冀教版九年级上册Unit 3 Safety Lesson 18 同步练习(含解析)

Unit 3 Lesson 18
1.—Jim goes to bed early and gets up early every day.
—What a good ___________! Without doubt, he is healthy.
A.idea B.habit C.rule
2.—Hi, Frank. Can you tell me what to do when we are on the way to school
—Well, we must follow the traffic ________.
A.rules B.plans C.suggestions D.orders
3.Taking notes in class is necessary. It can help to improve students’ ________of recording key information.
A.rules B.condition C.abilities D.decisions
4.—How was your basketball match
—The team put up a good ________ but were finally beaten.
A.rule B.fight C.power D.score
5.—Jim runs at least half an hour every day.
—What a good ________! No wonder he looks fit.
A.idea B.habit C.rule D.skill
6.—What do you think of the PE classes in school
—PE classes are fun and they can help students form the ________ of exercising.
A.rule B.habit C.respect
7.China has set an excellent ________ of how to fight against COVID-19.
A.hobby B.example C.hope D.rule
8.Taking a walk after supper every day is a good _______. It can keep us healthy.
A.event B.reason C.rule D.habit
9.It is not easy to became a Santa Claus(圣诞老人). Each year before Christmas, Santa Clauses go to a Santa school to receive ________.
A.food B.gifts C.training
10.—Swimming after supper is a good ________.
—So it is. It keeps us healthy.
A.survey B.habit C.rule D.reason
In China, safety education is becoming more and more important now. It helps students learn more about ___11___ they should do to keep themselves safe. Stampedes(踩踏) and fires are the main ___12___ at school.
A stampede always happens in ___13___ places. When students around you begin to push(推), just stand there and try to hold onto something. If you ___14___ in the crowd, move to one side and protect your head with your hands ___15___.
When there’s a ___16___, leave the classroom quickly. It’s better to put ___17___ over your mouth and nose. In this way, you won’t breathe(呼吸) in smoke. Many people die in a fire, not because of the fire but smoke. It makes them ___18___ and they can’t breathe. That’s very dangerous! ___19___ when you want to get out, you should make yourself ______20______ to the floor. Then you can breathe some fresh air.
11.A.how B.why C.what D.when
12.A.accidents B.problems C.questions D.lessons
13.A.busy B.crowded C.dirty D.small
14.A.get lost B.become mad C.fall down D.get hurt
15.A.on B.behind C.under D.around
16.A.smoke B.fire C.flood D.earthquake
17.A.anything wet B.anything dry C.something wet D.something dry
18.A.cry B.cough C.shout D.blind
19.A.And B.But C.So D.Also
20.A.near B.away C.far D.close
The Ancient Town of Fenghuang, one of China’s most well-known ancient towns, was under water as heavy rain hit the center of the country, with tens of thousands of people leaving from the area. Heavy rain and floods(洪水) lasted for the past few days. Waters in the nearby Tuojiang River rose by almost one meter above warning level(警戒线), causing heavy rainstorms. More than 120, 000 local people and tourists have been helped to leave there because of the terrible disaster. And more than 4,000 shops in the town have been shut. Several bridges on the Tuojiang River have been damaged or destroyed. Water has flowed(流) into many bars, restaurants and hotels in its ancient town, and electricity in the ancient town has been cut off. About 128, 000 people have been affected by the floods. Though the heavy rains have stopped, but the popular tourist spot remains closed for local people’s safety.
A shoe shop owner named Kuang said the flood was the worst the town had experienced. “The floods came so quickly that I didn’t have time to move the shoes,” he said sadly.
“The flood has led to the Ancient Town of Fenghuang becoming a water town,” said a post on a discussion page on the topic set up on Sina Weibo, a Chinese version of Twitter.
“We could only live in an old factory now where many homeless people have to stay together. The crowded space is full of sadness.” Tang said.
At least 14 people were killed in flooding in Hunan Province and the neighboring province of Jiangxi and region of Guangxi last month, Xinhua reported.
21.Why did many people try to leave the Ancient Town of Fenghuang
A.Because of the heavy snow. B.Because of the serious flood.
C.Because of the homeless people. D.Because of the crowded space.
