
Directed by comedy actress Jia Ling,the movie Hi,Mom comes from her sketch comedy of the
same name and reflects (how much she misses her mother Li Huanying.Interestingly,the way that Jia
shows her filial piety (is a bit special as she made up a time-travel story.
The movie stars Jia Ling as a daughter who finds herself transported back to 1981.Deeply saddened by
her mother's death,Jia Ling meets her mother again in the movie and tries to improve her mother's life by
using ideas from the future.While drunk,Jia says she feels useless for not being able to make her mother
proud.But the mother says her greatest wish is that her daughter can be healthy and happy.
Jia Ling described Hi,Mom as a tribute (to her mother who passed away around twenty years ago.
The movie has brought tears to a lot of moviegoers'eyes.It also causes online conversations on the topic of
mother-daughter relationships,with people sharing old photos of their own mothers at a young age.
Many people thought this movie was a comedy full of laughter,but they couldn't help crying in the end.
Li Huanying in the movie is the epitome (of millions of mothers in our real life.She is ordinary but
selfless,giving her child endless warmth and strength without asking for anything in return.
63.What can we learn from Paragraph 4
A.The cost of the movie.
B.The popularity of the movie.
C.The director of the movie.
D.The influence of the movie.
64.What does the underlined sentence try to tell us
A.The daughter has been in poor health.
B.The mother has a deep love for her daughter.
C.The daughter should spend more time exercising.
D.The mother is worried about her daughter's health.
65.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Jia Ling couldn't play a role in the movie.
B.Jia Ling's mother dreamed of being a director.
C.The story in the movie happened twenty years ago.
D.The movie made some people cry uncontrollably.
Jaime,a new immigrant ()decided to see his daughter's first performance in a school play.His
daughter,Carol,was eight years old.She was a student at the primary school in the neighborhood.She was
playing a rain cloud in the school play about the weather in California.
Before the show began,Mr.Copper,the head teacher,made a short talk.At the end of the talk,Mr.Copper
said,"Let's give the school staff and students a hand."
Jaime stood up when Mr.Copper said this.He knew that when people said"to give someone a hand"they
meant they needed help.Jaime always wanted to help,especially at his daughter's school.Jaime thought
maybe they needed help backstage(在后台).
Jaime's wife,Julie,put her arm in front of her husband."Where are you going "she asked Jaime quietly.
"Weren't you listening Mr.Copper just told us to give the school staff and students a hand."Jaime replied.
"So I'm going to help them out.""No,you are not,"Julie said."Please,sit down."Then she explained that
"to give someone a hand"could mean something else."They don't need help.Mr.Copper wants us to clap
(鼓掌),”Julie said..Jaime felt a little embarrassed(尴尬的).He sat back down and began clapping,along
with the rest of the teachers and parents.
Jaime thought to himself that the English language was hard to understand.How could one phrase (
mean two different things He thought he needed a hand with that.
66.What was Carol's role in the school play
A.A sad girl.
B.An eighth grader.
C.A rain cloud.
D.An immigrant's daughter.



