2023-2024八年级英语人教版寒假专练之复习篇Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?(含答案)

八 年 级 英 语 RJ
Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake
整 理 和 复 习
I. 重点单词
1.蜂蜜 2.酸奶
3.覆盖 4.西瓜
5.秋天 6.三明治
7.食糖 8.食盐
9.机器 10.奶酪
11.倒出;倾倒 12.掘(地)
13.摇动;抖动 14.add
15.piece 16.hole
17.spoon 18.serye
19.fill 20.plate
21.finally 22.traditional
23.England 24.traveler
25.mix 26.celebrate
4.a piece of...
Please the radio.
yogurt do we 3.那个男孩用沙子把瓶子装满了。
The boy the bottle sand.
some salt
I don't know the
These days, Americans still this idea of giving thanks having a big
meal at home their family.
(1)My family (be)watching TV.
(2)How many (tomato)do you need (3)I'm going to the supermarket to buy some
(4)I'd like two (pair)of shoes for my
twin daughters.
(5)There are some (sheep)eating
grass over there
(1)I want some yogurt for dinner. (改为一般疑
you yogurt for
(2)He needs two apples when he makes fruit salad. (对画线部分提问)
apples he
when he makes fruit salad
(3)You should cook it for 30 minutes.( 对画线 部分提问)
I cook it
八 年 级 英语 RJ
9 单 元 达 标 检 测
(时间:90分钟 满分:100分)
I. 单项选择。(20 分 )
( )1.I did well in the English test,This
me happy.
A.makes B.goes
C.turns D.does
( )2.The well(井) was full water and
he covered it the lid(盖子).
A.with;for B.with;with
C.of;with D.with;by
( )3.For this reason,we'll have to wait
three weeks for the result.
A.more B.another
C.other D.much
( )4.( 2022南充中考)— Don't throw litter here!
B.You're welcome
D.Sorry,I won't
( )5.The customers are pleased with the
of the restaurant.
A.balance B.experience
C.surface D.service
( )6.—Would you mind the electric
—Of course not.It is so hot here.
A.turn off B.turn on
C.turning off D.turning on
( )7.( 2023甘肃中考) Father was so busy with his work that he had time to read
the newspaper.
A.some B.little
C.much D.a bit of
( )8.( 2022河北中考 ) These cakes with chocolate.Have one,please.
A.fill B.filled
C.are filled D.were filled
( )9.( 2023哈尔滨中考) Tim got four
from his relatives on Children's Day.
A.toy B.toys
( )10. (2022青海中考) on the grass.It's a rule of the park.
A.Step B.Don't step
C.To step
Today,I want to tell you how to make chicken
and potato soup.It is very 1 .Now,please
follow me.
Make sure you get these ingredients:three 2 ,one onion,two spoons of chicken soup, three cups of 3 ,two cups of milk,one spoon
of relish(佐料)and some salt.
Instructions:First, 4 up the potatoes
and the onion.Then pour the water into a pot and boil them for about fifteen minutes 5 the pota- toes are soft(软的) . Next,put the chicken soup, salt and relish in a 6 and mix them all up. Pour the mixture 7 the pot.Finally,put in the
milk and oil(油) .
Now it's 8 to enjoy the delicious soup.It 9 be the most delicious soup if you cook it like
It is really a good idea to make the delicious soup for 10 parents on weekends.They will be moved(感动)by what you do.
八 年 级 英 语 R.
( )1.A.big B.terrible
C.easy D.difficult
( )2.A.tomatoes B.potatoes
C.apples D.pears
( )3.A.juice B.soup
C.water D.tea
( )4.A.mix B.give
C.cut D.put
( )5.A.until B.before
C.because D.so
( )6.A.boat B.blender
C.sandwich D.bowl
( )7.A.on B.into
C.under D.at
( )8.A.time B.place
C.result D.problem
( )9.A.can't B.doesn't
C.need D.must
( )10.A.her B.his
C.your D.their
Ⅲ.补全对话。(10 分)
A:I like salad. 1.
B:I also like salad. 2.
A:Some lettuce,tomatoes and onions.
B:Are those all
A:Usually I add some pepper and salt.
B: 3.
A:I don't like yogurt.
B: 4.
A:I pour lots of French sauce on top.
B.Me,too, 5.
A.French sauce is so delicious.
).I often put some yogurt in my salad.
.What other kind of relish do you add
)D.I usually make salad at home.
