2023-2024九年级英语人教版寒假专练之复习篇 Unit 6 When was it invented?(含答案)

九 年 级 英 语
Unit 6 When was it invented
整 理 和 复 习
I. 重点单词 2.它真的是如此了不起的一项发明吗
1.煮沸 2.地震 Is it really invention?
3.项目 4.款式
5.网站 6.日常的 3.薯片是一个名叫乔治·克拉姆的厨师发明的。
7.提到 8.统治者 Potato chips a chef
9,贸易 10.疑 惑 George Crum.
13.pleasure 14.remain 们一样的人。
Many young people
15.translate 16.lock
these basketball heroes and want to
17.cookie 18,musical
19.sudden 20,biscuit
21.customer 22.diyide
23.instrument 24.sour
Basketball has become a popular sport
it has also
become a popular sport
4.发生;出现 ( )1.( 2022北京中考)My advice on how to save
5.把……分开 paper by my class last Monday.
6.in the end A.accepts B.accepted
7.all of a sudden C.was accepted D.is accepted
8.look up to ( )2.( 2023天 津中考 ) The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-
9.the popularity of... Macao Bridge in 2018. We are
10.not only...but also... proud of it
Ⅲ.重点句型 A.is completed B.is completing
1.据说一位中国的统治者神农是第一个发现茶可 C.was completed D.completes
以作为饮料喝的人。 ( )3.( 2023 重 庆中考 ) His car five years
that a Chinese ago,but it looks quite new.
ruler called Shen Nong was the first A.buys B.bought
tea as a drink C.is bought D.was bought
九年级 英语
单 元 达 标 检 测
(时间:90分钟 满分:100分)
I. 单项选择。(20 分)
( )1. (2022新疆中考) Not only Jack but also I
crazy about the football match.
A.am B.is
C.are D.be
( )2.( 2023北京中考)The mobile phone in
A.invents B.is invented
C.invented D.was invented
( )3.Young people are encouraged
to work hard their own dreams.
A.achieve B.achieves
C.to achieve D.achieved
( )4.(2023天水中考)The elephant has a
strong body it can do heavy work
for people.
A.so;that B.such;that
C.such;so D.so;and
( )5.( 2022广东中考)For more than once,our head
teacher asks us the habit of keep-
ing a diary.
A.develop B.develops
C.developing D.to develop
( )6,(2023天津中考)—The cheese doesn't
good. Why don't we go to buy some
fresh cheese
—Sounds great!
A.see B.find
C.sound D.taste
( )7.(2023)海南中考)We didn’t cut the cake
Amy made a wish.
A.because B.until C.if
( )8.(2023黄冈中考)—Our classroom is so clean.Who's cleaned it,Li Fei
Sorry,I don't know.I think
did it before class.
A.somebody B.nobody
C.everyone D.anyone
( )9.(2022昆明中考)The program,Everlasting
Classics,encourages to read
more classics.
A.we B.us
C.our D.ours
( )10.—Why is the photo of Mo Yan always
hung on the wall in your bedroom
—Because I him and want to be
a great writer like him.
A.hold on to
B.look up to
C.pay attention to
D.look forward to
Mr.and Mrs. Green's house in America is controlled by a computer.The computer has
known the couple’s 1 well.Every morning
the computer 2 the lights at 6:30 which is
their rising time.The water in the shower keeps at a right temperature for the couple to 3 it.If someone gets up in the night,floor lights will come on automatically(自动地)to show the way to the 4 .The air conditioner(空调)keeps the house at a comfortable temperature.The fridge keeps a check on the food that is put inside it,and
5 the local supermarket an e-mail when more
九 年 级 英 语
food is needed.A camera works when a stranger gets 6 to the house but does not work if it is a family member or friend.The microwave(微波炉) is 7 linked(连接)to the Internet.It can cook the food for the right time.
The couple love their home,but they don't like one thing.They sometimes feel that the com- puter is their 8 .“One night,we came home later 9 usual,but the computer had turned on the lights at the regular(固定的) time.We felt
like bad kids,and 10 said‘Sorry!’to the
computer,”said Mrs.Green.
( )1.A.problems B.habits
C.plans D.friends
( )2.A.turns off B.turns up
C.turns down D.turns on
( )3.A.use B.warm
C.clean D.drink
( )4.A.door B.bedroom
C.bathroom D.window
( )5.A.passes B.sends
C.promises D.refuses
( )6.A.kind B.friendly
C.helpful D.close
( )7.A.seldom B.still
C.also D.just
( )8.A.worker B.friend
C.student D.grandmother
( )9.A.like B.than
C.as D.from
( )10.A.never B.nearly
C.completely D.always
Ⅲ.补全对话。 (10分)
A:When was the telephone invented,do you know
B:Yes, 1.
