
英 语
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(满分:150分,时间:120分钟)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)略
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Wildlife Preservation Volunteer Programs
Elephant Preservation Volunteer Program in Nepal
This program is suitable for active volunteers who love animals and want to care for the well-being of elephants. No experience is needed as you’ll be working closely with placement staff. The elephant shelter takes in elephants that have medical issues and require care.
Volunteers are accommodated in a local hotel. You should expect to share a room with one other volunteer.
Marine (海洋的) Preservation Volunteer Program in Croatia
This program is suitable for physically fit volunteers who are experienced divers (潜水员). You will use your diving skills to collect marine waste from the bottom of the seabed. You will work within a team on sorting waste out and handing it to the recycling centre.
Volunteers will be accommodated in a hotel. Local workers will clean the accommodation throughout the week.
Victoria Falls Wildlife Volunteering in Zimbabwe
This program is suitable for animal-loving volunteers who want to contribute to protecting amazing creatures and their habitats. Activities include animal tracking, camping out on the reserve and supporting other partner organizations.
Volunteers are accommodated within private rooms at the preservation centre. The accommodation has an open-air area where volunteers can socialize.
Amazon Jungle Preservation Volunteer Program in Peru
This program is suitable for volunteers who care about the environment, like working hard and don’t mind getting their hands dirty. It’s a great opportunity if you’re looking to reset your life by getting out of your comfort zone. You’ll also be developing personally and professionally.
Volunteers are accommodated in local people’s houses. There are running showers but you can expect water to be cold.
1.What do the programs in Nepal and Zimbabwe have in common
A.They need experienced volunteers.
B.They are suitable for animal lovers.
C.They include dirty work in the field.
D.They require camping out on the reserve.
2.What can be known about the volunteers working undersea
A.They work on the seabed all the time.
B.They help to keep the environment clean.
C.They are taught diving skills after arrival.
D.They lead a team to explore the marine creatures.
3.Which program provides the hardest living conditions
A.Elephant Preservation Volunteer Program.
B.Marine Preservation Volunteer Program.
C.Victoria Falls Wildlife Volunteering.
D.Amazon Jungle Preservation Volunteer Program.
John von Neumann was the oldest of 3 children of a banker, and his speed of learning new ideas and loving problems stood out early. At 17, his father tried to persuade him not to become a mathematician because he might lead a poor life being a mathematician, so von Neumann agreed to study chemistry as well. In 1926, at 23, he received a degree in chemical engineering and a Ph. D.in mathematics. From then on, mathematics provided well enough for him, and he never had to turn to chemistry.
In 1930, von Neumann visited Princeton University for a year and then became a professor there. His first book was published in 1932. In 1933, the Institute for Advanced Study was formed, and he became one of the 6 full-time people in the School of Mathematics (Einstein was one of the others).
World War Ⅱ hugely changed von Neumann’s areas of interest. Until 1940 he had been a great pure mathematician. During and after the war, he became one of the best mathematicians who put mathematical theories into practice. During the last part of the war, he became interested in computing machines and made several fundamental contributions. After the war, von Neumann continued his work with computers, and was generally very active in government service. He received many awards, was president of the American Mathematical Society and was a member of the Atomic Energy Commission. He died of cancer in 1957.
Von Neumann made several great contributions and any one of them would have been enough to earn him a firm place in history. He will be remembered as one of the greatest minds of the 20th century.
Von Neumann really was a legend in his own time, and there are a number of stories about him. His driving abilities is a part of his legend. He reported one accident this way: “I was driving down the road. The trees on the right were passing me in an orderly fashion at 60 miles per hour. Suddenly one of them stepped in my path.”
4.According to the text, von Neumann’s father believed that .
A.a mathematician needed a good memory
B.von Neumann had the ability to learn two subjects at the same time
C.von Neumann had the gift for solving problems at a high speed
D.a mathematician couldn’t earn a lot of money
5.How old was von Neumann when he published his first book
A.25. B.26. C.29. D.32.
