
第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
例:How much is the shirt A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15. 答案是C。
1.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Strangers. B.Husband and wife. C.Saleswoman and customer.
2.How does the woman feel about the meal
A.Greatly satisfied. B.A bit dissatisfied. C.Terribly disappointed.
3.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A game. B.A play. C.A movie.
4.What will the woman probably do
A.Wait till the end of the year.
B.Walk to her workplace.
C.Buy the car right now.
5.How much should the man pay
A. 12. B. 24. C. 36.
6.What sport does Charles like most
A.Football. B.Skiing. C.Running.
7.What will the speakers probably do this Saturday
A.Attend a meeting. B.Go to a party. C.Enjoy a film.
8.When did the man start using the websites
A.In university. B.In high school. C.In primary school.
9.What is the woman probably doing
A.Asking for advice. B.Doing a survey. C.Searching a website.
10.What is the man most interested in
A.Cleaning. B.Customer service. C.Housekeeping.
11.What is the man’s major at college
A.Opera. B.History. C.Spanish.
12.When does the man expect to start work
A.On 25th. B.On 26th. C.On 27th.
13.Where does the woman want to travel
A.In a mountain. B.On a river. C.In a park.
14.When will the woman be back for sure
A.12: 15 p. m. B.1: 45 p. m. C.2: 00 p. m.
15.How will the woman come back
A.By boat. B.By bus. C.On foot.
16.What does the man suggest the woman do
A.Come early. B.Book tickets in advance. C.Take some food.
17.What is the speaker explaining
A.How he’ll make a presentation.
B.How to send e-mails to students.
C.How he’ll grade for the group projects.
18.How many grades will the speaker give to his students
A.One. B.Two. C.Three.
19.What will the speaker do with the written report’s grade
A.Give everyone the same grade.
B.Check everyone’s work.
C.Ask each one to make a report.
20.What is the final grade related to
A.The group presentation. B.The personal contribution. C.The group written report.
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
In the coming months, we are bringing together artists from all over the globe, to enjoy speaking Shakespeare’s plays in their language, in our Globe, within the architecture Shakespeare wrote for. Please come and join us.
National Theatre Of China Beijing | Chinese
This great occasion(盛会) will be the National Theatre of China’s first visit to the UK. The company’s productions show the new face of 21st century Chinese theatre. This production of Shakespeare’s Richard III will be directed by the National’s Associate Director, Wang Xiaoying.
Date &Time: Saturday 28 May,2.30 p. m. & Sunday 29 May,1.30 p. m. &6.30 p. m.
“Deafinitely” Theatre London | British Sign Language (BSL)
By translating the rich and humorous text of Love’s Labour’s Lost as well as As You Like It into the physical language of BSL, “Deafinitely” Theatre creates a new interpretation of Shakespeare’s comedy and aims to build a bridge between deaf and hearing worlds by performing to both groups as one audience.
Date & Time: Tuesday 22 June,2.30 p. m. & Wednesday 23 June, 7.30 p. m.
Habima National Theatre Tel Aviv | Hebrew
The Habima is the centre of Hebrew-language theatre worldwide. Founded in Moscow after the 1905
revolution, the company eventually settled in Tel Aviv in the late 1920s. Since 1958, they have been recognized as the national theatre of Israel. This production of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice marks their first visit to the UK.
Date & Time: Monday 28 June,7.30 p. m. & Tuesday 29 June, 7.30 p. m.
21.Which play will be performed by the National Theatre of China
A.Richard Ⅲ. B.As You Like It.
C.Love’s Labour’s Lost. D.The Merchant of Venice.
22.What is special about “Deafinitely” Theatre
A.It is the leading theatre in London. B.It has two groups of actors.
C.It performs plays in BSL. D.It is good at producing comedies.
23.When can you see a play in Hebrew
A.On Tuesday 22 June. B.On Sunday 29 May.
C.On Saturday 28 May. D.On Tuesday 29 June.
