2023-2024广东省汕头市澄海区高二上学期期末考试英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
As the saying goes, nobody’s perfect. That means we have room for at least some improvement in our lives. And no, we’re not talking about getting a better-paid job or a new haircut; we’re referring to inner improvement. If you’re wishing for some inner improvement in your lives, consider reading the following books.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens written by Sean Covey
To make this book age-appropriate and fun to read, Covey breaks up the text with cartoons, quotes, and brainstorming ideas to bring the book together. The book covers topics like body image, friendships, Internet safety, and much more. The book is especially good for teenagers.
A New Earth written by Eckhart Tolle
The book goes beyond teaching how to live in the moment and helps readers learn how to turn their suffering into peace. All types of suffering are addressed in the book. Whether your suffering is caused by anger, sadness, anxiety, or others, Tolle will help you see life from varied ways, awakening you to your life’s purpose.
Declutter Your Mind written by Barrie Davenport
This book is full of various exercises. You’ll learn how to change negative thoughts to positive ones, strategies to help with relationships, how to identify what’s important to you, how to set goals, and much more. This powerful book will do its part in offering various tips to deal with an overactive mind.
Big Magic written by Elizabeth Gilbert
From creating new habits to dealing with fear and surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, Gilbert analyzes the difficulties a creative person may face in pursuing his dreams. The best part of this book is the usage of stories from regular men and women across the country.
1. Which book best suits one who’s struggling to find life’s purpose
A. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. B. A New Earth.
C. Declutter Your Mind. D. Big Magic.
2. Who uses real-life examples in his or her book
A. Sean Covey. B. Eckhart Tolle.
C. Barrie Davenport. D. Elizabeth Gilbert.
3. What type of books are the four books
A. Self-help books. B. Science books.
C. Health books. D. Adventure books.
In a post shared on Twitter last Monday, the woman, Amy Clukey, explained that her dad, Rick, a beekeeper, died of lung cancer about nine years ago. But, before passing away, he wrote a note that he hoped one of his children would later find, and finally after so long, her little brother, who is now 16 years old, found it in his father’s beekeeping clothes.
The note said, “I hope one of my children is curious about beekeeping. Beekeeping is actually pretty easy and you can learn everything online. Bees make more products than just honey; it can be a source of extra income. So don’t be afraid, have courage. Good luck. Love Dad.”
The bee population in 2019 consisted primarily of wild bees, and North Dakota has the highest honey production with over 38 million pounds.
Clukey explained that her father bought a farm when he was in his 40s, and it was then that he took up beekeeping and other hobbies like raising cattle and horses. She added, “When he was diagnosed (诊断) with stage 4 lung cancer, the doctors told him that he had 18 months to live. He was a fighter: He lived 5 years and a week after his diagnosis.”
The post has attracted a lot of readers on the platform and has received over 42,800 likes, 2,333 comments, and 749,000 re-shares in less than 24 hours, and in the comments, the woman added that while she doesn’t do beekeeping herself, two of her brothers are interested in it.
One user commented, “I lost my dad in 2018. This post makes me cry.” And another user said, “My dad is in the last few weeks of his life battling cancer. I’ll come back to the post in a couple of months when I need it again.” And one also shared the story of her personal loss, writing, “I lost my husband half a year ago. He used to leave little notes all over the house. I can’t bring myself to move anything.”
4. What did the father wish according to the text
A. His children could make big money.
B. One of his children could find the hidden note.
C. One of his children could be interested in keeping bees.
D. His children could make great contribution to the honey production.
5. What kind of person was Amy’s father
A. Hard-working and brave. B. Wealthy and healthy.
C. Easy-going and intelligent. D. Generous and wise.
6. What is the common part of the readers
A. They are all beekeepers. B. They are all moved by the note.
C. They all lost their loved ones. D. They all found the family member’s notes.
7. What’s the main idea of the text
A A father’s death touched people’s hearts.
B. People made comments on a father’s death.
C. A father’s note posted online attracted attention.
D. Beekeeping is important for many families.
Erin Alexander’s sister-in-law recently died, and she was having a hard day. A barista (咖啡师) was too. The coffee machine had broken down and she was clearly stressed. Ms. Alexander ordered an iced green tea, and told her to hang in there. After picking up her order, she noticed a message on the cup: “Erin,” the barista had drawn next to a heart, “your soul is golden.” “I’m not sure I even necessarily know what ‘your soul is golden’ means,” said Ms. Alexander, who laughed and cried while recalling the incident. But the warmth of that small and unexpected gesture, from a stranger who had no idea of what she was going through, moved her deeply. “Of course, I was still really sad,” Ms. Alexander said. “But that little thing made the rest of my day.”
New findings, published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, prove just how powerful experiences like Ms. Alexander’s can be. Researchers found that people who perform a random (随意的) act of kindness tend to underestimate how much the receiver will appreciate it. And they believe that miscalculation could hold many of us back from doing nice things for others more often.
A recent study consisted of eight small experiments that varied in design and participants. In one, for example, people were told they could give a cupcake away to strangers, and were asked to rate their own mood as well as how they believed the receiver would feel. The researchers found that those who got a cupcake as a result of a random act of kindness felt better than the person on the giving end thought they would. “People tend to think that what they are giving is kind of little; maybe it’s relatively unimportant,” Dr. Kumar, an assistant professor of marketing and psychology at the University of Texas, Austin, said. “But receivers are less likely to think along those lines. They consider the gesture to be significantly more meaningful because they are also thinking about the fact that someone did something nice for them.”
If you are not already in the habit of performing random kind acts—or if it does not come naturally to you—Marisa Franco, a psychologist, said to start by thinking about what you like to do. “It’s not about you being like, ‘Oh man, now I have to learn how to bake cookies in order to be nice.’ It’s about: What skills and talents do you already have And how can you turn that into an offering for other people ”
8. What is the function of paragraph 1
A. To provide some background information on the study.
B. To introduce the topic.
C. To praise the random acts of kindness.
D. To illustrate the power of kindness.
9. How was the study carried out
A. By stating the facts. B. By listing examples.
C. By comparing the feelings. D. By listing statistics.
10. What should people do according to Marisa Franco
A. Do whatever they like to do. B. Learn how to bake cookies.
C. Do what they can to help others. D. Try to gain some new skills and talents.
11. What message does the passage convey
A. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. B. Well begun is half done.
C One good turn deserves another. D. Practice virtue however little it is.
A small sensor (传感器) worn on the neck containing wires can monitor how much we move while sitting too long, and encourage people to get up and exercise.
