广西贵港市港南区2023-2024八年级上学期期末英语试卷(无听力 含解析)

二、单项选择 从下列各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。
12.(1分)﹣Can you go to the movies with me tonight?
﹣______(  )
A. Sure,I'd love to. B. Good idea.
C. Me,too.
13.(1分)﹣What's the ______of your cup?
﹣It's long and round.(  )
A. size B. shape C. color
14.(1分)_____you come to the club,I'm sure you can make some friends.(  )
A. Unless B. Though C.If
15.(1分)When you have problems,it's not good to keep them to______.(  )
A. themselves B. yourself
C. myself
16.(1分)Nancy often______her eyes with her hands while being afraid.(  )
A. covers B. fills C. catches
17.(1分) Don't play by the river.It's too______.(  )
A. dangerous B. possible C. normal
18.(1分)If we ask the teachers for help,we_____our skills soon.(  )
A. improves B. improved
C. will improve
19.(1分)﹣Can you _______with me this Saturday?
﹣Sure!Catch you then!(  )
A. take out B. hang out C. find out
20.(1分)When you meet new words,look up a dictionary.It can tell you what they______.(  )
A. mean B. wonder C. solve
21.(1分)My grandpa used______in the city,but now he lives in the countryside.(  )
A. lives B. lived C. to live
22.(5分)A:Jim,how many times do you eat rice a day?
B: (1)   I eat it for lunch and dinner.
A:You don't eat it for breakfast?
B:No. (2)   
A:Do you usually drink milk before going to bed?
B:No. (3)   
A:Don't you have a drink of water before going to bed?
A: (4)   
B:In the afternoon on weekdays.
A: (5)   
B:Basketball.I play basketball every day.
A.Twice. B.What's your favorite sport? C.Once a day. D.I drink milk only in the morning. E.When do you usually do sports? F.For breakfast,I usually have eggs,bread and milk.
23.(10分)About 300 years ago,Chinese culture was popular in Europe.Today many things about China are still popular with lots of foreign people.They play an important(1)   in our life.Some foreign students share their(2)   in a TV show.
Lisa Maslova is from Russia.She(3)   made Jiaozi with her classmates during the Spring Festival. "In my country,we also make dumplings.And our dumplings are(4)   to Chinese Jiaozi.But I find something different in China.Chinese people make dumplings together.The process (过程) of(5)   them seems to be as important as the process of eating them," Lisa said.
Jennifer Muller,an English girl,has a few Chinese friends. "It is comfortable to stay with them because they make me(6)   like family," Jennifer said. "I even got hongbao from them during the Spring Festival.It really(7)   me."
Jamila,(8)   English girl,wanted to learn Chinese. "But some of my friends said it was too(9)   .This stopped me from learning the(10)   .But after I made some Chinese friends,I found it was very easy and interesting to learn Chinese."
(1) A.role B.hole C.sport
(2) A.books B.stories C.foods
(3) A.most B.even C.once
(4) A.helpful B.similar C.careful
(5) A.giving B.building C.making
(6) A.look B.feel C.fall
(7) A.surprised B.filled C.served
(8) A.other B.the other C.another
(9) A.hard B.fast C.clear
(10) A.country B.language C.history
24.(5分)The cartoon film Chang 'an was on in July this year.Many people are interested in it.
The story in the film happens in the Tang Dynasty.It tells about Li Bai and his close friend Gao Shi.Both of them were famous poets (诗人)at that time.Some other poets also appear in the film,such as Du Fu,Wang Wei and Meng Haoran.They work hard to make themselves and the country better.
There are forty﹣eight well﹣known Tang poems(诗歌 ) in the almost three﹣hour﹣long film.For example,one of them is Li Bai's poem Leaving the White Emperor Town At Dawn.Li Bai wrote the poem to show his happiness coming back home from exile (流放).Many children were excited when they were watching the film because those familiar (熟悉的) names became real people.
The film tells the stories of these great people in a special way,so that we can have a better understanding of our history and classic (经典的) works.
(1)Chang 'an is a cartoon film.    
(2)The story in the film mainly tells about Li Bai and Du Fu.    
(3)There are 49 Tang poems in the film.    
(4)Many children felt excited while watching Chang 'an.    
