(天津专用)寒假开学考 八年级英语试题第15套(含解析)

一、单项填空(本大题共15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)
从下列每小题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. —What’s ________ population of China
—China is ________ big country with a population of about 1.4 billion.
A. a; a B. the; the C. the; a D. a; the
2. Bob, ______ TV on weekdays.
A. not try to watch B. try not to watch C. don’t try watch D. try to not watch
考查固定搭配。try to do sth.尽力做某事,其否定形式为try not to do,故选B。
3. Don’t forget ______ the lights when you leave the room.
A. to turn off B. turning C. turns D. to turn on
考查固定搭配。忘记去做某事forget to do sth.;turn off关灯;turn on打开。由“leave the room”离开房间,可知,是要关灯,故选A。
4. My school is ______ our city.
A. to the east of B. at the east of C. in the east of D. on the east of
5. —What are you going to do during the summer holidays
—________. I will just stay at home.
A. Nothing special B. Something special C. Special nothing D. Special something
考查复合不定代词。nothing没有什么;something一些事情。复合不定代词与形容词搭配时,形容词需要后置,故排除C、D两项;由“I will just stay at home.”可知,是没什么特别的,所以待在家。故选A。
6. You should make some ________ when you listen to the teachers in class.
A. changes B. scores C. facts D. notes
考查名词辨析。changes改变;scores分数;facts事实;notes笔记。分析句子,听老师讲课时要“记笔记”,make notes“记笔记”。故选D。
7. Lucy writes as ________ as Lily. They are both good students.
A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. more carefully
8. —_______ do you talk to your teacher at the School Air
—Once a week.
A. How long B. How much
C. How soon D. How often
考查特殊疑问句。How long多长(时间),对一段时间或长度提问;How much多少,对不可数名词提问;How soon多久,对将来的时间进行提问,回答一般用In加上时间段;How often多久一次,对频率提问。根据“Once a week.”可知,是对频率提问。故选D。
9. As soon as the famous singer ________ at the concert, all of his fans were very excited.
A. met B. appeared C. left D. saw
考查动词辨析。met相遇;appeared出现;left离开;saw看见。根据“As soon as the famous singer … at the concert, all of his fans were very excited”可知,著名歌手出现在音乐会上,歌迷们都很兴奋,故选B。
10. Look! There is ________ traffic and ________ people on the roads.
A. too much; too much B. too much; too many C. too many; too many D. too many; too much
考查形容词短语。too much太多,修饰不可数名词;too many太多,修饰可数名词。填空一处traffic为不可数名词,应用too much修饰;填空二处people为集合名词,应用too many修饰。故选B。
11. The population of Shanghai is than of Nanjing.
A. more; that B. more; it C. larger; that D. larger; it
12. ______ books you read, ______ knowledge you will know.
A. More; More B. The more; the fewer C. The fewer; the less D. The more; the less
13. The little boy has trouble ________ the piano.
A. play B. playing C. to play D. plays
考查动名词作宾语。分析句子可知,此处考查have trouble(in)doing“做某事有困难”,动名词在此处作宾语。故选B。
14. There are some ________ between the two pictures. Please find them.
A. meanings B. differences C. chances D. choices
考查名词辨析。meanings意思;differences差异;chances机会;choices选择。根据“between the two pictures. Please find them”可知,找出这两幅画的差异,故选B。
15 It was ________ yesterday and there was a lot of ________ on the road.
A. snow; now B. snow; snowy C. snowy; snowy D. snowy; snow
阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
We sometimes call the lion “the king of the forest” , because it is stronger and more dangerous than other animals. It can ___1___ faster than many animals and hunt the best. It is the highest animal in the ___2___ food chain.
In the sea, the shark is one of the animals at the top of the food chain. It can swim faster than ___3___ other sea animals, and it can use its big teeth to eat them.
What is at the top of the world's food chain?People are!We are not the biggest or fastest, but we are the ___4___.We could not run faster than cheetahs (猎豹), so we ___5___ cars and now we can move the fastest. We could not fight better than lions, so we invented guns. Now we can hunt the best.
People's inventions are clever, but they can be ___6___,too. For example, people built ___7___,and now they make the air and rivers dirty. This can make terrible changes. Dirty rivers kill fish.___8___ bears cannot eat the fish. If we kill one part of the food chain, other parts will also die. Remember that we are a part of the food chain, ___9___ we are in danger, too!If we protect animals, we are protecting ____10____!We could and we should do something for the world!