.What do you put in it
IV. 阅读理解。(30 分)
Father is always busy with his work.He knows nothing about housework.He never eats if everyone doesn't cook for him.One day,mother was ill in bed.Father had to cook himself.First,he had to go shopping.But he did not know what to buy.So mother wrote all these things on a piece of
Father went out with the paper in his hand. Half an hour later he returned home,with a smile
on his face.He brought out all the things:
ONE cake,TWO eggs,THREE tomatoes,
FOUR fish,FIVE bottles of milk,SIX bags of salt
and SEVEN fat chickens.Mother was too sur-
prised to say a word.
( )1.Father does little housework because
A.his life is very hard
B.he is busy with his work
C.he dislikes it
D.he never stays at home
( )2.Father never eats
A.if he doesn't know how to cook
B.if meals are ready
C.if he comes home late
D.if no one cooks for him
( )3.One day mother was ill,father had to
A.buy something for her
B.help himself
C.get ready for meals
D.eat in his office
( )4.That day mother wanted father to buy
in the shop.
A.seven chickens
八 年 级 英 语 RJ
B.seven kinds of foods
C.seven bags of things
D.seven shopping bags
( )5.Mother was so surprised because
A.father got everything home
B.mother didn't like to eat all the food
C.father didn't understand her at all
D.father bought nothing necessary
Most people drink tea in the world.But tea does not mean the same thing to different people. In different countries,people have different ideas
about drinking tea.
In China,for example,tea is often served when people get together.Chinese people drink it at home or in tea houses at any time of the day.
They often use hot water to boil tea leaves.
Tea is also important in other Asian coun- tries.People in these countries have a special way of serving tea.They hold a tea ceremony in their houses when important guests come.It is very old and full of meaning.Everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony.There is even a spe-
cial room for it in their houses.
In the United States,people usually drink tea at breakfast or they drink it after meals.Ameri- cans usually use tea bags to make tea.This way is faster and easier than the way of making tea in tea-
pots.In summer,most Americans drink iced tea.
They like to put some ice in their tea.
1.Do most people drink tea in the world
2.What do Chinese people often use to boil tea
3.When do people usually drink tea in the USA
4.What kind of tea do most Americans drink in summer
5.What does the underlined word“It”mean
V. 单词拼写。(5 分) 1.F (最后)he worked out the math problem. 2.Eating too much s (糖)is bad for your teeth. 3.Don’t have the m (机器) working all day. 4.We shouldn't p (倾倒)dirty water into the river. 5.Eating too much c (奶酪) is bad for health. VI.书面表达。(15分) 根据要点提示,写一篇关于“三明治”的短文, 70词左右。要点如下: 1.三明治很受欢迎; 2.人们自己做,或到店里买; 3.用纸袋携带,午餐时,在工作地点或其附近 的地方吃; 4.人们喜欢三明治,还因为它便宜。
Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake
I.1.honey 2.yogurt 3.cover 4.watermelon 5.autumn 6.sandwich 7.sugar 8.salt 9.machine 10.cheese 11.pour 12.dig 13.shake 14.增加;增添 15.片;块 16.洞 17.勺 18.接待;服务 19 . (使)充满 20.盘子 21.最后 22.传统的 23.英格兰 24.旅行者 25.(使)混合 26.庆祝
Ⅱ.1.good idea 2.fill...with... 3.turn on 4.一片/张/段/首 …… 5.把……放进……里
Ⅲ.1.turn on 2.How much need 3.filled with 4.Finally don't forget to add 5.how to use 6.most celebrate by with
IV.1.(1)are (2)tomatoes (3)chicken (4)pairs (5)sheep 2.(1)Do want any
(2)How many does need (3)How long should
I.1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.B
Ⅱ.1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C
Ⅲ.1.D 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.A
IV.(A)1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.C (B)1.Yes./ Yes,they do. 2.They often use hot water to boil tea leaves./Hot water. 3.In the United States,people usually drink tea at breakfast or they drink it after meals./At breakfast or after meals. 4.In summer,most Americans drink iced tea./Iced tea. 5.The tea ceremony.
V.1.Finally 2.sugar 3.machine 4.pour 5.cheese
VI.One possible version:
Sandwiches are very popular.Many people eat them.Sometimes they make them at home; sometimes they go and get some in a food shop. They put the sandwiches in paper bags,and take them to their workplace for lunch.They eat them there,or in the park,or on the road nearby.The sandwich is delicious.By the way, people like it also because it's cheap.



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