Nowadays more and more people experienced neck and shoulder pain — a problem of the changing way we work. But moving regularly while sitting can prevent problems.
Zhengbao Yang at City University of Hong Kong and his colleagues have developed small, stretchable sensors that are powered by electricity-charge that is generated through squeezing or stressing suitable materials.
The sensor monitors the movement of the neck and is powered by two layers of piezoelectric (压电的) material folded in a structure from kirigami, which is related to the art of paper folding. When the wearer moves, the sensor changes its shape and sends charge to a microcontroller that can register the movement with an accuracy of 95 percent, displaying this on a computer. “We can use this material to change stress into voltage (电压), then we can measure the joint motion by using that,” says Yang. If the wearer doesn’t move his/her neck or shoulder more than 10 times in every half hour, a prompt is displayed on the computer.
“The sensor offers a new and novel design within a small package which is perfect for the placement on the body,” says Jonathan Aitken at the University of Sheffield, UK. “The sensor clearly succeeds in the general aim to indicate inactivity, although it would be interesting to research further into its characteristics, reliability and sensitivity.” Aitken says this could help generate more accurate monitoring of motion that would make the sensor more powerful.
For Yang, the sensor could move from the lab to real life as it is. “We already have a patent (专利) on this technology,” he says. “We’re thinking about how to license this patent to local industry, to bring benefits to society.”
12. Why did Yang develop the sensor
A. To change the way people work. B. To improve the effect of exercise.
C. To cure neck and shoulder pain. D. To remind people of inactivity.
13. What do we know about the sensor
A. It can function smartly. B. It is driven by hand
C. It has a fixed shape. D. It is completely reliable.
14. What does the underlined word “prompt” in Paragraph 4 mean
A. A problem. B. A sign.
C. A procedure. D. A virus.
15. What does Jonathan Aitken imply in Paragraph 5
A. The sensor provides perfect information.
B The sensor is traditionally designed.
C. The sensor is a successful invention.
D. The sensor needs to be improved immediately.
How to Succeed in Science
To succeed in science, you need a lot more than luck. In my view, you have to combine intelligence with willingness not to follow conventions when they block your path forward. Thus, these have come to be my rules for success.
That might sound proud, but the fact is that you must always turn to people who are brighter than yourself. It’s like playing any game. Even as a child, I never wanted to play games with anyone who was as bad as I was. If you win, it gives you no pleasure. And in the game of science or life, the highest goal isn’t simply to win; it’s to win at something really difficult. ___17___
Take risks.
___18___ If you are going to make a huge jump in science, you will very likely be unqualified to succeed by definition. Besides, you even have to be prepared to disbelieve your scientific heroes. This can be more than personally upsetting.
Never do anything that bores you.
My experience in science is that someone is always telling you to do things, and then leave you alone. ___19___ In fact, I even find it hard to do well in something I like.
It’s very hard to succeed if you don’t want to be with other scientists — you have to go to key meetings where you find key facts that would have escaped you. And you have to chat with your competitors even if you find them unpleasant. So my final rule is: ___20___
A. To make a huge success, a scientist has to be prepared to get into deep trouble.
B. Meet challenges with great courage.
C. Put another way, it’s to go somewhere beyond your ability and come out on top.
D. Be sure you always have someone to save you from a deep mess.
E. I’m not good enough to do well in something I dislike.
F. If you can’t stand to be with your real peers, get out of science.
G. Avoid foolish people.
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
A 23-year-old woman has achieved an unbelievable feat that many of us dream of —visiting every country on Earth.
Lexie Alford was born into a family of travel agents, which gave her the opportunity to ___21___ places such as Cambodia, Dubai and Egypt during her childhood, according to Forbes magazine. She began saving up at age 12 to ___22___ her goal of visiting all countries. By her 18th birthday, she had traveled to 72 nations. In October, 2016, she realized she could see the ___23___ nations on her list in time to set an official record. Many people ___24___ her travel on social media platform Instagram, so she decided to chase the world record partly to ___25___ others. “Honestly, at the beginning, I ___26___ wanted to push the ___27___ of what I thought I could do with my life and see as much of the world as possible in the ___28___,” she told Forbes. “It wasn’t until things started getting really ___29___ that I realized I was inspiring people around me, especially the ______30______.”
“I also loved visiting Northern Pakistan, for the natural beauty of the mountains and kindness of the locals were astonishing,” Lexie Alford said. “The most pleasant surprise about traveling to all these misunderstood areas of the world was that the countries that I had the ______31______ expectation for ______32______ being the most incredible.”
“My ______33______ for young people is to believe that you can do anything you set your mind to do. If you want to travel, you have to ______34______ sacrifices to travel around the world. And it’s only a matter of ______35______ until you can make it a reality.”
A. remark B. settle C. tour D. love
A. quit B. fund C. switch D. register
A. powerful B. ideal C. developed D. remaining
A. followed B. modified C. ranked D. criticized
A. understand B. grill C. inspire D. accompany
A. occasionally B. temporarily C. completely D. simply
A. button B. dream C. family D. observation
A. process B. agency C. platform D. country
A. dull B. official C. natural D. challenging
A. adult B. bosses C. youth D. agents
A. most B. least C. greatest D. worst
A. ended up B. showed off C. started with D. searched for
A. warn B. compromise C. belief D. advice
A. make B. appreciate C. worsen D. save
A. honor B. time C. career D. assessment
第二节 (共 10 小题, 每空1.5分,共15分)
Tea is native to China. There are fifteen major tea-producing provinces in the Chinese Mainland, and Taiwan also produces tea. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) recently released a document from Chinese experts ____36____ (classify) tea into six types.
The basic tea types are black and green tea, white tea, oolong tea, dark tea and yellow tea, according to the new standard ____37____ (establish) by Anhui Agricultural University in Hefei, Anhui province. The standardization work ____38____ (lead) by Wan Xiaochun, professor and director of the State key laboratory of tea plant biology and utilization at the university.
Chen Chuan, a pioneer in tea science, put forward ____39____ has been regarded as the classification standard as early as in 1979. It has been ____40____ (wide) adopted since then but had not become an international standard until March, when the document was released, Wan said during a news briefing earlier this week.
The preparation of tea is based ____41____ processing fresh tea ____42____ (leaf) and aeration. The six tea types can be further processed or reprocessed ____43____ (create) products such as scented tea, compressed tea and instant tea, the ISO document said. The classification will allow consumers, world tea traders and governments to have ____44____ clear understanding of the different type of tea through _____45_____ (they) processing techniques.
