Module 1 Unit 1 It smells delicious基础知识精练(含答案2课时)外研版八年级下册

Module 1 Unit1 It smells delicious同步练习
Ⅰ. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空
look, sound, taste, feel, smell
1. This piece of music _____ wonderful. I like it.
2. Your mother _____ young, though she is over forty.
3. These flowers _____ sweet.
4. The cloth _____ really smooth.
5. The soup _____ a little salty. How much salt did you put in it
II 用所给单词的适当形式填空
1.The cake is already     (e and taste it.
2.So much food for the party! Everything     (taste) nice. 
3.There     (be) some bread and some cookies on the table.
4.There are lots of fresh     (strawberry) and pieces of     (pizza) in the baskets.
5.Would you like     (go) to the park with me tomorrow
     you     he’ll come back
         I can’t help you.
What’s the strange thing          for
Don’t always listen to others. You should               .
Most of the children     a          .
16.—Look, Cindy. The flowers in our classroom came out in one night.
—That’s fantastic! They are beautiful and colourful. They     nice.
A.smells B.smell C.sounds D.sound
17.Money is important, but it can’t buy     , especially happiness and health.
A.anywhere B.somewhere C.everything D.something
18.(2023 营口)—Look!The kids are playing on the playground.
—     great time they are having!
A.What B.How C.What a D.How a
19.(2023 苏州)—Hi, Jack!I’m just going to the practice for the concert. Are you coming to play your violin
—    , Carl. I have to finish my report today.
A.You’d better not B.It doesn’t matter
C.I’m afraid not D.Don’t worry
Ⅴ.(2023 安徽改编)完形填空
Are you shy If you are, you are not alone. In fact, nearly 50% of people are shy, and almost 80% feel shy at some point in their lives. Why are people  20 
It is found that family size might  21  people to be shy. Children with no brothers and sisters may be shy. Growing up  22 , they often play by themselves. They are not able to develop the same social skills as children from big  23 .
Another cause(起因) of shyness could be technology. As more  24  more people use the Internet, they  25  less time outside, talking to people. As a result, they lose practice at conversation.  26  to new people face to face can make them feel nervous.
For shy people, it can be  27  to make friends, speak in class, and even get a good job. But scientists say you can  28  your shyness. They suggest trying  29  things and practising conversation.
Anyway, don’t be afraid of shyness—you are valued for what you are!
20.A.excited B.shy C.happy D.brave
21.A.remind B.teach D.cause
22.A.quickly B.happily C.alone D.abroad
23.A.countries B.cities C.teams D.families B.or C.and D.but B.spend C.collect
26.A.Nodding B.Running C.Jumping D.Speaking
27.A.difficult C.harmful D.surprising into B.look for C.get over D.depend on B.old C.terrible D.heavy
We are happy at times, but sometimes we’re sad or angry. Showing your 30.    (feel) is important. It is a mistake not 31.    (talk) with anyone while you’re feeling sad, worried or nervous. 32.     you keep bad feelings inside, it can even make you ill.
But if you talk with someone, like your mum or dad, you’ll usually begin to feel 33.    
(good) than before. Now you’re not alone with your problems or worries. However, it 34.    
(not mean) your problems and worries will disappear(消失) magically(神奇地). But at least, someone else understands what’s wrong 35.     you and can help you find ways of facing your problems.
Your mum and dad want to know if you have problems. They love you and they want to know what’s 36.    (happen) in your life. But if you don’t want to talk with 37.     
(they), what should you do Find a believable teacher or 38.     true friend at school. Maybe that person can help you deal with your problems. Then you’ll feel as 39.    (happy) as before.
Module 1 Unit1 It smells delicious同步练习
for, soft, jam, busy, pie
1.The tomato     tastes sour, but I love it a lot.
2.These apple     smell so good that I want to eat them.
3.Beijing is one of the     cities in the world.
4.This kind of silk feels much     than that one.
5.The doctor gave her some medicine     her cold(感冒).
II 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词
1. She can't hear because there is something wrong with her _____ (耳朵).
2. Eating too much _____ (盐) is bad for our health.
3. Cindy is a _____ (可爱的) girl. We all like her very much.
4. Let's make some chocolate _____ (小甜饼) to eat.
5. I'm hungry. Can I eat some _____ (馅饼) on the plate
Ⅲ. 单项选择
1. Now the apple pie is _____. Let's have a try.
A. doing B. does C. done D. do
2. Good _____ to you. Today is your _____ day.
A. luck; luck B. luck; lucky
C. lucky; lucky D. lucky; luck
3. These are the vegetables and fruit _____ the salad.
A. in B. to C. by D. for
4. —Shall we make a birthday cake for Lily
A. Thanks a lot B. Good idea
C. Not at all D. I'm not sure
5. —The milk smells _____.