(5)The film Chang 'an is educational.    
25.(10分)AI is part of our life.Some experts worry that chatbots(聊天机器人)could stop students from learning by themselves.So should teachers and students use AI at school?
I'm Annie.Schoolwork should teach kids skills and develop(开发)their brains(大脑).Kids need to do homework on their own.This is why my school teaches handwriting and spelling.Kids' brains need to be exercised to develop,just like their bodies.
I'm Harper.We shouldn't use AI at school for a few reasons (理由).First,teachers might not know how to best use it in class.Second,many students don't have enough money to use AI at school.And finally,a chatbot just gives students information,but teachers know how to help students remember information.
I'm Katie.AI is helpful and it could change the way we learn.Chatbots can help students with their schoolwork through questions instead of just giving them the answers.They can work with teachers,too.Chatbots can help teachers make lesson plans.
(1)What's some experts' worry?    
A.Chatbots could change the way students learn.
B.Chatbots could stop students from learning by themselves.
C.Chatbots could learn from students and teachers at school.
(2)Who agree to use AI at school?    
(3)What does Annie's school do to develop kids' brain?    
A.To teach kids exercising.
B.To help kids remember information.
C.To teach kids handwriting and spelling.
(4)How many reasons does Harper give?    
(5)What do chatbots help teachers do according to Katie?    
A.Make lesson plans.
B.Teach lessons.
C.Give homework.
26.(15分)Dear Sally,
How is it going?I'm having a party on Saturday evening to celebrate the New Year.We're meeting in the park at 5:30 pm and playing some games like volleyball and basketball.Then we're having a picnic (野餐).I'm going to take some drinks for everyone,but please bring something to eat.
I hope you can come.Please reply before Friday.
Dear Peter,
Thank you for inviting me to your party,but I'm sorry I can't come.My family are going away for the weekend on Saturday morning.We are going to visit my grandparents in the countryside.But I would be glad to help out with the party preparations.I would like to prepare the food and bring it to you before I leave.
By the way,are you available next weekend?It would be nice to meet up!
(1)What kind of party is it?    
A.Birthday party.
B.New Year party.
C.Welcome party.
(2)When is the party?    
A.On Saturday morning.
B.On Saturday afternoon.
C.On Saturday evening.
(3)What does Peter ask Sally to bring?    
(4)Why does Sally refuse the invitation?    
A.Because she's going to visit her grandparents.
B.Because she's going to have a picnic with her family.
C.Because she's going to the countryside to play games.
(5)What's the relationship between Peter and Sally?    
B.Brother and sister.
C.Teacher and student.
27.(10分)①The three Shenzhou﹣16 astronauts gave the fourth "Tiangong Class"to students on the Earth from the space station on September 21st,2023.Are you interested in Chinese astronauts' life in space?
②Inside Tianhe,the core module (核心仓) of China's space station,there are different areas(区域) for Chinese astronauts to work and live.There is a table and some machines in the dining area.The astronauts are able to enjoy over 120 kinds of food.Most of them are traditional dishes like gongbao chicken.They can even have ice﹣cream!
③Chinese astronauts can also get much physical exercise to keep healthy.For example,they can run and ride a bicycle in the exercise area.There are bedrooms in the sleeping area,but they have to sleep in sleeping bags.I once wonder if they could take a shower in the space station.Now I know the fact is that they only use their own wet towels to clean their bodies.
(1)When was the fourth "Tiangong Class"?    
A.On September 21st,2022.
B.On September 20th,2023.
C.On September 21st,2023.
(2)Which of the following is right according to the passage?    
A.There is a bicycle in Shenzhou﹣16.
B.The astronauts can not eat ice﹣cream in space.
C.The astronauts work and live in the same area in Shenzhou﹣16.
(3)Where do the astronauts in Shenzhou﹣16 sleep?    
A.On beds.
B.In sleeping bags.
C.On the floor.
(4)What does "towels" in paragraph③mean in Chinese?    
(5)What is this passage mainly about?    
A.Chinese astronauts' life in space.
B.China's space station.
