Module 2 Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids基础知识精练(含答案2课时)外研版八年级下册

Module 2 Unit2 They have seen the pyramids
Ⅰ. 根据汉语意思完成句子
We are          the days until the end of this semester.
People in these places celebrate the Spring Festival               .
         he          1,200 words.
Hong Kong is                         in the world.
Mr Brown likes travelling. He hopes to travel                    .
II 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词
1. The famous writer was born in _____ (德国).
2. The _____ (女王) of England will visit our country next year.
3. Lei Feng _____ (塔) is a famous place of interest in Hangzhou.
4. She isn't from _____ (法国), but she can speak French very well.
5. How many _____ (国王) were there in the history in that country
Ⅲ. 单项选择
1. —How many English songs _____ you _____ so far
A. have; learnt B. did; learn
C. do; learn D. have; learn
2. I find _____ interesting to play with the lovely dog.
A. this B. that
C. it D. them
3. —Li Jian is one of _____ in China.
—You're right.
A. more popular singer
B. the most popular singers
C. the most popular singer
D. popular singer
4. Mary has a _____ brother.
A. five years old B. five year old
C. five-year-old D. five-years-old
5. Tom _____ Lijiang before. It's a beautiful place.
A. has gone to B. has been to
C. went D. goes
Ⅳ. 句型转换
1. He sent me a new pen. (改为同义句)
He _____ a new pen _____ me.
2. Lily is ten years old. (改为同义句)
Lily is a __________ girl.
3. My uncle has been to America (改为一般疑问句)
_____ your uncle _____ _____ America
4. Mr Green and his wife have been in Beijing for ten years. (对画线部分提问)_____ _____ have Mr Green and his wife been in Beijing
5. Both of them are watching TV now. (改为同义句)
Both of them are watching TV _____ _____ _____.
Module 2 Unit2 They have seen the pyramids
ancient, mix, count, way, move
1. My uncle doesn't live here now. He _____ to another city two years ago.
2. Xi'an is an _____ city with many places of interest.
3. Can you _____ from one to fifty
4. She is _____ the milk and sugar together.
5. You can help him in many _____.
II 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子
1.If you m     blue and yellow, you will get green.
2.The q     of the UK will visit our country next month.
3.There are some old     (塔) in my home town. Lots of tourists come to visit them every year.
4.You can’t find Mr Green. He has     (搬家) back to England.
5.If you come to     (法国), be sure to visit Eiffel Tower.
6.Every year, many people go to Egypt to visit the palaces of     (古老的) kings.
7.Living outside my country, what I     (想念) the most is my family.
8.Mr Wang was     (派遣去) to pick up the guests at the airport.
Dear Betty,
Long time no see. How is your life in France Have you 14.e      been to Eiffel Tower I hope you can get on well with your new classmates there. It must be a really interesting 15.e     for you to study in France.
I’m so happy because my 16.d      has come true! I entered a writing 17.c     
two weeks ago and guess what I won the first 18.p     ! You know my hobby is writing in English. At the beginning of this term, I 19.j       a writing club at school. The teacher helped me a lot. The subject of this writing competition was “My Dream Holiday”. I have 20.a     wanted to travel around the world. So I wrote about my dream holiday about going to Europe. My parents are very 21.p      of me. As the winner, I got a ticket to France. I’m so excited. You have 22.i     me to visit Paris. However, my mother said she couldn’t 23.a     the ticket and I had to wait. But now I can visit the famous Eiffel Tower. I can’t wait to meet you there. Isn’t it great
Best wishes!
Module 2 Unit2 They have seen the pyramids
Ⅰ. 1.counting down many ways
3.So far; has learned/learnt of the busiest cities
5.all over the world
II 1. Germany 2. Queen
3. Tower Lei Feng Tower“雷峰塔”,为专有名词,故首字母要大写。
4. France
5. kings king(国王)为可数名词,how many后跟可数名词的复数形式;king的复数形式为kings。
Ⅲ. 1. A 本题可用“标志词法”解答。由so far(到目前为止)可知,空格所在句应用现在完成时;现在完成时的构成为“have/has+动词的过去分词”,故选A。
2. C 本题可用“固定结构法”解答。find+it + adj. +to do sth. 为固定结构,意为“发现做某事……”。
3. B 本题可用“固定结构法”解答。one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数为固定结构,意为“最……的……之一”,故选B。
4. C “基数词-year-old”是复合形容词,作前置定语。故选C。
5. B 本题可用“综合比较法”解答。A、B两项为现在完成时的谓语动词结构,C项为go的过去式,用于一般过去时的句子中,D项为go的第三人称单数形式,用于一般现在时的句子中。由句中的before可知,句子用现在完成时,故排除C、D两项;has gone to意为“去了某地”,表示可能已
到某地或在去某地的途中,不在说话地点;has been to意为“去过某地”,表示去过某地,现在已经回来了。结合句意“汤姆以前_____丽江,那是个美丽的地方”可知此处表示“去过”丽江,故选B。
Ⅳ. 1. sent, to send sb. sth. “送给某人某物”,与send sth. to sb. 同义。
2. ten-year-old “ten-years-old”作前置定语,修饰名词girl,与ten years old同义。
3. Has, been to 现在完成时的构成:have/has+动词的过去分词,变一般疑问句时只需把助动词have/has提至句首且首字母大写。
4. How long 提问“for+一段时间”用how long。
5. at the moment now与at the moment 都有“现在”之意,可互换。
Module 2 Unit2 They have seen the pyramids
Ⅰ. 1. moved 本题可用“前后照应法”以及“时间判定法”解答。由前句句意“我叔叔现在不住在这儿了”可推知后句句意为“两年前,他搬到另一个城市了”。由时间状语two years ago可知要填move的过去式moved。
2. ancient 由空格前的不定冠词an可知其后单词是读音以元音音素开头的,而所给单词中的ancient符合此条件,故填ancient。
3. count 由“from one to fifty (从1到50)”可知,应填“count (数)”。
4. mixing 由助动词is可知时态为现在进行时,故填mixing。
5. ways 由many可知其后用可数名词复数形式,选项中只有way是可数名词,故填ways。
II 1.mix 2.queen 3.towers
4.moved 5.France 6.ancient
7.miss 8.sent
Ⅲ.14.ever 15.experience 16.dream
petition 18.prize 19.joined
20.always 21.proud 22.invited



