允许) smiling in passport photos. But if you are at a party, you’ll find everyone smiling ________ 15(开心地) and loudly.
So, the British smile as much as anyone else.
1. [2023 武汉]—Have you ____ chemistry for the coming exam
—Yes. I'm quite ready for it.
A. repeated B. copied
C. marked D. reviewed
2. [2023 福建]—Look! My mother ____ a new dress for me.
—Wow, it looks very nice on you.
A. is making B. has made
C. will make
3. [中考 广西]—It seems that you have learnt a lot about Chengdu.
—Of course. I ____ here for ten years.
A. have been in B. have been
C. have come D. came to
4. [中考 湘西]—Where do you live, Lin Tao
—I live in Beijing now. I ____ here for ten years.
A. moved B. have moved
C. have been
Module 4 Unit 3 Language in use
一、 翻译下列句子。
1. 我刚刚丢了我的化学书。(just)
2. 我以前从来没去过那个农场。(never)
3. 你已经看过这部电影了吗 (ever)
4. 我妹妹成为一个大学生已经三年。(already)
5. 他们已在美国五年了。(for)
二 单项选择。
1. My uncle has taught in this school ________ he was twenty years old.
A. since B. for
C. until D. after
2. —How long have you lived in the new flat
—________ 2023.
A. In B. After
C. Since D. Before
3. The astronaut is so tired that he ________ for eleven hours.
A. has been asleep B. has fallen asleep
C. has gone to bed D. has gone to sleep
4. My aunt is a writer. She ________ more than ten books since 1980. A. writes B. wrote
C. has written D. will write
5. Some students in Shanghai ________ e bags for several months.
A. buy B. have had  
C. bought D. will buy
6. ________ the light, please. This is a room with enough natural light.
A. Turn off B. Turn on
C. Turn down
7. —Which dress do you like best, Madam
—Sorry, I can't decide________ now.
A. to buy which one B. buy which one
C. which one to buy D. which one I should buy it
8. —What should we do for the disabled children
—You should ________ a study group to help them.
A. take up B. set up
C. look up D. put up
9. My father ________my mother fifteen years ago. So far they ________ for fifteen years.
A. married; married
B. has married; has been married
C. married; have been married
D. have married; married
10. —How long ________ you ________ Little Women
—I am due to return it in two weeks.
A. have; borrowed B. will; lendC. will; keep D. have; got
21. Mike has lived with his grandparents for three days. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ ________ Mike lived with his grandparents
22. They have learned to dance for two weeks. (改为同义句)
They have learned to dance ________ two weeks ________.
23. What's wrong with Lisa (改为同义句)
What's ________ ________ with Lisa
24. The box is so heavy that I can't carry it.(同义句转换)
The box is ________ heavy for me ________ carry.
25. The old man died two days ago. (改为同义句)
The old man ________ ________ ________ for two days.
26.27. 28. 29. 30.
26. Jenny, be in, three days
27. Kate, buy, two months ago
28. take your temperature
29. Jack, have a fever
_______________________________________________________30. how long, Peter
Do you want to have a healthy and happy life You can try the following ways.
Wash your hair at least three t________31 a week. If you keep your dirty (脏的) hair for a few days, your hair will become greasy (油滑的) and dirty.
Shower at least five times a week. You should go at most two days w________32 showering. Shower at least five times a week, or you'll start to s________33.
Brush your teeth t________34 a day. Generally, you brush your teeth in the morning and before bed. For children, don't f________35 to brush teeth after eating candies.
Wear clean clothes. If you wear dirty clothes, then they might cause you to smell bad or make you uncomfortable. If you wear fresh and clean clothes, you'll feel so much better.
Clean your face each day with soap and water. T________36 good care of your skin will prevent wrinkles appearing when you are still young.
Eat right and exercise. H________37 food isn't expensive. Buy fruit on the w________38 to school, and make meals with vegetables. As for exercising, start moving in all k________39 of free ways. Dancing to the music, w________40 the dog, running around the park and even doing housework are all great ways.
Overweight (超重) is one of the biggest health problems now. Being overweight affects more than how you look. Too much fat can kill you. What's worse, overweight children turn into overweight adults (成年人). If you're obese now, you will probably grow into an obese adult. But here's good news. You can fight overweight.
