(天津专用)寒假开学考 八年级英语试题第17套(含解析)

一、单项填空(本大题共15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)
从下列每小题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. —What can we give to our father on Father’s Day
—He likes playing ________ chess. How about ________ chess set
A. /; a B. /; an C. the; the D. a; the
考查冠词辨析。/零冠词,表示不填;a/an一个,不定冠词,表泛指,a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前;an用在以元音音素开头的单词前;the这个/这些,定冠词,表特指。根据“chess”可知,第一空不填,零冠词,英文中play与棋类连用,棋类前是零冠词;根据“chess set”可知,第二空泛指一副象棋,且chess是以辅音音素开头的单词, 其前应使用不定冠词a修饰。故选A。
2. —I called ________ up just now.
—Sorry. ________ was having a piano lesson.
A. you; My B. you; I C. your; I D. yours; Mine
3. —I can not get the right __________ of the English word.
—You should listen to the tape and then read after it.
A. meaning B. grammar C. pronunciation D. vocabulary
考查名词词义辨析。meaning意义;grammar语法;pronunciation发音;vocabulary词汇。根据“You should listen to the tape and then read after it”可知,此处指找不到正确的发音,故选C。
4. There will be an ________ in noise when the new airports open.
A. increase B. accident C. umbrella D. earthquake
考查名词辨析。increase增加;accident事故;umbrella雨伞;earthquake地震。根据“in noise when the new airports open”可知有新机场时,会增加噪音。故选A。
5. It is ________ a good movie ________ many people want to watch it.
A. such; that B. so; that C. too; to D. as; as
考查such…that引导的结果状语从句。such…that如此……以至于……;so…that如果……以至于……;too…to太……以至于不能……;as…as和……一样……。根据“many people want to watch it”可知此处应是结果状语从句,a good movie为名词短语,应用such来修饰。因此该句为such…that引导的结果状语从句。故选A。
6. My sister is ________now. She had a party for her ________birthday yesterday.
A. twenty; twentieth B. twentieth; twentieth
C. twenty; twenty D. twentieth; twenty
考查基数词和序数词的用法。twenty二十,基数词;twentieth第二十,序数词。“某人几岁了”可以用“sb.+be动词+基数词”来表示。“某人的第几个生日”可以用“形容词性物主代词+序数词+birthday”来表示。故选A 。
7. Betty is interested ________ all the Chinese traditions. She always asks me to tell her more.
A. know B. knew C. knowing D. to know
8. My aunt arrived while we ________ dinner at home.
A. are having B. were having C. was having D. will have
9. You ________ only use red paper for hongbao because red means luck.
A. need B. must C. mustn’t D. may
考查情态动词。need需要;must必须;mustn’t禁止;may可能;根据“only use red paper for hongbao because red means luck.”可知,红色意味着好运,因此必须用红纸做红包,故选B。
10. —Who is ________ running star in your school
—I think Philip is
A. famous B. more famous C. the most famous D. less famous
考查形容词最高级。famous出名的;more famous更出名的;the most famous(the+形容词最高级)最出名的;less famous不出名的。根据“in your school”可知,此处是和学校所有人比较,所以用最高级,“the+形容词最高级+比较范围”表示“……中最……的”。故选C。
11. Can __________ answer this difficult question
A. anyone else B. someone else C. else anyone D. else someone
考查不定代词和形容词后置。someone某人,常用于肯定句中;anyone任何人,常用于否定句或者疑问句中;else其他的。根据“Can ... answer this difficult question ”可知,本句是疑问句,用anyone;形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词要放在不定代词后面。故选A。
12. I didn’t like the weather in the mountain. It changed ________ and started to rain.
A. especially B. suddenly C. bravely D. loudly
考查副词辨析。especially尤其;suddenly突然;bravely勇敢地;loudly大声地。根据“and started to rain.”可知山里的天气突然就变了,故选B。
13. My parents went to the market ________ some fruit and vegetables just now.
A. buy B. bought C. buying D. to buy
考查动词不定式作目的状语。结合选项动词buy及“some fruit and vegetables”可知买水果和蔬菜是“went to the market(去市场)”的目的,因此应用动词不定式作目的状语。故选D。
14. This ruler is as _________ as that one.
A. longer B. much longer C. the longer D. long
15. Shanghai is one of ____in the world.
A. the biggest cities B. biggest cities
C. the biggest city D. bigger cities
the biggest cities最大的很多城市;biggest cities中缺少冠词the;the biggest city最大的一个城市;bigger cities更大的城市,是比较级。根据句意可知,这里考查句型one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示最…之一,故选A。
阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
One day a little mouse was thirsty. She looked everywhere for water to drink. She ____1____ up onto a table. And she saw a bottle on the table. The mouth of the bottle was small. The little mouse looked ____2____ the bottle. “Aha, there is some milk in it. That’s great!”