C.Tiangong Class.
jumped tallest role apple however at you better laugh successfully
Long long ago,there lived a giraffe in the forest.He was the(1)   of all the animals.So he was very proud (骄傲的) and always(2)   at others.A monkey decided to teach the giraffe a lesson.
One day,the monkey took the giraffe to a tree.He said to the giraffe, "Look(3)   the tall tree.There's some lovely(4)   growing on the tree.But you won't be able to pick them." The giraffe said, "It is impossible.Just watch me." He tried to pick the fruits again and again. (5)   ,the fruits were still out of reach. "I said you couldn't reach them,but I can," said the monkey.Then,the monkey(6)   onto the giraffe's neck.He reached out his arm and picked the fruits (7)   .The monkey said, "You could not pick the fruits by(8)   .I could not do it by myself,either.But we can do it together.As an old saying goes,two heads are(9)   than one.Everyone plays an important(10)   in the world.So don't be so proud in the future."
Dear Lu Hong,
How are you?
Please reply before this Friday.
Li Hua
二、单项选择 从下列各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。
12.(1分)﹣Can you go to the movies with me tonight?
﹣______(  )
A. Sure,I'd love to. B. Good idea.
C. Me,too.
【解答】A.Sure,I'd love to.好的,我非常乐意。B.Good idea.好主意。C.Me,too.我也是。根据 Can you go to the movies with me tonight?(你今晚可以跟我去看电影吗?)可知,此处是在给予对方邀请的回答。
13.(1分)﹣What's the ______of your cup?
﹣It's long and round.(  )
A. size B. shape C. color
【解答】A尺码;B形状;C颜色。It's long and round.(它又长又圆)可知,上文是你的杯子是什么形状的?
14.(1分)_____you come to the club,I'm sure you can make some friends.(  )
A. Unless B. Though C.If
【解答】A除非,引导条件状语从句;B尽管,引导让步状语从句;C如果,引导条件状语从句。根据两句的逻辑关系,可知you come to the club(你来俱乐部)是交到朋友的条件。
15.(1分)When you have problems,it's not good to keep them to______.(  )
A. themselves B. yourself
C. myself
16.(1分)Nancy often______her eyes with her hands while being afraid.(  )
A. covers B. fills C. catches
17.(1分) Don't play by the river.It's too______.(  )
A. dangerous B. possible C. normal
18.(1分)If we ask the teachers for help,we_____our skills soon.(  )
A. improves B. improved
C. will improve
19.(1分)﹣Can you _______with me this Saturday?
﹣Sure!Catch you then!(  )
A. take out B. hang out C. find out
【解答】A取出;B闲逛;C找出,查明。Sure!Catch you then!(当然!那就抓住你!)可知,此处是这个星期六你能和我一起闲逛吗。
20.(1分)When you meet new words,look up a dictionary.It can tell you what they______.(  )
A. mean B. wonder C. solve
【解答】A意思;B想知道;C解决。根据When you meet new words,look up a dictionary(当你遇到新单词时,查字典)可知,此处是它可以告诉你它们的意思。
21.(1分)My grandpa used______in the city,but now he lives in the countryside.(  )
A. lives B. lived C. to live
【解答】句子中used to do sth表示过去常常做某事,使用动词不定式to live;lives动词第三人称单数;lived动词过去式。
22.(5分)A:Jim,how many times do you eat rice a day?
B: (1) A I eat it for lunch and dinner.
A:You don't eat it for breakfast?
B:No. (2) F 
A:Do you usually drink milk before going to bed?
B:No. (3) D 
A:Don't you have a drink of water before going to bed?
A: (4) E 
B:In the afternoon on weekdays.
A: (5) B 
B:Basketball.I play basketball every day.
A.Twice. B.What's your favorite sport? C.Once a day. D.I drink milk only in the morning. E.When do you usually do sports? F.For breakfast,I usually have eggs,bread and milk.