A: 2.
B:No,I think it was invented after the car.
B:It's used for talking with our friends and rela-
B:I think the car is more useful than the tele-
phone.It can take us to everywhere we want to
A:Would you like to buy a car some day
B: 5.
A.What is it used for B.I think it was invented in 1876 C.I hope so. D.Which do you think is more useful E.Do you think it was invented before the car
IV. 阅读理解。(20分)
What are you holding in your hand while you
are taking the examination Right.A pen.
Though it is small,the pen has changed the history,improved the trade of countries,recorded events,carried news,and done far more work for
human beings than all other tools.
Progress without it would have been almost impossible.The invention of the wheel,the intro- duction of steam engine(蒸汽机),the use of elec- tricity,all these have changed the lives of millions of people,but the pen has done more.It has taken away mountains,and it has prepared the way for
all progress and development of the society.
In the past the pen did all the work if you wanted to keep any writing for some time.The lawyers took up their pens and wrote the law of the country from the days when papyrus(纸莎草 纸)was first used.The most famous letters in the world were written with a pen.It was with a pen that the greatest thinkers of all time wrote down
their thoughts.
九年级 英语
The pen is very utilitarian. We cannot sign a bill or write a letter or buy a house without our pen.An agreement is worthless till our name is written with a pen.The writers encourage the world with it.The students take their examina-
tions with it as well.
Our coming into the world is recorded with a pen.Before we have been at school,our name is written on the name list with a pen.We cannot be married till we have signed.A pen records the im-
portant events in our life
Let us remember that we hold in our hand the
most powerful instrument which man owns.The
pen is a magic tool.Whenever you use it,enjoy it.
( )1.What is the writer trying to do in this
A.Describe what a pen looks like.
B.Introduce the history of the pen.
C.Advise people to prepare a new pen.
D.Show the importance of the pen.
( )2.The word“mountains”in the third para-
graph refers to(指代) “something to
A.explain the use of electricity
B.lower the students’scores
C.stop the social development
D.change the law of the country
( )3.The lawyers started to write the law of
the country
A.before their thoughts were changed
B.when papyrus was first used
C.as soon as they recorded their names
D.after they took an important exam
( )4.The underlined word"utilitarian" in the
passage means" ”.
A.cheap B.boring
C.special D.useful
( )5.What is the best title for this passage
A.A Powerful Tool
B.An Important Law
C.A Valuable Record
D.An Exciting Event
V. 单词拼写。(10分)
1.Don't m (提到)it before his parents.
I'm afraid they can be angry.
2.We're doing a p (项目)on Chinese his-
tory.Are you interested in it
3.As a store assistant,you must be polite to all the c (顾客).
4.There was a very terrible e (地震)in
Xinjiang,China on Feb.12th,2014.
5.Even though many people now know about tea culture,the Chinese are without d (疑 问)the ones who best understand the nature of
发明创造改变了世界,长大后你想当一名发明 家吗 作为一名中学生你应该怎样做 请根据以 下提示,以“How to Become an Inventor”为题,写
提示:1.努力学习是基础;2.兴趣是最好的老 师;3.需要创新(creativity);4. 持之以恒,永不放弃。
How to Become an Inventor
Unit 6 When was it invented
I.1.boil 2.earthquake3.project4.style 5.website6.daily7.mention8.ruler9.trade 10.doubt 11.smell 12.national 13.高兴;愉快 14.保持不变 15.翻译16.锁上 17.曲奇饼 18.音乐的 19.突然(的) 20.饼干 21.客户 22.分开 23.仪器;工具24.酸的
Ⅱ.1.at a low price 2.by mistake 3.by accident 4.take place5.divide...into 6.最后 7.突然 8.钦佩 9.……的普及10.不但……而且……
Ⅲ.1.It is said to discover 2.such a great 3.were invented by called4.look up to become like them 5.not only to playbut to watch
IV.1.C 2.C 3.D
I.1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.B
Ⅱ.1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.B
Ⅲ.1.B 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.C
IV.1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A
V.1.mention 2.project 3.customers 4.earthquake 5.doubt
VI. One possible version:
How to Become an Inventor
Becoming an inventor is many people's dream.Would you like to be an inventor As a student,we need to do these things:
We must study hard. Knowledge is superstructure.If you don't master some forms of knowledge,it's impossible for you to invent anything. Interest is the best teacher.When we are interested in something,we will do it well.So we should have interest.Creativity is very necessary.We need to be creative.And we should come up with new ideas.Finally,we should keep on studying hard and never give up.Don't be afraid of failure.




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