She went into it and began to drink. She drank and drank. After a moment she had drunk enough. Her stomach was
____3____ and couldn’t come out of the bottle. She cried for help. Just then a cat came up to the table. When suddenly the cat ____4____ the cry, he jumped onto the table so ____5____, and said, “You’ll be my nice lunch!” The little mouse was very clever and she ____6____ for a moment and said, “Brother Cat, you mustn’t roll(滚动)the bottle.” “ ____7____ ” asked the cat. “I would get dizzy(头晕目眩的).” said the mouse. The cat said that he would let her die soon. ____8____ he began to roll the bottle. Suddenly, the bottle fell down onto the floor and broke into ____9____. The little mouse ran away as fast as ____10____. When the cat jumped off the table and ran after her, the mouse had already gone into her home.
1. A. climbed B. caused C. created D. covered
2. A. front B. middle C. inside D. outside
3. A. small B. big C. deep D. wet
4. A. saw B. looked C. heard D. listened
5. A. sad B. sadly C. happy D. happily
6. A. thought B. drank C. took D. ate
7. A. Where B. When C. Why D. How
8. A. But B. Because C. So D. When
9. A. glass B. glasses C. piece D. pieces
10. A. pale B. possible C. pleased D. public
【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. B
climbed爬;caused引起;created创造;covered覆盖根据“…up onto a table”可知这只老鼠爬到桌子上,故选A。
front前面;middle中间;inside在……内;outside在……外面。根据“Aha, there is some milk in it”可知老鼠是往瓶子里看,故选C。
small小的;big大的;deep深的;wet湿的。根据“She drank and drank. After a moment she had drunk enough.”以及“couldn’t come out of the bottle.”可知,她肚子变大了,故选B。
saw看见;looked看;heard听,强调听到的结果;listened听,强调听的动作,一般要加介词to。根据“the cry”可知此处是指听到叫声,强调结果,应用heard,故选C。
sad伤心的;sadly伤心地;happy高兴的;happily高兴地。根据“You’ll be my nice lunch”可知猫应该是高兴,排除A和B项,空格处是修饰动词jumped,应使用副词形式,故选D。
thought想;drank喝;took拿;ate吃。根据“The little mouse was very clever and she…for a moment”可知老鼠应该是想了一会,故选A。
Where哪里;When什么时候;Why为什么;How如何。根据“I would get dizzy”可知上句是询问原因,故选C。
But但是;Because因为;So所以;When当……的时候。分析语境可知“The cat said that he would let her die soon”和“he began to roll the bottle.”之间为因果关系,且后句为结果,应使用连词so。故选C。
glass玻璃;glasses玻璃杯,眼镜;piece碎片;pieces碎片。根据“Suddenly, the bottle fell down onto the floor and broke into”可知瓶子应该是摔成了碎片,break into pieces“摔成碎片”,故选D。
pale苍白的;possible可能的;pleased高兴的;public公众的。根据“The little mouse ran away as fast as…”可知小老鼠应该是尽可能快跑,故选B。
Now the traffic in cities is very terrible. Sometimes you will find it's very slow to take a car. So bikes are popular with people in some big cities. They think it's much faster to ride a bike. What's more, riding bikes is good for our health. It can make us much stronger. We can be greener people if we often ride a bike to work.
But bikes can have some problems, too. A bicyclist must be very careful when he rides on the road. Bikes are called a kind of transport (交通工具), so a bicyclist must obey (遵守) the rules of the road like car drivers. Bike riders are so easy to get hurt because the traffic is always heavy in the city, so they should wear a fine bicycle helmet (头盔) to keep from the danger of hurting.
If a bicyclist wants to know more about traffic rules, he should go to the traffic station. That's the best way to keep him safe.
