
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.Who is sick
A.David. B.Jake. C.Sue.
2.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.At the chemist's. B.At a restaurant. C.At home.
3.Where does the man come from
A.New York. B.Washington. C.Los Angeles.
4.How does the woman practice her English
A.By talking to natives. B.By visiting the websites. C.By starting an English corner.
5.What is the man planning to do on Saturday
A.Entertain relatives.
B.Skate with friends.
C.Go out with Mary.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
6.How did the man look this morning
A.Terrible. B.Relaxed. C.Disappointed.
7.What was the man doing last night
A.Staying up late to watch movies.
B.Having a high fever.
C.Looking after his sick daughter.
8.What does the woman probably want the man to do
A.Do some cleaning.
B.Be careful in his job.
C.Take out the trash in turn.
9.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Mother and son. B.Brother and sister. C.Manager and new worker.
10.Why did the woman choose to be a teacher as a profession
A.Because of the pressure from her family.
B.Because of the passion for the work.
C.Because of a teacher’s encouragement.
11.What does the woman think is the best part of her job
A.Being with children. B.Winning others’ respect. C.Learning different things.
12.What does the woman want her students to be
A.Lifelong learners. B.Creative thinkers. C.Good communicators.
13.When did Amber begin attending college
A.At age 18. B.At age 19. C.At age 20.
14.What did Amber think of working for Highlights
A.It was boring. B.It was demanding. C.It was interesting.
15.How did Amber know about Youth Beauty Competition
A.From the TV. B.From a poster. C.From her boss.
16.What did Amber do with most of her prize money
A.She put it in the bank.
B.She spent it on a vehicle.
C.She donated it to a school.
17.What can Devil do
A.Play music. B.Carry luggage. C.Remove blocks.
18.Which aspect of Devil is particularly mentioned for improvement
A.Its steadiness. B.Its power. C.Its structure.
19.Why did Lin upload his video
A.To kill time. B.To record his life. C.To influence more youth.
20.When did Lin realize his inventions could benefit others
A.In 2018. B.In 2019. C.In 2021.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
For students or teachers who are planning an educational trip to China, or parents who want to arrange educational and meaningful things to do in China for children, here we offer travel tips on what to do and learn for educational tour in China.
How to make dumplings. Dumpling is the most common food in China, and it has so many fans in the world for its deliciousness, and has become a must-order food in a Chinese restaurant for foreigners. Dumpling in China is easily home-made food, and most families would make it by themselves. While having an educational trip to China, you could learn how to make dumplings.
How to make Chinese traditional handicrafts (手工艺品), like Chinese knots (结), and paper-cutting. Small fine Chinese traditional handicrafts are very beautiful and have blessings (祝福) for life, thus people would like to make them and put them in houses. Chinese knot is made by strings through special weaving, and it has blessings of safety, health and happiness, and you could hang it in houses or cars. Chinese paper-cutting is pasted on window glass, and used to decorate houses in Spring Festival, and it could be designed into different shapes, such as animals, flowers, and letters. You could totally get this two skills, and make Chinese knot and paper cutting to decorate houses.
How to make terracotta warriors (兵马俑), china, and pottery. When visiting Terracotta Warriors, you would admire its greatness and excellent skills. But please remember, you could make your own terracotta warriors and bring them home. Outside the Terracotta, there are stores for you to experience how to make terracotta warriors. Besides terracotta warriors, you could also go to experiential stores to learn how to make china and pottery.
21.What blessing cannot the Chinese knot bring according to the text
A.Wealth. B.Health. C.Safety. D.Happiness.
22.How many educational things can be done according to the text
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
23.From which part of a website is the text probably from
A.Health and Education. B.The Making of a Nation.
C.Travel and Culture. D.Science and Technology.
Does it ever seem like something is going on with our attention spans Gloria Mark, an attention researcher at the university of California, says there is scientific evidence that attention spans have shrunk considerably. “We started studying attention span length over 20 years ago,” Mark said. “In 2003, we found that attention spans averaged about two-and-a-half minutes on any screen before people switched, In the past five, six years, they are averaging 47 seconds on the screen.”
Mark maintains that a shorter attention span has three downsides: The first is that people make more errors when they do attention shifting; second downside is that it takes longer to do something, because we have to adjust to every new task every time we shift; the third downside — maybe this is the worst of all — is that stress increases. When people are working on multiple tasks and they have to shift their attention, their blood pressure rises.
You don’t have to be a professor to guess at the cause of our great distract ability: It’s technology, of course-phones, social media, texting. It might be hard to think of the last time you even had a tech-free hour. So she offered a couple of tips for staying focused: First, when you feel the itch to change tasks, analyze why. If it’s just boredom or procrastination (拖延症), make a deal with yourself to work another 20 minutes, and then treat yourself to a reward.
Second, picture yourself at the end of the day. What do you want to have accomplished What do you want to feel “A concrete visualization of yourself sitting on the couch, you know, watching your favourite show is really good motivation,” she said.
The internet has this incredible resource available to us, so rather than be upset by it because it distracts us, how can we turn that around and instead find value from it And how can we utilize our time best when we use the resources from the Internet without getting exhausted from it These questions are what Gloria Mark will focus on in her subsequent research.
24.What is the second paragraph mainly about
A.Negative effects of short attention spans. B.Benefits of long attention spans.
C.Causes of short attention spans. D.Ways to deal with short attention spans.
25.What does the underlined word in para. 3 probably mean
A.Necessity. B.Courage. C.Desire D.Choice
26.Which of the following may Gloria Mark suggest
A.Imagining what you will accomplish at the end of the day is a waste of time.
B.Multitasking is a good way to extend our attention span.
C.It is necessary to think twice before shifting your tasks.