22.What does the underlined word “disaster” mean
A.大雪 B.灾难 C.河流 D.地震
23.How many people were affected by the flood
A.120, 000 B.About 128, 000 C.More than 4, 000 D.14
24.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.The flood was not serious at all.
B.The Ancient Town of Fenghuang is a water town in Hunan Province.
C.This flood which hit Fenghuang is the worst the town has experienced.
D.No people died in this flood.
25.Which is the best title of the passage
A.The Famous Ancient Town of Fenghuang
B.Floods Hit the Ancient Town of Fenghuang
C.Fenghuang Is a Wonderland
D.Help the Homeless People
Students’ ___26___(safe) has become a big problem for both parents and schools. Now in many big cities of China many schools start a new l___27___ about self-protection. Students like this lesson b___28___ there are no exams or ___29___(枯燥的) classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to deal with danger before it ___30___(real) happens.
Accidents often happen in life. As for me, I have been hurt many times. So my mother often warns me to be c___31___. I remember when I was young, my mother___32___(take) me to the park. I was excited. I jumped u___33___and down. Suddenly, I was___34___(hit) by a stone and fell to the ground. My head was bleeding. My mother had no choice but___35___(send) me to the hospital. With the doctor's help, I was well again.
36.综合填空 阅读短文,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中每词限用一次,有两个词多余。
little, either, follow, too many, spend, strict, because, must
I’m Molly Brown, a student from New York. Every day, there areterrible rules around me. In the morning, Mom’s rules come—“Get up now and make your bed!”, “Don’t leave your dirty dishes in the kitchen!” After that, I run to school I can’t be late. At school, I also have more rules —don’t be noisy, don’t eat in class, …
I can’t play basketball after school except on weekends. Dad’s rule is “You do your homework.” After dinner, I have to read a book. So I can’t relax, . No games, no TV programs, only rules, rules.
However, Dr. Know tells me that parents and school are sometimes , but they make rules to help us to behave well in daily life. I believe rules are necessary.
A: Hi, Lin Tao. Is this your new bike
B: Yes, Zhao Hai. ____37____
A: Can I have a try
B: I don’t think so.___38___
A: Yes, I can.
Zhao Hai began to ride the bike.
B:____39____There are too many cars on the road!
A: Don’t worry!
B: Look out!
A: Ah!
WHAM! Zhao Hai fell onto the ground.
A: My right leg hurts.
A: I’m sorry! Your bike is broken.
A.We’d better go to the hospital.
B.Be careful!
C.My father bought it yesterday.
D.Are you OK
E.Let’s go shopping this afternoon.
F.You can’t ride a bike.
G.Can you dance
42.Su Yiming took his every ________(train)seriously, so he enjoyed great success at last.
43.Astronauts need to take part in difficult ________ before they go to space. (train)
training, rule, branch, warn, break
44.You should always follow the traffic ________.
45.The ________ broke and fell to the ground.
46.The players need special ________.
47.I always listen to my mother’s ________ about safety.
48.The doctor said my leg was ________.
training branch safe rule careless
49.All teachers and students should obey (遵守) the school__________.
50.The boy has been missing for 2 days. His parents are worrying about his___________.
51.The football player broke his right leg in the__________.
52.Simon took Jack’s bag home_____________.
53.The boy held a small___________of a tree in his hand.