1. A. walk B. swim C. run D. jump
2. A. sea B. land C. mountain D. desert
3. A. most B. another C. any D. more
4. A. strongest B. cleverest C. most special D. most important
5. A. used B. had C. invented D. made
6. A. interesting B. dangerous C. careful D. helpful
7. A. factories B. hotels C. schools D. hospitals
8. A. If B. When C. While D. Then
9. A. and B. so C. but D. or
10. A. ourselves B. oneself C. yourselves D. themselves
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. A
A.walk走;B.swim游泳;C.run跑步;D.jump跳。根据下文It is the highest animal in the___2___food chain.可知这里是说狮子跑得比其他动物快。根据题意,故选C。
A.sea大海;B.land土地;C.mountain山脉;D.desert沙漠。根据上文We sometimes call the lion “the king of the forest” , because it is stronger and more dangerous than other animals. It can___1___faster than many animals and hunt the best.可知,这里是说陆地的食物链中,根据题意,故选B。
A.most最多;B.another另一;C.any任何;D.more更多。根据上文In the sea, the shark is one of the animals at the top of the food chain.可知这里是指大部分其他的海洋动物,根据题意,故选A。
A.strongest最强壮的;B.cleverest最聪明的;C.most special最特殊的;D.most important最重要的。根据下文We could not run faster than cheetahs (猎豹), so we___5___cars and now we can move the fastest. We could not fight better than lions, so we invented guns. Now we can hunt the best.可知我们是最聪明的。根据题意,故选B。
A.used使用;B.had有;C.invented发明;D.made使,制作。根据下文We could not fight better than lions, so we invented guns. Now we can hunt the best.可知这里是说我们发明了汽车。根据题意,故选C。
A.interesting有趣的;B.dangerous危险的;C.careful小心的;D.helpful有帮助的。根据下文For example, people built___7___,and now they make the air and rivers dirty.可知,这里是说人类可能是危险的,根据题意,故选B。
A.factories工厂;B.hotels旅馆;C.schools学校;D.hospitals医院。根据下文For example, people built___7___,and now they make the air and rivers dirty. This can make terrible changes. Dirty rivers kill fish.___8___bears cannot eat the fish. If we kill one part of the food chain, other parts will also die可知这里是说人们建造工厂。根据题意,故选A。
A.If如果;B.When当……的时候;C.While当……的时候;D.Then然后。根据上文and now they make the air and rivers dirty. This can make terrible changes. Dirty rivers kill fish.可知下文是用then来连接。根据题意,故选D。
A.ourselves我们自己;B.oneself某人自己;C.yourselves你自己;D.themselves他们自己。根据上文If we protect animals可知下文是说在保护我们自己。主语是we,这里用ourselves,根据题意,故选A。
Erin, 14, Paris My deskmate, Lana, often asks me questions in class, so I can’t hear what the teacher is saying. The other students are quite angry with us.
May,13, Beijing I’m going to take the mid-term exam next month. Will I do well in it Will my parents be angry if I don’t I am really worried. I can’t eat well and I’m not sleeping very well.
Mary,14, Washington Alice, my good friend, will have her 15th birthday party next week. She has invited me to it, but I don’t have money to buy her a gift. What should I do
1. What is the best advice for Erin
A. Try to relax. B. You could make a gift to give her.
C. You could write him a letter. D. Tell her to ask questions after class.
2. What is the matter with Mary
A. She didn’t go to her friend’s birthday party. B. She can’t hear the teacher clearly in class.
C. She did badly in an exam. D. She has no money to buy a gift.
3. ________ is under too much pressure and should learn to relax.
A. Erin B. Mary C. May D. Alice
4. Which of the following is TRUE
A. Erin and Mary are the same age. B. Mary lives in England.
C. Lana is very popular in class. D. Alice is Erin’s good friend.
5. What is the best title for this text
A. Can I Help You B. What Should I Do
C. How to Make Friends D. Why Not Tell Him
【答案】1. D 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B
推理判断题。根据“ Lana, often asks me questions in class, so I can’t hear what the teacher is saying. The other students are quite angry with us.”可知,其他学生对我们在课上讲话很生气,所以应建议 Lana课后问问题。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“but I don’t have money to buy her a gift.”可知她没钱买礼物。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“I’m going to take the mid-term exam next month. Will I do well in it Will my parents be angry if I don’t I am really worried. I can’t eat well and I’m not sleeping very well.”可知May压力很大。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“Erin, 14, Mary,14,”可知他们同岁。故选A。
The moon was behind a cloud and there weren’t many stars in the sky. It was a dark night. I saw a glow (光) in my neighbour’s kitchen. I thought he was having a night meal so I went back to my bed.
