
(2023·浙江·德清县高级中学校考模拟预测) Across Asia many people have just witnessed the natural wonder that is a total solar eclipse. 1
This week’s total eclipse could be seen in eastern India before slowly moving across Burma, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Japan, and the Pacific Ocean. Yesterday, when it reached eastern China, people flocked (聚集) into the streets to witness the astronomical wonder.
As daylight disappeared and the sky quickly darkened. 2 Cities such as Shanghai were plunged into (陷入) darkness during what is thought to be the longest total eclipse of the 21st century. It lasted 6 minutes and 39 seconds.
Total solar eclipses of such a long duration are very rare events. 3 Shao Zhenyi, an astronomer at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory in China explained: “We’ll have to wait a few hundred years for another opportunity to observe a solar eclipse that lasts this long so it’s a very special opportunity. ‘‘
But while millions celebrate this phenomenon, it should be remembered that total eclipses have not always been such treasured events. Many cultures traditionally believed that a total eclipse was a bad omen (凶兆) or a supernatural event. 4 Others believed that the eclipse signified oncoming disasters. Nowadays it appears that these fears and superstitions (迷信) are long forgotten. As daylight once again flooded Asian cities such as Shanghai, whoops and cheers could be heard among the gathered crowds.
Reflecting on what had just happened, one Shanghai resident described the eclipse as “eerie” (怪诞的,奇异的), while another said “It’s like magic, the day turns into night in such a short period of time. I have no idea where I am right now. 5
A. It feels like a different world.
B. They happen but once in a lifetime.
C. Those watching were left far from disappointed.
D. Some believed that evil gods were eating the Sun.
E. People were frightened by the sudden darkness.
F. Some people thought it was a natural wonder.
G. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth line up in such a way that our view of the Sun is totally hidden by the Moon.
(2023·广东·东莞市东华高级中学校联考模拟预测) Have you ever set a goal for yourself, like getting fit, making honor roll, or being picked for a team Like lots of people, maybe you started out doing great, but then lost some of that drive and had trouble getting motivated again. 1 It all comes down to good planning, realistic expectations, and a stick-to-it attitude. Here’s what you need to do:
First, know your goal. Start by writing down your major goal. For example, “I want to make honor roll,” or “I want to get fit enough to make the cross-country team,” or even, “I want to play in the Olympics” are all major goals because they’re the final thing the goal ‘setter wants to see happen. 2 That’s how people get things done. You just have to remember that the bigger the goal, the more work it takes to get there.
Make it specific. It’s easier to plan for and master a specific goal than an unclear one. 3 That’s pretty unclear. Make it specific by defining what you want to achieve, why you want to get fit, and by when. This helps you make a plan to reach your goal.
4 People often abandon their goals because their expectations are unreasonable. Part of staying motivated is being realistic about what you can achieve within the time-frame you’ve peting on the Olympic ski team is a workable goal if you are 15 and already a star skier. But if you’re 18 and only just taking your first lesson, time isn’t exactly on your side.
Break it down. Making any change takes self-discipline. You need to pay constant attention so you don’t get sidetracked. 5 For example, let’s say you want to run a marathon. If it’s February and the marathon is in August, that’s a realistic time-frame to prepare. Start by planning to run 2 miles and work up gradually to the distance you need.
A. Make it realistic.
B. It’s OK to dream big.
C. What if you keep slipping up
D. Let’s say your goal is to get fit.
E. So how do you stay motivated and on track with your goal
F. One way to make this easier is to break a big goal into small steps.
G. Finding the motivation to do it isn’t necessarily easy, but it is always possible.
(2023上·广东·高三华南师大附中南海实验高中校考阶段练习)How much time does it take you to sleep, eat and commute every day 1 That case, time is limited for you to do other meaningful things. Managing your time effectively, therefore, becomes a matter of critical importance. Here are many things you can do.
Work out a plan in advance.
2 This will give you a measure of control over what is going to happen. Whether it is a planner that you stick on the wall or a calendar app on your smartphone, finding an organizing tool that works well for you is essential. Then, record all important events such as exams, projects and rehearsals, so that you can prepare accordingly.
This is about the skill of organization. It refers to arranging your personal space at home. So when doing your homework, you are in a tidy place, free from distractions. This includes putting away your mobile phone until you have finished everything that needs to be done.
