2023-2024八年级英语人教版寒假专练之复习篇Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?(含答案)

八年级 英语 RJ
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show
整 理 和 复 习
I. 重点单词 1.介意 3.发生 5.富有的 7.著名的 9.动画片 11.行动 13.become 15.main 17.hope 19.might 21.simple 23.lose Ⅱ.重点短语
5.take sb.'s place
6.around the world
7.a symbol of...
do you talk
, he always
try his best.
Your ticket in your bag. 5.你想看游戏节目吗
Do you watch a game show
She like a boy and
her father's to fight in the army.
(1)She expects (arrive)home tomorrow. (2)Let's (watch)talk shows tonight.
(3)Let's work hard (make)our dreams (come)true.
(4)Our teachers often tell us (finish)
our homework on time.
(5)She didn't know which sweater
(1)She wants to be a famous singer.( 对画线部
does she

(2)If you want to become thinner,you'd better eat less before you go to bed.(改为同义句)
If you want to weight,you'd better
eat less before to bed.
(3)My sister plans to visit Taierzhuang.(对画
your sister
to do
八年级 英语 RJ
Qo 9 单 元 达 标 检 测
(时间:90分钟 满分:100分)
I. 单项选择。(20 分)
( )1. (2022天津中考) When you are traveling,bring a map because it help you.
A.can't B.mustn't
C.used to D.may
( )2.An accident happened him the
other day.
A.on B.to C.of D.for
is far away from school.
A.catch B.to catch
C.catching D.caught
( )8.( 2022苏州中考)—Please stay with me this weekend.
-I'm sorry,but my father and I planned
Beijing a long time ago.
A.visit B.visiting
C.to visit D.visited
( )3.—What do you think of her voice
—It very sweet,I should say.
A.hears B.sounds
C.listens D.sings
( )4.( 2023宜昌中考) —You’d better advise him anything out of the window
while driving.
-I will.He has to know it's dangerous.
A.not throwing B.no throwing
C.not to throw D.don't throw
( )5.Tina comes to China in order to experience Chinese culture and which
university is the best for her to attend.
A.put out B.stay out
C.find out D.run out
( )6.( 2022安徽中考) Could you stay a little longer I have more to tell you
about the plan for tomorrow.
A.something B.everything
C.anything D.nothing
( )7.(2022河南中考)— Do you always get up so
—Yes, the first bus.My home
( )9.—Look,the boss is angry with Alex.
—Well,he came late again.But that's no
to shout at him.
A.problem B.lesson
C.reason D.plan
( )10.—Hainan its blue sky and
fresh air.
—So it is.That's why more and more
visitors spend their holidays here.
A.is weak in B.is famous for
C.is used to D.is good at
Many boys and girls love watching TV.They spend many hours 1 every day. 2 many parents 3their children watch TV only in spe-
cial time.
TV shows 4 books or movies.There are many kinds of TV shows, 5 sitcoms,soap operas,sports shows,fashion shows,etc.A child can learn good things and 6 things from them. Some shows help children know the news all over the world.Children do not have to go to the 7 to see
the animals.Boys and girls can see sitcoms,sports
八 年 级 英 语 RJ
shows and game shows 8 .Some shows teach
children how to cook or how to use tools(工具).
Many boys and girls think 9 is fun to watch TV,but it is 10 fun to read books,to play games or to visit friends.
( )1.A.reading books
B.watching TV
C.doing homework
D.playing computer games
( )2.A.And B.But
C.So D.Though
( )3.A.tell B.ask
C.get D.let
( )4.A.like B.are like
C.look D.look like
( )5.A.such as B.for example
C.less than D.more than
( )6.A.fine B.great
C.bad D.nice
( )7.A.zoo B.park
C.shop D.garden
( )8.A.at school B.in the shop
C.at home D.in the hospital
( )9.A.this B.that
C.it D.what
( )10.A.also B.too
C.either D.neither
A:Hello,is that Lingling speaking
A:This is Meimei.I want to go to the movies
now.2. B:I'd love to,but I'm watching a TV program called Readers.3. A:No,I haven't watched it.4.
B:It's great.In this program,many people who
have great influence in our life tell their own
stories and share some wonderful articles with us.You know,reading is very important to everyone and Chinese classical books are our treasure.I think we should read as much as
A:5. .I can't wait to enjoy it. B:Why don't you turn on the TV and watch it at
A:Good idea.I'll do it right now.Goodbye!
IV.阅读理解。(30 分 )
Topic:Should kids join talent shows
The talent shows shouldn't set a limit( 设置限 度)on the age.If the parents want their kids to take
part in(参加)talent shows,they should say“Yes”.