考查名词辨析。idea观点;habit习惯;rule规则。根据“Jim goes to bed early and gets up early every day.”可知,吉姆有好的习惯。故选B。
考查名词辨析。rules规则;plans计划;suggestions建议;orders命令。根据“on the way to school”和“traffic ”可知,路上必须遵守交通规则。故选A。
考查名词辨析。rules规则;condition情况;abilities能力;decisions决定。根据“Taking notes in class is necessary.”和“improve students’ ...recording key information”可知,做笔记提高的是学生记录信息的能力。故选C。
考查名词辨析。rule规则;fight打架;power力量;score分数。put up a good fight“奋勇战斗,打得不错”,固定搭配;故选B。
考查名词辨析。idea想法;habit习惯;rule规则;skill技能。根据“Jim runs at least half an hour every day.”可知,Jim每天至少跑步半小时是一个好习惯。故选B。
考查名词辨析。rule规则;habit习惯;respect尊重。根据“the…of exercising”可知, 这里应该是“养成锻炼的习惯”,用habit。故选B。
考查名词辨析。hobby爱好;example例子;hope希望;rule规则。根据“set an excellent...how to fight against COVID-19”可知,此处指的是“树立了好的榜样”,故选B。
考查名词辨析。food食物;gifts礼物;training训练。根据“Each year before Christmas, Santa Clauses go to a Santa school to receive…”可知,去学校应是要接受训练。故选C。
考查名词辨析。survey调查;habit习惯;rule规则;reason理由。根据“Swimming after supper is a good”以及“It keeps us healthy”可知,可以让人们保持健康,所以是一个好习惯,故选B。
11.C 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.D
考查名词。A. accidents事故;B. problems问题;C. questions问题;D. lessons课程。根据常识可知,踩踏和火灾是事故,A选项符合句意,故选A。
考查形容词。A. busy忙碌的;B. crowded拥挤的;C. dirty脏的;D. small小的。根据下文When students around you begin to push(推), just stand there and try to hold onto something可知,踩踏事件通常发生在拥挤的人群中。B选项符合句意,故选B。
考查动词词组。A. get lost迷路;B. become mad发疯;C. fall down摔倒;D. get hurt受伤。通读本段内容可知,本段主要讲的是踩踏事故,故本句说的是如果在人群中摔倒该怎么避免被踩踏。C选项符合句意,故选C。
考查介词。A. on在……上面;B. behind在……后面;C. under在……下面;D. around环绕。根据常识可知,当在人群中摔倒时,应该用双手环绕住头,护着头不被人群踩踏。D选项符合句意,故选D。
考查名词。A. smoke烟雾;B. fire火灾;C. flood洪水;D. earthquake地震。本段主要内容都在说如何从火灾中逃生的,故空格处应填入意为“火灾”的名词。B选项符合句意,故选B。
考查不定代词。根据常识可知,在火灾中,应该用些诸如湿毛巾的湿润物,来保持呼吸道的畅通,故含有dry的B、D选项可排除。根据英语语法,something通常用于肯定句,anything通常用于否定句和疑问句。本句为肯定句,故空格处应填入something wet,故应选C。
考查动词。A. cry哭泣;B. cough咳嗽;C. shout叫喊;D. blind失明。结合上文可知,句子主语It指代上文的烟雾,火灾中的烟雾会使人咳嗽,无法呼吸。B选项符合句意,故选B。
考查连词。A. And和;B. But但是;C. So所以;D. Also也。结合上文可知,烟雾会使人窒息,所以要想从火灾中逃出来,应该身子尽量贴近地板,避免口鼻接触烟雾。C选项符合句意,故选C。
考查介词。A. near靠近;B. away离开;C. far远离;D. close接近。根据常识可知,要想从火灾中逃出来,应该身子尽量贴近地板,避免口鼻接触烟雾,B、C选项可排除。A、D选项都有“接近、靠近”的意思,区别是near作介词时可直接使用,而close作介词必须在后面加上to。D选项符合句子结构,故选D。
21.B 22.B 23.B 24.C 25.B
细节理解题。根据原文第1段The Ancient Town of Fenghuang, one of China’s most well-known ancient towns, was under water as heavy rain hit the center of the country, with tens of thousands of people leaving from the area. Heavy rain and floods(洪水) lasted for the past few days可知,凤凰古城正遭受暴雨袭击,暴雨和洪水已经持续数天,许多人被迫疏散。B选项Because of the serious flood“因为严重的洪水”符合题意,故选B。
词句猜测题。根据原文第2段More than 120, 000 local people and tourists have been helped to leave there because of the terrible disaster可知,由于这场可怕的灾难,当地12万多人和游客被转移出去,disaster在本句中意为“灾难”。B选项符合题意,故选B。