Soon, there was a smell of burning (烧东西的焦糊味) in the air and I thought there was probably something wrong. I jumped out of the bed quickly and went out to make sure. I saw a fire coming out of my neighbour’s kitchen. Then I shouted “Fire! Fire!” But no one in the neighbourhood heard my shouts for help.
I ran into my house, called the fire department (消防队) and went back to my neighbour’s house. I banged (猛敲) on the door and called out my neighbour’s name, but there was no answer. Finally I got into the house and rescued a cat and a dog.
I tried to pour water through the kitchen window but it was no use. It was a big fire. Luckily, the firemen arrived soon and stopped the fire.
When my neighbour came back, he was sad for his kitchen but he thanked me for calling the fire department and for saving his pets. He wanted to give me some money but I did not accept it.
Weeks later, my neighbour had a new kitchen. He invited me to see his new kitchen and we enjoyed a big meal there. It made me very happy.
1. When did the fire happen
A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. D. At night.
2. Where was the writer when he found there was a smell of burning in the air
A. In his bedroom. B. In his kitchen.
C. In his neighbour’s kitchen. D. In his neighbour’s living room.
3. The underlined word “rescued” means “________” according to the passage.
A. saw B. called C. thanked D. saved
4. What did the neighbour feel sad for
A. His pets. B. His kitchen. C. The firemen. D. The fire department.
5. How did the neighbour thank the writer
A. He gave the writer some money. B. He gave the writer his pet dog.
C. He invited the writer to a big meal. D. He asked the writer to see a movie.
【答案】1. D 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C
细节理解题。根据“It was a dark night.”可知,大火发生在深夜,故选D。
细节理解题。根据“I thought he was having a night meal so I went back to my bed.”及“Soon, there was a smell of burning (烧东西的焦糊味) in the air and I thought there was probably something wrong. I jumped out of the bed quickly”可知,当时作者在卧室里,故选A。
词义猜测题。根据“Finally I got into the house and rescued a cat and a dog”以及“he thanked me for calling the fire department and for saving his pets”可知,进入房子救了一只猫和一只狗,所以划线单词与saved同义,故选D。
细节理解题。根据“When my neighbour came back, he was sad for his kitchen”可知,他为他的厨房感到难过,故选B。
细节理解题。根据“He invited me to see his new kitchen and we enjoyed a big meal there.”可知,邀请作者在新建的厨房共进大餐来表示感谢,故选C。
When you are in England, you must be very careful in the street because the traffic moves on the left. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then the left.
If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then the people on foot can cross the road carefully! If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People mustn’t cross. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then.
When you go by bus in Hong Kong, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.
In Hong Kong, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city very well. It’s very interesting.
1. When you cross a street in England, you must ________.
A. look to the left first and then the right B. look to the right first and then the left
C. look to the cars and buses D. look to the left and the right at the same time
2. If the traffic lights are red, ________.
A. the traffic must go B. the people must go
C. the traffic must stop D. the people must stop
3. Traffic is the most dangerous ________.
A. in the morning B. in the evening
C. when you go the wrong way D. when people go to or come back from work
4. In Hong Kong, the traffic moves ________.
A. the same way as the cities in China B. on the right
C. the same way as the cities in the UK D. in the middle of the roads
5. If you take a bus with two floors in Hong Kong, you can sit on the second floor because ________.
A. you can see the city very well B. it is cooler up there
C. you can have a larger seat D. it is easy for you to know the city well
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A
细节理解题。根据“Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first then the left.”可知,在你过马路前,你必须先向右看,然后左看,故选B。
细节理解题。根据“If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop.”可知,如果红灯亮了,车辆必须停下来。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then.”可知,在早上和晚上,当人们上下班的时候,交通最繁忙,那时最危险。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“When you go by bus in Hong Kong, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left.”可知,香港的车辆也是靠左行驶,和英国一样。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“In Hong Kong, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city very well.”可知,在香港,有两层的大巴士,你可以坐在二层。从那里你可以很好地看到这个城市。故选A。
A = Amy; C = Cathy
A: Hey, Cathy. How about going with me to buy some clothes
C: OK! ___1___ because it will rain this afternoon.