第三部分 写作(共二节,满分40分)
46. 假如你是李华,你校上周举办了“科学家精神进校园”(the Spirit of Scientists into Campus)活动。请为你校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
1. 活动目的;
2. 活动内容;
3. 活动反响。
the Spirit of Scientists into Campus
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
She pulled back on the ropes, making the homemade swing (秋千) fly higher and closer to the leafy branches of the tall tree. The wind blew cool against her cheeks. She was five years old, and, at that moment, being mad at her eleven-year-old brother, David.
“How could he have been so mean ” she asked herself, remembering how he had made a face and called her a “big baby” at the breakfast table. “He hates me,” she thought, “just because I took the last cake out from under his nose. He hates me!”
The swing carried her up so high that she could see for miles. It was fun looking down at the farmyard below. Her red sweater flashed brightly in the morning sunlight. She stopped thinking about being mad at her brother and started to sing a swinging song.
On a distant hill behind the swing, a huge bull (公牛) with long, sharp horns (角) and big, heavy hooves (牛蹄) watched the red sweater flashing in the sunlight. The bull had broken out of his grassland. He was in a bad mood and ready to rush at anything that moved. Then he lowered his massive head and began moving across the field toward the red sweater he saw swinging back and forth beneath the tall tree.
Meanwhile, David was in the barnyard (仓院), feeding the chickens. He looked out and saw his little sister on the swing. “Sisters are a pain in the neck,” he thought. Then suddenly he saw the bull rushing across the field, heading straight for his sister. Without a second thought, David screamed as loudly as he could, “Look out behind you! Get out of there! Run!”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
His sister didn’t hear him.
Then the bull rushed at the place where his sister had been.
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
As the saying goes, nobody’s perfect. That means we have room for at least some improvement in our lives. And no, we’re not talking about getting a better-paid job or a new haircut; we’re referring to inner improvement. If you’re wishing for some inner improvement in your lives, consider reading the following books.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens written by Sean Covey
To make this book age-appropriate and fun to read, Covey breaks up the text with cartoons, quotes, and brainstorming ideas to bring the book together. The book covers topics like body image, friendships, Internet safety, and much more. The book is especially good for teenagers.
A New Earth written by Eckhart Tolle
The book goes beyond teaching how to live in the moment and helps readers learn how to turn their suffering into peace. All types of suffering are addressed in the book. Whether your suffering is caused by anger, sadness, anxiety, or others, Tolle will help you see life from varied ways, awakening you to your life’s purpose.
Declutter Your Mind written by Barrie Davenport
This book is full of various exercises. You’ll learn how to change negative thoughts to positive ones, strategies to help with relationships, how to identify what’s important to you, how to set goals, and much more. This powerful book will do its part in offering various tips to deal with an overactive mind.
Big Magic written by Elizabeth Gilbert
From creating new habits to dealing with fear and surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, Gilbert analyzes the difficulties a creative person may face in pursuing his dreams. The best part of this book is the usage of stories from regular men and women across the country.
1. Which book best suits one who’s struggling to find life’s purpose
A. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. B. A New Earth.
C. Declutter Your Mind. D. Big Magic.
2. Who uses real-life examples in his or her book
A. Sean Covey. B. Eckhart Tolle.
C. Barrie Davenport. D. Elizabeth Gilbert.
3. What type of books are the four books
A. Self-help books. B. Science books.
C. Health books. D. Adventure books.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
细节理解题。由文章A New Earth written by Eckhart Tolle中“The book goes beyond teaching how to live in the moment and helps readers learn how to turn their suffering into peace. All types of suffering are addressed in the book. Whether your suffering is caused by anger, sadness, anxiety, or others, Tolle will help you see life from varied ways, awakening you to your life’s purpose.(这本书不仅教会读者如何活在当下,还帮助读者学会如何将痛苦转化为和平。书中提到了所有类型的痛苦。无论你的痛苦是由愤怒、悲伤、焦虑还是其他原因引起的,Tolle都会帮助你从不同的角度看待生活,唤醒你的人生目标。)”可知,A New Earth这本书最适合努力寻找人生目标的人。故选B项。
细节理解题。由Big Magic written by Elizabeth Gilbert中“The best part of this book is the usage of stories from regular men and women across the country.(这本书最精彩的部分是使用了来自全国各地普通男女的故事。)”可知,Elizabeth Gilbert在书中使用真实的例子。故选D项。
细节理解题。由文章第一段“As the saying goes, nobody’s perfect. That means we have room for at least some improvement in our lives. And no, we’re not talking about getting a better-paid job or a new haircut; we’re referring to inner improvement. If you’re wishing for some inner improvement in your lives, consider reading the following books.(俗话说,人无完人。这意味着我们的生活至少还有一些改善的空间。不,我们不是在谈论找一份薪水更高的工作或新发型;我们指的是内在的改善。如果你希望自己的生活有所改善,可以考虑阅读以下书籍。)”可知,这四本书都是自我帮助类型的书籍。故选A项。
In a post shared on Twitter last Monday, the woman, Amy Clukey, explained that her dad, Rick, a beekeeper, died of lung cancer about nine years ago. But, before passing away, he wrote a note that he hoped one of his children would later find, and finally after so long, her little brother, who is now 16 years old, found it in his father’s beekeeping clothes.
The note said, “I hope one of my children is curious about beekeeping. Beekeeping is actually pretty easy and you can learn everything online. Bees make more products than just honey; it can be a source of extra income. So don’t be afraid, have courage. Good luck. Love Dad.”
The bee population in 2019 consisted primarily of wild bees, and North Dakota has the highest honey production with over 38 million pounds.
Clukey explained that her father bought a farm when he was in his 40s, and it was then that he took up beekeeping and other hobbies like raising cattle and horses. She added, “When he was diagnosed (诊断) with stage 4 lung cancer, the doctors told him that he had 18 months to live. He was a fighter: He lived 5 years and a week after his diagnosis.”
The post has attracted a lot of readers on the platform and has received over 42,800 likes, 2,333 comments, and 749,000 re-shares in less than 24 hours, and in the comments, the woman added that while she doesn’t do beekeeping herself, two of her brothers are interested in it.
One user commented, “I lost my dad in 2018. This post makes me cry.” And another user said, “My dad is in the last few weeks of his life battling cancer. I’ll come back to the post in a couple of months when I need it again.” And one also shared the story of her personal loss, writing, “I lost my husband half a year ago. He used to leave little notes all over the house. I can’t bring myself to move anything.”
