人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 3 The Internet 测试卷(含解析)

Unit 3 The Internet 测试卷
As life in cities worldwide becomes more expensive, urban designers are using modern technology to help citizens avoid traffic jams and shorten the time needed for bus waiting and other things. Technology also is used to cut costly waste.
In Santander, a Spanish port city, parking is easy to find. As one car drives away, an underground sensor (传感器) shows that a parking space is now free. 400 sensors send messages to signs on streets, and GPS devices direct drivers to the nearest available parking spaces, reducing traffic jams. Trash is collected only when the bins are full and bus stop signs show exactly when the next bus is coming. The public parks are watered only when the soil gets dry.
All this is made possible by 20,000 sensors installed on buildings, street posts and even buses. They are part of the “smart city” project, launched by the University of Cantabria seven years ago. University researchers like Luis Munoz regularly meet with locals to discuss how to make their city even smarter. “They have ideas they propose and sometimes even develop by themselves. Here, we give them the opportunity to see these ideas happen in real life,” said Munoz. For example, the university helped a woman create an app that outlines the easiest route for walking with a baby stroller. Another provides information to residents about their water consumption and sends an alarm to their phone if there is a leak.
The Santander smart project is attracting the attention of larger cities in Europe and elsewhere that are looking for smart solutions to urban problems.
1.What is life in Santander mainly like
A.It is colorful. B.It is full of freedom.
C.It is likely to change fast. D.It is made easy by technology.
2.How can residents help Munoz’s job
A.By offering an innovative idea.
B.By showing him around the city.
C.By installing sensors themselves.
D.By using as less water as possible.
3.What does the underlined word “another” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A.A university. B.A phone. C.An easy route. D.An app.
4.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.A Worldwide Problem B.A Smart City project
C.A Creative Researcher D.A Trend in Urban Design
I ran into my favourite technophobe (抗拒技术者) the other day. “I see,” he laughed, “that your tech industry is in meltdown!” The annoying thing is that he was partly right. What has happened is that two major security weaknesses ― one of them has been named “Meltdown”, the other “Spectre”― have been discovered in the Central Processing Unit (CPU) chips that power most of the computers in the world.
A CPU is a device for performing billions of operations determined by whatever program is running: it fetches some data from memory, performs some operations on that data and then sends it back to memory; then fetches the next bit of data; and so on. Two decades ago someone had an idea for speeding up CPUs. Instead of waiting until the program told them which data to fetch next, why not try to predict what’s needed and pre-fetch it That way, the processor would become faster and more efficient. This meant that — in a nice comparison made by Zeynep Tufekci, an academic who writes beautifully about this stuff the CPU became like a super-attentive butler (管家), “pouring that second glass of wine before you knew you were going to ask for it”.
But what if you don’t want others to know about the details of your wine stock “It turns out,” writes Tufekci, “that by watching your butler’s movements, other people can infer a lot about the stock.” Information is visible that would not have been available if he had patiently waited for each of your commands, rather than trying to predict them. Almost all modern microprocessors behave like attentive butlers — and the revealing traces left by their helpful actions mean that information that is supposed to be secret isn’t.
The biggest takeaway from the discovery of Meltdown and Spectre is the realisation of the shakiness of the foundations on which we have constructed our networked world. We have always known that there is no such thing as a completely secure networked device. Now we know that at the heart of every networked device there sits an insecure processor.
Initially, it was thought that the only answer would be to replace all those processors — an unconscionable option. But then it turned out that solutions exist in terms of patches (补丁) to operating system software. The industry is working on those and every conscientious user ought to install them when they become available. But there’s no free lunch here: fixing the problem will slow down processors by an amount that will differ from chip generation to generation. Microsoft, for example, says that patches will “significantly slow down certain servers and affect the performance of some personal computers”. Firing that attentive butler means that you have to fetch your own drinks. And that takes longer. Patience is a virtue, sometimes, even in computing.
5.What can be learned about “Meltdown” and “Spectre” from the passage
A.They are coined by Zeynep Tufekci.
B.They refer to the basic computer problems.
C.They have been existing since computers came into use.
D.They were used by technophobes to attack the tech industry.
6.What change did the “someone” (paragraph 2) bring to CPUs 20 years ago
A.CPUs’ ability to access data before receiving a command.
B.CPUs’ ability to make alterations to a computer’s memory.
C.CPUs’ ability to perform operations without the help of programs.
D.CPUs’ ability to correct the mistakes in data that used to be invisible.
7.Which of the following statements is true of the patches to operating system software
A.They will prove to be an unconscionable option.