【解答】(1)根据问句Jim,how many times do you eat rice a day?(吉姆,你一天吃多少次米饭?)可知,此处应答"两次。"符合题意,故选:A。
(2)根据问句You don't eat it for breakfast?(你早餐不吃它?)可知,此处应答"早餐,我通常吃鸡蛋、面包和牛奶。"符合题意,故选:F。
(3)根据问句Do you usually drink milk before going to bed?(你通常睡前喝牛奶吗?)和No. (不。)可知,此处应答"我只在早上喝牛奶。"符合题意,故选:D。
(4)根据答语In the afternoon on weekdays.(在工作日的下午。)可知,此处应问"你通常什么时候运动"符合题意,故选:E。
23.(10分)About 300 years ago,Chinese culture was popular in Europe.Today many things about China are still popular with lots of foreign people.They play an important(1) A in our life.Some foreign students share their(2) B in a TV show.
Lisa Maslova is from Russia.She(3) C made Jiaozi with her classmates during the Spring Festival. "In my country,we also make dumplings.And our dumplings are(4) B to Chinese Jiaozi.But I find something different in China.Chinese people make dumplings together.The process (过程) of(5) C them seems to be as important as the process of eating them," Lisa said.
Jennifer Muller,an English girl,has a few Chinese friends. "It is comfortable to stay with them because they make me(6) B like family," Jennifer said. "I even got hongbao from them during the Spring Festival.It really(7) A me."
Jamila,(8) C English girl,wanted to learn Chinese. "But some of my friends said it was too(9) A .This stopped me from learning the(10) B .But after I made some Chinese friends,I found it was very easy and interesting to learn Chinese."
(1) A.role B.hole C.sport
(2) A.books B.stories C.foods
(3) A.most B.even C.once
(4) A.helpful B.similar C.careful
(5) A.giving B.building C.making
(6) A.look B.feel C.fall
(7) A.surprised B.filled C.served
(8) A.other B.the other C.another
(9) A.hard B.fast C.clear
(10) A.country B.language C.history
【解答】(1)名词辨析。句意:它们在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色。A.role角色,作用;B.hole洞;C.sport运动。play an important role in为固定搭配,意为"在……中扮演重要角色"。故选A。
(2)名词辨析。句意:一些外国学生在电视节目中分享他们的故事。A.books书;B.stories故事;C.foods食物。根据She(3)___ made Jiaozi with her classmates during the Spring Festival.(春节期间,她曾经和同学一起包饺子。)可知,一些外国学生在电视节目中分享他们的故事。故选B。
(3)副词辨析。句意:春节期间,她曾经和同学一起包饺子。A.most最;B.even甚至;C.once曾经。根据during the Spring Festival(在春节期间)可知,春节期间,她曾经和同学一起包饺子。故选C。
(4)形容词辨析。句意:我们的饺子和中国的饺子很相似。A.helpful有帮助的;B.similar相似的;C.careful仔细的。be similar to为固定搭配,意为"与......相似"。故选B。
(5)动名词辨析。句意:包饺子的过程似乎和吃饺子的过程一样重要。A.giving给;B.building建立;C.making制作。根据the process of eating them(吃它们的过程)可知,此处指包饺子的过程。故选C。
(6)动词辨析。句意:和他们待在一起很舒服,因为他们让我感觉像家人一样。A.look看;B.feel感觉;C.fall跌倒。根据It is comfortable to stay with them(和他们待在一起很舒服)可知,此处指感觉像家人一样。故选B。
(7)动词辨析。句意:这真得让我很惊讶。A.surprised使惊讶;B.filled充满;C.served服务。根据I even got hongbao from them during the Spring Festival.(在春节期间,我甚至得到他们发的红包。)可知,这让我很惊讶。故选A。
(8)形容词辨析。句意:Jamila,一个英语女孩,想学汉语。A.other其他的;B.the other两个中的另一个;C.another三者或者三者以上另一个。结合an English girl(一个英国女孩)可知,此处泛指另一个女孩,因此选another符合题意。故选C。
(9)形容词辨析。句意:但我的一些朋友说它太难了。A.hard困难的;B.fast快的;C.clear清晰的。根据This stopped me from learning the(10)___.(这阻止我学习这种语言。)可知,一些朋友说汉语太难了。故选A。
24.(5分)The cartoon film Chang 'an was on in July this year.Many people are interested in it.
The story in the film happens in the Tang Dynasty.It tells about Li Bai and his close friend Gao Shi.Both of them were famous poets (诗人)at that time.Some other poets also appear in the film,such as Du Fu,Wang Wei and Meng Haoran.They work hard to make themselves and the country better.