Lawns(草坪)—They’re part of American life. Over a century, from around the 1870s to the1970s, Americans slowly fell in love with lawns. Lawns were a sign of taste, calm, power and order, especially after World War II. Over the past 50 years, we’ve slowly fallen out of love with lawns. They began to signal waste, disregard and disagreement.
“Wasn’t there something a bit wasteful about millions of Americans applying millions of pounds of fertilizer and pouring millions of gallons of water on the ground to grow something you couldn’t eat unless you were a Jersey cow ” wrote Ellen Goodman in the Boston Globe way back in 1977.
However, we are still, largely, lawn people. The biggest irrigated (灌溉的)crop, by area, in the United States Not corn or soybeans or potatoes, but lawns. Unproductive, decorative lawn: around 40 million acres of it, or 2% of the land area of the whole country, according to estimates cited by Garik Gutman, program manager for NASA’s Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Program.
Forty million acres: The entire state of Georgia couldn’t contain America’s total lawn area. And we pour 9 billion gallons of water on landscaping every day, according to the Environmental Protection Organization. Meanwhile, the southwestern United States is suffering a serious drought; the past two decades have been its driest period since the year 800.In a world thirsty for water, lawns actually take up too much water.
Now we have TikTok hashtags(话题标签)such as anti-lawn, which might direct you to a performance of an anti-lawn song by a 27-year-old Nashville musician named Mel Bryant. “At the time, all of my neighbors were crazy about their lawns,” says Bryant, who wrote the song on Earth Day 2020.“Everyone was cutting grass, every day. At any point in time you’d hear lawn grass cutting machines going. And it drove me crazy. I still have this one neighbor who, I promise, on the Fourth of July was cutting grass at 7: 30 pm. What are you doing, man This can wait.”
24.What can best describe Americans’ attitude towards lawns
A.Cautious. B.Changeable. C.Uninterested. D.Conventional.
25.What is the most irrigated crop in America
A.Corn. B.Soybeans. C.Lawns. D.Potatoes.
26.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about
A.Reasons for poor lawn growth. B.The consequences of droughts.
C.Measures for drought prevention. D.Too much water consumption on lawns.
27.What message might Mel Bryant convey in his song
A.Opposition to lawns. B.Enthusiasm for gardening.
C.Desire for freedom. D.Doubts about holiday traditions.
Scientists have solved a puzzle about modern humans, after research showed that a famous skull of a human ancestor found in South Africa is a million years older than experts thought. This discovery has changed what we know of human history.
The skull, which scientists have named “Mrs Ples”, is from an ape-like human relative from a species called Australopithecus africanus(南方古猿). It was found near Johannesburg in 1947 and, based on evidence from its surroundings, was thought to be between 2.1 and 2.6 million years old. This puzzled scientists, because although Mrs Ples looks like a possible early ancestor of early humans, the first true humans had already evolved by the time she apparently lived. For this reason, scientists had decided that Australopithecus afarensis, a similar species from East Africa that lived about 3.5 million years ago, was our most likely ancestor instead.
To get a more accurate age for Mrs Ples, a team led by Professor Darryl Granger of Purdue University in Indiana, US, used a new method to date the sandy rocks where the skull lay. They measured the amount of certain chemicals in rocks, which form at a steady rate when they are exposed to cosmic rays(宇宙射线)on Earth’s surface. Once rocks are buried, these chemicals stop forming and slowly disappear; the surviving amount reveals how much time has passed since the rock (or bones) were on the surface.
The new study shows that Mrs Ples and other australopithecine bones nearby are between 3.4 and 3.7 million years old. This means they lived at the same time as their East African relatives, so that either group could have given rise to modern humans. However, team member Dr Laurent Bruxelles pointed out that over millions of years, at only 2,500 miles away, these groups had plenty of time to travel and to breed with each other. In other words, the groups could quite easily have met, had children together and both been part of the history of modern humans.
28.What can we learn about Mrs Ples from the first two paragraphs
A.It is a skull found in East Africa.