B.They will one day replace all those processors.
C.They will affect CPUs’ working efficiency.
D.They will cost programmers their patience.
8.What is the author most likely to agree with
A.The current computer processing is fast but unsafe.
B.Too much attention is paid to “Meltdown” and “Spectre”.
C.The comparison that Tufekci makes is not that accurate.
D.Information security has slowed down CPU development.
Professor Bilveer Singh marks hundreds of papers each year. In every group, he says, there are always a few that are less than original. Nowadays, the suspect source is usually the Internet. “I’ve caught students quoting paragraph after paragraph,” says Singh. “But they are getting smarter.” Hence the rise of “A and A” or “alteration and amendment”: cutting a sentence here, pasting a phrase there, all the while using the on-screen terms to replace complicated words with age-appropriate ones.
For all its benefits, the rise of technology in the classroom has made it far easier for students to cheat—and get away with it. In the pre-wired days, plagiarism meant carefully copying paragraphs out of the books; today, kids can simply find the text, copy and paste—a much simpler and neater process. The practice is becoming popular around the globe. According to a survey by the Josephson Institute for Ethics, 74% of US high school students cheated in 2002. (“And those are just the ones admitting it,” says the Institute’s Terry Harrison.)
Fortunately, the same technology that makes it so easy for students to cheat is aiding teachers in catching them. The most popular anti-plagiarism service compares a student’s term paper with everything on the Internet, as well as to its own database of papers. (Of course, as many teachers know, Google, another well-known search engine company, works pretty well, too.) It has users in 51 countries; in Britain, nearly all 700 public universities have signed up for the service.
Educators are trying to upgrade their in-class measures as well. Experts say teachers should make it more difficult for students to “cut and paste” by changing the assignment every year and requiring more analysis than description. And teachers shouldn’t assume that kids even know what plagiarism is, as many just aren’t taught how to source or reference properly. But even when they know better, kids might do the same under the heavy academic pressure and time limits they face. Critics blame parents and educators for emphasizing results over academic honesty.
9.The “A and A” phenomenon mentioned in paragraph 1 summarizes __________.
A.the progress of the digital age B.the new features of cheating in schools
C.the rise of computer technology D.the application of the Internet
10.The underlined expression “the pre-wired days” in paragraph 2 refers to the time before__________.
A.electricity was used B.the wire was invented
C.the computer was widely used D.the radio and television came into being
11.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A.The rise of computer technology makes it easier for students to cheat.
B.Teachers are trying to find new measures to combat cheating in schools.
C.Computer technology can be used to detect cheating by students.
D.Teachers are praised for their emphasis on students’ academic results.
12.The last two paragraphs are mainly concerned with__________.
A.some measures to fight against plagiarism B.the importance of academic honesty
C.some well-known search engine companies D.experts’ suggestions on anti-plagiarism
Technology keeps students from focusing, right One solution is ban phones and computers from the classroom. Another solution is to engage students with online tools that will help them complete assignments while still using electronic equipment. Here are some online tools to hold their attention.
Presentations are an important part of the curriculum but let’s face it. PowerPoint isn’t terribly engaging. Prezi allows students to create presentations that are more creative and exciting than what PPT has to offer. Not only will this make the presentation-creating process more interesting for students, it will also make watching presentations more interesting as well.
Because so many students are in the habit of multitasking, a good skill to teach them is how to organize and simplify their assignments. Trello is a free and super easy-to-use tool for students to create workflow charts. Multiple students can be added to the same board; great for teamwork on projects.
Cold Turkey
Cold Turkey is a useful tool to reduce the number of tasks that students can do at the same time on their computers. They probably won’t love this one because it limits their access to certain websites so that students can focus on their tasks. Even having students turn it on for half of a period for some focuses on in-class writing time will make a difference in terms of their productivity.
White Noise
Whatever you want the students to engage in — activities, contents, assignments, etc. — they need to be able to focus, and classrooms aren’t always the easiest places to do that. White noise can not only drown out excess(过量) noise, but also help students keep more concentrated, for there is less noise when they’re concentrating.
13.What are these technology tools mainly used for
A.Helping students stay focused on their lessons.
B.Banning electronic equipment from the classroom.
C.Improving the students’ creativity in class.
D.Discouraging too much use of online tools.
14.Which tool is suitable for teamwork
A.White Nose. B.Cold Turkey. C.Trello. D.Prezi.
15.Why might students dislike Cold Turkey
A.Because it is not practical for them at all.
B.Because it makes some websites inaccessible.