There are forty﹣eight well﹣known Tang poems(诗歌 ) in the almost three﹣hour﹣long film.For example,one of them is Li Bai's poem Leaving the White Emperor Town At Dawn.Li Bai wrote the poem to show his happiness coming back home from exile (流放).Many children were excited when they were watching the film because those familiar (熟悉的) names became real people.
The film tells the stories of these great people in a special way,so that we can have a better understanding of our history and classic (经典的) works.
(1)Chang 'an is a cartoon film.  T 
(2)The story in the film mainly tells about Li Bai and Du Fu.  F 
(3)There are 49 Tang poems in the film.  F 
(4)Many children felt excited while watching Chang 'an.  T 
(5)The film Chang 'an is educational.  T 
【解答】(1)细节判断题。根据第一段The cartoon film Chang 'an was on in July this year.(动画电影《长安》是今年7月上映的。)可知《长安》是动画电影。故填T。
(2)细节判断题。根据第二段It tells about Li Bai and his close friend Gao Shi.(它讲述了李白和他的好友高适的故事。)可知它讲述了李白和高适的故事,而不是和杜甫。故填F。
(3)细节判断题。根据第三段There are forty﹣eight well﹣known Tang poems(诗歌 ) in the almost three﹣hour﹣long film.(在大约3个小时的电影中,包含了四十八首著名的唐诗。)可知电影中有48首唐诗而不是49首。故填F。
(4)细节判断题。根据第三段Many children were excited when they were watching the film because those familiar (熟悉的) names became real people.(许多孩子看到这部电影很兴奋因为那些熟悉的名字变成了真实的人物。)可知许多小孩看到电影很兴奋。故填T。
(5)细节判断题。根据最后一段The film tells the stories of these great people in a special way,so that we can have a better understanding of our history and classic (经典的) works.(这部电影以一种特殊的方式讲述了这些伟大人物的故事,让我们更好地了解我们的历史和经典作品。)可知这部电影有教育意义。故填T。
25.(10分)AI is part of our life.Some experts worry that chatbots(聊天机器人)could stop students from learning by themselves.So should teachers and students use AI at school?
I'm Annie.Schoolwork should teach kids skills and develop(开发)their brains(大脑).Kids need to do homework on their own.This is why my school teaches handwriting and spelling.Kids' brains need to be exercised to develop,just like their bodies.
I'm Harper.We shouldn't use AI at school for a few reasons (理由).First,teachers might not know how to best use it in class.Second,many students don't have enough money to use AI at school.And finally,a chatbot just gives students information,but teachers know how to help students remember information.
I'm Katie.AI is helpful and it could change the way we learn.Chatbots can help students with their schoolwork through questions instead of just giving them the answers.They can work with teachers,too.Chatbots can help teachers make lesson plans.
(1)What's some experts' worry?  B 
A.Chatbots could change the way students learn.
B.Chatbots could stop students from learning by themselves.
C.Chatbots could learn from students and teachers at school.
(2)Who agree to use AI at school?  B 
(3)What does Annie's school do to develop kids' brain?  C 
A.To teach kids exercising.
B.To help kids remember information.
C.To teach kids handwriting and spelling.
(4)How many reasons does Harper give?  C 
(5)What do chatbots help teachers do according to Katie?  A 
A.Make lesson plans.
B.Teach lessons.