1. Why are bikes popular with people in some big cities
A. Because bikes are very cheap.
B. Because people want to save money.
C. Because bikes can stop traffic accidents.
D. Because riding bikes is much faster in the heavy traffic.
2. What's the meaning of the underlined word “bicylist”
A. 汽车司机 B. 交通警察 C. 自行车手 D. 修理工人
3. Bikers should be ________ when they ride on the road.
A. green B. strong C. fast D. careful
4. Which is NOT true according to the passage
A. Traffic in cities is very good.
B. Riding a bike is good for our health.
C. a bicyclist should obey the traffic rules, too.
D. The traffic station is a good place to learn traffic rules.
5. What is this passage mainly about
A. Traffic accidents. B. Ride a bike to work.
C. Some things about riding a bike. D. How to be a good bicyclist.
【答案】1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C
细节理解题。根据So bikes are popular with people in some big cities. They think it's much faster to ride a bike.可知在有些城市,自行车受人们欢迎,他们认为骑自行车在交通堵塞时,更快,故选D。
词义猜测题。根据when he rides on the road. 和Bikes are called a kind of transport (交通工具), so a bicyclist must obey (遵守) the rules of the road like car drivers.可知此处指的是骑自行车的人,故选C。
细节理解题。根据A bicyclist must be very careful when he rides on the road.可知骑自行车的人在路上骑车时,应要小心,故选D。
推理判断题。根据Now the traffic in cities is very terrible.可知城市的交通非常糟糕,而A选项说城市里的交通很好。故选A。
概括归纳题。根据What's more, riding bikes is good for our health.和But bikes can have some problems, too.可知本文主要介绍了一些关于骑自行车的事情,故选C。
【点睛】认真阅读题干,根据题干要求,在文中寻找答案所在的语句或段落,进行分析理解,词义猜测,推理判断和概括归纳,选出正确的选项。例如小题3,根据A bicyclist must be very careful when he rides on the road.可知骑自行车的人在路上骑车时,应要小心,故选D。
American people like to say “Thank you” when other help them or say something kind to them.
People of many countries do so, too. It is a very good habit.
You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you, when someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful. “Thank you” is used not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters.
“Excuse me” is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone says so behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past you without touching you. It’s not polite to break others when they are talking. If you want to speak to some of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin talking. You should also do so when you begin to cough or make any noise before others.
Let’s learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”!
1. You should say “Thank you” when ________.
A. you say something kind to others B. you help others
C. someone helps you D. you have done your work well
2. From the passage we know “Thank you” is ________.
A. widely used in the world B. used more often than “Excuse me”
C. used only by Americans D. used only between friends
3. When you are going to ask someone to tell you the way, you should say “________”.
A. Thank you B. That’s very kind of you C. Excuse me D. I am sorry
4. This passage mainly tells us the way ________.
A. to be happy B. to be polite C. to help others D. to be friends
5. Where can you find the passage
A. From a story book. B. From an advertisement.
C. From a magazine D. From a science book.
【答案】1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C
【导语】本文主要介绍了日常生活中的两句常用语“Thank you”和“Excuse me”,意在提醒我们任何时候都要举止礼貌。
细节理解题。根据“American people like to say ‘Thank you’ when other help them or say something kind to them.”可知,当别人帮助他们或对他们说一些友好的话时,美国人喜欢说“谢谢”。由此可知,当有人帮助你时,你要说“谢谢”。故选C。
推理判断题。根据“People of many countries do so, too.”可知,许多国家的人民也这样做。由此可知,“Thank you”在世界范围内被广泛使用。故选A。
推理判断题。根据“If you want to speak to some of them, say ‘Excuse me’ first, and then begin talking.”可知,如果你想和他们中的一些人说话,先说“不好意思,打扰了”,然后再开始说话。由此可知,当你要请别人给你指路时,是去打扰别人,因此应该说“Excuse me”。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据“You should say ‘Thank you’ when someone passes you the salt on the table”可知,当有人把桌上的盐递给你时,你应该说“Thank you”。根据“‘Excuse me’ is another short sentence they use”可知,“Excuse me”是他们使用的另一个短句。由文中所给的例子可推测,本文主要告诉大家礼貌的方式。故选B。
推理判断题。根据本文介绍的两句常用的礼貌用语“Thank you”和“Excuse me”可知,其意在提醒我们任何时候都要举止礼貌,因此我们可以从杂志上读到这篇文章。故选C。
Animals grow up in different ways. Some newborn animals are helpless but their mothers protect them. A newborn kangaroo is very small. It is only a few centimeters long.
It closes its eyes and doesn’t have hair. It stays safe in its mother’s pouch(育儿袋)for a long time. A newborn monkey can’t walk. Its mother carries it everywhere.
Other baby animals can walk soon after they’re born. They learn to run with their mothers when danger is near. A baby zebra can run an hour after it is born.
Some baby animals are born in a place that is safe. Baby wolves are usually born in big holes with little light. Other baby animals are born in the open. A baby elephant is often born on open land.
Animals that drink their mothers’ milk are called mammals(哺乳动物). A mother bear’s milk is rich. Baby bears have milk for a few months. This is the same with baby zebras. As baby animals grow, they need solid(固体)food. Baby lions eat what their mother can catch.
