
I 1 to the supermarket with Amy yesterday. We need food 2 our picnic. I 3 the shopping list with me. The first thing 4 apples. We all like apples, so I 5 six kilos. The next was milk. We just bought two boxes of milk because Sam and Lily 6 like milk. Then, how 7 noodles did we buy Let me see. We bought 8 a kilo. 9 last, we got a kilo of cheese and went home together. We 10 very happy.
1.A.go B.goes C.went
2.A.for B.in C.at
3.A.took B.takes C.taking
4.A.is B.was C.were
5.A.buys B.buy C.bought
6.A.don’t B.doesn’t C.did
7.A.old B.much C.many
8.A.half B.two C.three
9.A.In B.At C.On
10.A.are B.was C.were
Amy: Hi, Kate . It’s time for 11 .
Bill: Really What 12 is it
Amy: It’s 13 seven o'clock.
Bill: Oh! I must 14 up. I’m late 15 school.
Amy: Don’t 16 , Let me 17 you.
Bill: Give 18 my shoes, please.
Amy: 19 you are. Thank you. I 20 go now. Bye-bye.
Amy: Bye-bye.
11.A.school B.go to school C.go school D.to school
12.A.color B.time C.age D.light
13.A.at B.on C.in D.about
14.A.to get B.get C.gets D.got
15.A.for B.of C.at D.to
16.A.worried B.surprise C.worry D.know
17.A.give B.bring C.help D.take
18.A.me B.I C.my D.mine
19.A.There B.Here C.Give D.Take
20.A.can B.may C.must D.can’t
Last Sunday, I 21 to China. I was excited. I had got everything for the trip. I 22 my ticket(票), passport(护照), presents and clothes. I had to go to the airport(机场) 23 seven o'clock that day. The next day I arrived in China. I 24 Daming at Beijing Airport. I was very 25 so I 26 bed at eight o'clock in the evening.
21.A.go B.went C.goes
22.A.took B.take C.taking
23.A.on B.in C.at
24.A.meet B.met C.meets
25.A.happy B.tired C.sad
26.A.go B.went to C.am going to go
27.Tony and his father are at the zoo. They are looking at the monkeys. " (1) monkey do you like, Tony " "I like the yellow (2) Look! It's (3) and (4) than the brown one." "I like the little monkey. It's (5) . It's about 40 cm (6) . And it's tail is about 30 cm (7) . The monkeys are very (8) . When the weather becomes (9) , they stay in the trees. It's (10) __.
(1) A.Where B.What C.Which
(2) A.one B.ones C.monkeys
(3) A.taller B.high C.long
(4) A.strong B.stronger C.strongger
(5) A.funny B.funnyer C.funnier
(6) A.short B.tall C.old
(7) A.long B.longer C.shorter
(8) A.smart B.young C.busy
(9) A.windy B.hotter C.rainy
(10) A.hotter B.taller C.cooler
Today is Saturday. I go 28 with my mum. She 29 me to a big supermarket. There are many people in it. You can see all kinds of things there. Look, there is 30 and drinks. There is meat and fruit. Some shoes and hats are on sale. Mum buys a nice hat 31 me. I like it very much. We also buy some meat and fruit. All the things in the supermarket 32 very cheap.
28.A.shop B.shopping C.shoping
29.A.take B.took C.takes
30.A.food B.foods C.vegetable
31.A.to B.for C.with
32.A.is B.am C.are
Some years later, Disney moved to the west coast (海岸)the USA.He tried to get work as an artist but still he was unsuccessful. One day he remembered the mouse got ____1___ of his home. He ___2___ his pencil and started ___3___. Day after day he practiced and drew ___4___ pictures of the mouse that he had known. At last he was ___5___ with one of the pictures of the mouse. He ___6___ it Mickey Mouse.
Disney’s success as a cartoon-maker had begun. He soon drew other cartoon characters like Donald Duck and during the 1920s and the 1930s he made ___7___ cartoons about ___8___. These cartoons were all ___9___ ones. Before the days of television, they used to be shown in ___10___ all over the country before the main (主要的)film was shown. Later Disney made longer films.
33.A.in B.at C.from D.out
34.A.picked up B.looked up C.got up D.wrote with
35.A.to draw B.draw C.to drawing D.drew
36.A.important B.different C.wonderful D.much
37.A.boring B.angry C.tired D.pleased
38.A.bought B.drew C.called D.asked
39.A.a lot of B.a lot C.lot of D.lot
40.A.their B.them C.they D.it
41.A.short B.small C.long D.big
42.A.homes B.offices C.cinemas D.theatres
Tom:Mum,I feel ill.1._______ I eat some popcorn
Mum:No,dear.You should 2._________a doctor.
Tom:I feel 3._________.What should I do
Mum:You should 4._________more clothes.
Tom:Can I go to the zoo
Mum:No,let’s go to the hospital.
Mum:Don’t be 5._______.We can go next Sunday.
( )1.A.Should B.Am C.Do
( )2.A.look B.see C.watch
( )3.A.hungry B.angry C.cold
( )4.A.wear B.put C.take
( )5.A.happy B.sad C.ill
Hello, everyone. I’m Christina. I come from 44 . I came to China three months ago. Now I live in Beijing. I love Chinese 45 , such as dumplings, Beijing roast ducks, Wuhan hot noodles. I go to 46 from Monday to Friday. I join a football 47 . The coach(教练) is nice to me. I want to be a football player. I’m feeling 48 .
44.A.the US B.China
45.A.festivals B.foods
46.A.hospital B.school
47.A.team B.time
48.A.angry B.excited