Prioritize (优先考虑) what needs doing.
There is only a limited amount of time in a day, and even with good planning and organization, it is not always possible to complete everything that needs to be done. In such circumstances, you will have to decide which task should be completed first. You should classify the activities on the basis of their urgency and importance. 4 Then you can focus on your objective and stick to it.
Once you start taking little steps every day to plan, organize and prioritize the activities you intend to devote your energy, skills and talents to, you can spare more time to stay with family and friends, pursue a hobby or work on personal development. 5
A. Create favourable conditions.
B. This classification is your ultimate goal.
C. Balancing them is really a challenge for you.
D. This classification will help determine your priority.
E. Think about upcoming events and make a to-do list.
F. These basic activities take up an enormous part of your day.
G. You will end up reaping (收获) the rewards of time management.
(2023上·湖北·高三华中师大一附中校考期中)Some pals and I were in the midst of a pinball competition at a bar the other night when the machine kept breaking down. We called over a very busy employee who’s responsible for helping keep the place running. He put everything aside to fix our problematic pinball machine twice. 1 A couple of the guys immediately objected, saying the employee was just doing the job he was paid to do. I insisted and got the group to agree to the plan, although somewhat reluctantly.
My pinball wizard didn’t stretch out his hand, but how many times have we run across those payment screens that suggest a 20% tip for being handed a sandwich we ordered 2 There is data to back up the trend: 66% of American adults have a negative view of tipping, and 32% say they’re sick of those payment-screen hints, according to a recent Bankrate survey.
3 I admit there are times I suspect the tipping thing has gone too far - say, when I’m at a self-checkout line and there’s still request to leave something extra. But I’m generally willing to err on the side of caution: If someone is expecting a tip, I’ll assume they have financial reasons to do so. 4
Plus, tipping is good karma (因果报应). It’s always worth it to tip in unexpected situations- ones that don’t necessarily involve a hint on a payment screen. 5 He was so grateful for the $10 tip that later that night, he rewarded our group with well more than $10 in free tokens (代金券) for future play.
So next time, there must be no arguments with my friends when times come to tip.
A. This leads to what’s been called “tipping fatigue (疲劳)”
B. So, why am I willing to go against the trend and say yes
C. I suggested we tip him $10 and split the tip among all of us.
D. There’s an argument that we should ban tipping altogether.
E. Guess what happened next with my pinball-machine fixer at the bar
F. One dollar or two won’t make or break me, but it can possibly help with their rent.
G. Should they earn far below the minimum wage, employers must make up the difference.
(2023·湖北襄阳·襄阳四中校考模拟预测)You don’t need to be an astronomer with a giant telescope to enjoy a simple but spellbinding activity: stargazing. 1 It’s so interesting to discover what’s going on. With a bit of practice, and know-how from books and websites, stargazers can spot particular stars and also groups of stars.
There is plenty to take in using just your eyes but some people use a telescope for a more detailed look. For the best results, choose a clear night when the moon is not very bright. 2
It can be harder to see the stars in towns and cities. It is because of light pollution. The night sky is brightened by light from street lamps, shops and car headlights. The best places for stargazing are open, hilly areas or the coast. 3 It is our home galaxy stretching across the night sky and is best seen in summer and fall evening skies. If the full moon is up, it will be hard to see. Try going for a night hike instead! Let your eyes adjust to the moonlight and keep your flashlight turned off.
4 That is camping in a national park under a star-filled sky. Many national parks offer various night sky programs, from telescope astronomy events to full moon walks with rangers. Besides, national parks are also great places to know about the animals that are awake at night and asleep during the day. Sit quietly and listen for these creatures.
When you head out at night, always go with an adult. Dress warmly and take a blanket or a chair to sit on, plus a hot drink to warm you up. You might want to take a camera with you as well, so you can take a photo if you see something amazing in the sky. A whole new world comes alive at night and is waiting to be explored. 5
A. Get prepared for the wonder above.
B. Just go outside at night and look up.
C. You are supposed to avoid the full moon.
D. It also matters which direction you observe.
E. In these places, you can look for the Milky Way.
F. What is the better way to experience the great wonder
G. Where do you prefer to have a stargazing trip at night
(2023·浙江·德清县高级中学校考模拟预测) Across Asia many people have just witnessed the natural wonder that is a total solar eclipse. 1
This week’s total eclipse could be seen in eastern India before slowly moving across Burma, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Japan, and the Pacific Ocean. Yesterday, when it reached eastern China, people flocked (聚集) into the streets to witness the astronomical wonder.