B.It is the most possible ancestor of humans.
C.It is a million years older than scientists expected.
D.It is proved to live between 2.1 and 2.6 million years ago.
29.How did scientists get the accurate age of “Mrs Ples”
A.By studying the effect of cosmic rays.
B.By calculating the forming rate of chemicals.
C.By locating the sandy rocks where the skull lay.
D.By measuring the surviving amount of chemicals.
30.What can we infer from the new study
A.Ape-like species from Africa could have interacted with each other.
B.Modern humans came into being in East Africa.
C.Mrs Ples travelled and had children with East African relatives.
D.The history of modern humans might begin 3.5 million years ago.
31.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage
A.Historical Puzzle Unsolved B.Ancest or Mystery Solved
C.Mrs Ples: The Earliest Human Being D.Mrs Ples: A Famous Skull
There have been numerous attempts to create an all-plastic bike. But most have never passed through the prototype stage(原始阶段). Igus, a Germany-based manufacturer of high-performance plastics, and Dutch start-up MTRL aim to change that with the igus: bike — the world’s first urban bike crafted almost entirely from recycled plastic.
Igus CEO Frank Blasé first got the idea while vacationing on a Florida beach in 2009.A conversation with some employees from a rental company made him aware of the challenges of maintaining beach bicycles. The continuous exposure to sand, wind and salt water caused the bikes to rust rapidly.
Many had to be replaced in only three months.
The igus: bike, unveiled at a German trade show, is maintainable and rust-free. It can be left outdoors in all weathers and does not require lubricant oil to reduce friction between parts. Since it does not attract sand, dust or dirt, the bike can be cleaned with a garden hose(水管)in seconds.
“As all components are made of plastic, no part of the bike rusts, even the gears —bicycle gears made of plastic were unthinkable for a long time,” Blasé says.
The igus: bike will also help combat the world’s plastic pollution. The company says a single adult bike gives new life to about 16 kilograms of single-use plastic that would otherwise choke our landfills or waterways.
Currently,90 percent of the igus: bike is made using recycled plastic. This includes the bicycle’s frame, bearings, pedals and wheel rims. Igus and MTRL believe future versions will be made entirely from recycled plastic.
“From ocean plastics to motion plastics — the igus: bike concept has what it takes to become ahigh-tech ecological product,” says MTRL co-founder Benjamin Alderse Baas.
The plastic bikes are expected to come onto the market in early 2023. An adult model, made entirely from recycled plastic, will cost about E1400. A slightly cheaper version made using new plastic and an electric bike are also in the works. Igus also plans on sharing its technology with other bicycle manufacturers.
32.What makes Igus CEO Frank Blase seek to create the igus: bike
A.His holidaying in Florida last year.
B.The trouble of keeping beach bicycles in good condition.
C.The conversation between him and some bicyclers.
D.The prolonged exposure of bikes on the beach.
33.What does the underlined word “unveiled” in Paragraph 3 mean
A.Revealed. B.Concealed. C.Opposed. D.Prohibited.
34.What can we learn about the igus: bike from the text
A.It will certainly sell well. B.It needs to be more portable.
C.It can be used everywhere and freely. D.It is rust less and cleans easily.
35.What can be inferred about the future plastic bikes
A.They will be cheaper and lighter.
B.They will be more high-tech ecological.
C.They will be crafted from only recycled plastics.
D.They will be used widely all over the world.
Four Rules for Successful Plant Cloning
Plant growers have two choices when it comes to starting new plants: growing from seed, or plant cloning. 36. . Growing from clones you’re sure to have all females, and as long as you do the cloning yourself, you know who the mother plant is and how your clones will grow, yield, and get you high. But it’s an art and science to plant cloning.
◆37. .
Plant cloning gives you genetic copies of your motherplant. If your motherplants are strong, healthy, and have potent genetics, your clones get the best start possibly. Avoid using motherplants that are sick, or that are plagued with pests.
◆Give your plant clones consistent climate.