1. According to the passage, many newborn animals need their mothers’ help because the babies can’t .
A. eat any food B. look after themselves
C. walk by themselves D. drink milk
2. A newborn monkey’s mother carries it everywhere because .
A. it is small B. it closes its eyes C. it can’t walk D. danger is near
3. Baby wolves are usually born in a(n) place.
A. open B. bright C. safe D. small
4. Newborn mammals’ main food is .
A. milk B. mother’s milk C. solid food D. smaller animals
5. How many kinds of baby animals are mentioned(被提及)in this passage
A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Eight.
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C
推理判断题。根据“Some newborn animals are helpless but their mothers protect them.”可知刚出生的动物不能自己照顾自己,所以需要它们妈妈的帮助和保护。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“A newborn monkey can’t walk. Its mother carries it everywhere.”可知新生的猴子不会走路,所以它的母亲得带着它,故选C。
推理判断题。根据“Some baby animals are born in a place that is safe. Baby wolves are usually born in big holes with little light.”可知狼宝宝通常出生在一个几乎没有亮光的洞里,这是一个安全的地方。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“Animals that drink their mothers’ milk are called mammals. A mother bear’s milk is rich. Baby bears have milk for a few months.”可知新生哺乳动物主要是喝母乳。故选B。
Lingling: What are you doing
Tony: I’m preparing a report called “The world’s population”.
Lingling: ____1____ I just watched a video about world population yesterday. It said the world’s population was about 7.8 billion in 2525. And the number will climb to 8.5 billion in 2535.
Tony: I can’t believe it! ____2____ Which countries are seeing the most population growth
Lingling: The largest increase in population will take place in India, Nigeria and Pakistan. ____3____
Tony: Hang on a minute! I’ll make some notes!
Lingling: When populations increase too fast, it can cause problems, such as too much traffic and noise.
Tony: ____4____ How about countries with slow-growing population
Lingling: Countries with low birth rates have problems too. There aren’t enough people to do all the jobs, or enough young people to look after the older ones.
Tony: I see. ____5____ Now I can write my report!
A. That’s true.
B. How can we do that
C. By 2535 India will have about 1.5 billion people.
D. That’s a huge number.
E. Great, thanks for the information.
F. Well, I can help!
G. Me too.
【答案】1. F 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. E
根据“I’m preparing a report called ‘The world’s population’.”以及“I just watched a video about world population yesterday.”可知,对于对方的报告,玲玲可以提供帮助。选项F“嗯,我可以帮忙!”符合语境,故选F。
根据“ I can’t believe it! ”可知,此处是表示对于人口增长的惊讶,选项D“这是一个巨大的数字。”符合语境,故选D。
根据“The largest increase in population will take place in India, Nigeria and Pakistan.”可知,此处介绍印度、尼日利亚和巴基斯坦的人口增幅最大。选项C“到2535年,印度将有大约20亿人口。”符合语境,故选C。
根据“When populations increase too fast, it can cause problems, such as too much traffic and noise.”可知,当人口增长过快时,可能会导致交通和噪音过大等问题,这是提出自己的看法,所以下文应该是对这个看法的评价。选项A“这是真的。”符合语境,故选A。
根据“Now I can write my report!”可知,应该是感谢对方提供的帮助。选项E“太好了,谢谢你提供的信息。”符合语境,故选E。
1. 我必须确认一下明天你是否来参加会议。
I must _____________ whether you will attend the meeting tomorrow.
【答案】make sure
【分析】根据所给汉语可知,空白处表达“确信”,可用短语make sure,句中“must”为情态动词,此处用原形,故填make sure。
2. 那家工厂两年前关闭了。
That factory ________ two years ago.
【答案】closed down
【分析】close down“关闭”,根据“two years ago”可知,此句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填closed down。
3. 我想大家都需要帮助动物,使它们在宁静中生存。
I think we all need to help animals live ______ ______.
【答案】 ①. in ②. peace
【分析】对照中英文提示可知,此处缺的是“在宁静中”,英语是介词短语in peace,作状语修饰动词live,故填in peace。
4. 跑步之前我们可以做做操来热身。
Before running, we can do some exercises to ________ ________ .
【答案】 ①. warm ②. up
【分析】warm up“热身”,动词不定式符号to后接动词原形,故填warm;up。
5. 你能帮我照看我的宠物吗?
Could you help me to ________ ________ my pet
【答案】 ①. look ②. after
【分析】结合所给的空格数量可知,用look after表示“照顾”,help sb to do sth“帮助某人做某事”,第一空应填动词原形,故填look;after。
六、 任务型阅读
Katrina lived with her mother and father in a small white house. All the other houses in the neighborhood looked the same except the house next to Katrina’s. This house needed a lot of fixing (修理). Everyone in the neighborhood thought this house looked bad. No one lived there.