As daylight disappeared and the sky quickly darkened. 2 Cities such as Shanghai were plunged into (陷入) darkness during what is thought to be the longest total eclipse of the 21st century. It lasted 6 minutes and 39 seconds.
Total solar eclipses of such a long duration are very rare events. 3 Shao Zhenyi, an astronomer at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory in China explained: “We’ll have to wait a few hundred years for another opportunity to observe a solar eclipse that lasts this long so it’s a very special opportunity. ‘‘
But while millions celebrate this phenomenon, it should be remembered that total eclipses have not always been such treasured events. Many cultures traditionally believed that a total eclipse was a bad omen (凶兆) or a supernatural event. 4 Others believed that the eclipse signified oncoming disasters. Nowadays it appears that these fears and superstitions (迷信) are long forgotten. As daylight once again flooded Asian cities such as Shanghai, whoops and cheers could be heard among the gathered crowds.
Reflecting on what had just happened, one Shanghai resident described the eclipse as “eerie” (怪诞的,奇异的), while another said “It’s like magic, the day turns into night in such a short period of time. I have no idea where I am right now. 5
A. It feels like a different world.
B. They happen but once in a lifetime.
C. Those watching were left far from disappointed.
D. Some believed that evil gods were eating the Sun.
E. People were frightened by the sudden darkness.
F. Some people thought it was a natural wonder.
G. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth line up in such a way that our view of the Sun is totally hidden by the Moon.
【答案】1. G 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A
1. 根据上文Across Asia many people have just witnessed the natural wonder that is a total solar eclipse.可知亚洲各地的许多人刚刚目睹了日全食这一自然奇观。由此可知,上文提到了日全食的景象,本句应当是说明这一现象发生的原因。故G选项“当太阳、月球和地球排成一条直线时,我们看到的太阳完全被月球遮住了,日全食就发生了”符合语境,故选G。
2. 根据后文Cities such as Shanghai were plunged into (陷入) darkness during what is thought to be the longest total eclipse of the 21st century. It lasted 6 minutes and 39 seconds.可知在这场被认为是21世纪持续时间最长的日全食中,上海等城市陷入了黑暗之中。整个过程持续了6分39秒。由此可知,这次日全食是21世纪持续时间最长的,所以那些观看日全食的人不会失望。故C选项“那些观看的人远远没有失望”符合语境,故选C。
3. 根据后文Shao Zhenyi, an astronomer at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory in China explained: “We’ll have to wait a few hundred years for another opportunity to observe a solar eclipse that lasts this long so it’s a very special opportunity.”可知中国上海天文台的天文学家邵振义解释说:“我们必须等待几百年才能有机会观测到持续这么久的日食。所以这是一个非常特殊的机会。”由此可知,再次看到这么久的日食需要等待几百年,所以这是一生只有一次的机会。故B选项“一生只有一次”符合语境,故选B。
4. 根据后文Others believed that the eclipse signified oncoming disasters.可知另一些人认为日食预示着即将到来的灾难。由此可知,本句与后文都是在说明人们对这一现象的看法,其中D选项中some可与后文others构成对应,some…others…“一些人……另一些人……”。故D选项“有些人相信邪恶的神正在吃太阳”符合语境,故选D。
5. 根据上文Reflecting on what had just happened, one Shanghai resident described the eclipse as “eerie”(怪诞的,奇异的), while another said “It’s like magic, the day turns into night in such a short period of time. I have no idea where I am right now.可知在反思刚刚发生的事情时,一位上海居民形容日食“可怕”,而另一位说“这就像魔术一样,在这么短的时间内白天就变成了黑夜。我不知道我现在在哪里。”由此可知,本句承接上文说明,日食给人一种进入了不同世界的感觉。故A选项“感觉就像进入了一个不同的世界”符合语境,故选A。
(2023·广东·东莞市东华高级中学校联考模拟预测) Have you ever set a goal for yourself, like getting fit, making honor roll, or being picked for a team Like lots of people, maybe you started out doing great, but then lost some of that drive and had trouble getting motivated again. 1 It all comes down to good planning, realistic expectations, and a stick-to-it attitude. Here’s what you need to do:
First, know your goal. Start by writing down your major goal. For example, “I want to make honor roll,” or “I want to get fit enough to make the cross-country team,” or even, “I want to play in the Olympics” are all major goals because they’re the final thing the goal ‘setter wants to see happen. 2 That’s how people get things done. You just have to remember that the bigger the goal, the more work it takes to get there.