38. , and they don’t like a day and night cycle with a temperature drop at night. That’s why most growers root their cuttings under lighting that stays on 24 hours a day. The lighting itself creates temperature stabilization. Temperatures between 74—77 degrees F are the range you want.
●Clones like high humidity(湿度).
Your cuttings need a humid environment in the 75—95% humidity range until they’ve created roots and are able to intake water through them. 39. . Until your clones have functioning roots, if they’re in dry air, they’ll die.
◆Use sterile (无菌的)equipment and materials.
You already figured out that your scissors, knife, or other tools for cutting clones has to be clean. But you also want to make sure you trays, cloning covers, and root zone media are clean and sterile too. Don’t reuse cloning cubes or cloning powders and gels. 40. .
When you follow these plant cloning tips, your clone success rate should be nearly 100%.
A.Start fresh every time B.Use kind LED lighting C.Most plant clones prefer temperatures slightly higher than your ideal grow room temperature D.And plant clones offer advantages that growing plants from seed can’t offer E.If you’re taking 20 clones and seeing only 10 of them survive F.That’s why many plant cloners use humidity covers G.Take your plant cuttings from a healthy motherplant
第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30 分)
“I won’t try anymore,” John complained, rather angrily. “It is 41 no use, you see. The kite won’t fly, and I don’t want to be 42 with it any longer.”
“Oh, fine, my little man! Would you 43 the sport, after all the pain we have taken both to make and to 44 the kite A few disappointments ought not to 45 e, I have wound up your string(线), and now try again.”
And he did try, and 46 . The kite was carried 47 on the wind as lightly as a feather; and when the string was all out, John stood in great 48 , holding fast the stick and gazing on the kite, which now seemed like a little white dot in the blue sky. “Look, look, aunt, how high it flies! And it 49 like a team of horses, so that I can hardly hold it. I wish I had a mile of string: I am sure it would go to the end of it.”
After 50 the sight as long as he pleased, little John proceeded to 51 up the string slowly; and when the kite 52 , he took it up with great happiness, saying that it was not at all hurt, and that it had 53 very well. “Shall we 54 tomorrow, aunt, after lessons, and try again ”
“I have no 55 , my dear, if the weather is fine. And now, as we walk home, tell me what you have learned from your morning’s 56 .” “I have learned to fly my kit e 57 . And thank you, my dear aunt, I would have given it up long ago, if you had not 58 me to try again.”
“Yes, dear child, I wish to teach you that once having set an aim, you must devote the 59 effort to it, even when there is nothing more significant than the flying of a kite. Whatever you fail in your attempts to do any good thing, let your motto be,— 60 again.”
41.A.in B.of C.on D.with
42.A.compared B.sided C.satisfied D.pained
43.A.cut off B.start with C.give up D.watch out for
44.A.fly B.blow C.display D.exchange
45.A.benefit B.surround C.measure D.discourage
46.A.succeeded B.limited C.sighed D.failed
47.A.upward B.downward C.forward D.backward
48.A.debt B.delight C.time D.turn
49.A.leaps B.poses C.pulls D.knocks
50.A.recalling B.preparing C.enjoying D.considering
51.A.grasp B.roll C.cast D.preserve
52.A.swelled B.shaded C.worn D.fell
53.A.advanced B.reserved C.greeted D.behaved
54.A.come out B.carry out C.get rid of D.move off
55.A.objection B.influence C.entertainment D.confidence
56.A.performance B.class C.sport D.attraction
57.A.curiously B.properly C.falsely D.timely
58.A.persuaded B.allowed C.approached D.eased
59.A.chosen B.sacred C.continued D.shared
60.A.review B.try C.judge D.guide
第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Qingming is the perfect time for Chinese people to pay respects to ancestors. Meanwhile, it allows us 61. (appreciate) the cultural connotation(内涵) of Qingming. Adventures on Qingming Festival 2023, aired on Henan TV and Elephant News on April 4, features 62. (celebrity)from the circles of music, dance, and culture. They take the audience on a magical springtime journey.