C.Because it greatly reduces their productivity.
D.Because it prevents them surfing the Internet.
Cars could soon be communicating with each other using 5G to make drivers aware of upcoming dangers, scientists claim. 16 It could also make drivers aware of potholes(坑洼) or other dangers up ahead.
Several car manufacturers are already integrating 5G into their vehicles, including making it work as a tool to help serve the generation of self-driving vehicles.
Experts at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) believe the high-speed connection will also improve the reliability and capability of automated vehicles. 17 According to the World Health Organization traffic accidents cause more than 1.3 million deaths and up to 50 million people injured worldwide every year. 18 Dr Dimitrios Liarokapis, a member of the research group, said, “To have a better idea of what the future will look like, think of having such cars with sensors, which can be used to scan what’s around them. 19 With the help of 5G, a vehicle-generated early warning system that alerts drivers is possible within the next few years. Cars that are close enough to the danger area will send warning messages to other cars around them using short-range communication technologies, and also to cars further away using 5G, fast and reliably.”
20 Of them, earlier this year Ford showed its intention to fit 80 percent of its vehicles with technology that warns drivers about upcoming road accidents, bad weather and traffic jams.
A.They will be safer than manual cars being driven today.
B.A few manufacturers are already working on connected cars.
C.Some manufacturers even wonder whether 5G will work well.
D.The fast mobile Internet would allow of sending information rapidly.
E.The experts predict the number of road traffic accidents will drop sharply.
F.In some places, it is unlikely for self-driving vehicles to get 5G signals.
G.Interestingly, they can exchange safety-related information over an area that covers several square miles.
Nowadays, I acknowledge that a revolution has occurred. That much has been 21 by having hand-held iPads or smart phones that allow us not only to communicate while on the 22 but also to reserve parking spaces, get weather reports, and 23 tell us where, at any given moment, we are standing on the planet Earth.
But I must acknowledge a 24 . Conversation used to be surprisingly 25 to start. When I took a seat next to someone on a train, bus, or plane, the first thing I would do was 26 the person. Once the ice had been broken, the following chat 27 erupt naturally.
Time has changed, and the change has been 28 . Recently, while I was 29 a long distance bus, I couldn't help but notice everyone was staring at their 30 , clicking. I found an empty seat next to a middle-aged man and said "Morning" to him. He threw me a 31 and said "Morning". Then he returned to his 32 . So I left him in his world.
I miss the 33 conversations with fellow travelers. One never knows what will be 34 , and in fact, sometimes how 35 it will be. I was once on a 36 traveling from Iceland to Denmark. I noticed an old man looking out over the North Sea. "It's beautiful, isn't it " I said. He turned to me, 37 , and we were soon chatting away. 38 I told him that I didn't know how I was going to get from the port in Denmark to my destination city. He 39 ,"Of course you know. I have a car and I'm going to 40 you there. "
21.A.abandoned B.delivered C.gained D.released
22.A.spot B.scene C.run D.road
23.A.basically B.precisely C.briefly D.randomly
24.A.discovery B.pleasure C.failure D.loss
25.A.difficult B.easy C.comfortable D.important
26.A.praise B.greet C.watch D.respect
27.A.aimed to B.happened to C.tended to D.required to
28.A.striking B.challenging C.touching D.puzzling
29.A.leaving B.visiting C.expecting D.boarding
30.A.seats B.baggage C.hands D.windows
31.A.cigarette B.smile C.glance D.gesture
32.A.book B.newspaper C.music D.cellphone
33.A.polite B.casual C.frequent D.cautious
34.A.exposed B.chosen C.doubted D.preserved
35.A.helpful B.typical C.suitable D.convenient
36.A.ship B.train C.plane D.bus
37.A.replied B.rejected C.hesitated D.nodded
38.A.Eventually B.Immediately C.Purposely D.Secretly
39.A.responded B.recognized C.explained D.suggested
40.A.meet B.visit C.drive D.drop
1. 展会时间、地点;
2. 展会内容;
3. 发出邀请。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Many students want to find friends on the Internet as a way of practicing their language skills and learning 42 different cultures. With the Internet, finding friends has been much 43 (easy) and such relationship is called key pals. However, you should take care when 44 (find) friends on the Internet.
First, look for reviews of your chosen sites 45 (know) more about other students’ experiences. Don’t join service until your research 46 . Then, you’d better use a nickname, rather than your real name to protect 47 (you), and never give personal 48 (inform) to anyone, your home address, phone number and birthday 49 (include). What’s more, you should stop contact with others if you feel uncomfortable with the topics of conversation. Meanwhile, it’s best to ask appropriate questions to learn someone’s personal experience, 50 may help you understand 51 whole culture. Most importantly, tell your teachers, parents or even the police if a problem arises.