4. What did the father wish according to the text
A. His children could make big money.
B. One of his children could find the hidden note.
C. One of his children could be interested in keeping bees.
D. His children could make great contribution to the honey production.
5. What kind of person was Amy’s father
A. Hard-working and brave. B. Wealthy and healthy.
C. Easy-going and intelligent. D. Generous and wise.
6. What is the common part of the readers
A. They are all beekeepers. B. They are all moved by the note.
C. They all lost their loved ones. D. They all found the family member’s notes.
7. What’s the main idea of the text
A. A father’s death touched people’s hearts.
B. People made comments on a father’s death.
C. A father’s note posted online attracted attention.
D. Beekeeping is important for many families.
【答案】4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C
【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章报道了Amy Clukey分享已故父亲Rick留下的字条并引起网友共鸣的故事。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“The note said, “I hope one of my children is curious about beekeeping.(纸条上写着:“我希望我的一个孩子对养蜂感兴趣。)”可知,Amy的父亲的愿望是他的一个孩子能对养蜜蜂感兴趣。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第四段中“Clukey explained that her father bought a farm when he was in his 40s, and it was then that he took up beekeeping and other hobbies like raising cattle and horses. She added, “When he was diagnosed (诊断) with stage 4 lung cancer, the doctors told him that he had 18 months to live. He was a fighter: He lived 5 years and a week after his diagnosis.”(克鲁奇解释说,她的父亲在40多岁的时候买了一个农场,从那时起,他开始养蜂,并开始养牛、养马等其他爱好。她补充说:“当他被诊断为肺癌4期时,医生告诉他,他只有18个月的生命。他是一个斗士:他在确诊后活了5年零1周。”)”可知,Amy的父亲从四十多岁开始就一直养蜂、养牛、羊马,很勤劳;同时,他在被发现患有癌症后并没有放弃,而是顽强地与病魔作斗争。由此可知,Amy的父亲非常勤劳、勇敢。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“One user commented, “I lost my dad in 2018. This post makes me cry.” And another user said, “My dad is in the last few weeks of his life battling cancer. I’ll come back to the post in a couple of months when I need it again.” And one also shared the story of her personal loss, writing, “I lost my husband half a year ago. He used to leave little notes all over the house. I can’t bring myself to move anything.”(一位用户评论道:“我在2018年失去了我的父亲。这篇文章让我哭了。”另一位用户说:“我爸爸在生命的最后几周与癌症作斗争。几个月后,当我需要的时候,我会回来的。”还有一个人分享了她个人失去亲人的故事,她写道:“半年前我失去了我的丈夫。他以前在房子里到处留小纸条。我动不了任何东西。”)”可知,Amy的帖子引起了网友的共鸣,这些读者都被这个帖子感动了。故选B项。
主旨大意题。通读全文,结合第一段中“But, before passing away, he wrote a note that he hoped one of his children would later find, and finally after so long, her little brother, who is now 16 years old, found it in his father’s beekeeping clothes.(但是,在他去世之前,他写了一张纸条,希望他的一个孩子能发现它,终于,在这么久之后,她的小弟弟,现在16岁了,在他父亲的养蜂衣服里发现了这张纸条)”和第五段中“The post has attracted a lot of readers on the platform and has received over 42,800 likes, 2,333 comments, and 749,000 re-shares in less than 24 hours(这篇帖子在该平台上吸引了很多读者,在不到24小时的时间里就收到了超过42800个赞、2333条评论和74.9万次转发)”可知,文章报道了Amy Clukey分享已故父亲Rick留下的字条并引起网友共鸣的故事,所以“A father’s note posted online attracted attention.(发布在网上的父亲的字条引起了人们的关注)”是文章主要内容 。故选C项。
Erin Alexander’s sister-in-law recently died, and she was having a hard day. A barista (咖啡师) was too. The coffee machine had broken down and she was clearly stressed. Ms. Alexander ordered an iced green tea, and told her to hang in there. After picking up her order, she noticed a message on the cup: “Erin,” the barista had drawn next to a heart, “your soul is golden.” “I’m not sure I even necessarily know what ‘your soul is golden’ means,” said Ms. Alexander, who laughed and cried while recalling the incident. But the warmth of that small and unexpected gesture, from a stranger who had no idea of what she was going through, moved her deeply. “Of course, I was still really sad,” Ms. Alexander said. “But that little thing made the rest of my day.”
New findings, published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, prove just how powerful experiences like Ms. Alexander’s can be. Researchers found that people who perform a random (随意的) act of kindness tend to underestimate how much the receiver will appreciate it. And they believe that miscalculation could hold many of us back from doing nice things for others more often.
A recent study consisted of eight small experiments that varied in design and participants. In one, for example, people were told they could give a cupcake away to strangers, and were asked to rate their own mood as well as how they believed the receiver would feel. The researchers found that those who got a cupcake as a result of a random act of kindness felt better than the person on the giving end thought they would. “People tend to think that what they are giving is kind of little; maybe it’s relatively unimportant,” Dr. Kumar, an assistant professor of marketing and psychology at the University of Texas, Austin, said. “But receivers are less likely to think along those lines. They consider the gesture to be significantly more meaningful because they are also thinking about the fact that someone did something nice for them.”
If you are not already in the habit of performing random kind acts—or if it does not come naturally to you—Marisa Franco, a psychologist, said to start by thinking about what you like to do. “It’s not about you being like, ‘Oh man, now I have to learn how to bake cookies in order to be nice.’ It’s about: What skills and talents do you already have And how can you turn that into an offering for other people ”
8. What is the function of paragraph 1
A. To provide some background information on the study.
B. To introduce the topic.
C. To praise the random acts of kindness.
D. To illustrate the power of kindness.
9. How was the study carried out
A. By stating the facts. B. By listing examples.
C. By comparing the feelings. D. By listing statistics.
10. What should people do according to Marisa Franco
A. Do whatever they like to do. B. Learn how to bake cookies.
C. Do what they can to help others. D. Try to gain some new skills and talents.
11. What message does the passage convey
A. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. B. Well begun is half done.