63. (inspire)by The Creeping Grass, a famous poem from The Book of Songs, the dance Spring Riverside Beauty 64. (shoot)in March in Xiandu Scenic Resort, Lishui of Zhejiang. In this splendid performance, dancers flutter their broad sleeves and sway 65. (soft) with moves of classical Chinese dance, recreating the scene where women in ancient China joyfully began a springtime outing. The musical skit(音乐短剧)Adventure in Early Spring brings famous Song dynasty paintings into life. By organically weaving many elements together, the skit puts on a humorous show that suits both refined 66. popular tastes.
Since the Spring Festival Gala in 2021, Henan TV 67. (improve)its shows based on Chinese festivals, bringing out the cultural connotations of traditional festivals and innovating new ways of presentation, leaving the audience eagerly awaiting 68. comes next. Adventures on Qingming Festival 2023 showcases the art and culture of Qingming, 69. (tap)deeper into the dynamics and hope of Qingming and the emotional value that is unique to 70. festival through a multitude of songs, dances and instrumental performances.
第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
I spent an unforgettable time in last weekend. My mother has to go to the hospital to take care of my grandmother which fell ill and received an operation. Therefore, he asked me to stay at home and look after my brother, who was only three year old. I had to keep my eyes fixing on him while doing my homework. Then I did all I could please him by singing sweet songs and telling amused stories. Five hours passed by before our mom came back. I breathed a sigh of relief. This turned out to be an special experience. Now I know that being a mother of two is not so easier as I thought.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.B
第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.B
14.C 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.B
第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)
第一节 (共15 小题,每小题2分,满分30 分)
A)21.A 22.C 23.D
B)24.B 25.C 26.D 27.A
C)28.C 29.D 30.A 31.B
D)32.B 33.A 34.D 35.C
第二节 (共5 小题,每小题2 分,满分10分)
36.D 37.G 38.C 39.F 40.A
第一节 完形填空(共20 小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
41.B 42.D 43.C 44.A 45.D 46.A 47.A 48.B 49.C 50.C
51.B 52.D 53.D 54.A 55.A 56.C 57.B 58.A 59.C 60.B
第二节 语法填空(共10 小题,每小题1.5分,满分 15 分)
61.to appreciate 62.celebrities 63.Inspired 64.was shot 65.softly
66.and 67.has improved/has been improving 68.what
69.tapping 70.the
第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
I spent an unforgettable time in last weekend. My mother has(had)to go to the hospital to take care of my grandmother which(who/that)fell ill and received an operation. Therefore, he(she)asked me to stay at home and look after my brother, who was only three year(years)old. I had to keep my eyes fixing(fixed)on him while doing my homework. Then I did all I could ∧(to)please him by singing sweet songs and telling amused(amusing)stories. Five hours passed by before our mom came back. I breathed a sigh of relief. This turned out to be an(a)special experience. Now I know that being a mother of two is not so easier(easy)as I thought.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
People’s opinions are divided when it comes to the question whether we can order takeout food at school. Some people are in favour of it because it saves them much trouble, allowing them to have delicious food delivered directly to them. However, others don’t think it right to do so. They point out that takeout food is usually delivered in plastic containers. Countless plastic bags and boxes will cause white pollution. What’s more, there can be health risks involved in takeout food.
Personally, I will say no to takeout food, which must be banned from entering the school, so that we can have a good environment.
(Text 1)
M: Excuse me, is there a flower shop near here
W: Yes, just go along this road and you’ll find one in 5 minutes.
(Text 2)
M: Is everything to your satisfaction, ma’am
W: Yes, all the food is delicious except that there is too much salt in the soup. And your service is also very good.
(Text 3)
W: I just watched Ready Player One. I really admire its imagination and special effects of these game players.
M: It is not a new movie. But lots of people are waiting for its Ready Player Two. It would be a Hollywood hit, I think.
(Text 4)
M: If you waited till the end of this year, you would have the car for less.