Whether a thing is worth doing or not really depends on how you look at it. If we always ignore our own intention, we will obviously feel unhappy. Thus, take all your courage and do something your heart tells you to do so that you may not regret doing it later in life.
The following story happened in a battlefield during the World War I. The soldiers from two sides were fighting against each other fiercely and there was no sign for the war to stop. All of a sudden terror attacked the heart of Peter, one of the French soldiers, as he saw his friend—Tom, who was born in the same village as him and had played with him happily and joined the army at the same time falling in the battle. Caught in the trenches (战壕) with continuous gunfire whizzing (嗖嗖地移动) over his head, Peter was lost in thought. He couldn’t decide whether he should lend a hand to Tom. Eventually he gathered all his courage and asked his officer if he could be allowed to go out into the“No Man’s Land” between the trenches to bring his helpless partner back because he thought there might be some chances of saving him.
“You can certainly go,“ said the officer, who couldn’t understand why Peter had made such a crazy request,“but I don’t think it will be worth it. As you know, your friend is probably dead and if you rush out of the trenches you may possibly throw your own life away.”
Considering the situations of the war, what the officer said really made sense because he didn’t want Peter to risk doing so. However, the officer’s words didn’t matter to Peter, and he had obviously made up his mind and he went anyway bravely.
Paragraph 1:
Much to the officer’s surprise, Peter managed to reach his friend.
Paragraph 2:
“I told you it wouldn’t be worth it,“ the officer said.
1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B
1.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“In Santander, a Spanish port city, parking is easy to find. As one car drives away, an underground sensor (传感器) shows that a parking space is now free.400 sensors send messages to signs on streets, and GPS devices direct drivers to the nearest available parking spaces, reducing traffic jams. Trash is collected only when the bins are full and bus stop signs show exactly when the next bus is coming. The public parks are watered only when the soil gets dry.(在西班牙港口城市桑坦德,很容易找到停车位。当一辆车开走时,一个地下传感器显示有一个停车位现在是空闲的。400个传感器向街道上的标志发送信息,GPS设备将司机引导到最近的可用停车位,从而减少了交通拥堵。垃圾只有在垃圾箱满了的时候才会被收集,公交车站的指示牌会准确地显示下一辆公交车什么时候来。公园只有在土壤干涸时才浇水。)”可推测,在桑坦德,科技使生活非常便捷。故选D。
2.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“University researchers like Luis Munoz regularly meet with locals to discuss how to make their city even smarter. “They have ideas they propose and sometimes even develop by themselves. Here, we give them the opportunity to see these ideas happen in real life,” said Munoz.(像Luis Munoz这样的大学研究人员经常与当地人会面,讨论如何让他们的城市更智能。“他们有自己提出的想法,有时甚至自己发展。在这里,我们让他们有机会看到这些想法在现实生活中发生。”Munoz说。)”可知,当地人会提出自己的想法,从而让城市更智能。故选A。
3.词句猜测题。根据划线单词上一句“For example, the university helped a woman create an app that outlines the easiest route for walking with a baby stroller.(例如,该大学帮助一名女性开发了一款应用程序,概述了推着婴儿车走路的最简单路线。)”可知,上一句介绍了一款应用程序。由此可知,another指的应该是另一款应用程序。故选D。
4.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“As life in cities worldwide becomes more expensive, urban designers are using modern technology to help citizens avoid traffic jams and shorten the time needed for bus waiting and other things. Technology also is used to cut costly waste. (随着世界各地的城市生活成本越来越高,城市设计师们正在利用现代技术帮助市民避免交通堵塞,缩短等待公交车和其他事情所需的时间。技术也被用于减少昂贵的浪费。)”以及文章最后一段“The Santander smart project is attracting the attention of larger cities in Europe and elsewhere that are looking for smart solutions to urban problems. (桑坦德银行的智能项目正在吸引欧洲和其他地方的大城市的注意,这些城市正在寻找解决城市问题的智能解决方案。)”可知,文章主要讲述了西班牙港口城市桑坦德利用现代科技手段解决城市问题,也就是智能城市项目。故选B。