Make it specific. It’s easier to plan for and master a specific goal than an unclear one. 3 That’s pretty unclear. Make it specific by defining what you want to achieve, why you want to get fit, and by when. This helps you make a plan to reach your goal.
4 People often abandon their goals because their expectations are unreasonable. Part of staying motivated is being realistic about what you can achieve within the time-frame you’ve peting on the Olympic ski team is a workable goal if you are 15 and already a star skier. But if you’re 18 and only just taking your first lesson, time isn’t exactly on your side.
Break it down. Making any change takes self-discipline. You need to pay constant attention so you don’t get sidetracked. 5 For example, let’s say you want to run a marathon. If it’s February and the marathon is in August, that’s a realistic time-frame to prepare. Start by planning to run 2 miles and work up gradually to the distance you need.
A. Make it realistic.
B. It’s OK to dream big.
C. What if you keep slipping up
D. Let’s say your goal is to get fit.
E. So how do you stay motivated and on track with your goal
F. One way to make this easier is to break a big goal into small steps.
G. Finding the motivation to do it isn’t necessarily easy, but it is always possible.
【答案】1. E 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. F
1. 根据上文“Have you ever set a goal for yourself, like getting fit, making honor roll, or being picked for a team Like lots of people, maybe you started out doing great, but then lost some of that drive and had trouble getting motivated again.(你曾经为自己设定过目标吗,比如健身,上光荣榜,或者入选球队?像很多人一样,也许你一开始做得很好,但后来失去了一些动力,很难再次获得动力)”以及下文“It all comes down to good planning, realistic expectations, and a stick-to-it attitude.(这一切都归结于良好的计划、现实的期望和坚持下去的态度。)”可知,上文提到失去实现目标的动力的现象,可知,本句在说明与前文现象相关的问题,故E选项“那么,你是如何保持动力并朝着目标前进的呢”符合语境,故选E。
2. 根据下文 “That's how people get things done. You just have to remember that the bigger the goal, the more work it takes to get there.(这就是人们做事的方式。你只需要记住,目标越大,需要付出的努力就越多。)”可知,本句与目标远大有关,B选项中dream big 对应后文That,指的就是有远大梦想这件事,故B 选项“有远大的梦想是可以的”符合语境,故选B。
3. 根据上文“Make it specific. It’s easier to plan for and master a specific goal than an unclear one.(使目标具体一点。制定和掌握一个明确的目标比制定一个不明确的目标更容易。)”以及下文 That's pretty unclear. Make it specific by defining what you want to achieve, why you want to get fit, and by when.(这很不清楚。明确你想要达到的目标,为什么要健身,以及什么时候要健身。)可知,上文提到制定明确的目标,后文提到具体的步骤。故本句举一个如何让目标明确的例子,D 选项“假设你的目标是健身。”符合语境。故选D。
4. 根据下文“People often abandon their goals because their expectations are unreasonable. Part of staying motivated is being realistic about what you can achieve within the time-frame you've planned.(人们常常因为期望过高而放弃目标。保持动力的一部分是你在计划的时间框架内可以实现的目标要现实。)”提到目标要现实,A选项“现实一点。”符合语境,故选A。
5. 根据主旨“Break it down.(把目标分解。)”以及下文 “For example, let's say you want to run a marathon. If it's February and the marathon is in August, that's a realistic time-frame to prepare. Start by planning to run 2 miles and work up gradually to the distance you need.(例如,假设你想跑马拉松。如果是在2月,而马拉松在8月,这是一个现实的准备时间框架。从计划跑2英里开始,逐渐增加到你需要的距离。)”可知,本句是在举例说明如何分解目标。故F选项“有一种方法可以让这个目标更容易实现,那就是把一个大目标分解成一个个小步骤。”符合主旨,且能连接举的练习马拉松的例子,故选F。
(2023上·广东·高三华南师大附中南海实验高中校考阶段练习)How much time does it take you to sleep, eat and commute every day 1 That case, time is limited for you to do other meaningful things. Managing your time effectively, therefore, becomes a matter of critical importance. Here are many things you can do.
