
( )1.She loves money and food others.
A.save;share;with B.save;share;to
C.saving;sharing;with D.saving;sharing;to
( )2.I offer him cigarettes,but he refuses
A.smoking B.to smoking C.to smoke D.smoked
( )3.Mr.Wang teaches well everybody likes his lessons.
A.very;thal B.so;that C.so;to D.even;that
( )4.I you the best luck in the exam.
A.wish B.hope C.expect D.want
( )5.The doctor did what he could the dying man.
A.save B.to save C.saved D.saving
Do you know the man
It was one of the worst winters in modern
The is on the streets,in museums and in history books.
We should travel out of our own country once.
But I feel silly when he wants me to do it ,like at the supermarket.
A sad middle school student was tired of study,he decided to go out to search for happiness and wanted to meel God.On his way,he saw an old man 11 on the side of the road and watching some cars.The boy sat down 12 him.When he opened his bag to take some food.He noticed that
the man looked 13 ,so he offered him a piece of cake.The old man accepted it and gave a smile
to the boy.His 14was so wonderful that the boy wanted to see it again.Then he offered the old
man a bottle of water.Once again he smiled at him.The boy was pleased!
They 15 there all the afternoon,eating and drinking without saying a word.16 it began
to grow dark,the boy got up to leave,but before he had gone no more than a few steps,he turned a- round,ran 17 to the old man and gave him a big hug.The old man gave him his biggest smile.
When the boy arrived home,his mother was 18by the look of joy on his face.She asked,
“What has made you so happy today ”He 9 ,“I had lunch with God.He's got the most beauti- ful smile in the world!”And when the old man returned to his home,he told his family that he had
lunch with God.
Too often we overlook( 忽 视 )the power of a touch,a smile,a kind word,a listening ear or the
smallest act of caring. ( )11.A.playing ( )12.A.next
( )13.A.thirsty
( )14.A.smile
( )15.A.talked
( )16.A.As
( )17.A.down
( )18.A.moved ( )19.A.shouted ( )20.A.However
20 ,all of these have B.sitting
B.in front of
B.Although B.back
the possible power to turn a life around.
C.walk D.smile
C.behind D.next to
C.hungry D.happy
C.ange D.appearance
C.stood D.walked
C.Unless D.While
C.away D.up
C.excited D.surprised
C.replied D.thought
C.So D.Though
四 、选择恰当的选项,补全对话。(其中有两项多余)
T:What are you doing,Mike
T: 2.1 What's up
M:I'm looking for a ring.Could you help me
T: 22 But,why do you have a ring You never wear one.
M:Well,it's for my sister.Tomorrow is her birthday. 23
T:Is it in your bag
M: 24 I remember taking it out of my bag a few minutes ago.
T: 25
M:Well,let me check.Oh,it's here!Thank you very much.
T:You're welcome.
A.I want to give her a surprise! B.I am so sorry for wasting your time. C.No problem. D.You might have put it back in your bag. E.You look nervous. F.I must have taken it away. G.It can't be in my bag.
一、1—5 CCBAB
二、6.wearing glasses 7.European history 8.African culure 9.at least 10.in public
三、11—15 BDCAB 16—20 ABDCA
四、21—25 ECAGD



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