6.How did World War Ⅱ affect John von Neumann
A.He lost interest in chemistry.
B.He began to research how to put mathematics into practice
C.He realized the importance of engineering.
D.He left college and served at the government department.
7.From the last paragraph, we can infer John von Neumann was .
A.humorous B.intelligent C.brave D.calm
Breathing is something you do all day long, without even thinking about it. However, you might be doing it wrong. Research shows that the way you breathe affects the amount of oxygen (氧气) you take in,as well as how you think and feel.
So which is it Do you breathe through your nose or your mouth Some health experts recommend people breathe in through the nose and out through their mouth. Others say that people should just focus on breathing easily, paying no attention to their mouth or nose preference. But mouth breathing has also been connected with bad breath, high blood pressure and bad teeth.
Nose breathing may improve how memories are stabilized (稳定) in our brains, according to Swedish researchers. During the study, participants smelled 12 different smells and they were asked to breathe either through their nose or mouth for an hour afterwards. Then, they were presented with the original set of smells and a new set. Those who smelled with their nose remembered the smells better.
A research team recognized the differences in brain activity that happened when seven epilepsy (癫痫) patients breathed through the nose or through the mouth. The team found three areas of the brain where activity is connected with breathing. These areas showed more changes in brain activity only when volunteers breathed in through their noses.
So, should people breathing through the mouth change their breathing habits If you’re happy with the way you breathe and you aren’t experiencing any health problems, be yourself and just keep your own way. But if you think it might be time for a change, focus on breathing through your nose until it becomes a habit. It might help you survive an emergency.
8.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to
A.Your life style. B.How you breathe.
C.How you think and feel. D.The oxygen you take in.
9.What did Swedish researchers find
A.Nose breathing may improve memory.
B.Mouth breathing causes health problems.
C.People breathing through the nose identify smells difficultly.
D.People breathing through the mouth have a good sense of taste.
10.What is the effect of nose breathing according to the research
A.It helps one to stay healthy.
B.It cures bad breath and snoring.
C.It makes one’s brain more active.
D.It improves one’s sense of smell.
11.What does the author think of nose breathing
A.It’s hard to get used to.
B.It’s suitable for everybody.
C.It’s what people have to do.
D.It’s what people can benefit from.
As a research scholar at the Indian Institute for Science Education and Research, I once monitored birds that inhabited grasslands in Daying Ering Memorial Wildlife Sanctuary, a protected area in Northeast India. This habitat forms a part of one of the most bio-diverse places on Earth. Yet despite their ecological importance and uniqueness, most grasslands are classified by the Indian government as“wastelands”.
Ecosystems throughout the world are suffering from the effects of unchecked habitat loss and climate change. While all types of ecosystems——forests, grasslands, oceans, wetlands and deserts——feel these effects, there is evidence of bias(偏好) towards the conservation of forest biodiversity.This bias hurts the preservation of other ecosystems, including the grasslands that make up 24percent of the Indian landmass. These grasslands are home to important biodiversity and support the livelihoods of millions of people, yet are defined in India by their value in being turned into forests for fighting climate change.
Apart from being costly, the move overlooks the ecological and social value of grasslands by turning them into mono-culture forests, which do not provide the same ecological benefits.Yet, grasslands could be equally good at storing carbon.
India and other countries with substantial grasslands need to recognize, support and prioritize evidence-based scientific attempts that focus on grasslands by establishing grassland-specific restoration efforts, as well as by mapping their extent and the ecosystem services they provide for humans. The time is ripe for abandoning outdated labelings like“wastelands”.
Already, communities like the Todas and the Idu Mishmi people are protecting grasslands in India through collective action and local stewardship(管理), which are helping them connect with the grasslands. With the aim of preserving the richness of nature, the government must restore greater rights to local communities to manage grasslands. Grasslands are an important feature of an ecologically sound India, one that must be preserved for that value above all others.
