
( )1.The people who are more confident have more to make themselves successful.
A.education B.chances C.pride D.excuses
( )2.—Why didn't you tell me how your leg was hurt,Mike
—Oh,Mom,I just didn't want you to about me.
A.sadly;forgel B.sadly;worry C.badly;forget D.badly;worry
( )3.—Does your uncle have any children
Yes,he has a girl.
A.five-years-old B.five-year-olds C.five-year-old D.five-years-olds ( )4.I hope all of you will come and actively me in the talent show.
A.change B.supporl C.lift D.hug
( )5.Last night I was woken up by a(n) dream.I was so afraid that I couldn't fall a-
sleep after that.
A.sweet B.awful C.funny D.lovely
( )6.—Do you think that teenagers with the mobile phones at school
—No,I don't think so.
A.should encourage to play B.should be encouraging to play
C.should be encouraged to play D.should be encouraged play
( )7.While we were running in the playground,Jack suddenly stopped and lay on the
ground,so we all stopped what was wrong with him.
A.to run;to see B.running;seeing C.running;to see D.to run;seeing
( )8.We are so excited to see each other again,and give each other a warm
A.hand B.supporl C.hug D.introduction
( )9.—What's your father like
—He is not only strict himself but also strict my study.
A.with;with B.with;in C.in;in D.in;with
( )10.—Mom,would you allow me to swim in the lake
— _.The lake is so large and deep.
A.Not at all B.No problem C.Nevermind D.No way
11.When I was ill,my mother often (待在我身边).
12. (务必)that you come here before five.
13.We (应该被允许)play football after class.
14.Don't ( 迟 到 )class next time.
15.They often don't know (做什么).
Girl:Hey,Steve!Over here!Don't you rememher me
Boy:Oh.Wow! 16
A.Yes,I did.
Girl:That's right

)Boy:You used to be really short,didn't you
Girl:Yeah, 17 C.People sure change.
D.I play soccer and I'm on
Boy:And you were always funny.Wait a minute!Did you
the swim team.
use to watch TV
E.I wasn't very tall.
Girl: 18 But now I'm more interested in sports. 19
Boy:Wow! 20
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Today,roller skating is easy and fun.But many years ago,it wasn't easy at all.Before 1750,peo- ple never tried skating on wheels.That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin.Merlin's work was making instruments.In his free time he liked to play the violin.Merlin was a man with many ideas and many dreams.People called him a dreamer.
One day Merlin received an invitation to go to an important party.He was very pleased and a lit- tle excited.As the day of the party came near,Merlin began to think.He wanted to find a way to make a wonderful entrance at the party.Merlin had an idea.He thought that he would attract a lot of
attention if he could skate into the room.
Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll.Finally,he decided to put two wheels under each shoe.These were the first roller skate shoes.Merlin was very proud of them.He dreamed of arri- ving at the party and skating into the room while playing the violin.He was sure that everyone would be very surprised.
On the night of the party,Merlin rolled into the room,playing his violin.Everyone was really surprised to see him.There was just one problem.Merlin had no way to stop his roller skating.He rolled on,playing the violin.Then,with all eyes on him,Merlin hit into a huge mirror on the wall. The mirror broke into many pieces with a very loud noise.
Nobody forgot Merlin's wonderful entrance after that.
( )21.People called Merlin a dreamer because .
A.he slept and dreamed a lot B.he was full of different ideas
C.he invented the first roller skate shoes D.he always made people's dream come true
( )22.What was Merlin's problem after he rolled into the room
A.He couldn't stop his roller skating. B.He couldn't attract a lot of attention.
C.Everyone was surprised at him. D.He couldn't play the violin while rolling.
( )23.Merlin's entrance to the party was
A.safe B.surprising C.impossible D.thankful
一、1—5 BDCBB 6—10 CCCBD
二、11.stayed by my side 12.Make sure 13.should be allowed to 14.be late for 15.what to do
三、16—20 BEADC
四、21—23 BAB



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