5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A
5.推理判断题。根据第一段中的“What has happened is that two major security weaknesses ― one of them has been named “Meltdown”, the other “Spectre”― have been discovered in the Central Processing Unit (CPU) chips that power most of the computers in the world. (所发生的是,在世界上大多数计算机使用的中央处理单元(CPU)芯片上发现了两个主要的安全漏洞,其中一个被命名为“熔断”,另一个被命名为“幽灵”)”可推知,“Meltdown”和“Spectre”指的是基本的计算机问题。故选B。
6.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Two decades ago someone had an idea for speeding up CPUs. Instead of waiting until the program told them which data to fetch next, why not try to predict what’s needed and pre-fetch it That way, the processor would become faster and more efficient.(20年前,有人提出了加快CPU速度的想法。与其等到程序告诉他们下一步要获取哪些数据,不如试着预测需要什么并预先获取它?这样,处理器将变得更快、更高效)”可知,20年前,“某人”让CPU具有了在接收命令之前访问数据的能力。故选A。
7.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“But there’s no free lunch here: fixing the problem will slow down processors by an amount that will differ from chip generation to generation. Microsoft, for example, says that patches will “significantly slow down certain servers and affect the performance of some personal computers”. (但这里没有免费的午餐:解决这个问题将使处理器的速度减慢,这一速度会因芯片的不同而不同。例如,微软表示,补丁程序将“显著降低某些服务器的速度,并影响某些个人计算机的性能”)”可知,操作系统软件的补丁将影响CPU的工作效率。故选C。
8.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“That way, the processor would become faster and more efficient. This meant that — in a nice comparison made by Zeynep Tufekci, an academic who writes beautifully about this stuff the CPU became like a super-attentive butler (管家), “pouring that second glass of wine before you knew you were going to ask for it”. (这样,处理器将变得更快、更高效。这意味着,在Zeynep Tufekci(一位关于这件事写得很漂亮的学者)所做的一个很好的比较中,CPU变得像一个超级细心的管家,“在你知道你要喝第二杯酒之前就倒了第二杯”)”及第三段中的“Almost all modem microprocessors behave like attentive butlers — and the revealing traces left by their helpful actions mean that information that is supposed to be secret isn’t.(几乎所有现代微处理器的行为都像细心的管家——它们的助人行为留下的暴露痕迹意味着本应保密的信息不再是秘密)”可推知,作者很可能同意目前的计算机处理速度快但不安全。故选A。
9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A
9.细节理解题。根据第一段“Professor Bilveer Singh marks hundreds of papers each year. In every group, he says, there are always a few that are less than original. Nowadays, the suspect source is usually the Internet. “I’ve caught students quoting paragraph after paragraph,” says Singh. “But they are getting smarter.” Hence the rise of “A and A” or “alteration and amendment”: cutting a sentence here, pasting a phrase there, all the while using the on-screen terms to replace complicated words with age-appropriate ones. (比尔韦尔·辛格教授每年为数百篇论文打分。他说,在每一个群体中,总有少数人不是原创的。如今,可疑来源通常是互联网。辛格说:“我看到学生们一段接一段地引用。”。“但他们越来越聪明了。”因此,“A和A”或“修改和修正”的兴起:在这里剪一个句子,在那里粘贴一个短语,同时使用屏幕上的术语用适合年龄的词代替复杂的词。)”可知,“A和A”是指学生在写论文时出现的作弊现象的新特点。故选B。
10.词句猜测题。根据第二段“For all its benefits, the rise of technology in the classroom has made it far easier for students to cheat—and get away with it. In the pre-wired days, plagiarism meant carefully copying paragraphs out of the books; today, kids can simply find the text, copy and paste—a much simpler and neater process. (尽管技术在课堂上的兴起带来了种种好处,但它让学生更容易作弊并逍遥法外。在有线电视时代,抄袭意味着仔细地从书中抄袭段落;如今,孩子们可以简单地找到文本、复制和粘贴,这是一个更简单、更整洁的过程。)”可知,pre-wired days是指在现代新的互联网技术出现之前的时候。故选C。
