
八年级 英语 RJ
I. 单项选择。
( )1.( 2023扬州中考) —Annie, books are
all over the place.
—Sorry,Mum.I'll put them away.
A.you B.your
C.yours D.yourself
( )2. is important for us to learn Eng-
lish well.
A.This B.That
C.It D.It's
( )3.— will you finish doing the work
—In a few weeks.
A.How long B.How far
C.How soon D.How often
( )4.All the students are listening to
the teacher except Tom.
A.slowly B.clearly
C.quickly D.carefully
( )5.(2022安徽中考)—Hello,Beijing Hotel.Can I
help you
—Yes,I'd like to a single room
for two nights.
A.enter B.move
C.book D.provide
( )6.My grandpa is sleeping. Will you please
the radio
A.turn down B.turn up
C.turn on D.turn to
( )7.Could you tell me
A.where is the headmaster
B.whose camera it is
C.what Jack was happened
D.how long does it take you to the aquarium
( )8.If I have enough money,I a
school bus to help the poor children go
to school.
A.buy B.bought
C.will buy D.would buy
( )9.Mrs.Wang always asks us to con-
versations in the English classes.
A.make up B.turn up
C.end up D.look up
( )10,( 2022海南中考) people watched the rocket flying up into the sky.
A.Thousand B.Thousands
C.Thousands of
( )11.We planted some flowers
the garden yesterday.
A.on B.to
C.in D.of
( )12.To keep our city beautiful,
the are always very busy in the streets.We shouldn't throw rubbish
A.policemen B.cleaners
( )13. (2023海南中考)Shanghai has a population than that in many other cities.
A.large B.larger
八年级 英 语 RJ
( )14.(2023重庆中考)We'll have to say goodbye,
my dear friends!But I will for-
get the days we spent together.
A.always B.often
C.never D.usually
( )15.(2022江西中考)—Would you like to see a
movie with me on Saturday night
—Sorry,I didn't it.Could you
please say it again
A.receive B.catch
C.find D.finish
( )16.(2023抚顺中考) Not only Chinese but also
western kids Journey to the
A.are famous for B.are afraid of
C.are worried about D.are interested in ( )17.(2022南京中考) Look!There’s a photo
of our English teacher in today's news-
A.is B.are
C.have D.has
( )18.(2022河南中考)—I don't care what people
—Well,you .You're not alone
in this world.
A.can B.may
C.should D.will
(1)He does his homework more c (仔细
地) than Tom.
(2)I can't come to your house.I have to p
(准备)for an exam.
(3)Could you give me some advice to i
(提高)my English
(4)If you keep on working hard, you'll be
S (成功的).
(5)I don't know the d (差别)between
Chinese culture and American culture.
(6)I really don't know which dictionary to
c (选择).
(7)There is a big screen and many s ( 座
位)in the theater.
(8)One very f (著名的)symbol in Ameri-
can culture is a cartoon.
(9)All these shows have one thing in c
(10)This dress is p (相当)beautiful.I
want to buy it for my daughter.
(1)Zhai Zhig ang is the first Chinese astronaut to
walk in s
(2)My grandparents live in a big a (3)It’s d to be so near to the tiger.
(4)I h do housework at home,so Mom
says I'm too lazy.
(5)Dogs can hear much better thanh . 3.根据句意和汉语提示,写单词。
(1)My mother doesn't like (情景喜剧).
(2)Linda is very funny.She likes telling
(3)What's the (主要的)idea of the novel (4)Could you please give me some (建议) (5)The little girl is very (善解人意的).
(1)Don’t (worry)about the problem.
We can finish it soon.
(2)Could I invite you (have)a concert
(3)I think it's impossible for us (finish)
the work in two hours.
(4)The (begin)of the story is beautiful.
(5)Look at the table on the right.Jane jumped the
I.1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.C
Ⅱ.1.(1)carefully (2)prepare (3)improve (4)successful (5)differences (6)choose (7)seats (8)famous (9)common(10)pretty
2.(1)space (2)apartment (3)dangerous (4)hardly (5)humans
3.(1)sitcoms (2)jokes (3)main (4)advice (5)understanding
4.(1)worry (2)to have (3)to finish (4)be- ginning (5)farthest