Talent shows can help children become more confident ( 自 信 的 ) .And no matter ( 无 论 )how
young you are,you can have talents.
I think it's wrong for kids to take part in big talent shows.They have other things,like school work,to worry about.And they will be sad if they
can't win.
The judges(评判员)of the big talent shows are too strict.There should be Kids Have Got Talent.So they don't need to compete(竞争)with
( )1.Ben thinks if want the kids to
take part in talent shows,the talent
shows should say“Yes”.
A.the kids'parents B.the kids'teachers
C.the kids'friends D.the judges
八 年 级 英 语 RJ
( )2.Laura thinks talent shows can help kids
A.more talented B.more outgoing
C.more confident D.more hard-working ( )3.Robert thinks kids should worry about
A.talent shows B.their parents
C.their studies D.their friends
( )4.James thinks
A.kids should not watch talent shows
B.kids mustn't join talent shows
C.there should be some young judges
D.there should be talent shows for
kids only
( )5.What can we learn from the discussion
A.Laura thinks kids can be talented,too.
B.Kids always win in talent shows. C.Kids feel excited in talent shows.
D.All kids should join talent shows.
Wu Yishu,a 16-year-old student from Shang- hai won at the second season of the Chinese Poetry Conference on Feb.7th,2017.She beat other com- petitors because of her learning about Chinese cul- ture and works.“I enjoy the happiness brought by
the poetry,”Wu said.
In the final,Wu performed well in many parts,such as recalling(回忆)poems by looking at sand paintings and reciting(背诵)poems with the
Chinese character“Jiu”as many as possible.
As early as Feb.1st,when Wu recited a Chi- nese poem about the months of the year,someone said that Wu must have memorized at least more than 2,000 Chinese poems.The 1.8-meter tall Wu said that she kept only a poetry book on the book- shelf at her room instead of other books such as
math,physics and English books.
Wu's excellent performance pushed more and
more people to learn Chinese poetry.
1.Where is Wu Yishu from
2.When did Wu win a Chinese poetry competition
3.What did Wu keep on the bookshelf at her
4.Did Wu perform well in the final competition
5.What do you think of Wu Yishu
V. 单词拼写。(5分)
1.Last year his sister b (成为)a reporter.
2.Let's have a d (讨论)about the time
when we'll go to Beijing.
3.Mary told me some interesting n (新
闻)this morning.
4.Just now your mother told me two interesting
5.At about eight o'clock his uncle a ( 出
现)at the party.
TV program You Maria
sitcoms love can't stand
sports shows not like not mind
Tell it like it is not mind like
Chinese cooking can't stand not like
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show
I.1.mind 2.plan 3.happen 4.expect 5.rich 6.stand 7.famous 8.educational 9.cartoon 10.culture 11.action 12.meaningless 13.变成 14.讨论 15.主要的 16.原因17.希望 18.出现 19.可能 20.有成就的 21.简单的 22.普通的23.失去 24.不幸的
Ⅱ.1.dress up 2.find out 3.look like 4.be ready to 5.代替 6.世界各地 7…的象征
Ⅲ.1.What think of 2.had a discussion about 3.However was ready to 4.may be 5.want to 6.dresses up takes place
IV.1.(1)to arrive (2)watch (3)to make come (4)to finish (5)to choose 2.(1)What want to be (2)lose going (3)What does plan
I.1.D 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B
Ⅱ.1.B 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.A
Ⅲ.1.Who is that(speaking)
2.Would you like/love to go with me/Could you please go with me
3.Have you ever watched it/the program/Have you watched it/the program(yet/before)
4.What do you think of/about it/the program/ How do you like it/the program/How do you
feel about it/the program/What's it like
5.I agree/I agree with you/I think so/You are right/So it is
IN.(A)1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.A
(B)1.Shanghai. 2.On Feb.7th,2017. 3.A poetry book. 4.Yes. 5.She's excellent.
V.1.became 2.discussion 3.news 4.jokes 5.appeared
VI.One possible version:
Maria and I are good friends.We both like watching TV after school.But we like different programs.I love sitcoms.I think they are fun. But Maria can't stand them.She said sitcoms are boring.I don't like sports shows,but Maria doesn't mind them.I don't mind Tell it like it is but Maria likes it. I can't stand Chinese cooking,and Maria doesn't like it,either.



上一篇:18.1 家庭电路 同步练习(答案) 2023-2024沪粤版物理九年级下册