A: Where shall we go
C: What about that department store next to the Shangrila Hotel
A: I think it’s too expensive. ___2___
C: OK! I didn’t know about it. I’m interested to see what clothes they have.
A: ___3___
C: I think you should buy some skirts and blouses for spring.
A: I need some. ___4___
C: Many of your clothes are dark, so why don’t you choose some bright colors
A: I agree. Hey, it’s already 3:00 pm. ___5___
A. How about this red shirt B. It’s a good idea to go soon. C. What colors do you think look good on me D. Why not buy this pair of shoes E. Why not go to the new clothing store in front of the train station F. What should I buy G. Let’s try to get on the bus.
【答案】1. B 2. E 3. F 4. C 5. G
根据“OK...because it will rain this afternoon”可推测出,因为下午将要下雨,所以最好赶快去。选项B“最好赶快走”符合语境。故选B。
根据“I think it’s too expensive”可知,这里是建议去其他地方,选项E“为什么不去火车站前面的那家新服装店呢”符合语境。故选E。
根据“I think you should buy some skirts and blouses for spring”可知,此处在问对方该买什么。选项F“我应该买什么”符合语境。故选F。
根据“Many of your clothes are dark, so why don’t you choose some bright colors”可知,此处应与衣服的颜色相关,选项C“你觉得我穿什么颜色好看”符合语境。故选C。
根据“Hey, it’s already 3:00 pm”可知,此处应表达该出发了,选项G“我们快上车吧”。故选G。
1. 我们大家应该帮助动物们和平共处。
We should help animals live ________.
【答案】in peace
【分析】根据中英文对照可知,空处缺“和平地”的英文翻译。in peace意为“和平地”,修饰动词“live”。故填in peace。
2. 昨天,我的弟弟从他的自行车上摔了下来。
Yesterday, my brother ________ his bike.
【答案】fell off
【分析】 fall off“从……上摔下来”,动词短语;由“Yesterday”可知时态是一般过去时,fall的过去式是fell。故填fell off。
3. 稍等一会儿!我很快就来。
_____ _____ a minute! I’m coming soon.
【答案】 ①. Hang ②. on
【分析】“等候”为hang on,该句为祈使句,以动词原形开头,故填Hang;on。
4. 这家工厂三年前关闭了。
The factory ________ ________ three years ago.
【答案】 ①. closed ②. down
【分析】close down“关闭”,根据“three years ago”可知,此句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填closed;down。
5. 快点。五点半了。咱们回家吧。
________ ________. It’s five thirty. Let’s go home.
【答案】 ①. Come ②. on
【分析】come on“快点、快来”,为固定搭配,根据题干可知此处为祈使句,使用动词原形,置于句首,句首字母大写,故填Come;on。
六、 任务型阅读
When “Love” Means “Zero”
Have you ever watched a tennis game broadcast(播报)in English If you have, then you probably have noticed that the score 40-0 is read as “Forty to love” instead of “Forty to zero.” If neither side scores a point (that is, 0-0), then the score will be “Love-all”.
So how did “love” become a word for “zero” in tennis
Some people believe this usage(用法)came from French. It is said that the French use the word “l’oeuf”(it means “the egg”)to mean a score of zero. This is similar(相似的)to calling a score of zero “a duck’s egg” in British English.When tennis was introduced into England from France, Britons also called a score of zero “l’oeuf”. However, some tennis fans didn’t know French. They mispronounced(发音错误)the French word as the English word “love” (“l’oeuf” is close in pronunciation to the English word “love”.)Over time, “love” ended up picking up a new meaning: a score of zero.
This is the most popular explanation(解释). Unluckily, researchers haven’t yet found proof(证据)that the French people ever used the word “l’oeuf” to mean “zero”. According to (根据)their studies, the French always call the number “zero”.
Another explanation that this usage came from the expression “to play for love” has been more widely accepted among researchers. Players who fail to score any points don’t care. They play for their love of the game, not just for a desire(愿望)to win. Researchers have found written records to support(支持)this explanation. However, more studies are needed to solve this puzzle. Because most of the records are about card games, rather than tennis. So far, nobody knows for sure how love came to mean “zero” in tennis.