Work out a plan in advance.
2 This will give you a measure of control over what is going to happen. Whether it is a planner that you stick on the wall or a calendar app on your smartphone, finding an organizing tool that works well for you is essential. Then, record all important events such as exams, projects and rehearsals, so that you can prepare accordingly.
This is about the skill of organization. It refers to arranging your personal space at home. So when doing your homework, you are in a tidy place, free from distractions. This includes putting away your mobile phone until you have finished everything that needs to be done.
Prioritize (优先考虑) what needs doing.
There is only a limited amount of time in a day, and even with good planning and organization, it is not always possible to complete everything that needs to be done. In such circumstances, you will have to decide which task should be completed first. You should classify the activities on the basis of their urgency and importance. 4 Then you can focus on your objective and stick to it.
Once you start taking little steps every day to plan, organize and prioritize the activities you intend to devote your energy, skills and talents to, you can spare more time to stay with family and friends, pursue a hobby or work on personal development. 5
A. Create favourable conditions.
B. This classification is your ultimate goal.
C. Balancing them is really a challenge for you.
D. This classification will help determine your priority.
E. Think about upcoming events and make a to-do list.
F. These basic activities take up an enormous part of your day.
G. You will end up reaping (收获) the rewards of time management.
【答案】1. F 2. E 3. A 4. D 5. G
1. 由上文“How much time does it take you to sleep, eat and commute every day (你每天花多少时间睡觉、吃饭和通勤?)”可知,设空处所填的句子应该是回答前句,连接后句给出事实的结果。而F项These basic activities take up an enormous part of your day.(这些基本活动占据了你一天中很大一部分时间。)符合语境,其中These basic activities和上文sleep, eat and commute 对应。 故选F项。
2. 由上文“Work out a plan in advance.(提前制定一个计划。)”可知,本段主要讲即提前制定计划,而本空设在段首,旨在进一步解释副标题大意。E项Think about upcoming events and make a to-do list.(思考即将发生的事件,并列出待办事项。)符合语境,其中make a to-do list与上文Work out a plan 对应。故选E项。
3. 由下文“This is about the skill of organization. It refers to arranging your personal space at home. So when doing your homework, you are in a tidy place, free from distractions. This includes putting away your mobile phone until you have finished everything that needs to be done.(这是关于组织的技巧。它指的是在家里安排你的个人空间。所以,当你做作业时,你在一个整洁的地方,没有分心的事情。这包括把你的手机收起来,直到你完成了所有需要做的事情。)”可知,这段主要讲怎样创造对自己有利的条件。而A项Create favourable conditions.(创造有利条件。)符合语境,其中“arranging”,“a tidy place”,“free from distractions”和“putting away”,与A项“Create favourable conditions”相呼应。故选A项。
4. 由上文“You should classify the activities on the basis of their urgency and importance. (你应该根据活动的紧迫性和重要性对其进行分类。)”以及后句“Then you can focus on your objective and stick to it.(然后你可以专注于你的目标并坚持下去。)”可知,设空处所填内容应为将活动进行分类的好处,所以D项This classification will help determine your priority.(此分类将有助于确定您的优先级。)符合语境。其中This classification 与上文classify对应。故选D项。
5. 由上文“Once you start taking little steps every day to plan, organize and prioritize the activities you intend to devote your energy, skills and talents to, you can spare more time to stay with family and friends, pursue a hobby or work on personal development. (一旦你开始每天采取一些小步骤来计划、组织和优先安排你打算投入精力、技能和才能的活动,你就可以腾出更多的时间与家人和朋友呆在一起,追求爱好或致力于个人发展。)”可知,这里主要讲一旦提前规划、创造环境并对所做事情进行优化排序,人们将收获时间管理带来的好处。所以G项You will end up reaping (收获) the rewards of time management.(你最终会收获时间管理的回报。)符合语境,对上文有总结作用。故选G项。
(2023上·湖北·高三华中师大一附中校考期中)Some pals and I were in the midst of a pinball competition at a bar the other night when the machine kept breaking down. We called over a very busy employee who’s responsible for helping keep the place running. He put everything aside to fix our problematic pinball machine twice. 1 A couple of the guys immediately objected, saying the employee was just doing the job he was paid to do. I insisted and got the group to agree to the plan, although somewhat reluctantly.
