2024年北师大版中考英语一轮复习七年级上册 Unit 1 Lesson 3 词汇复测练习(无答案)

Unit 1 Lesson 3
interest (兴趣):
- 例句:He has a keen interest in photography. (他对摄影有浓厚的兴趣。)
- 完成句子:She is exploring different ___________ to find a new hobby. (interest)
- 相关表达:hobby (爱好),passion (激情)
film (电影):
- 例句:They went to the cinema to watch a new film. (他们去电影院看了一部新电影。)
- 完成句子:He enjoys watching ___________ from different genres. (film)
- 相关表达:movie (电影),cinema (影院)
pop music (流行音乐):
- 例句:She listens to pop music while exercising. (她在锻炼时听流行音乐。)
- 完成句子:He prefers ___________ over classical music. (pop music)
- 相关表达:popular music (流行音乐),chart-topping songs (排行榜歌曲)
soon (很快):
- 例句:The concert will start soon. (音乐会即将开始。)
- 完成句子:She will arrive ___________ after finishing her work. (soon)
- 相关表达:in a short while (不久之后),before long (不久)
else (其他):
- 例句:Do you have anything else to add (你还有其他要补充的吗?)
- 完成句子:He wants to buy a new car, but ___________ he needs to save more money. (else)
- 相关表达:other (其他的),additional (附加的)
mobile phone (手机):
- 例句:She uses her mobile phone to stay connected with her friends. (她用手机与朋友保持联系。)
- 完成句子:He accidentally dropped his ___________ and cracked the screen. (mobile phone)
- 相关表达:cell phone (手机),smartphone (智能手机)
idea (主意):
- 例句:He came up with a brilliant idea for the project. (他为这个项目想出了一个绝妙的主意。)
- 完成句子:She is brainstorming to generate new ___________ for the team. (idea)
- 相关表达:thought (思路),concept (概念)
whose (谁的):
- 例句:Whose book is this (这是谁的书?)
- 完成句子:He borrowed a pen from his classmate, ___________ ink had run out. (whose)
- 相关表达:belonging to whom (属于谁的),possessed by whom (由谁拥有)
food (食物):
- 例句:She enjoys trying different types of food when traveling. (她喜欢在旅行时尝试不同类型的食物。)
- 完成句子:He has a preference for spicy ___________. (food)
- 相关表达:cuisine (烹饪),fare (饮食)
bird (鸟):
- 例句:The bird flew away when she approached. (当她靠近时,鸟飞走了。)
- 完成句子:He enjoys watching colorful ___________ in the garden. (bird)
- 相关表达:avian (鸟类的),feathered creature (羽毛动物)
world (世界):
- 例句:She dreams of traveling the world and experiencing different cultures. (她梦想着周游世界,体验不同的文化。)
- 完成句子:He believes in making a positive impact on the ___________. (world)
- 相关表达:globe (地球),planet (星球)
father (父亲):
- 例句:Her father taught her how to ride a bike. (她父亲教她如何骑自行车。)
- 完成句子:He inherited his ___________ love for music. (father)
- 相关表达:dad (爸爸),parent (父母)
grandfather (祖父):
- 例句:Her grandfather tells fascinating stories about his youth. (她祖父讲述着关于他年轻时的迷人故事。)
- 完成句子:He inherited his ___________ strong work ethic from his grandfather. (grandfather)
- 相关表达:grandpa (爷爷),ancestor (祖先)
grandmother (祖母):
- 例句:She learned traditional recipes from her grandmother. (她从祖母那里学到了传统的食谱。)
- 完成句子:He shares a special bond with his ___________. (grandmother)
- 相关表达:grandma (奶奶),elder female relative (年长的女性亲戚)
mother (母亲):
- 例句:His mother always supports him in pursuing his dreams. (他的母亲总是支持他追逐梦想。)
- 完成句子:She inherited her ___________ nurturing nature from her mother. (mother)
- 相关表达:mom (妈妈),parent (父母)
every (每个):
- 例句:She goes to the gym every day. (她每天去健身房。)
- 完成句子:He reads a book ___________ night before going to sleep. (every)
- 相关表达:each (每个),per (每)
day (天):
- 例句:He goes for a walk every day to get some fresh air. (他每天散步以呼吸新鲜空气。)
- 完成句子:She enjoys spending a relaxing ___________ at the beach. (day)
- 相关表达:24-hour period (24小时的时期),sunlight hours (日间)
weekend (周末):
- 例句:They are planning a hiking trip for the upcoming weekend. (他们正在计划下周末的徒步旅行。)
- 完成句子:He likes to sleep in and relax during the ___________. (weekend)
- 相关表达:Saturday and Sunday (周六和周日),end of the week (周末)