1. According to the passage, people call a score of zero “________” in tennis.
2. Tennis was introduced into ________ along with the “language of tennis.”
3. “L’oeuf” is close in ________ to the English word “love”.
4. The explanation “________” has been more widely accepted among researchers.
5. Researchers have found some written records to support this explanation, but more studies ________.
【答案】1. Love-all
2. England
3. pronunciation
4. to play for love
5. are needed to solve this puzzle
根据文中“If neither side scores a point (that is, 0-0), then the score will be ‘Love-all’.”可知,在网球比赛中人们称零分为“Love-all”。故填Love-all。
根据文中“When tennis was introduced into England from France, Britons also called a score of zero ‘l’oeuf’.” 可知,网球伴随着网球语言从法国引入英国。故填England。
根据文中“They mispronounced(发音错误)the French word as the English word ‘love’ (‘l’oeuf’ is close in pronunciation to the English word ‘love’.)Over time, ‘love’ ended up picking up a new meaning: a score of zero.”可知,1’oeuf在发音上接近英语单词love。故填pronunciation。
根据文中“Another explanation that this usage came from the expression ‘to play for love’ has been more widely accepted among researchers.”可知,“为爱而玩”这种解释在研究人员中得到广泛接受。故填to play for love。
根据文中“However, more studies are needed to solve this puzzle. Because most of the records are about card games, rather than tennis. So far, nobody knows for sure how love came to mean ‘zero’ in tennis.”可知,研究发现一些支持性记录,但需要更多的研究来解决这个难题。故填are needed to solve this puzzle。
Do you know Ma Yun He is a short Chinese man, but he is one of the greatest men in the world. He is the chairman of Alibaba Group. O____1____ September 24, 2519, Alibaba went public(上市)and raised $5 billion. Ma who was once an English teacher has become one of the r____2____ men in China.
Ma was born in 244 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. He g____3____ up as a happy kid. W____4____ he was young, he wanted to learn English. Every morning, he got up at 5 am, rode h____5____ bike for 45 minutes to a hotel near the West Lake and talked with f____6____ tourists in English. He did it for nine years.
The experience made him an e____7____ English speaker and also opened his eyes to the outside world. During a trip to the US in 2495, Ma knew the Internet for the f____8____ time. He searched the word “beer” on Yahoo, and f____9____ there was nothing there about China. Seeing the chance, Ma returned to China and set up a website(网站)called China Pages without even knowing much about computers.
Four years l____10____, Ma and his friends set up Alibaba Group in Hangzhou. So far Alibaba Group has developed into the world’s largest e-commerce(电子商务)company. It has popular shopping websites like Taobao and Tmall.
【答案】1. (O)n
2. (r)ichest
3. (g)rew 4. (W)hen
5. (h)is 6. (f)oreign
7. (e)xcellent
8. (f)irst
9. (f)ound
10. (l)ater
句意:2519年9月24日,阿里巴巴上市,融资55亿美元。根据“September 24, 2519”可知具体某一天前用介词on。故填(O)n。
句意:曾经是英语老师的马已经成为中国最富有的人之一。根据“become one of the r...men in China.”可知马云是中国最富有的人之一,richest“最富有的”,故填(r)ichest。
句意:他是一个快乐成长的孩子。grow up“成长”,句子是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填(g)rew。
句意:当他年轻的时候,他想学英语。根据“he was young, he wanted to learn English”可知前句是后句的时间状语,应用when引导时间状语从句,故填(W)hen。
句意:每天早上,他5点起床,骑45分钟的自行车到西湖附近的一家酒店,用英语与外国游客交谈。根据“he got up at 5 am, rode h...bike”可知应该是他的自行车,应用his修饰。故填(h)is。
句意:每天早上,他5点起床,骑45分钟的自行车到西湖附近的一家酒店,用英语与外国游客交谈。根据“talked with f...tourists in English”可知应是与外国游客交谈,foreign“外国的”,形容词作定语,故填(f)oreign。
句意:这段经历使他的英语说得很好,也开阔了他的眼界。根据“English speaker”结合首字母可知,马云的英语很好。excellent“出色的”,形容词作定语。故填(e)xcellent。
句意:在2495年的一次美国之行中,马云第一次知道了互联网。根据“Ma knew the Internet for the f...time”可知马云这时候是第一次知道了互联网,first time“第一次”。故填(f)irst。
句意:他在雅虎上搜索“啤酒”这个词,发现没有任何关于中国的信息。根据“He searched the word ‘beer’ on Yahoo, and f...there was nothing there about China.”可知马云在雅虎上搜索“啤酒”这个词,但是发现没有任何关于中国的信息,find“发现”,句子是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填(f)ound。
句意:四年后,马云和他的朋友们在杭州成立了阿里巴巴集团。根据“Four years l...Ma and his friends set up Alibaba Group in Hangzhou.”可知马云和他的朋友们四年后在杭州成立了阿里巴巴集团。later“之后”符合语境,故填(l)ater。
根据所给提示信息,请以A traffic accident为题写一篇报导:(字数在90词左右,开头已经给出,不计入总数)
提示词:救护车ambulance 急救中心First Aid Centre
It was 9:10 am last Sunday at Xinhua Road,
A traffic accident
It was 9:10 am last Sunday at Xinhua Road, and there were many cars in the street at that time. An old lady was crossing the street when a young man riding his bike fast without seeing the red lights and knocked her down.