12.What does the author want to stress in the second paragraph
A.Forests are hotspots of biodiversity. B.Deserts badly affect local ecology.
C.Climate change threatens ecosystems. D.Grasslands need equal conservation.
13.What is the author's attitude to Indian government's move
A.Tolerant. B.Unclear. C.Negative. D.Favorable.
14.Who should be encouraged to protect the grasslands according to the text
A.Government officials. B.Local communities.
C.University researchers. D.International agencies.
15.Which is the most suitable title for the text
A.Stop Treating Grasslands as Wastelands B.Take Active Steps to Limit Grasslands
C.Recognize the Polluted Grasslands D.Transform Grasslands into Forests
Music can relax the mind, energize the body, and even help people better manage pain. 16 Music therapy (疗法) is an intervention sometimes used to promote emotional health, help patients cope with stress, and boost psychological well-being.
Research suggests that background music improves mental performance. Playing more positive music leads to improvements in processing speed. So next time you are working on a task, turn on a little music in the background for a boost in your mental performance.
Music can help you eat less.
Music can be a helpful weight-loss tool. To lose weight, listen to soft music and dim the lights. According to one study, people eating at low-lit restaurants where soft music was played consumed less food. 18 where participants may consume their food more slowly and feel full sooner.
Music can help you sleep better
19 While there are many approaches to treating this problem, research has demonstrated that listening to relaxing classical music can be a safe, effective, and affordable therapy.
Music can help you manage pain
Research has shown that music can be very helpful in the management of pain. One study of fibromyalgia (纤维性肌痛) patients found that those who listened to music for one hour a day experienced a significant reduction in pain. 20
A.Music can reduce stress
B.Music can improve mental performance
C.The psychological effects of music can be powerful
D.Music and lighting help create a more relaxing setting
E.Some people enjoy listening to music before they go to sleep
F.Such a result suggests music therapy can help treat some diseases
G.Sleeplessness is a problem that affects people of different age groups
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Once there was a little girl who had many misfortunes in life and was struggling with problems. One day she felt so upset that she couldn’t help 21 to her father why her life was so 22 .
Sensing her 23 , her father, a chef, took her to their 24 . He asked her to just 25 till he finished everything. He filled three small pots with water and placed each on a burner. Once the water began to 26 , he placed a potato, an egg, and some ground coffee beans in each pot. Curious, though, she kept 27 as her father instructed her to do so.
About twenty minutes later, he turned off the 28 . The chef turned towards his daughter and said, “See, the potato went in strong and hard but in boiling water, it became soft and weak. The egg was 29 , but now the egg became hard. 30 , the ground coffee beans were unique. After being 31 the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new.”
Seeing the little girl was still confused, he then 32 , “The potato, the egg and coffee beans had each faced the same 33 -the boiling water. However, each reacted 34 . When hardships come your way, how do you respond Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean ” Hearing these words, the girl made her choice inside-she would be the 35 , which could not only change the whole situation but also change in its own way. After all, life is 10% what happens to you and 90%how you react to it.
21.A.explaining B.complaining C.requesting D.obtaining
22.A.fortunate B.permanent C.memorial D.miserable
23.A.depression B.desire C.enthusiasm D.curiosity
24.A.study B.kitchen C.bedroom D.cupboard
25.A.absorb B.listen C.observe D.seize
26.A.cool B.freeze C.melt D.boil
27.A.cruel B.silent C.noble D.modest
28.A.lights B.microwaves C.burners D.taps
29.A.rough B.plain C.precious D.fragile
30.A.Therefore B.Moreover C.However D.Otherwise
31.A.exposed to B.connected with C.committed to D.motivated by
32.A.revolved B.proceeded C.teased D.responded
33.A.emergency B.dilemma C.choice D.adversity
34.A.sufficiently B.generously C.differently D.primitively
35.A.coffee beans B.potato C.egg D.chef
The Duanwu Festival, also 36 (name) the Dragon Boat Festival, was established 37 memory of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet of the state of Chu during the Warring States period (475—221BC).