C. One good turn deserves another. D. Practice virtue however little it is.
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. C 11. D
推理判断题。根据第一段中“But the warmth of that small and unexpected gesture, from a stranger who had no idea of what she was going through, moved her deeply. ‘Of course, I was still really sad,’Ms. Alexander said. ‘But that little thing made the rest of my day.’(但是,那个不知道她正在经历什么的咖啡师,用一个小小的、意想不到的举动表达的温暖深深地打动了她。Erin说:‘当然,我还是很难过。但那件小事让我度过了余下的一天。’)”和第二段开头的“New findings, published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, prove just how powerful experiences like Ms. Alexander’s can be. (发表在《实验心理学杂志》上的新发现证实了像Erin这样的经历有多么强大。)”可知,第一段中Erin的经历表明了不经意的友善的举动可以给接受者带来巨大的触动,第二段开始引入本文的主体内容:一项针对这种不经意的友善的举动的研究。由此可知,作者在第一段中提到Erin的经历是为了介绍话题。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“In one, for example, people were told they could give a cupcake away to strangers, and were asked to rate their own mood as well as how they believed the receiver would feel. The researchers found that those who got a cupcake as a result of a random act of kindness felt better than the person on the giving end thought they would.(在一项实验中,人们被告知他们可以把一个纸杯蛋糕送给陌生人,并被要求评价自己的情绪以及他们认为接受者的感受。研究人员发现,那些因为随机的善举而得到纸杯蛋糕的人感觉比给予的人想象的要好。)”可知,在该研究中,送纸杯蛋糕的人的感受、他们认为的接受者的感受会和接受者真实的感受被进行比较。由此可知,实验通过比较感受进行。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据最后一段中“It’s about: What skills and talents do you already have And how can you turn that into an offering for other people (它是关于:你已经拥有哪些技能和才能?你怎么能把它变成对别人的奉献?)”可知,Marisa Franco建议人们运用自己已有的能力和技能去帮助他人。故选C项。
主旨大意题。由文章第二段“Researchers found that people who perform a random (随意的) act of kindness tend to underestimate how much the receiver will appreciate it. And they believe that miscalculation could hold many of us back from doing nice things for others more often.(研究人员发现,那些随意做出善意行为的人往往会低估接受者的感激程度。他们认为,误判可能会阻碍我们中的许多人更多地为他人做好事。)” 以及上下文及可知,文章介绍了一项研究表明随机做出善意举动的人往往会低估接受者的感激程度,因此无论善意有多微小,我们都可以运用自己所能去帮助他人。因此,D项Practice virtue however little it is.(无论多么微小,都践行善意)符合文章主旨。故选D项。
A small sensor (传感器) worn on the neck containing wires can monitor how much we move while sitting too long, and encourage people to get up and exercise.
Nowadays more and more people experienced neck and shoulder pain — a problem of the changing way we work. But moving regularly while sitting can prevent problems.
Zhengbao Yang at City University of Hong Kong and his colleagues have developed small, stretchable sensors that are powered by electricity-charge that is generated through squeezing or stressing suitable materials.
The sensor monitors the movement of the neck and is powered by two layers of piezoelectric (压电的) material folded in a structure from kirigami, which is related to the art of paper folding. When the wearer moves, the sensor changes its shape and sends charge to a microcontroller that can register the movement with an accuracy of 95 percent, displaying this on a computer. “We can use this material to change stress into voltage (电压), then we can measure the joint motion by using that,” says Yang. If the wearer doesn’t move his/her neck or shoulder more than 10 times in every half hour, a prompt is displayed on the computer.
“The sensor offers a new and novel design within a small package which is perfect for the placement on the body,” says Jonathan Aitken at the University of Sheffield, UK. “The sensor clearly succeeds in the general aim to indicate inactivity, although it would be interesting to research further into its characteristics, reliability and sensitivity.” Aitken says this could help generate more accurate monitoring of motion that would make the sensor more powerful.
For Yang, the sensor could move from the lab to real life as it is. “We already have a patent (专利) on this technology,” he says. “We’re thinking about how to license this patent to local industry, to bring benefits to society.”
12. Why did Yang develop the sensor
A. To change the way people work. B. To improve the effect of exercise.
C. To cure neck and shoulder pain. D. To remind people of inactivity.
13. What do we know about the sensor
A. It can function smartly. B. It is driven by hand
C. It has a fixed shape. D. It is completely reliable.
14. What does the underlined word “prompt” in Paragraph 4 mean
A. A problem. B. A sign.
C. A procedure. D. A virus.
15. What does Jonathan Aitken imply in Paragraph 5
A. The sensor provides perfect information.
B. The sensor is traditionally designed.
C. The sensor is a successful invention.
D. The sensor needs to be improved immediately.
【答案】12. D 13. A 14. B 15. C
细节理解题。根据第一段中“A small sensor (传感器) worn on the neck containing wires can monitor how much we move while sitting too long, and encourage people to get up and exercise.(戴在脖子上的一个装有电线的小传感器可以监测我们坐得太久时的运动量,并鼓励人们站起来运动)”和倒数第二段中“The sensor clearly succeeds in the general aim to indicate inactivity, although it would be interesting to research further into its characteristics, reliability and sensitivity.(尽管进一步研究其特性、可靠性和灵敏度将是有趣的,但该传感器显然成功地实现了指示不活动的总体目标。)”可知,杨开发这种传感器是为了提醒人们活动不够(inactivity),需要站起来运动。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第一段中“A small sensor (传感器) worn on the neck containing wires can monitor how much we move while sitting too long, and encourage people to get up and exercise.(戴在脖子上的一个装有电线的小传感器可以监测我们坐得太久时的运动量,并鼓励人们站起来锻炼)”和第四段中“When the wearer moves, the sensor changes its shape and sends charge to a microcontroller that can register the movement with an accuracy of 95 percent, displaying this on a computer. “We can use this material to change stress into voltage (电压), then we can measure the joint motion by using that,”(当穿戴者移动时,传感器会改变其形状并向微控制器发送电荷,该微控制器可以以95%的精度记录运动,并在计算机上显示。‘我们可以用这种材料将应力转化为电压,然后我们可以用它来测量关节运动。’)”可推知,传感器监测运动并发送提示以鼓励锻炼,表明它具有某种程度的智能功能。故选A项。
词句猜测题。根据划线词所在句“If the wearer doesn’t move his/her neck or shoulder more than 10 times in every half hour, a prompt is displayed on the computer.(如果佩戴者在半小时内脖子或肩膀的活动次数不超过10次,电脑上就会显示prompt。)”中“...displayed on the computer”可推知,prompt是在电脑上显示的“提示”,与sign同义。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第五段中Jonathan Aitken的话“The sensor offers a new and novel design within a small package which is perfect for the placement on the body,(该传感器在一个小的封装内提供了一个新颖的设计,非常适合放置在身体上。)”和“The sensor clearly succeeds in the general aim to indicate inactivity, although it would be interesting to research further into its characteristics, reliability and sensitivity.(尽管进一步研究其特性、可靠性和灵敏度将会很有趣的,但该传感器显然成功地实现了指示不活动的总体目标。)”可推知,Jonathan Aitken认为传感器是一项成功的发明。故选C项。
How to Succeed in Science
To succeed in science, you need a lot more than luck. In my view, you have to combine intelligence with willingness not to follow conventions when they block your path forward. Thus, these have come to be my rules for success.