The accident happened so suddenly that the other people in the street didn’t understand what was happening. The old lady was badly hurt and it was impossible for her to move. Someone called the First Aid Centre and soon some doctors came in their ambulance and carried the lady to the hospital.
I think we should be careful and obey the traffic rules when we go out.
①at that time在那时
②knock sb down把某人撞倒
③carry sb to…把某人送到……
①An old lady was crossing the street when a young man riding his bike fast without seeing the red lights and knocked her down(时间状语从句)
②I think we should be careful and obey the traffic rules when we go out.(宾语从句)2023-2024学年度第二学期天津市开学考试试题
一、单项填空(本大题共15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)
从下列每小题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. —What’s ________ population of China
—China is ________ big country with a population of about 1.4 billion.
A. a; a B. the; the C. the; a D. a; the
2. Bob, ______ TV on weekdays.
A. not try to watch B. try not to watch C. don’t try watch D. try to not watch
3. Don’t forget ______ the lights when you leave the room.
A. to turn off B. turning C. turns D. to turn on
4. My school is ______ our city.
A. to the east of B. at the east of C. in the east of D. on the east of
5. —What are you going to do during the summer holidays
—________. I will just stay at home.
A. Nothing special B. Something special C. Special nothing D. Special something
6. You should make some ________ when you listen to the teachers in class.
A. changes B. scores C. facts D. notes
7. Lucy writes as ________ as Lily. They are both good students.
A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. more carefully
8. —_______ do you talk to your teacher at the School Air
—Once a week.
A. How long B. How much
C. How soon D. How often
9. As soon as the famous singer ________ at the concert, all of his fans were very excited.
A. met B. appeared C. left D. saw
10. Look! There is ________ traffic and ________ people on the roads.
A. too much; too much B. too much; too many C. too many; too many D. too many; too much
11. The population of Shanghai is than of Nanjing.
A. more; that B. more; it C. larger; that D. larger; it
12. ______ books you read, ______ knowledge you will know.
A. More; More B. The more; the fewer C. The fewer; the less D. The more; the less
13. The little boy has trouble ________ the piano.
A. play B. playing C. to play D. plays
14. There are some ________ between the two pictures. Please find them.
A. meanings B. differences C. chances D. choices
15 It was ________ yesterday and there was a lot of ________ on the road.
A. snow; now B. snow; snowy C. snowy; snowy D. snowy; snow
阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
We sometimes call the lion “the king of the forest” , because it is stronger and more dangerous than other animals. It can ___1___ faster than many animals and hunt the best. It is the highest animal in the ___2___ food chain.
In the sea, the shark is one of the animals at the top of the food chain. It can swim faster than ___3___ other sea animals, and it can use its big teeth to eat them.
What is at the top of the world's food chain?People are!We are not the biggest or fastest, but we are the ___4___.We could not run faster than cheetahs (猎豹), so we ___5___ cars and now we can move the fastest. We could not fight better than lions, so we invented guns. Now we can hunt the best.
People's inventions are clever, but they can be ___6___,too. For example, people built ___7___,and now they make the air and rivers dirty. This can make terrible changes. Dirty rivers kill fish.___8___ bears cannot eat the fish. If we kill one part of the food chain, other parts will also die. Remember that we are a part of the food chain, ___9___ we are in danger, too!If we protect animals, we are protecting ____10____!We could and we should do something for the world!