11.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Critics blame parents and educators for emphasizing results over academic honesty. (批评者指责家长和教育工作者强调成绩而非学术诚信。)”可知,家长和教育工作者强调成绩会受到批评,并非表扬,所以D项表达错误。故选D。
12.主旨大意题。根据第三段“Fortunately, the same technology that makes it so easy for students to cheat is aiding teachers in catching them. The most popular anti-plagiarism service compares a student’s term paper with everything on the Internet, as well as to its own database of papers. (Of course, as many teachers know, Google, another well-known search engine company, works pretty well, too.) It has users in 51 countries; in Britain, nearly all 700 public universities have signed up for the service. (幸运的是,让学生如此容易作弊的技术也帮助老师抓住了他们。最受欢迎的反剽窃服务将学生的学期论文与互联网上的所有内容以及自己的论文数据库进行比较。(当然,正如许多老师所知,谷歌,另一家知名的搜索引擎公司,也运行得很好。)它的用户遍布51个国家;在英国,几乎所有700所公立大学都报名参加了这项服务。)”和最后一段“Educators are trying to upgrade their in-class measures as well. Experts say teachers should make it more difficult for students to “cut and paste” by changing the assignment every year and requiring more analysis than description. And teachers shouldn't assume that kids even know what plagiarism is, as many just aren’t taught how to source or reference properly. But even when they know better, kids might do the same under the heavy academic pressure and time limits they face. Critics blame parents and educators for emphasizing results over academic honesty. (教育工作者也在努力提高他们的课堂措施。专家表示,教师应该通过每年改变作业,要求更多的分析而不是描述,来增加学生“剪切和粘贴”的难度。老师们甚至不应该认为孩子们知道什么是剽窃,因为许多孩子只是没有被教导如何正确地来源或引用。但即使他们知道得更好,孩子们也可能在面临巨大的学业压力和时间限制的情况下做同样的事情。批评者指责家长和教育工作者强调成绩而非学术诚信。)”可知,这两段主要介绍反剽窃的措施。故选A。
13.A 14.C 15.B
13.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Here are some online tools to hold their attention.”可知文章中提到的四种科技工具都是用来帮助学生集中注意力在课程上的,故选A。
14.细节理解题。第三段最后一句“Multiple students can be added to the same board; great for teamwork on projects.”可知Trello工具非常适合团队合作,故选C。
15.细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“They probably won’t love this one because it limits their access to certain websites”可知学生可能不喜欢Cold Turkey是因为它限制了学生访问某些网站,故选B。
16.D 17.A 18.E 19.G 20.B
16.根据空前的“Cars could soon be communicating with each other using 5G to make drivers aware of upcoming dangers, scientists claim.(科学家称,汽车很快就可以使用5G相互通信,让司机意识到即将到来的危险。)”以及后文“It could also make drivers aware of potholes(坑洼) or other dangers up ahead. (它还可以让司机意识到前方的坑洼或其他危险。)”可知,设空处应该指出司机行车过程中使用5G技术快速发送信息,避免危险的发生。D选项“The fast mobile Internet would allow of sending information rapidly.(快速移动互联网将允许快速发送信息。)”引起下文,与后文中的it相呼应,指出通过5G技术发送信息能够意识到前方的坑洼或其他危险。故选D。
17.根据前文“Experts at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) believe the high-speed connection will also improve the reliability and capability of automated vehicles.(格拉斯哥加里多尼亚大学(GCU)的专家认为,高速连接还将提高自动驾驶车辆的可靠性和能力。)”可知,专家认为5G还将提高自动驾驶车辆的可靠性和性能,即5G的使用使汽车更安全。A选项“They will be safer than manual cars being driven today.(它们将比现在的手动驾驶汽车更安全。)”承接前文,They与空前的automated vehicles相照应即5G的使用使汽车更安全。故选A。
18.根据前文“According to the World Health Organization traffic accidents cause more than 1.3 million deaths and up to 50 million people injured worldwide every year.(据世界卫生组织统计,全球每年交通事故造成130多万人死亡,多达5000万人受伤。)”可知,世界上每年因车祸伤亡的人数非常多,而专家认为5G还将提高自动驾驶车辆的可靠性和性能,因此空处应是与5G使汽车驾驶更安全相关的内容。E选项“The experts predict the number of road traffic accidents will drop sharply.(专家预测道路交通事故的数量将急剧下降。)”承接前文,指出5G使汽车驾驶更安全将使交通事故的数量下降,符合原文。故选E。