That might sound proud, but the fact is that you must always turn to people who are brighter than yourself. It’s like playing any game. Even as a child, I never wanted to play games with anyone who was as bad as I was. If you win, it gives you no pleasure. And in the game of science or life, the highest goal isn’t simply to win; it’s to win at something really difficult. ___17___
Take risks
___18___ If you are going to make a huge jump in science, you will very likely be unqualified to succeed by definition. Besides, you even have to be prepared to disbelieve your scientific heroes. This can be more than personally upsetting.
Never do anything that bores you.
My experience in science is that someone is always telling you to do things, and then leave you alone. ___19___ In fact, I even find it hard to do well in something I like.
It’s very hard to succeed if you don’t want to be with other scientists — you have to go to key meetings where you find key facts that would have escaped you. And you have to chat with your competitors, even if you find them unpleasant. So my final rule is: ___20___
A. To make a huge success, a scientist has to be prepared to get into deep trouble.
B. Meet challenges with great courage.
C. Put another way, it’s to go somewhere beyond your ability and come out on top.
D. Be sure you always have someone to save you from a deep mess.
E. I’m not good enough to do well in something I dislike.
F. If you can’t stand to be with your real peers, get out of science.
G. Avoid foolish people.
【答案】16. G 17. C 18. A 19. E 20. F
空处是段落标题,需统领段落内容,且需和其他段落标题一样使用祈使句的形式。根据后文“That might sound proud, but the fact is that you must always turn to people who are brighter than yourself. It’s like playing any game. Even as a child, I never wanted to play games with anyone who was as bad as I was. (这听起来可能很骄傲,但事实是,你必须经常求助于比你聪明的人。就像玩任何游戏一样。即使在我还是个孩子的时候,我也从来不想和像我一样糟糕的人玩游戏)”可知,本段的建议与和比自己聪明的人相处相关,因此G项“Avoid foolish people. (避免愚蠢的人)”符合语境,契合段落内容,其中的foolish和后文的brighter相对。故选G。
前文“And in the game of science or life, the highest goal isn’t simply to win; it’s to win at something really difficult. (在科学或人生的游戏中,最高目标不仅仅是取胜;而是在非常困难的事情上获胜)”解释在科学中获胜的性质,因此C项“Put another way, it’s to go somewhere beyond your ability and come out on top. (换句话说,就是超越自己的能力,取得成功)”符合语境,进一步解释获胜的含义,承接前文。故选C。
空处位于段首,应该引出段落内容。后文“If you are going to make a huge jump in science, you will very likely be unqualified to succeed by definition. Besides, you even have to be prepared to disbelieve your scientific heroes. This can be more than personally upsetting. (如果你想在科学上有一个巨大的飞跃,从定义上讲,你很可能没有资格成功。此外,你甚至要准备好怀疑你的科学英雄。这可能不仅仅是个人的烦恼)”主要介绍了在科学上获得成功的困难,因此A项“To make a huge success, a scientist has to be prepared to get into deep trouble. (为了取得巨大的成功,科学家必须准备好陷入大麻烦)”符合语境,点明要有陷入大麻烦的准备,其中的deep trouble呼应后文描述的困难。故选A。
段落标题“Never do anything that bores you. (不要做任何让你厌烦的事情)”建议在科学上避免让自己厌烦的事情,后文“In fact, I even find it hard to do well in something I like. (事实上,我甚至发现很难做好我喜欢的事情)”分享做好喜欢的事情也有难度的经验,因此E项“I’m not good enough to do well in something I dislike. (我不够好,不能做好我不喜欢的事情)”符合语境,分享很难做好不喜欢的事情的经验,呼应标题,后文是对选项内容的延伸。故选E。
前文“It’s very hard to succeed if you don’t want to be with other scientists — you have to go to key meetings where you find key facts that would have escaped you. And you have to chat with your competitors, even if you find them unpleasant. (如果你不想和其他科学家在一起,你就很难取得成功——你必须参加一些重要的会议,在那里你会发现一些你可能会漏掉的关键事实。你必须和你的竞争对手聊天,即使你觉得他们不讨人喜欢)”说明想在科学上取得成功必须和他人相处协作,因此F项“If you can’t stand to be with your real peers, get out of science. (如果你不能忍受和你真正的同龄人在一起,那就离开科学吧)”符合语境,点明无法和他人待在一起就应放弃科学,是对前文内容的总结。故选F。
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
A 23-year-old woman has achieved an unbelievable feat that many of us dream of —visiting every country on Earth.
Lexie Alford was born into a family of travel agents, which gave her the opportunity to ___21___ places such as Cambodia, Dubai and Egypt during her childhood, according to Forbes magazine. She began saving up at age 12 to ___22___ her goal of visiting all countries. By her 18th birthday, she had traveled to 72 nations. In October, 2016, she realized she could see the ___23___ nations on her list in time to set an official record. Many people ___24___ her travel on social media platform Instagram, so she decided to chase the world record partly to ___25___ others. “Honestly, at the beginning, I ___26___ wanted to push the ___27___ of what I thought I could do with my life and see as much of the world as possible in the ___28___,” she told Forbes. “It wasn’t until things started getting really ___29___ that I realized I was inspiring people around me, especially the ______30______.”
“I also loved visiting Northern Pakistan, for the natural beauty of the mountains and kindness of the locals were astonishing,” Lexie Alford said. “The most pleasant surprise about traveling to all these misunderstood areas of the world was that the countries that I had the ______31______ expectation for ______32______ being the most incredible.”
“My ______33______ for young people is to believe that you can do anything you set your mind to do. If you want to travel, you have to ______34______ sacrifices to travel around the world. And it’s only a matter of ______35______ until you can make it a reality.”