1. A. walk B. swim C. run D. jump
2. A. sea B. land C. mountain D. desert
3. A. most B. another C. any D. more
4. A. strongest B. cleverest C. most special D. most important
5. A. used B. had C. invented D. made
6. A. interesting B. dangerous C. careful D. helpful
7. A. factories B. hotels C. schools D. hospitals
8. A. If B. When C. While D. Then
9. A. and B. so C. but D. or
10. A. ourselves B. oneself C. yourselves D. themselves
Erin, 14, Paris My deskmate, Lana, often asks me questions in class, so I can’t hear what the teacher is saying. The other students are quite angry with us.
May,13, Beijing I’m going to take the mid-term exam next month. Will I do well in it Will my parents be angry if I don’t I am really worried. I can’t eat well and I’m not sleeping very well.
Mary,14, Washington Alice, my good friend, will have her 15th birthday party next week. She has invited me to it, but I don’t have money to buy her a gift. What should I do
1. What is the best advice for Erin
A. Try to relax. B. You could make a gift to give her.
C. You could write him a letter. D. Tell her to ask questions after class.
2. What is the matter with Mary
A. She didn’t go to her friend’s birthday party. B. She can’t hear the teacher clearly in class.
C. She did badly in an exam. D. She has no money to buy a gift.
3. ________ is under too much pressure and should learn to relax.
A. Erin B. Mary C. May D. Alice
4. Which of the following is TRUE
A. Erin and Mary are the same age. B. Mary lives in England.
C. Lana is very popular in class. D. Alice is Erin’s good friend.
5. What is the best title for this text
A. Can I Help You B. What Should I Do
C. How to Make Friends D. Why Not Tell Him
The moon was behind a cloud and there weren’t many stars in the sky. It was a dark night. I saw a glow (光) in my neighbour’s kitchen. I thought he was having a night meal so I went back to my bed.
Soon, there was a smell of burning (烧东西的焦糊味) in the air and I thought there was probably something wrong. I jumped out of the bed quickly and went out to make sure. I saw a fire coming out of my neighbour’s kitchen. Then I shouted “Fire! Fire!” But no one in the neighbourhood heard my shouts for help.
I ran into my house, called the fire department (消防队) and went back to my neighbour’s house. I banged (猛敲) on the door and called out my neighbour’s name, but there was no answer. Finally I got into the house and rescued a cat and a dog.
I tried to pour water through the kitchen window but it was no use. It was a big fire. Luckily, the firemen arrived soon and stopped the fire.
When my neighbour came back, he was sad for his kitchen but he thanked me for calling the fire department and for saving his pets. He wanted to give me some money but I did not accept it.
Weeks later, my neighbour had a new kitchen. He invited me to see his new kitchen and we enjoyed a big meal there. It made me very happy.
1. When did the fire happen
A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. D. At night.
2. Where was the writer when he found there was a smell of burning in the air
A. In his bedroom. B. In his kitchen.
C. In his neighbour’s kitchen. D. In his neighbour’s living room.
3. The underlined word “rescued” means “________” according to the passage.
A. saw B. called C. thanked D. saved
4. What did the neighbour feel sad for
A. His pets. B. His kitchen. C. The firemen. D. The fire department.
5. How did the neighbour thank the writer
A. He gave the writer some money. B. He gave the writer his pet dog.
C. He invited the writer to a big meal. D. He asked the writer to see a movie.
When you are in England, you must be very careful in the street because the traffic moves on the left. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then the left.
If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then the people on foot can cross the road carefully! If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People mustn’t cross. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then.
When you go by bus in Hong Kong, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.
In Hong Kong, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city very well. It’s very interesting.
1. When you cross a street in England, you must ________.
A. look to the left first and then the right B. look to the right first and then the left
C. look to the cars and buses D. look to the left and the right at the same time
2. If the traffic lights are red, ________.
A. the traffic must go B. the people must go
C. the traffic must stop D. the people must stop
3. Traffic is the most dangerous ________.
A. in the morning B. in the evening
C. when you go the wrong way D. when people go to or come back from work
4. In Hong Kong, the traffic moves ________.
A. the same way as the cities in China B. on the right
C. the same way as the cities in the UK D. in the middle of the roads
5. If you take a bus with two floors in Hong Kong, you can sit on the second floor because ________.
A. you can see the city very well B. it is cooler up there
C. you can have a larger seat D. it is easy for you to know the city well
A = Amy; C = Cathy
A: Hey, Cathy. How about going with me to buy some clothes
C: OK! ___1___ because it will rain this afternoon.