On Saturday morning, a car arrived in front of the house. Katrina saw a man, a woman and a boy get out of the car. They looked at their new home. Then they took things from the car and put them in the house.
On Monday morning, Katrina left for school. In the classroom, she heard her teacher say, “This is David. Please make him feel welcome.” Katrina knew the boy--- he just moved into the house next to hers. Their teacher asked Katrina to show him around the school.
At lunchtime, Katrina showed David the way to the lunchroom. When they ate their lunch, David told Katrina he was excited to live in his new house. Katrina looked surprised(惊讶的) and asked, “Don’t you think it needs a lot of fixing ”
David said his family planned to fix the house because they hoped it would look like all the other houses in the neighborhood. They knew it would take a lot of time and hard work, but they decided to do so. They like their new houses and liked to live in such a nice neighborhood.
Katrina felt she was very lucky. She lived in a nice neighborhood. Listening to David’s story made her feel thankful(感谢的) for life. Sometimes another person helps you understand how much you have.
1. The house next to Katrina’s looked _________________.
2. David and his family came to their new house by _______________.
3. The teacher asked Katrina to ___________________.
4. David felt _____________________ to live in his new house.
5. __________________ helped Katrina understand she was lucky.
【答案】1. bad 2. car
3. show him around the school 4. excited 5. David
【分析】本文是一 记叙文。文章主要介绍了Katrina的故事。她和她的父亲母亲一起住在一个小镇上以及他们在这个镇上发生的一些事。
根据文章第一段中的“Everyone in the neighborhood thought this house looked bad”可知,Katrina附近的房子看起来很糟糕,故填bad。
根据文章第二段中的“Katrina saw a man, a woman and a boy get out of the car”可知,大卫和他的家人坐小汽车来到他们新家,故填car。
根据文章第三段中的“Their teacher asked Katrina to show him around the school”可知,他们的老师让Katrina带大卫参观学校,故填show him around the school。
根据文章第四段中的“David told Katrina he was excited to live in his new house”可知,David住进新家感到很兴奋,故填excited。
根据文章最后一段中的“Listening to David’s ……helps you understand how much you have.”可知,大卫帮助Katrina了解到她很幸运,故填David。
Students often want to practice their English outside class. One of the best w____1____ to practice your English is to speak to a foreigner. Most of the students ask “Is it Okay to try to talk to foreigners when we meet t____2____ in the street ” The answer is yes or no, b____3____ probably no! When you see a foreigner looks lost, it is polite to ask him or her, “May I h____4____ you ” But, if not, you should probably let him or her get on with the business(公事). You can talk to a foreigner at some time or p____5____. It is quite OK to ask him or her questions when a foreigner c____6____ into your school, classroom or your teachers’ office. It’s also OK to talk to foreigners in some p____7____ places. When you see a foreigner and there is no other one with him or her in a r____8____, a waiting room, or a shop, it is the right t____9____ for you to ask him or her, “Is this seat free ”
O____10____ questions like this. It’s a pleasure to talk to a foreigner if you choose the right time and place.
【答案】1. (w)ays
2. (t)hem 3. (b)ut
4. (h)elp 5. (p)laces
6. (c)omes
7. (p)ublic
8. (r)estaurant
9. (t)ime 10. (O)ther
句意:练习英语最好的方法之一就是和外国人交谈。根据“One of the best w...to practice your English is to speak to a foreigner.”及首字母可知,练习英语最好的方法之一就是和外国人交谈,way“方法”,用于“one of+the+最高级+名词复数”结构中,故填(w)ays。
句意:答案是肯定的或否定的,但很可能是否定的!根据“The answer is yes or no, b...probably no!”及首字母可知,前后构成转折关系,用but连接,故填(b)ut。
句意:当你看到一个老外迷路了,礼貌的做法是问他或她:“我可以帮你吗?”根据“May I h...you ”及首字母可知,询问是否需要帮助,help“帮助”符合语境,故填(h)elp。
句意:你可以在某个时间或地点与外国人交谈。根据“You can talk to a foreigner at some time or p...”及首字母可知,在某个时间或地点,places“地点”符合语境,故填(p)laces。
句意:当一个外国人进入你的学校、教室或老师的办公室时,问他或她问题是完全可以的。根据“It is quite OK to ask him or her questions when a foreigner c...into your school, classroom or your teachers’ office.”及首字母可知,外国人进入你的学校、教室或老师的办公室,come“来”,时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单。故填(c)omes。
句意:在一些公共场所与外国人交谈也是可以的。根据“It’s also OK to talk to foreigners in some p...places.”及首字母可知,在一些公共场所,public“公共的”,作定语修饰places。故填(p)ublic。
句意:当你在餐馆、候车室或商店里看到一个外国人,而没有其他人和他或她在一起时,你应该问他或她:“这个座位空着吗?”根据“When you see a foreigner and there is no other one with him or her in a r..., a waiting room, or a shop”及首字母可知,在餐馆、候车室或商店里看到一个外国人,restaurant“餐馆”符合语境,故填(r)estaurant。
句意:当你在餐馆、候车室或商店里看到一个外国人,而没有其他人和他或她在一起时,你应该问他或她:“这个座位空着吗?”根据“it is the right t...for you to ask him or her”及首字母可知,此处是It is the right time for sb to do sth句型,意为“这是某人做某事的恰当时机”。故填(t)ime。
句意:其他类似的问题。根据“O...questions like this.”及首字母可知,还有其他的问题,用other作定语修饰questions,故填(O)ther。
假设你是Lingling。下周五下午2:35,你校戏剧俱乐部的同学将上演(put on)老舍的戏剧《茶馆》,你给在本市学习的英国朋友Tony发邮件,邀请他与你去看戏剧,并约定2:00在校门口见。邮件还要包括以下内容:
Hi Tony,
I have a piece of good news for you. The students in our play club are going to put on Lao She’s famous play Teahouse at 2:35 next Friday.