Change your eating habits
Kids like snacks. One study of eating habits shows that soft drinks are the first in the snack list. Next, kids choose salty snacks, like chips. What's more, the list is full of junk food from No. 3 to No. 11. Finally, No. 12, kids pick a healthy snack—fruit. So, think about your snack choice again.
Get outside to exercise
Jim, a player on the school football team, had a weight problem not long time ago. He could never get anyone to play with him. So his father and he started playing football for a few minutes every night. Ten minutes turned into an hour or more. In just a few years, the heavy kid became healthy.
More TV means fat
Nearly every American kid watches TV for 2 hours and 56 minutes every day—that adds up to 44 days a year of sitting. More TV (or more Internet surfing, or more computer games) means more fat.Eat an apple a day, walk around the house, play with your family... Do it today, and do it more tomorrow. It will help you a lot.
41. According to the passage, kids put ________ at the end of the snack list in one study of eating habits.
A. chips B. ice cream C. fruit
42. What does the underlined word “obese” mean in Chinese
A. 苗条的 B. 虚胖的 C. 健康的
43 Which of the following statements is NOT true
A. When we watch too much TV, we will probably get too much fat.
B. A few years ago, Jim was fat.
C. Being overweight only affects how we look.
44. What can we do to fight overweight according to the passage
①Try to get up early.
②Try to take more exercise.
③Try not to sit in front of TV sets or computers for too long.
④Try to eat more healthy food.
A. ②③④ B. ①②③ C. ①③④
45. The passage mainly talks about ________.
A. how to play football
B. the healthy food
C. how to fight overweight
46. Have you worked on the farm ________ three hours ago
47. My uncle has been a teacher ________ he graduated from school.
48. —How long have you worked in the factory
—________less than two years.
49. Mr. Smith has had the black car ________ he was twenty years old.
50. I have kept the book ________ two weeks.
51. Mr Green left his home town in 1997.
Mr Green ________ ________ ________ ________ his home town since 1997.
52. It is three years since he died.
He ________ ________ ________ for three years.
53. She borrowed the bike last week.
She ________ ________ the bike since last week.
54. Lisa came here when she was a child.
Lisa ________ ________ here since she was a child.
55. Her grandma died five years ago.
Her grandma ________ ________ ________ for five years.
Module 4 Unit 3 Language in use
一、1.take more exercise 2.a healthy diet 3.condition
4. members 5.daily 6.Perhaps 7.awful
8. that's why 9.for the first time 10.set up
二 用for或since完成句子。
1.since 2.since 3.for 4.for 5,since
1. C根据since可知用现在完成时。而且应与延续性动词连用。故选C。
2. D析语境可知, 本句描述的是从过去一直持续到现在的状态, 故用现在完成时。 die是瞬间动词, 不能和“for 400 years”搭配, 故用“be动词+dead”表示。故选D。
3. D根据后面的时间状语“since its first show months ago”可知此处要用现在完成时, 故选D。
4. B用标志词法。根据时间状语“for nearly 20 years”判断用现在完成时。故选B
5. C从时间状语“for a few minutes”可知, 此处应该使用现在完成时。由于要表示动作的持续性, 因此只能使用“has been on”。故选C。
1. May 7.eating/having
9. well -known /famous 10.However
11.stars 12.sad 13.depends 14allow 15.happily
1. D句意:接下来的考试,你复习化学了吗?通过意思可知选D
2. B句意:看,我妈妈为我做的新裙子,可知裙子已经做好了,所以用现在完成时。A由句意可知,他已经待在这十年啦。一直待在某地,选A
3. C for ten years. 可知此句是现在完成时并且其中动词要用延续性动词,所以选C
Module 4 Unit 3 Language in use
一、 翻译句子
2. I have just lost my chemistry book.
3. I have never been to that farm.
4. Have you ever seen this film
5. My sister has already been a college student for three years.
6. They have been in America for five years.
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B
6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. C 
三、21.How long has 22.since; ago 23.the matter
24. too; to 25.has been dead
四、26.Jenny has been in New York for three days.
27. Kate has had the bike since two months ago.
28. Have you taken your temperature
29. Jack has had a fever.
30. How long has Peter coughed
五、31.times 32.without 33.smell 34.twice 35.forget
36. Taking 37.Healthy 38.way 39.kinds 40.walking
六、41.C 42. B 43. C 44. A 45. C 
七、46.since 47.since 48.For 49.since 50.for
八、51.has been away from 52.has been dead  53.has kept
54. has been  55.has been dead