My pinball wizard didn’t stretch out his hand, but how many times have we run across those payment screens that suggest a 20% tip for being handed a sandwich we ordered 2 There is data to back up the trend: 66% of American adults have a negative view of tipping, and 32% say they’re sick of those payment-screen hints, according to a recent Bankrate survey.
3 I admit there are times I suspect the tipping thing has gone too far - say, when I’m at a self-checkout line and there’s still request to leave something extra. But I’m generally willing to err on the side of caution: If someone is expecting a tip, I’ll assume they have financial reasons to do so. 4
Plus, tipping is good karma (因果报应). It’s always worth it to tip in unexpected situations- ones that don’t necessarily involve a hint on a payment screen. 5 He was so grateful for the $10 tip that later that night, he rewarded our group with well more than $10 in free tokens (代金券) for future play.
So next time, there must be no arguments with my friends when times come to tip.
A. This leads to what’s been called “tipping fatigue (疲劳)”
B. So, why am I willing to go against the trend and say yes
C. I suggested we tip him $10 and split the tip among all of us.
D. There’s an argument that we should ban tipping altogether.
E. Guess what happened next with my pinball-machine fixer at the bar
F. One dollar or two won’t make or break me, but it can possibly help with their rent.
G. Should they earn far below the minimum wage, employers must make up the difference.
【答案】1. C 2. A 3. B 4. F 5. E
1. 上文“He put everything aside to fix our problematic pinball machine twice. (他把一切都放在一边,两次修理我们有问题的弹球机)”以及下文“A couple of the guys immediately objected, saying the employee was just doing the job he was paid to do. (几个人立即表示反对,说这名员工只是在做他应得的工作)”说明维修人员给作者他们修理弹球机。空处承上启下,C项中的“him”指代上文中的修理工,下文中的“几个人立即反对的是作者前面提到的建议”。C项“我建议我们给他10美元小费,然后把小费分给我们所有人。”符合语境。故选C。
2. 上文“My pinball wizard didn’t stretch out his hand, but how many times have we run across those payment screens that suggest a 20% tip for being handed a sandwich we ordered (我的弹球高手并没有伸出手来,但是我们有多少次碰到过这样的付款屏幕,上面显示给我们点的三明治20% 的小费?)”说明作者他们觉得付的小费并不合理。空处和前文为因果关系,说明人们觉得小费不合理导致的结果就是人们对给小费感觉到疲劳。A项中的This指代前文“人们觉得没有必要给小费”这件事”。故选A。
3. 上文“There is data to back up the trend: 66% of American adults have a negative view of tipping, and 32% say they’re sick of those payment-screen hints, according to a recent Bankrate survey. (有数据支持这一趋势:根据 Bankrate 最近的一项调查,66% 的美国成年人对小费持负面看法,32% 的人说他们厌倦了付款屏幕上的暗示)”说明人们不愿给小费已经成为了一种趋势。下文“I admit there are times I suspect the tipping thing has gone too far - say, when I’m at a self-checkout line and there’s still request to leave something extra.(但是我一般都会谨慎行事:如果有人想要小费,我会假设他们是出于经济原因这样做的)”说明作者原意给小费的理由。空处承接上文引出下文。B项中的“I willing to go against the trend ”和上文“There is data to back up the trend”相呼应,并引出作者原意违反这一趋势的原因。故选B。
4. 上文“But I’m generally willing to err on the side of caution: If someone is expecting a tip, I’ll assume they have financial reasons to do so. (但是我一般都会谨慎行事: 如果有人想要小费,我会假设他们是出于经济原因这样做的)”说明有人想要小费是有原因的。空处承接上文,表明小费对于他们的重要性。F项“一两块钱不能决定我的成败,但也许能帮他们付房租。”符合语境。故选F。
5. 下文“He was so grateful for the $10 tip that later that night, he rewarded our group with well more than $10 in free tokens (代金券) for future play. (他非常感激那10美元的小费,那天晚上晚些时候,他奖励了我们小组10美元以上的免费代币,以备将来玩耍之用)”说明付小费也会得到回报。空处引出下文,说明作者想让人们看到给小费所得到的回报。E项“猜猜接下来我的弹球机修理工在酒吧发生了什么?”符合语境。故选E。
(2023·湖北襄阳·襄阳四中校考模拟预测)You don’t need to be an astronomer with a giant telescope to enjoy a simple but spellbinding activity: stargazing. 1 It’s so interesting to discover what’s going on. With a bit of practice, and know-how from books and websites, stargazers can spot particular stars and also groups of stars.