A. remark B. settle C. tour D. love
A. quit B. fund C. switch D. register
A. powerful B. ideal C. developed D. remaining
A. followed B. modified C. ranked D. criticized
A. understand B. grill C. inspire D. accompany
A. occasionally B. temporarily C. completely D. simply
A. button B. dream C. family D. observation
A. process B. agency C. platform D. country
A. dull B. official C. natural D. challenging
A. adult B. bosses C. youth D. agents
A. most B. least C. greatest D. worst
A. ended up B. showed off C. started with D. searched for
A. warn B. compromise C. belief D. advice
A. make B. appreciate C. worsen D. save
A. honor B. time C. career D. assessment
【答案】21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. D 34. A 35. B
【导语】这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了一名23岁的女子Lexie Alford完成了一件令人难以置信的事情——访问地球上的每个国家,激励着无数年轻人。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:据《福布斯》杂志报道,Lexie Alford家是开旅行社的,这让她有机会在童年时期就能游览柬埔寨、迪拜和埃及等地。A. remark评论;B. settle解决;C. tour游览,旅行;D. love爱。根据上文“was born into a family of travel agents”和下文“places such as Cambodia, Dubai and Egypt”可知,Lexie Alford是跟着自家的旅行社到这些国家是去旅行。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她从12岁就开始攒钱,为自己游览全球的目标在资金上提供支持。A. quit放弃,退出;B. fund资助;C. switch转变,交换;D. register注册,登记。根据上文“She began saving up at age 12”可知,她存钱是为了资助自己的环球旅行。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:2016年10月,她意识到她可以抓紧时间去到她目标清单上剩余的国家,创造一项官方记录。A. powerful强大的;B. ideal理想的;C. developed发达的;D. remaining剩余的。根据上文“By her 18th birthday, she had travelled to 72 nations.”可知,她还要去看剩余的、没有去过的国家。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:许多人在社交平台Instagram上关注她的旅行,因此她决定努力去完成这项世界记录,部分原因就是为了激励其他人。A. followed密切关注;B. modified修改,改进;C. ranked排名;D. criticized批评。根据下文“on social media platform Instagram”可知,许多人在社交平台Instagram上关注她的旅行。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:许多人在社交平台Instagram上关注她的旅行,因此她决定努力去完成这项世界记录,部分原因就是为了激励其他人。A. understand理解,明白;B. grill烤,追问;C. inspire激励,鼓舞;D. accompany陪伴。根据上文“Many people  4  her travel on social media platform Instagram”和下文“It wasn’t until things started getting really  9  that I realized I was inspiring people around me”可推知,她在社区平台上有了众多追随着,这让她认识到自己的影响力,进而想要去给他人以激励。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:她向《福布斯》杂志透露,“老实说,刚开始的时候,我只是想进一步去追求我认为我这一生可以实现的梦想,同时在这个过程中尽可能多地去看看这个世界。A. occasionally偶尔;B. temporarily暂时;C. completely完全;D. simply仅仅,只是。根据时间状语“at the beginning”和上文可知,最开始她仅仅是想追求自己的梦想,没想过要去创造世界记录。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她向《福布斯》杂志透露,“老实说,刚开始的时候,我只是想进一步去追求我认为我这一生可以实现的梦想,同时在这个过程中尽可能多地去看看这个世界。A. button按钮,纽扣;B. dream梦想;C. family家庭;D. observation观察。根据下文“what I thought I could do with my life and see as much of the world as possible”可推知,一生去追求的东西是梦想。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她向《福布斯》杂志透露,“老实说,刚开始的时候,我只是想进一步去追求我认为我这一生可以实现的梦想,同时在这个过程中尽可能多地去看看这个世界。A. process过程,进程;B. agency代理商;C. platform平台;D. country国家。根据上文“see as much of the world as possible”可知,是在追求访问每一个国家的梦想这个过程中,尽可能多看看这个世界。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:直到事情变得真正地具有挑战性,我才意识到我正激励着身边的人,尤其是年轻人。A. dull乏味的;B. official官方的,正式的;C. natural自然的;D. challenging富于挑战性的。根据下文“I realized I was inspiring people around me”可知,Lexie Alford所从事的事情具有挑战性、有意义。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:直到事情变得真正地具有挑战性,我才意识到我正激励着身边的人,尤其是年轻人。A. adult成年人;B. bosses老板;C. youth青春,青年人;D. agents代理人。根据下文“My  13  for young people is to believe that you can do anything you set your mind to do.”可知,Lexie Alford环游世界这件事情正激励着身边的人,尤其是年轻人。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我游历世界上那些被世人所误解的地区时,最让我感到惊喜的是,那些原本我最不期待的国家最终却成为了让我觉得最不可思议的国家。A. most最多;B. least最少;C. greatest最好,最伟大;C. worst最糟糕。根据上文“all these misunderstood areas of the world”可知,原本对这些国家没什么期待,所以期待是最少的。故选B。
考查动词词组辨析。句意:当我游历世界上那些被世人所误解的地区时,最让我感到惊喜的是,那些原本我最不期待的国家最终却成为了让我觉得最不可思议的国家。A. ended up最终;B. showed off炫耀;C. started with从……开始;D. searched for寻找。根据上文可知,Lexie Alford最开始不带着任何期待,但最终发现最不可思议,形成上下文对比;end up“最终”,符合语境。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我给年轻人的建议就是,相信只要你下定决心去做的事情就一定额能做到。A. warn警告;B. compromise妥协,让步;C. belief信念,相信;D. advice建议,忠告。根据下文“you can do anything you set your mind to do”,这是给他人的建议或忠告。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你想旅行,你就必须要为环游世界做出牺牲。A. make做;B. appreciate感激,欣赏;C. worsen恶化,使更糟糕;D. save拯救,储存,节约。根据下文“to travel around the world.”可知,如果你想旅行,你就必须要为环游世界做出牺牲。固定短语make sacrifice,意为“做出牺牲”,符合语境。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:你能够实现它,这只是一个时间问题。A. honor荣幸,荣誉;B. time时间;C. career职业;D. assessment评估。it指代上文的“环游世界”,结合上文内容和常识,她认为完成环游世界的目标只是一个时间问题。故选B。
第二节 (共 10 小题, 每空1.5分,共15分)
Tea is native to China. There are fifteen major tea-producing provinces in the Chinese Mainland, and Taiwan also produces tea. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) recently released a document from Chinese experts ____36____ (classify) tea into six types.
The basic tea types are black and green tea, white tea, oolong tea, dark tea and yellow tea, according to the new standard ____37____ (establish) by Anhui Agricultural University in Hefei, Anhui province. The standardization work ____38____ (lead) by Wan Xiaochun, professor and director of the State key laboratory of tea plant biology and utilization at the university.