Looking forward to meeting you.
【答案】Hi Tony,
I have a piece of good news for you. The students in our play club are going to put on Lao She’s famous play Teahouse at 2:35 next Friday. I’d like to invite you to enjoy this play with me.
Lao She, one of the greatest Chinese writers in the 25th century, was born in 2399 in Beijing and was named “the People’s Artist”. He wrote the play “Teahouse” in 2462. The story took place in Beijing. It describes the lives of common people in Beijing and the changes in Chinese society from the end of the 24th century to the middle of the 25th century.
I’m sure this play will help you have a better understanding of Chinese history, and even the Chinese language.
Let’s meet at 2:00 pm at the school gate.
Looking forward to meeting you.
【分析】结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时和一般将来时,人称为单数第一,三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:I have……,I’d like to……,It describes……,I’m sure……等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。
【点睛】本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头表示我想要邀请你去看老舍的戏剧《茶馆》,接下来介绍老舍和《茶馆》,最后我确信这个戏剧对你有帮助以及我们集合的时间和地点。此处put on, invite sb to do sth, take place, from…to….,look forward to等这些词组的运用也让文章增色不少。2023-2024学年度第二学期天津市开学考试试题
一、单项填空(本大题共15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)
从下列每小题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. —What can we give to our father on Father’s Day
—He likes playing ________ chess. How about ________ chess set
A. /; a B. /; an C. the; the D. a; the
2. —I called ________ up just now.
—Sorry. ________ was having a piano lesson.
A. you; My B. you; I C. your; I D. yours; Mine
3. —I can not get the right __________ of the English word.
—You should listen to the tape and then read after it.
A. meaning B. grammar C. pronunciation D. 4. There will be an ________ in noise when the new airports open.
A. increase B. accident C. umbrella D. earthquake
5. It is ________ a good movie ________ many people want to watch it.
A. such; that B. so; that C. too; to D. as; as
6. My sister is ________now. She had a party for her ________birthday yesterday.
A. twenty; twentieth B. twentieth; twentieth
C. twenty; twenty D. twentieth; twenty
7. Betty is interested ________ all the Chinese traditions. She always asks me to tell her more.
A. know B. knew C. knowing D. to know
8. My aunt arrived while we ________ dinner at home.
A. are having B. were having C. was having D. will have
9. You ________ only use red paper for hongbao because red means luck.
A. need B. must C. mustn’t D. may
10. —Who is ________ running star in your school
—I think Philip is
A. famous B. more famous C. the most famous D. less famous
11. Can __________ answer this difficult question
A. anyone else B. someone else C. else anyone D. else someone
12. I didn’t like the weather in the mountain. It changed ________ and started to rain.
A. especially B. suddenly C. bravely D. loudly
13. My parents went to the market ________ some fruit and vegetables just now.
A. buy B. bought C. buying D. to buy
14. This ruler is as _________ as that one.
A. longer B. much longer C. the longer D. long
15. Shanghai is one of ____in the world.
A. the biggest cities B. biggest cities
C. the biggest city D. bigger cities
阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
One day a little mouse was thirsty. She looked everywhere for water to drink. She ____1____ up onto a table. And she saw a bottle on the table. The mouth of the bottle was small. The little mouse looked ____2____ the bottle. “Aha, there is some milk in it. That’s great!”