—You can't drink it. It went bad.
A. sweet B. soft C. sour D. delicious
Ⅳ. 句型转换
1. I love sweet food. (改为同义句)
I have a _____ _____.
2. How lovely the dog looks! (改为同义句)
_____ _____ _____ _____ it looks!
3. I'm sure that's salt. (改为一般疑问句)
_____ _____ _____ _____ salt
4. The song Let It Go is beautiful. (对画线部分提问)
_____ _____ the song Let It Go
5. —Would you like some tea (作否定回答)
—_____, _____.
Module 1 Unit1 It smells delicious同步练习
Ⅰ. 1. sounds 本题可用“前后照应法”解答。由前面的music(音乐)可推知应用与听觉有关的sound,而句子的主语this piece of music表达单数意义,故sound用其第三人称单数形式sounds。
2. looks 本题可用“逻辑判断法”解答。主语为your mother(你妈妈),显然不能用taste(尝起来),feel(摸起来)或smell(闻起来);又由从句句意“尽管她40多岁了”可知也不能用sound(听起来),故只能用look(看起来)的第三人称单数形式looks。
3. smell 主语为these flowers, sweet为形容词,意为“香的”,而花香只能用嗅觉体会,故用smell(闻起来)。
4. feels 句意:这块布料_____真光滑。smooth为形容词,意为“光滑的”,结合所给选项可知feel(摸起来)符合语境。主语为the cloth,为单数,故填feels。
5. testes 本题可用“前后照应法”解答。由后句句意“你在里面放了多少盐?”及空格后的“有点咸”可知此处需要用与味觉有关的taste(尝起来)。主语为the soup,故填tastes。
II 1.done 2.tastes
4.strawberries; pizza go
Ⅲ.11.Are; sure 12.I’m afraid
13.on top 14.have a try
15.have; sweet tooth
Ⅳ.16.B 17.C 
18.C 19.C Ⅴ.20.B
21.D 22.C 23.D 24.C 25.B
26.D 27.A
28.C 29.A
Ⅵ.30.feeling(s) talk
32.If 33.better 
34.doesn’t mean
35.with 36.happening
37.them 38.a 
Module 1 Unit1 It smells delicious同步练习
Ⅰ. 1.jam 2.pies 3.busiest
4.softer 5.for
II 1. ears 2. salt 3. lovely 4. cookies 5. pies
Ⅲ. 1. C 由空前的系动词is可排除B、D两项;由空格所在句主语the apple pie(苹果馅饼)可知谓语不能用进行时(is) doing,故只能用done, is done意为“完成,做完”,故选C。
2. B luck为名词,意为“幸运”;lucky为形容词,意为“幸运的”;第一处形容词后用名词,Good luck to sb. 意为“祝某人好运”;第二处名词前用形容词,lucky day“幸运日”,故选B。
3. D 由题干可知,蔬菜和水果是用来做色拉的,for意为“用于”,符合题意,故选D。
4. B Shall we/I...?常用来提出建议,其答语常用“Good idea. ”或“Sounds great. ”来表示赞同。故选B。
5. C 本题可用“词义辨析法”及“逻辑判断法”解答。sweet“香的”;soft“柔软的”;sour“酸的,馊的”;delicious“美味的,可口的”。由smells(闻起来)及It went bad(它变质了)可推知应选C。
Ⅳ. 1. sweet tooth love sweet food (喜爱甜食)与have a sweet tooth同义,可以相互转换。
2. What a lovely dog how引导的感叹句与what引导的感叹句可进行转换。此处符合“What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!”这一感叹句结构。
3. Are you sure that's复合句变一般疑问句时,只把主句变为一般疑问句式,从句语序不变;本题主句中含有be动词,变一般疑问句时,把be动词提到主语前,I常改为you。
4. How is 画线部分的beautiful为描述事物的形容词,提问“怎么样”要用how引导,并将句子变为一般疑问句。
5. No, thanks Would you like sth.?“你想要某物吗 ”,其否定答语为No, thanks.。