C.Give homework.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Some experts worry that chatbots(聊天机器人)could stop students from learning by themselves.(一些专家担心聊天机器人可能会阻止学生自主学习。)可知聊天机器人可能会阻止学生自主学习。故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据最后一个表格I'm Katie.AI is helpful and it could change the way we learn.Chatbots can help students with their schoolwork through questions instead of just giving them the answers.They can work with teachers,too.Chatbots can help teachers make lesson plans.(我是凯蒂。人工智能是有帮助的,它可以改变我们的学习方式。聊天机器人可以通过问题来帮助学生完成学业,而不仅仅是给他们答案。他们也可以和老师一起工作。聊天机器人可以帮助教师制定课程计划。)可知凯特同意在学校使用人工智能。故选B。
(3)细节理解题。根据表格一This is why my school teaches handwriting and spelling.(这就是为什么我的学校教书法和拼写。)可知教孩子们书写和拼写。故选C。
(4)细节理解题。根据表格二First,teachers might not know how to best use it in class.Second,many students don't have enough money to use AI at school.And finally,a chatbot just gives students information,but teachers know how to help students remember information.(首先,老师可能不知道如何在课堂上最好地使用它。其次,许多学生没有足够的钱在学校使用人工智能。最后,聊天机器人只是给学生信息,但老师知道如何帮助学生记住信息。)可知给出了三个原因。故选C。
(5)细节理解题。根据最后一个表格Chatbots can help teachers make lesson plans.(聊天机器人可以帮助老师制定课程计划。)可知制定课程计划。故选A。
26.(15分)Dear Sally,
How is it going?I'm having a party on Saturday evening to celebrate the New Year.We're meeting in the park at 5:30 pm and playing some games like volleyball and basketball.Then we're having a picnic (野餐).I'm going to take some drinks for everyone,but please bring something to eat.
I hope you can come.Please reply before Friday.
Dear Peter,
Thank you for inviting me to your party,but I'm sorry I can't come.My family are going away for the weekend on Saturday morning.We are going to visit my grandparents in the countryside.But I would be glad to help out with the party preparations.I would like to prepare the food and bring it to you before I leave.
By the way,are you available next weekend?It would be nice to meet up!
(1)What kind of party is it?  B 
A.Birthday party.
B.New Year party.
C.Welcome party.
(2)When is the party?  C 
A.On Saturday morning.
B.On Saturday afternoon.
C.On Saturday evening.
(3)What does Peter ask Sally to bring?  B 
(4)Why does Sally refuse the invitation?  A 
A.Because she's going to visit her grandparents.
B.Because she's going to have a picnic with her family.
C.Because she's going to the countryside to play games.
(5)What's the relationship between Peter and Sally?  A 
B.Brother and sister.
C.Teacher and student.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一封信I'm having a party on Saturday evening to celebrate the New Year.(我将在周六晚上举办一个庆祝新年的聚会。)可知这是一个新年晚会。故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据第一封信I'm having a party on Saturday evening to celebrate the New Year.(我将在周六晚上举办一个庆祝新年的聚会。) 可知聚会星期六晚上举行。故选C。
(3)细节理解题。根据第一封信I'm going to take some drinks for everyone,but please bring something to eat.(我要给大家带点饮料,但请带点吃的。)可知彼得要莎莉带食物。故选B。
(4)细节理解题。根据第二封信My family are going away for the weekend on Saturday morning.We are going to visit my grandparents in the countryside.(我的家人星期六早上要去度周末。我们要去乡下看望我的祖父母。)可知因为她要去看望她的祖父母。故选A。
27.(10分)①The three Shenzhou﹣16 astronauts gave the fourth "Tiangong Class"to students on the Earth from the space station on September 21st,2023.Are you interested in Chinese astronauts' life in space?
②Inside Tianhe,the core module (核心仓) of China's space station,there are different areas(区域) for Chinese astronauts to work and live.There is a table and some machines in the dining area.The astronauts are able to enjoy over 120 kinds of food.Most of them are traditional dishes like gongbao chicken.They can even have ice﹣cream!
③Chinese astronauts can also get much physical exercise to keep healthy.For example,they can run and ride a bicycle in the exercise area.There are bedrooms in the sleeping area,but they have to sleep in sleeping bags.I once wonder if they could take a shower in the space station.Now I know the fact is that they only use their own wet towels to clean their bodies.
(1)When was the fourth "Tiangong Class"?  C 
A.On September 21st,2022.
B.On September 20th,2023.
C.On September 21st,2023.
(2)Which of the following is right according to the passage?  A 
A.There is a bicycle in Shenzhou﹣16.
B.The astronauts can not eat ice﹣cream in space.
C.The astronauts work and live in the same area in Shenzhou﹣16.
(3)Where do the astronauts in Shenzhou﹣16 sleep?  B 
A.On beds.
B.In sleeping bags.
C.On the floor.
(4)What does "towels" in paragraph③mean in Chinese?  C 
(5)What is this passage mainly about?  A 
A.Chinese astronauts' life in space.
B.China's space station.