She went into it and began to drink. She drank and drank. After a moment she had drunk enough. Her stomach was
____3____ and couldn’t come out of the bottle. She cried for help. Just then a cat came up to the table. When suddenly the cat ____4____ the cry, he jumped onto the table so ____5____, and said, “You’ll be my nice lunch!” The little mouse was very clever and she ____6____ for a moment and said, “Brother Cat, you mustn’t roll(滚动)the bottle.” “ ____7____ ” asked the cat. “I would get dizzy(头晕目眩的).” said the mouse. The cat said that he would let her die soon. ____8____ he began to roll the bottle. Suddenly, the bottle fell down onto the floor and broke into ____9____. The little mouse ran away as fast as ____10____. When the cat jumped off the table and ran after her, the mouse had already gone into her home.
1. A. climbed B. caused C. created D. covered
2. A. front B. middle C. inside D. outside
3. A. small B. big C. deep D. wet
4. A. saw B. looked C. heard D. listened
5. A. sad B. sadly C. happy D. happily
6. A. thought B. drank C. took D. ate
7. A. Where B. When C. Why D. How
8. A. But B. Because C. So D. When
9. A. glass B. glasses C. piece D. pieces
10. A. pale B. possible C. pleased D. public
Now the traffic in cities is very terrible. Sometimes you will find it's very slow to take a car. So bikes are popular with people in some big cities. They think it's much faster to ride a bike. What's more, riding bikes is good for our health. It can make us much stronger. We can be greener people if we often ride a bike to work.
But bikes can have some problems, too. A bicyclist must be very careful when he rides on the road. Bikes are called a kind of transport (交通工具), so a bicyclist must obey (遵守) the rules of the road like car drivers. Bike riders are so easy to get hurt because the traffic is always heavy in the city, so they should wear a fine bicycle helmet (头盔) to keep from the danger of hurting.
If a bicyclist wants to know more about traffic rules, he should go to the traffic station. That's the best way to keep him safe.
1. Why are bikes popular with people in some big cities
A. Because bikes are very cheap.
B. Because people want to save money.
C. Because bikes can stop traffic accidents.
D. Because riding bikes is much faster in the heavy traffic.
2. What's the meaning of the underlined word “bicylist”
A. 汽车司机 B. 交通警察 C. 自行车手 D. 修理工人
3. Bikers should be ________ when they ride on the road.
A. green B. strong C. fast D. careful
4. Which is NOT true according to the passage
A. Traffic in cities is very good.
B. Riding a bike is good for our health.
C. a bicyclist should obey the traffic rules, too.
D. The traffic station is a good place to learn traffic rules.
5. What is this passage mainly about
A. Traffic accidents. B. Ride a bike to work.
C. Some things about riding a bike. D. How to be a good bicyclist.
American people like to say “Thank you” when other help them or say something kind to them.
People of many countries do so, too. It is a very good habit.
You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you, when someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful. “Thank you” is used not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters.
“Excuse me” is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone says so behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past you without touching you. It’s not polite to break others when they are talking. If you want to speak to some of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin talking. You should also do so when you begin to cough or make any noise before others.
Let’s learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”!
1. You should say “Thank you” when ________.
A. you say something kind to others B. you help others
C. someone helps you D. you have done your work well
2. From the passage we know “Thank you” is ________.
A. widely used in the world B. used more often than “Excuse me”
C. used only by Americans D. used only between friends
3. When you are going to ask someone to tell you the way, you should say “________”.
A. Thank you B. That’s very kind of you C. Excuse me D. I am sorry
4. This passage mainly tells us the way ________.
A. to be happy B. to be polite C. to help others D. to be friends
5. Where can you find the passage
A. From a story book. B. From an advertisement.
C. From a magazine D. From a science book.
Animals grow up in different ways. Some newborn animals are helpless but their mothers protect them. A newborn kangaroo is very small. It is only a few centimeters long.
It closes its eyes and doesn’t have hair. It stays safe in its mother’s pouch(育儿袋)for a long time. A newborn monkey can’t walk. Its mother carries it everywhere.
Other baby animals can walk soon after they’re born. They learn to run with their mothers when danger is near. A baby zebra can run an hour after it is born.
Some baby animals are born in a place that is safe. Baby wolves are usually born in big holes with little light. Other baby animals are born in the open. A baby elephant is often born on open land.
Animals that drink their mothers’ milk are called mammals(哺乳动物). A mother bear’s milk is rich. Baby bears have milk for a few months. This is the same with baby zebras. As baby animals grow, they need solid(固体)food. Baby lions eat what their mother can catch.