Qu Yuan, 38 died by committing suicide in the Miluo River, was known as a great patriot. Shortly after he died, the local people 39 (throw) food into the water to stop the fish from eating Qu Yuan’s body. They also sat on long, narrow paddle boats, known as dragon boats, making sound 40 (scare) away the fish.
41 (tradition) celebrations of the Dragon Boat Festival include eating zongzi, drinking realgar (雄黄) wine, and 42 (race) dragon boats.
You don’t have to live in China long to know that 43 country’s most popular foods usually have a good story behind them. That’s 44 (particular) true of festival foods such as zongzi, the pyramid-shaped steamed rice packages in bamboo or reed leaves that have been associated with the Dragon Boat Festival for more than a thousand 45 (year).
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46.假定你是英语俱乐部主席李华,该俱乐部将举办一次以“My Favourite Chinese Festival”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你用英语写一则通知,内容包括:
1. 比赛的时间、地点;
2. 比赛的要求;
3. 呼吁同学们积极参加。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The English Club
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Monday started out great. I woke up on time, ate breakfast and did some last minute studying for my first hour math test. I was confident of getting good grades. Then I left my house. Ten minutes later, I was settled with my friends on the school bus. We were busy chatting about how we spent our weekend. At one stop, Fat Ryan got on hurriedly. He tripped over someone’s foot accidentally and THUMP! He fell flat onto the floor.
Every one of us on the bus looked on and laughed crazily. Ryan struggled to his feet, dusted the jacket and made his way to an empty seat. He tried to laugh with us, but his face was burning with embarrassment. The rest of the morning flew by. I did well in my math test. I read two more chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird in English class. It wasn’t long before there went the lunch bell. I met my friends from the cheerleading team in the dining hall. Then I couldn’t help but notice Ryan a few tables away, sitting all alone. He caught me looking. I smiled at him quickly and looked away.
When we finished eating, we headed out to the courtyard to practice a cheer we would do at that night’s football game. After a little practice, we nailed the cheer, so we decided we only needed to go through it one last time. Again, just like the rest of my day so far, the cheer was going great. I raised my leg for one last toe touch. RIIPPP! I felt my jeans split down the middle of my backside.
I froze. I had no idea what to do but stand still. Then I heard people burst out laughing, and I saw them pointing at my torn jeans. Trying to cover myself with my hands, I tried to laugh too, but I felt tears began to well up in my eyes.
1. 续写词数应150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
Then I saw Ryan running towards me.
Paragraph 2:
That night, after the cheer at the football game, I found Ryan.
40.to scare
46.One possible version:
To arouse our awareness of Chinese traditional culture and improve our English language skills, we will hold an English speech competition next month in the student hall. The contest is titled “My Favourite Chinese Festival”. The speech is required to be within 10 minutes for each person. Considering the large amount of preparation work from the Student Union’s side, the deadline for registration is next Monday. For more information, please visit our website.
Your participation is keenly anticipated!
The English Club
Then I saw Ryan running towards me. Suddenly the scene struck me where he fell flat and I laughed at him crazily, I thought he would join in with those laughing at me. I lowered my head, my face burning with embarrassment. However, Ryan didn’t laugh. Instead, he approached me from behind, quickly took off his jacket and offered it to me, signaling to me to cover my torn jeans. Struggling against my tears, I did want to express my gratitude to him but courage failed me. I felt the courtyard in total silence.
That night, after the cheer at the football game, I found Ryan. I thanked him for giving me his jacket and returned it to him. Gathering my courage, I sincerely apologized to him for my misconduct on the bus, and thanked him for helping me out of an equally embarrassing situation. Ryan, with a broad smile, patted me on the shoulder and told me to forget about it, joking he fell like that a lot. I admired his honesty and sense of humor, and realized that he was someone I could be great friends with. Honestly, Monday was a great day indeed!
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