19.根据前文“To have a better idea of what the future will look like, think of having such cars with sensors, which can be used to scan what’s around them.(为了更好地了解未来会是什么样子,想象一下这种装有传感器的汽车,可以用来扫描周围的东西。)”可知,传感器可以用来扫描车辆周围的事物,对周围的事物产生影响。 G选项“Interestingly, they can exchange safety-related information over an area that covers several square miles.(有趣的是,它们可以在一个覆盖数平方英里的区域内交换安全相关信息。)”中指出装有传感器的汽车能够在一个覆盖数平方英里的区域内交换安全相关信息,G选项符合语境。故选G。
20.根据后文“Of them, earlier this year Ford showed its intention to fit 80 percent of its vehicles with technology that warns drivers about upcoming road accidents, bad weather and traffic jams.(今年早些时候,福特表示打算在80%的汽车上安装警告司机即将发生的道路事故、恶劣天气和交通堵塞的技术。)”可知,福特公司打算在80%的汽车上使用该项技术。B选项“A few manufacturers are already working on connected cars.( 一些制造商已经在研究联网汽车。)” 中的A few manufacturers与空后的Of them相照应,表示有几家汽车制造商已经在改进联网汽车。故选B项。
21.C 22.C 23.B 24.D 25.B 26.B 27.C 28.A 29.D 30.C 31.C 32.D 33.B 34.A 35.A 36.A 37.D 38.A 39.A 40.C
21.考查动词词义辨析。A. abandoned放弃; B. delivered传送;C. gained获得;D. released发布。根据空后的" by having hand-held iPads or smart phones that allow us… "可知,此处指的是iPad和智能手机使我们获得了很多,故C项正确。
22.考查介词短语辨析。A. on the spot在场;B. on the scene 出现、在场;C. on the run不停地奔波、忙碌;D. on the road在路上。根据上下文语境可知,iPad和智能手机不仅可以让我们在忙碌中和别人交流,而且可以预订停车位、查看气象报告等,故C项正确。
23.考查副词词义辨析。A. basically基本地; B. precisely精确地;C. briefly简略地;D. randomly任意地。根据语境和常识可知, iPad和智能手机能精确地告知我们在地球上所处的位置,故B项正确。
24.考查名词词义辨析。A. discovery发现;B. pleasure乐事;C. failure失败;D. loss损失。根据下文人们忙于把玩手里的电子产品而忽略与身边的人交流可知,此处表示我必须承认电子产品带给我们的损失,故D项正确。
25.考查形容词词义辨析。A. difficult困难的;B. easy容易的;C. comfortable 舒适的;D. important重要的。根据语境可知,此处表示在过去发起谈话出人意料地容易,故B项正确。
26.考查动词词义辨析。A. praise表扬; B. greet问候、打招呼;C. watch看、注视;D. respect尊重。根据上下文语境可知,当我上火车、公共汽车或飞机时,我做的第一件事就是与坐在旁边的人打招呼,故B项正确。
27.考查动词短语辨析。A. aimed to旨在;B. happened to碰巧;C. tended to趋于;D. required to要求。根据本空前的“Once the ice had been broken, the following chat”可知,一旦打破了沉默,随后的谈话便趋于自然,故C项正确。
28.考查形容词词义辨析。A. striking显著的、惊人的;B. challenging有挑战性的;C. touching感人的;D. puzzling令人迷惑的。根据语境可知,此处表示时代已经变了,而且这一变化是显著的,故A项项正确。
29.考查动词词义辨析。A. leaving离开;B. visiting参观;C. expecting期望;D. boarding登上(飞机、火车、公共汽车等)。根据语境及下文中的"I found an empty seat"可知,此处表示当我在坐长途汽车时,故D项正确。
30.考查名词词义辨析。A. seats座位;B. baggage 行李;C. hands手;D. windows窗户。根据上文中的"hand-held iPads or smart phones"及下文中的“clicking”可知,每个人都在看着自己手中的电子设备。此处用hands代指手中的电子设备,故C项正确。
31.考查名词词义辨析。A. cigarette烟;B. smile微笑; C. glance 一瞥;D. gesture手势。根据上文中的threw和下文的" Then he returned to his   12  ."可知,他瞥了我一眼,故C项正确。
32.考查名词词义辨析。A. book书;B. newspaper报纸;C. music音乐;D. cellphone手机。根据语境可知,此处表示他继续看他的手机,故D项正确。
33.考查形容词词义辨析。A. polite礼貌的; B. casual随意的; C. frequent频繁的;D. cautious谨慎的。根据常识及下文中的"One never knows…"可知,此处指我怀念和同行的旅行者之间随意的攀谈,故B项正确。
34.考查动词词义辨析。A. exposed使接触;B. chosen选择;C. doubted怀疑;D. preserved保存。根据本空后的“and in fact, sometimes how   15   it will be.”可知,一个人永远不知道会接触到什么,实际上,有时那会多么有帮助,故A项正确。
35.考查形容词词义辨析。A. helpful有帮助的;B. typical典型的;C. suitable合适的; D. convenient方便的。根据下文描述的我的经历可知,此处表示有时那会多么有帮助,故A项正确。
36.考查名词词义辨析。A. ship船;B. train火车;C. plane飞机;D. bus公共汽车。根据下文中的"I noticed an old man looking out over the North Sea"及"the port in Denmark"可知,我乘坐的是船,故A项正确。
37.考查动词词义辨析。A. replied回复;B. rejected拒绝; C. hesitated犹豫; D. nodded点头。根据下文中的"we were soon chatting away"可知,此处是指老人对我说的话表示赞同,因此谈话得以顺利地进行,nod指表示赞同或理解,故D项正确。
38.考查副词词义辨析。A. Eventually最后;B. Immediately立即;C. Purposely有意地;D. Secretly秘密地。根据下文老人说的话可知,最后我告诉他自己不知道怎么从丹麦港口到目的地城市,故A项正确。
39.考查动词词义辨析。A. responded回复;B. recognized承认;C. explained解释;D. suggested建议。根据语境可知,此处老人说的话是对我上一句话的回复,故A项正确。
40.考查动词词义辨析。A. meet见面;B. visit拜访;C. drive开车送;D. drop让……下车。根据空前的“I have a car”可知,此处表示他开车送我去,故C项正确。
41.One possible version:
Dear Peter,
I’m writing to tell you a piece of good news that a robot exhibition will be held in our city.