细节理解题。根据原文第1段About 128, 000 people have been affected by the floods可知,约有128, 000人受到这次洪水的影响。B选项About 128, 000“大约128, 000人”符合题意,故选B。
细节理解题。根据原文第1段More than 120, 000 local people and tourists have been helped to leave there because of the terrible disaster可知,超过12万人受此影响,此次洪水堪称灾难,A选项The flood was not serious at all“洪水一点也不严重”说法错误,可排除。根据原文第1段The Ancient Town of Fenghuang, one of China’s most well-known ancient towns可知,凤凰古城是中国最有名的古城之一,B选项The Ancient Town of Fenghuang is a water town in Hunan Province“凤凰古城是湖南的一个水乡”说法错误,可排除。根据原文第5段At least 14 people were killed in flooding in Hunan Province and the neighboring province of Jiangxi and region of Guangxi last month, Xinhua reported可知,上月已有14人在洪灾中死亡,D选项No people died in this flood“没有人在这次洪水中丧生”说法错误,可排除。根据原文第2段A shoe shop owner named Kuang said the flood was the worst the town had experienced可知,鞋店老板说这次洪水是镇上经历过的最严重的一次,C选项This flood which hit Fenghuang is the worst the town has experienced“这次洪水袭击了凤凰古城,是该镇经历过的最严重的一次”说法正确,故选C。
最佳标题。通读全文可知,本文主要内容为凤凰古城遭受的特大洪水导致很多人被迫转移。B选项Floods Hit the Ancient Town of Fenghuang“洪水袭击凤凰古城”是本文最佳标题,故选B。
26.safety 27.lesson 28.because 29.boring 30.really
空格处所给首字母为l。根据下文Students like this lesson …可知,学校开设了一门关于自我保护的新课,故答案为lesson。
31.careful 32.took 33.up 34.hit 35.to send
根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“跳上跳下”,英语是jump up and down,故填up。
根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“别无选择的做某事”,英语结构是have no choice but to do,所以这里要用不定式的形式,故填to send。
【点睛】语法填空要理解上下句及上下文的意思,然后填入合适的形式。有些是固定结构要记住。比如第五小题My mother had no choice but  5  (send) me to the hospital.中就是固定结构have no choice but to do,所以填to send。
36.【小题1】too many 【小题2】because 【小题3】to follow 【小题4】must 【小题5】either 【小题6】strict
【分析】试题分析:短文大意:一个来自纽约的学生布朗介绍了每天有太多的可怕的规则围绕着他。在早上,妈妈的规则来了-“现在起床,整理你的床!别把你的脏盘子放在厨房里!”在那之后,他跑着去学校因为他不能迟到。在学校,他也有更多的规则要遵守 -不要吵闹,不要在课堂上吃东西等等。除了周末外,放学后他不能打篮球了。他爸爸的规则是“你必须做你的家庭作业”,晚饭后,他必须读一本书。所以他也不能放松。对他来说没有游戏,没有电视节目,只有规则。
【小题1】句意:每天,有太多的可怕的规则围绕着我。结合所给的词汇可知该填写too many。
【小题3】句意:在学校,我也有更多的规则要遵守 -不要吵闹,不要在课堂上吃东西,……。结合所给的词汇可知该填写to follow。
37.C 38.F 39.B 40.D 41.A
37.根据Is this your new bike “这是你的新自行车吗”以及Yes“是的”可知,这是林涛的新自行车,所以林涛应该说“我的父亲昨天买的它”,故选C。
38.根据I don’t think so“我不这么认为”以及Yes, I can“是的,我能”可知,林涛认为赵海不会骑自行车,所以应说“你不会骑自行车”,故选F。
39.根据Zhao Hai began to ride the bike“赵海开始骑自行车”以及There are too many cars on the road!“在道路上有许多车”可知,林涛应告诉赵海小心,故选B。
40.根据Zhao Hai fell onto the ground“赵海摔倒地上”以及My right leg hurts“我的右腿受伤了”可知,林涛应问“你还好吧?”,故选D。
41.根据My right leg hurts“我的右腿受伤了”可知赵海说他的右腿受伤了,林涛应该说“我们最好去医院”。故选A。
44.rules 45.branch 46.training 47.warning 48.broken
49.rules 50.safety 51.training 52.carelessly 53.branch
根据空前school可知,school作定语修饰名词,所以空处用名词。school rule校规,且根据句意可知,用复数形式,故答案为rules。
根据空前a以及空后of a tree可知,空处用名词,且译为“树枝”。a branch of a tree“一个树枝”。且根据空前a可知,用单数,故答案为branch。



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