A: Where shall we go
C: What about that department store next to the Shangrila Hotel
A: I think it’s too expensive. ___2___
C: OK! I didn’t know about it. I’m interested to see what clothes they have.
A: ___3___
C: I think you should buy some skirts and blouses for spring.
A: I need some. ___4___
C: Many of your clothes are dark, so why don’t you choose some bright colors
A: I agree. Hey, it’s already 3:00 pm. ___5___
A. How about this red shirt B. It’s a good idea to go soon. C. What colors do you think look good on me D. Why not buy this pair of shoes E. Why not go to the new clothing store in front of the train station F. What should I buy G. Let’s try to get on the bus.
1. 我们大家应该帮助动物们和平共处。
We should help animals live ________.
2. 昨天,我的弟弟从他的自行车上摔了下来。
Yesterday, my brother ________ his bike.
3. 稍等一会儿!我很快就来。
_____ _____ a minute! I’m coming soon.
4. 这家工厂三年前关闭了。
The factory ________ ________ three years ago.
5. 快点。五点半了。咱们回家吧。
________ ________. It’s five thirty. Let’s go home.
六、 任务型阅读
When “Love” Means “Zero”
Have you ever watched a tennis game broadcast(播报)in English If you have, then you probably have noticed that the score 40-0 is read as “Forty to love” instead of “Forty to zero.” If neither side scores a point (that is, 0-0), then the score will be “Love-all”.
So how did “love” become a word for “zero” in tennis
Some people believe this usage(用法)came from French. It is said that the French use the word “l’oeuf”(it means “the egg”)to mean a score of zero. This is similar(相似的)to calling a score of zero “a duck’s egg” in British English.When tennis was introduced into England from France, Britons also called a score of zero “l’oeuf”. However, some tennis fans didn’t know French. They mispronounced(发音错误)the French word as the English word “love” (“l’oeuf” is close in pronunciation to the English word “love”.)Over time, “love” ended up picking up a new meaning: a score of zero.
This is the most popular explanation(解释). Unluckily, researchers haven’t yet found proof(证据)that the French people ever used the word “l’oeuf” to mean “zero”. According to (根据)their studies, the French always call the number “zero”.
Another explanation that this usage came from the expression “to play for love” has been more widely accepted among researchers. Players who fail to score any points don’t care. They play for their love of the game, not just for a desire(愿望)to win. Researchers have found written records to support(支持)this explanation. However, more studies are needed to solve this puzzle. Because most of the records are about card games, rather than tennis. So far, nobody knows for sure how love came to mean “zero” in tennis.
1. According to the passage, people call a score of zero “________” in tennis.
2. Tennis was introduced into ________ along with the “language of tennis.”
3. “L’oeuf” is close in ________ to the English word “love”.
4. The explanation “________” has been more widely accepted among researchers.
5. Researchers have found some written records to support this explanation, but more studies ________.
Do you know Ma Yun He is a short Chinese man, but he is one of the greatest men in the world. He is the chairman of Alibaba Group. O____1____ September 24, 2519, Alibaba went public(上市)and raised $5 billion. Ma who was once an English teacher has become one of the r____2____ men in China.
Ma was born in 244 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. He g____3____ up as a happy kid. W____4____ he was young, he wanted to learn English. Every morning, he got up at 5 am, rode h____5____ bike for 45 minutes to a hotel near the West Lake and talked with f____6____ tourists in English. He did it for nine years.
The experience made him an e____7____ English speaker and also opened his eyes to the outside world. During a trip to the US in 2495, Ma knew the Internet for the f____8____ time. He searched the word “beer” on Yahoo, and f____9____ there was nothing there about China. Seeing the chance, Ma returned to China and set up a website(网站)called China Pages without even knowing much about computers.
Four years l____10____, Ma and his friends set up Alibaba Group in Hangzhou. So far Alibaba Group has developed into the world’s largest e-commerce(电子商务)company. It has popular shopping websites like Taobao and Tmall.
根据所给提示信息,请以A traffic accident为题写一篇报导:(字数在90词左右,开头已经给出,不计入总数)
提示词:救护车ambulance 急救中心First Aid Centre
It was 9:10 am last Sunday at Xinhua Road,