The exhibition is scheduled to take place in our city’s Science Museum on March 16, 2021. It aims to display the latest scientific and technological achievements in Al. More than 150 robots will be on show, including guiding robots, floor-cleaning robots, goods-delivering robots and so on.
This is really a good chance for us technology lovers. I do hope you’ll go with me on that day. Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
原句:This is really a good chance for us technology lovers.
拓展句:This is really a good chance for us technology lovers, which I believe you will not miss.
【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m writing to tell you a piece of good news that a robot exhibition will be held in our city. (运用了that引导的同位语从句)
【高分句型2】I do hope you’ll go with me on that day. (运用了do的强调用法以及省略了引导词that的宾语从句)
42.about 43.easier 44.finding 45.to know 46.has been done 47.yourself 48.information 49.included 50.which 51.the
42.考查介词。句意:许多学生希望通过网络交友来锻炼他们的语言技能和学习不同的文化。learn about 意为“学习……”,为固定短语,故填about。
44.考查状语从句的省略。句意:但是,你在网上找朋友的时候要小心。此处为时间状语从句的省略,从句主语和主句主语一致,与动词find之间是主动关系,故完整形式是when you are finding friends on the Internet,当状语从句的主语和主句主语一致且从句含有be动词时,可将从句主语和be动词一起省略,故填finding。
45.考查动词不定式。句意:首先,看看你选择的网站的评论,了解更多关于其他学生的经验。分析可知,此处用不定式作目的状语,表示寻找你所选择的网站评论的目的。故填to know。
46.考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:在你的研究完成之前,不要选择对方的服务。根据句意可知,先研究之后才选择服务,所以时间状语从句的时态要用现在完成时;research和do为被动关系,所以从句用现在完成时的被动语态,从句主语research是名词单数,助动词用has。故填has been done。
48.考查名词。句意:为了保护你,你最好用昵称,而不是你的真实姓名,不要把你的家庭住址、电话号码和生日信息告诉任何人。空前为形容词,应修饰名词,information信息,是不可数名词。personal information个人信息。故填information。
51.考查定冠词。句意:与此同时,最好问一些适当的问题,以了解某人的个人经历,这可能有助于你理解整个文化。the whole culture 表示“整个文化”,为固定用法。故填the。
52.Paragraph 1:
Much to the officer’s surprise, Peter managed to reach his friend. Then he lifted Tom lying semi conscious on the land onto his shoulder. Although the gunfire never ceased, he managed to bring Tom back to their own trenches. As the two of them fell in together to the bottom of the trenches, the officer checked Peter who was wounded in the arm, and then looked kindly at Tom eventually dying from his gunshot wounds.
Paragraph 2:
“I told you it wouldn’t be worth it,“ the officer said.“Your friend is dead, and you are also terribly wounded.” “It was worth it, anyhow, sir,“ Peter said.“What do you mean by’worth it’ ” inquired the confused officer.“Your friend is dead!” “Yes, sir,” Peter answered.“But I definitely think it was worth it because when I rushed to his side, he was still alive, and I had the satisfaction of hearing him say, ‘I knew you’d come. ‘Had I not done so, I would regret it later in life."
②停止:ceased/stopped /paused
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Although the gunfire never ceased, he managed to bring Tom back to their own trenches.(运用了由although引导的让步状语从句)
[高分句型2]. Had I not done so, I would regret it later in life.(运用了倒装句和虚拟语气)




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