1. According to the passage, many newborn animals need their mothers’ help because the babies can’t .
A. eat any food B. look after themselves
C. walk by themselves D. drink milk
2. A newborn monkey’s mother carries it everywhere because .
A. it is small B. it closes its eyes C. it can’t walk D. danger is near
3. Baby wolves are usually born in a(n) place.
A. open B. bright C. safe D. small
4. Newborn mammals’ main food is .
A. milk B. mother’s milk C. solid food D. smaller animals
5. How many kinds of baby animals are mentioned(被提及)in this passage
A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Eight.
Lingling: What are you doing
Tony: I’m preparing a report called “The world’s population”.
Lingling: ____1____ I just watched a video about world population yesterday. It said the world’s population was about 7.8 billion in 2525. And the number will climb to 8.5 billion in 2535.
Tony: I can’t believe it! ____2____ Which countries are seeing the most population growth
Lingling: The largest increase in population will take place in India, Nigeria and Pakistan. ____3____
Tony: Hang on a minute! I’ll make some notes!
Lingling: When populations increase too fast, it can cause problems, such as too much traffic and noise.
Tony: ____4____ How about countries with slow-growing population
Lingling: Countries with low birth rates have problems too. There aren’t enough people to do all the jobs, or enough young people to look after the older ones.
Tony: I see. ____5____ Now I can write my report!
A. That’s true.
B. How can we do that
C. By 2535 India will have about 1.5 billion people.
D. That’s a huge number.
E. Great, thanks for the information.
F. Well, I can help!
G. Me too.
1. 我必须确认一下明天你是否来参加会议。
I must _____________ whether you will attend the meeting tomorrow.
2. 那家工厂两年前关闭了。
That factory ________ two years ago.
3. 我想大家都需要帮助动物,使它们在宁静中生存。
I think we all need to help animals live ______ ______.
4. 跑步之前我们可以做做操来热身。
Before running, we can do some exercises to ________ ________ .
5. 你能帮我照看我的宠物吗?
Could you help me to ________ ________ my pet
六、 任务型阅读
Katrina lived with her mother and father in a small white house. All the other houses in the neighborhood looked the same except the house next to Katrina’s. This house needed a lot of fixing (修理). Everyone in the neighborhood thought this house looked bad. No one lived there.
On Saturday morning, a car arrived in front of the house. Katrina saw a man, a woman and a boy get out of the car. They looked at their new home. Then they took things from the car and put them in the house.
On Monday morning, Katrina left for school. In the classroom, she heard her teacher say, “This is David. Please make him feel welcome.” Katrina knew the boy--- he just moved into the house next to hers. Their teacher asked Katrina to show him around the school.
At lunchtime, Katrina showed David the way to the lunchroom. When they ate their lunch, David told Katrina he was excited to live in his new house. Katrina looked surprised(惊讶的) and asked, “Don’t you think it needs a lot of fixing ”
David said his family planned to fix the house because they hoped it would look like all the other houses in the neighborhood. They knew it would take a lot of time and hard work, but they decided to do so. They like their new houses and liked to live in such a nice neighborhood.
Katrina felt she was very lucky. She lived in a nice neighborhood. Listening to David’s story made her feel thankful(感谢的) for life. Sometimes another person helps you understand how much you have.
1. The house next to Katrina’s looked _________________.
2. David and his family came to their new house by _______________.
3. The teacher asked Katrina to ___________________.
4. David felt _____________________ to live in his new house.
5. __________________ helped Katrina understand she was lucky.
Students often want to practice their English outside class. One of the best w____1____ to practice your English is to speak to a foreigner. Most of the students ask “Is it Okay to try to talk to foreigners when we meet t____2____ in the street ” The answer is yes or no, b____3____ probably no! When you see a foreigner looks lost, it is polite to ask him or her, “May I h____4____ you ” But, if not, you should probably let him or her get on with the business(公事). You can talk to a foreigner at some time or p____5____. It is quite OK to ask him or her questions when a foreigner c____6____ into your school, classroom or your teachers’ office. It’s also OK to talk to foreigners in some p____7____ places. When you see a foreigner and there is no other one with him or her in a r____8____, a waiting room, or a shop, it is the right t____9____ for you to ask him or her, “Is this seat free ”
O____10____ questions like this. It’s a pleasure to talk to a foreigner if you choose the right time and place.
假设你是Lingling。下周五下午2:35,你校戏剧俱乐部的同学将上演(put on)老舍的戏剧《茶馆》,你给在本市学习的英国朋友Tony发邮件,邀请他与你去看戏剧,并约定2:00在校门口见。邮件还要包括以下内容:
Hi Tony,
I have a piece of good news for you. The students in our play club are going to put on Lao She’s famous play Teahouse at 2:35 next Friday.
Looking forward to meeting you.