W: I know. But my workplace is inaccessible by bus and I can’t afford to lose my new job.
(Text 5)
W: The normal price is 12 per 90-minute session. On top of that, we have 50% off discount price for seniors and 30% off for students.
M: Can I have a ticket for two sessions please I am afraid I wouldn’t qualify for either of the discount.
(Text 6)
W: Charles, I know you like sports very much. So what sports do you like to do
M: Yes, Laura. Hmm... I like playing football best, which helps me build team spirit. I also like skiing as it is very exciting. Plus, running is also one of my daily sports.
W: Sounds great! By the way, will you attend Nicole’s birthday party tomorrow
M: I’d love to, but I’m going to attend the school sports meeting this Friday. Will you
W: I’m afraid not. I need to take part in a speech competition then.
M: What a pity!
W: Yep. We can invite Nicole to watch a movie this Saturday to make up for our absence.
M: Good idea!
(Text 7)
W: What type of websites do you often search for
M: It varies depending on my goal. I prefer entertainment and education websites, such as and .
W: How long have you been using them
M: I have been using these websites since I was a freshman at university.
W: What do you visit those websites for
M: I use them to study online or relax after work.
W: What’s your favourite website
M: I think it’ sprobably .
W: What’s the most popular website in your country
M: I’m not quite sure, but I guess it would be .
W: Do you think the youth should use websites as a reliable source of knowledge
M: Not always. They should choose their sources carefully.
听下面一段对话,回答第10至 12题。
(Text 8)
W: Hello, Pembroke Holidays, Mary speaking.
M: Hello. I’m studying at the community college and I’d like to find a part-time job on the weekends.
W: I see. What kind of job would you like to apply for
M: Customer service. I like to talk to different kinds of people and help them solve their problems.
W: Good. Have you ever thought about cleaning or housekeeping At the moment we also have positions in those areas.
M: Absolutely yes, but I think that customer service would suit me better.
W: Good. What are you studying at college
M: My major is opera, and I take history as a minor subject. I’m also good at speaking Spanish.
W: OK, so when would you like to start working
M: Well,25th August works for me. I will have a week-long trip and I probably won’t come back until then. But I’d appreciate it if I could rest for two days before starting. So that would be the 27th.
W: I understand. Thank you for your enquiry.
(Text 9)
M: Hello, Tourist Information. What can I do for you
W: Hello, I’m phoning about the boat trips on the River Dee. Can you tell me which days they are
M: Sure. They go every Friday and Sunday.
W: And where does the boat leave from
M: You’ll find it next to the bridge. It’s ten minutes’ walk from North Street car park.
W: Are there several trips a day
M: Just one. It starts at twelve fifteen. It takes about an hour and forty-five minutes, so you’ll be back by two.
W: How far up the river will the boat take us
M: All the way to Aldford. That’s A-L-D-F-O-R-D.You get off there and come back through the mountains on a bus.
W: It sounds nice. Can I get any food on the boat
M: Not much. They only sell ice cream and cold drinks. But there are lots of cafes in Aldford.
W: Can we get tickets on the boat
M: Yes. They’re three pounds ninety-five for adults and two pounds seventy-five for children. Come early and get a good seat.
W: OK. Thank you for your help.
(Text 10)
M: I have been getting quite a few e-mails with questions about grading for the group projects, so let me clarify that before we start class today. The group project includes a written report and a presentation. But I’ll give you three grades. First, I’ll grade the written report as a whole, and every member of that group will receive the same grade on the written report, so you can divide the work and produce the best report together. The second grade is for the presentation, which is also a group grade. Again, I suggest you share the labor here. And remember everyone has the potential to contribute something to the group. The final grade is a personal grade based on your contribution to the group. And I’ll give you a grade based on your contribution. To be as fair as possible, I’ll ask for the signature of every group member on your list, checking that your list is appropriate for the work you have done. So I’ll have the three grades and add them together and average them to give you a total grade.



