人教新起点版英语四年级上学期期末寒假精品作业 (7)(含答案)

寒假精品作业 人教新起点版英语四年级上学期期末
1.Bob likes sports. He can skate well and swim fast, ______ he cannot skip. ( )
A.and B.but C.for
2.—Can she sing ( )
—______ And she can sing well.
A.Yes, she can. B.No, she can’t. C.Yes, she does.
3.—________ is that girl in red ( )
—She is my cousin, Jill.
A.Where B.What C.Who
4.—______ are my glasses, Danny ( )
—They’re on your head, Grandpa!
A.What B.Who C.Where
5.—______ ( )
—Nice to meet you, too.
A.Hello. B.Nice to meet you. C.How do you do
6. (mouse) are afraid of cats.
7.The bird (have) a good idea.
8.Danny’s father is a taxi (drive). He drives a taxi around the city.
9.—Does he have any (cousin)
—Yes, he has a cousin.
10.—Is your aunt a teacher, too
—No, she (be). She is a nurse.
Mike: Hello. Nancy. Welcome to my home!
Nancy: Thank you. Mike. 11
Mike: Yes, it is.
Nancy: Are the man and the woman (女人) your parents
Mike: Yes. 12 The woman next to him is my mother.
Nancy: 13
Mike: My father is a policeman. My mother is a nurse.
Nancy: Is the girl in a red skirt your sister
Mike: No, she is my aunt’s girl. 14
Nancy: Who is the little boy Is he your brother
Mike: 15
A.What do your parents do
B.Is that your family photo
C.The man in a white shirt is my father.
D.No. That’s me.
E.Her name is Linda.
16.She has some nice pictures. (一般疑问句)
17.Can his sister dance (肯定句)
18.I can swim. I can't sing. (合为一句)
19.My mother is a teacher. (改为一般疑问句)
20.mother, What, does, your, do ( )
21.down, the, evening, goes, in, sun, the (. )
22.eggs / like / and / some / I’d / meat / some (. )
23.many, there, circles, How, are ( )
24.don’t, with, play, fire (. )
Today is Sunday. In the afternoon, Peter wants to fly kites with his friends in the park. He wants to take some chocolates and oranges to the park. Peter makes a shopping list. Now, Peter is in the shop. Peter wants to make some salad with tomatoes and potatoes for dinner. His mother wants to make some soup with fish and eggs.
25.Who does Peter want to go to the park with ( )
A.His family. B.His friends. C.His mother.
26.Where is Peter now ( )
A.In the park. B.At home. C.In the shop.
27.What does Peter want to take to the park this afternoon ( )
A.Some soup. B.Salad and oranges. C.Chocolates and oranges
28.What can’t Peter get in Garden Shop ( )
A.Chocolates and candy. B.Potatoes and apples. C.Carrots and meat.
29.What does Peter’s mother need ( )
A.Eggs and fish. B.Eggs and meat. C.Fish and tomatoes.
Who is this This is my…
How old is he she He/She is…
What does he she do He/She is a(n)…
What can he she do He/She can…
要求:1. 语法正确、意思连贯、条理清晰、书写规范;
2. 不少于20词。
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11.B 12.C 13.A 14.E 15.D
16.Does she have any nice pictures
17.His sister can dance.
18.I can swim but I can't sing.
19.Is your mother a teacher
20.What does your mother do
21.The sun goes down in the evening.
22.I’d like some meat and some eggs. /I’d like some eggs and some meat.
23.How many circles are there
24.Don’t play with fire.
25.B 26.C 27.C 28.A 29.A
This is my father. He is 40 years old. He is a fisherman. He works on a boat. He can swim well. I love my father.



上一篇:人教新起点版英语四年级上学期期末寒假精品作业 (13)(含答案)