There is plenty to take in using just your eyes but some people use a telescope for a more detailed look. For the best results, choose a clear night when the moon is not very bright. 2
It can be harder to see the stars in towns and cities. It is because of light pollution. The night sky is brightened by light from street lamps, shops and car headlights. The best places for stargazing are open, hilly areas or the coast. 3 It is our home galaxy stretching across the night sky and is best seen in summer and fall evening skies. If the full moon is up, it will be hard to see. Try going for a night hike instead! Let your eyes adjust to the moonlight and keep your flashlight turned off.
4 That is camping in a national park under a star-filled sky. Many national parks offer various night sky programs, from telescope astronomy events to full moon walks with rangers. Besides, national parks are also great places to know about the animals that are awake at night and asleep during the day. Sit quietly and listen for these creatures.
When you head out at night, always go with an adult. Dress warmly and take a blanket or a chair to sit on, plus a hot drink to warm you up. You might want to take a camera with you as well, so you can take a photo if you see something amazing in the sky. A whole new world comes alive at night and is waiting to be explored. 5
A. Get prepared for the wonder above.
B. Just go outside at night and look up.
C. You are supposed to avoid the full moon.
D. It also matters which direction you observe.
E. In these places, you can look for the Milky Way.
F. What is the better way to experience the great wonder
G. Where do you prefer to have a stargazing trip at night
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. E 4. F 5. A
1. 上文“You don’t need to be an astronomer with a giant telescope to enjoy a simple but spellbinding activity: stargazing.(你不需要是一个拥有巨大望远镜的天文学家,就可以享受一项简单但引人入胜的活动:观星)”说明想要享受观星这一活动不需要有巨大的望远镜,它很简单,B项“晚上出去抬头看看就好了。”介绍观星的简单方法,承接上文,符合题意。故选B。
2. 上文“For the best results, choose a clear night when the moon is not very bright.(为了获得最佳效果,请选择一个月亮不太亮的晴朗夜晚)”说明观星时,夜晚的月亮不要太亮,C项“你应该避开满月。”承接上文,符合题意。故选C。
3. 上文“The best places for stargazing are open, hilly areas or the coast.(观星的最佳地点是开阔的丘陵地区或海岸)”说明观星的最佳地点,以及下文“It is our home galaxy stretching across the night sky and is best seen in summer and fall evening skies.(它是我们的银河系,横跨夜空,在夏季和秋季的夜空中最为明显)”介绍银河系的相关信息,E项中the Milky Way表示“银河系”,是关键词,E项“在这些地方,你可以寻找银河系。”承上启下,“these places”代指上文提到的“open, hilly areas or the coast.”。故选E。
4. 下文“That is camping in a national park under a star-filled sky.(那就是在星空下的国家公园里露营)”说明体验观星的最好方式就是在星空下的国家公园里露营,F项“体验这一伟大奇迹的更好方式是什么?”提出问题,引出下文的答案,符合题意,和下文构成一问一答。故选F。
5. 上文“You might want to take a camera with you as well, so you can take a photo if you see something amazing in the sky. A whole new world comes alive at night and is waiting to be explored. (你可能也想带上相机,这样如果你在天空中看到了令人惊叹的东西,你就可以拍张照片了。一个全新的世界在夜晚活跃起来,等待着探索)”介绍为观星这一活动所做的准备,A项中prepared是关键词,A项“为上空的奇迹做好准备。”承接上文,符合题意。故选A。




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