
A: Hi, Sally! This is a photo of my family.
B: Oh, it’s nice.
A: She is my cousin.
A: Her name is Anne.
A: Yes, they are. They are my father Jack and my mother Cathy.
B: Is this your sister in the middle
A: . It’s me.
B: . You have a happy family.
Sally: , Peter.
Peter: Good afternoon, Sally.
Sally: Fine, thanks.
Peter: Yes, he is. He is my friend.
Peter: His name is Bob.
Sally: Nice to meet you, Bob.
Bob: .
(Tom and Bob are on the phone.)
Bob: Hello
Tom: Bob, it’s me. Did you receive(收到) my post card(明信片)
Bob: Yes.
Tom: No. I left(离开) Beijing yesterday.
Bob: ?
Tom: I’m in Shanghai now. Do you have anything to buy in Shanghai?
Bob: . I will make a list(清单) and e-mail to you.

Tom: My e-mail address is Tomboy98@.
Bob: OK. Have a good time!
Tom: .
A: Morning, Miss Wang.
B: Hi, Jim. Here is a Chinese cake for you.
A: Thank you, Miss Wang.
B: .
B: It’s a mooncake.
B: M-O-O-N-C-A-K-E.
B: No, I don’t. My mom makes(制作) it.
A: It tastes(尝起来) good.
B: I’m happy you like it. Have a good day!
A: Thanks! .
A: Excuse me, Mr. Wang. I lost my schoolbag.
B: Let me help you. _______________________________
A: My name is Jane Brown.
B: ________________________________
A: It’s blue.
B: Hmm, let me see. ___________________________
A: No, it isn’t. This is light(浅色的)blue. Mine is dark(深色的)blue.
B: Well, Mr. Li found a dark blue schoolbag this morning. But he’s not here. You can call him.
A: Great, ___________________________________
B: It’s 13879652098.
A: Thank you for your help.
B: ____________________.
Linda: Mary, what are you doing
Mary: My sister’s birthday dinner is next week. I’m thinking about the food.
Mary: It’s on December 25th. It’s Christmas Day, too.
Linda: Oh, lucky girl.
Mary: No. She doesn’t like apples.
Mary: She likes hamburgers, chicken and Coke for dinner.
Mary: She likes all vegetables.
Linda: Let’s have hamburgers, chicken,vegetable salad and Coke then.
Mary: . I will prepare(准备) them before the birthday dinner. Thanks.
Linda: Not at all. (不客气)
(At a clothes store.)
Waiter(服务员): ?
David: Yes, please. I want a sweater for school.
David: I like black and white.
Waiter: How about this one
David: Oh, This one is too big. Do you have a small one
Waiter: . We have a small one. What about that one
David: It looks nice.
Waiter: Twenty yuan.
David: OK, I’ll take it.
Waiter: .
David: Thanks.
Waiter: You are welcome.
A:Today is Sports Day. Cindy,
B: I like badminton(羽毛球). I have two badminton rackets(球拍) and balls.

A: No. But I like basketball.
A: Yes. I have two basketballs. I always play basketball with my friends after school
B: I often play badminton with my sister. She likes badminton, too.
A: Sounds good. Have a good day! See you!
B: You, too. .
(Today is Jenny’s birthday.)
Bill: Morning, Jenny. !
Jenny: Thank you, Bill.
Jenny: I’m twelve. How about you
Bill: I’m fourteen.
Bill: My birthday is in November.
Jenny: I will have a birthday party.
Bill: Oh,yes.
Jenny: At three this afternoon.
Bill: OK. See you!
Jenny: See you.
A:I like Friday because I have art because it’s my favorite subject.
Is it your favorite subject
B: No, it isn’t. I don’t like art.
B: P.E. . I like P.E. best.
B: Because it’s interesting. And our P.E. teacher always plays basketball with us.
A: That sounds fun.
B: My P.E. teacher is Danny Brown.
B: Yes. D-A-N-N-Y.
B: On Monday. So I like Monday best.



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