C.Tiangong Class.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段The three Shenzhou﹣16 astronauts gave the fourth "Tiangong Class"to students on the Earth from the space station on September 21st,2023.(2023年9月21日,三名神舟十六号的宇航员在太空站给地球上的学生们上了第四次天宫课堂。)可知第四次天宫课堂在2023年9月21日。故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据第三段For example,they can run and ride a bicycle in the exercise area.(例如,他们可以在锻炼区进行跑步和骑自行车。)可知神舟十六号有自行车。故选A。
(3)细节理解题。根据第三段There are bedrooms in the sleeping area,but they have to sleep in sleeping bags.(在睡眠区有卧室,但他们必须睡在睡袋里。)可知他们在睡袋里睡觉。故选B。
(4)词义猜测题。根据第三段Now I know the fact is that they only use their own wet towels to clean their bodies.(现在我知道只能用湿毛巾清洁身体。)可知划线词在此处表示"毛巾"。故选C。
(5)主旨大意题。根据第一段Are you interested in Chinese astronauts' life in space?(你对中国宇航员在太空的生活感兴趣吗?)可知本文主要介绍了中国宇航员在太空的生活。故选A。
jumped tallest role apple however at you better laugh successfully
Long long ago,there lived a giraffe in the forest.He was the(1) tallest of all the animals.So he was very proud (骄傲的) and always(2) laughed at others.A monkey decided to teach the giraffe a lesson.
One day,the monkey took the giraffe to a tree.He said to the giraffe, "Look(3) at the tall tree.There's some lovely(4) apples growing on the tree.But you won't be able to pick them." The giraffe said, "It is impossible.Just watch me." He tried to pick the fruits again and again. (5) However ,the fruits were still out of reach. "I said you couldn't reach them,but I can," said the monkey.Then,the monkey(6) jumped onto the giraffe's neck.He reached out his arm and picked the fruits (7) successfully .The monkey said, "You could not pick the fruits by(8) yourself .I could not do it by myself,either.But we can do it together.As an old saying goes,two heads are(9) better than one.Everyone plays an important(10) role in the world.So don't be so proud in the future."
【解答】(1)考查形容词最高级。句意:他是所有动物中最高的。tall"高的"符合题意,根据all the animals,可知定冠词the后跟tall的最高级tallest。故填tallest。
(2)考查动词。句意:所以他很骄傲,总是嘲笑别人。laugh at"嘲笑"符合题意,根据was,可知时态为一般过去时,laugh的过去式为laughed。故填laughed。
(3)考查介词。句意:看那棵高高的树。look at"看"符合题意。故填at。
(5)考查副词。句意:然而,果实仍然遥不可及。根据He tried to pick the fruits again and again(他试着一次又一次地摘水果)可知,however"然而"符合题意,位于句首,首字母需要大写。故填However。
(8)考查反身代词。句意:你不能自己摘水果。by oneself"独自"符合题意,根据主语You,可知这里用反身代词yourself。故填yourself。
(10)考查名词。句意:每个人在这个世界上都扮演着重要的角色。play an important role in"扮演着重要的角色"符合题意。故填role。
Dear Lu Hong,
How are you?
Please reply before this Friday.
Li Hua
It is 8 kilometers away and it will take us 40 minutes to get there.有8公里远,我们要花40分钟才能到。
It takes sb some time to do sth.花费某人多长时间做某事。
I'm sure we'll have a good time.我相信我们会玩得很开心的。
be sure接宾语从句。
【解答】Dear Lu Hong,
How are you?I am going to visit a village with my parents around this Sunday.Can you go with us?(发出邀请)My parents and I will ride our bikes there.It is 8 kilometers away and it will take us 40 minutes to get there.【高分句型一】We'll do many interesting things there.In the morning,we can pick some fruit and vegetables on the farm.Then,we can make a meal to have lunch with the villagers there.In the afternoon,we'll watch the villagers make tea.Do you want to learn to make tea?Then you can come with us.I'm sure we'll have a good time.【高分句型二】(打算做什么)
Please reply before this Friday.
Li Hua



上一篇:2023-2024人教A版数学必须第二册单元检测第八章 立体几何初步(原卷版+解析版)