Chen Chuan, a pioneer in tea science, put forward ____39____ has been regarded as the classification standard as early as in 1979. It has been ____40____ (wide) adopted since then but had not become an international standard until March, when the document was released, Wan said during a news briefing earlier this week.
The preparation of tea is based ____41____ processing fresh tea ____42____ (leaf) and aeration. The six tea types can be further processed or reprocessed ____43____ (create) products such as scented tea, compressed tea and instant tea, the ISO document said. The classification will allow consumers, world tea traders and governments to have ____44____ clear understanding of the different type of tea through _____45_____ (they) processing techniques.
【答案】36. classifying
37. established
38. was led
39. what 40. widely
41. on 42. leaves
43. to create
44. a 45. their
考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:该标准化工作由该大学的教授、茶树生物学与资源利用国家重点实验室主任宛晓春领导。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,此处在叙述过去发生的事情,时态应用一般过去时,lead“领导”和主语The standardization work之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,且主语为单数,be动词应用was。故填was led。
考查宾语从句。句意:茶学先驱陈川早在1979年就提出了被认为是茶叶分类的标准。分析句子可知,空处引导名词性从句作put forward的宾语,宾语从句缺少主语,结合句意可知,主语指物,应用连接代词what作引导词。故填what。
考查介词。句意:茶制备是基于加工新鲜茶叶和曝气。根据“is based”可知,此处用固定短语be based on表示“基于,以……为基础”。故填on。
考查非谓语动词。句意:ISO文件称,这六种茶可以进一步加工或再加工,制成花茶、紧压茶和速溶茶等产品。分析句子可知,句子主干成分完整,空处作目的状语,应用create的不定式形式。故填to create。
考查代词。句意:该分类将使消费者、世界茶叶贸易商和政府通过其加工技术对不同类型的茶叶有一个清晰的了解。分析句子可知,空处是修饰processing techniques的定语,应用形容词性物主代词their。故填their。
第三部分 写作(共二节,满分40分)
46. 假如你是李华,你校上周举办了“科学家精神进校园”(the Spirit of Scientists into Campus)活动。请为你校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
1. 活动目的;
2. 活动内容;
3. 活动反响。
the Spirit of Scientists into Campus
【答案】Possible version
The Spirit of Scientists into Campus
With the purpose of deepening students’ understanding of the spirit of scientists as well as stimulating their interest and love for science, an activity “the Spirit of Scientists into Campus” was held in our school last week.
During the activity, fascinating lectures were given by renowned scientists to help students understand the scientific research results and scientific ideas. Moreover, students had the opportunity to visit the science laboratories to experience the fun of scientific experiments.
The activity was highly spoken of. It successfully instilled the spirit of scientists in the students, encouraging them to embrace the wonders of science in their academic journey.
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生为校英文报写一篇报道,介绍学校上周举办的“科学家精神进校园”(the Spirit of Scientists into Campus)活动。
理解:understanding →comprehension
著名的:renowned →famous
原句: During the activity, fascinating lectures were given by renowned scientists to help students understand the scientific research results and scientific ideas.
拓展句:During the activity, fascinating lectures were given by renowned scientists, which would surely help students better understand the scientific research results and scientific ideas.
【点睛】【高分句型1】With the purpose of deepening students’ understanding of the spirit of scientists as well as stimulating their interest and love for science, an activity “the Spirit of Scientists into Campus” was held in our school last week.(运用了动名词作宾语和被动语态)
【高分句型2】It successfully instilled the spirit of scientists in the students, encouraging them to embrace the wonders of science in their academic journey.(运用了现在分词作状语)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
She pulled back on the ropes, making the homemade swing (秋千) fly higher and closer to the leafy branches of the tall tree. The wind blew cool against her cheeks. She was five years old, and, at that moment, being mad at her eleven-year-old brother, David.
“How could he have been so mean ” she asked herself, remembering how he had made a face and called her a “big baby” at the breakfast table. “He hates me,” she thought, “just because I took the last cake out from under his nose. He hates me!”
The swing carried her up so high that she could see for miles. It was fun looking down at the farmyard below. Her red sweater flashed brightly in the morning sunlight. She stopped thinking about being mad at her brother and started to sing a swinging song.
On a distant hill behind the swing, a huge bull (公牛) with long, sharp horns (角) and big, heavy hooves (牛蹄) watched the red sweater flashing in the sunlight. The bull had broken out of his grassland. He was in a bad mood and ready to rush at anything that moved. Then he lowered his massive head and began moving across the field toward the red sweater he saw swinging back and forth beneath the tall tree.
Meanwhile, David was in the barnyard (仓院), feeding the chickens. He looked out and saw his little sister on the swing. “Sisters are a pain in the neck,” he thought. Then suddenly he saw the bull rushing across the field, heading straight for his sister. Without a second thought, David screamed as loudly as he could, “Look out behind you! Get out of there! Run!”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
His sister didn’t hear him.
Then the bull rushed at the place where his sister had been.
【答案】 His sister didn’t hear him. She just kept singing and swinging. The bull was halfway across the field and closing in fast. David’s heart pounded. It was now or never. He ran across the chicken yard, jumped over the fence and dashed toward his sister. He ran faster than he had ever run before. Catching one of the ropes, David made the swing stop and pulled his sister sideways to the ground.
Then the bull rushed at the place where his sister had been. The little girl let out a terrified cry. The bull stopped, still making deep sounds. Then it faced the siblings and lowered its head to launch another attack. Seeing this, David quickly pulled off his sister’s sweater and threw it as far away as possible. The bull followed it. As the bull was tearing the sweater into pieces, David half-dragged and half-carried his sister to safety. After Mary calmed down, she thanked her brother for rescuing her. From that day on, Mary just laughed every time David called her a ‘big baby’.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:David冲向妹妹——解救在秋干上妹妹——公牛再次攻击——用红毛衣引导公牛——妹妹成功获救
3. 词汇激活
②感激:thank/be grateful for/show gratitude to
【点睛】【高分句型1】Catching one of the ropes, David made the swing stop and pulled his sister sideways to the ground. (运用了现在分词作状语)
【高分句型2】From that day on, Mary just laughed every time David called her a “big baby”. (运用了every time引导的状语从句)
【高分句型3】After Mary calmed down, she thanked her brother for rescuing her. (运用了after引导的时间状语从句和动名词作宾语)



上一篇:22.4《能源与可持续发展》同步练习 (答案)2023~2024人教版物理九年级全册