D.We’d better say no to the internet sometimes as it distracts us.
27.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage
A.Are Our Attention Spans Getting Shorter B.How Do We Live with the Internet
C.Is Multitasking Possible D.What Can We Do to Make Our Attention Spans Longer
Today’s Brussels sprouts (孢子甘蓝) taste better than you might remember from childhood, and that is because a new variety has replaced the original vegetable. You can thank plant breeders for the change. Modern breeders, armed with new gene-editing technology, are looking to reproduce Brussels sprouts’ reinvention.
In the late 1990s, scientists discovered specific chemicals which made Brussels sprouts taste bitter. Plant breeders started growing old seeds, previously abandoned due to poor yields (产量), to look for tastier versions with lower levels of these specific chemicals. Then they crossed these delicious but low-yield plants with high-yield individuals until they found a version that made plenty of tasty sprouts, transforming the vegetable from a bitter pill into a popular dish.
But other vegetables haven’t fared as well. That’s because most breeding decisions favor plant traits (特性) that matter to vegetable growers, not vegetable eaters. For instance, disease resistance is probably the major focus these days of most breeding programs because that prevents the farmer from growing the crop. The taste of vegetables is ignored.
People, however, are now becoming interested in prioritizing the taste of vegetables thanks in part to new genetic technology. “There’s never been a better time to be a fruit breeder or a vegetable breeder because we have more tools and techniques,” says Susan Brown, an apple breeder at Cornell University.
Some companies are beginning to use those tools to deal with the challenge of developing tastier vegetables. One company, Pairwise, is fighting the same compounds that troubled Brussels sprouts. But this time researchers are improving the flavor of salad greens.
All vegetable growers hope that more flavorful products on store shelves will convince people to consume the recommended allowances (定量) of fruits and vegetables — and do so better than decades of nutritional guidance have. “Don’t waste your time talking about trying to educate people to eat better,” said Harry Klee, a professor who specializes in tomato breeding. “Just give them products that taste better and that they want to eat.”
28.Why did plant breeders grow old Brussels sprout seeds
A.To study why Brussels sprouts are bitter.
B.To research the specific chemicals.
C.To select high-yielding products.
D.To find the less bitter versions.
29.What does the underlined word “fared” in paragraph 3 probably mean
A.Survived. B.Emerged. C.Mushroomed. D.Succeeded.
30.What can we learn from Susan Brown’s words in paragraph 4
A.The breeding techniques are booming.
B.The breeding techniques need no improvement.
C.The breeders are struggling to develop new species.
D.The breeders should develop new genetic technology.
31.How can fruits and vegetables be consumed more according to Harry Klee
A.By enhancing the taste.
B.By improving the nutrients.
C.By making them more accessible.
D.By telling people the benefits.
Without shiny black solar panels (太阳能板) on the roof, the residents in an apartment building in Illinois are enjoying the benefits of “community solar” — a program in which residents can buy electricity from nearby solar farms, reducing planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions (排放) and receiving discounts on their electric bills.
The solar energy in community solar doesn’t actually flow into your home, but flows into your area’s power grid (电网), providing electricity to homes and businesses in your region, and you get the benefits of government solar rewards in the form of lower electricity bills.
Among those signing up for the program is Dickerson, 73, of Oak Park, Illinois. “Try it; you’ll like it,” he said. “You’ll save money, and you’ll feel good about saving the planet — at least a little bit.” Proudly showing charts of their electricity costs in a recent interview, Dickerson and his fellow members of the community green committee, said they’re all paying less with community solar for their individual homes as well as the community’s common space.
Community solar was pioneered in the mid-2000s as a way to bring clean energy to the many American households without access to solar panels for various reasons. “Community solar is about to boost everywhere in terms of access,” said Nicole Steele, a senior advisor in the U. S. Department of Energy. “It’s just another way to be part of the clean energy transformation and see the actual benefits.”
Dickerson and his neighbour Johnson have been protecting the planet since childhood, such as leaving no litter in the forest and sorting recyclables. Therefore, they found it easy to accept community solar. Now, the building’s green newsletter, edited by Johnson, is trumpeting community solar savings. “As a parent and grandparent, it’s kind of like a heritage,” Johnson said of this work. “How could I do something that’s bad for the world in which my grandchildren are going to live ”
32.How does community solar work
A.By directly transporting energy to households.
B.By equipping residents’ rooftops with panels.
C.By storing electricity in nearby solar farms.
D.By providing electricity through the power grid.
33.Why did Dickerson and the committee members sign up for the program
A.To prevent greenhouse gas emission.
B.To reduce cost and help save the planet.
C.To experience a more convenient energy.
D.To get rewards from the local government.
34.What is Nicole Steele’s attitude to community solar
A.Doubtful. B.Dismissive. C.Conservative. D.Approving.
35.What does the underlined word “trumpeting” in the last paragraph probably mean
A.Admitting shyly. B.Stating critically.
C.Explaining secretly. D.Announcing proudly.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
Decision Making
Making decisions in life can be difficult 36 . In fact, the decisions you make today will not only influence your future, but also other people and the world in which you live.
Decision making involves (涉及) thinking, talking, and searching for information related to a problem 37 . You do this by talking with others who know about the subject, going to the library, and thinking about two or more solutions.
Decision making usually happens when events, habits, and ways of living change. An example is your ten-year-old car breaks down and needs much money to repair. You need transportation to get to work, to do shopping, and to deal with other tasks 38 .
In deciding --or making a decision--there is a six-step process:
●Define (明确) the problem. Understand the problem clearly.
●Collect and list all the information you can get on the problem.
● 39 . It is important to have many possible solutions to the situation. It will take time to research the variety of solutions.
● 40 . Look at the good and bad sides to each solution. What are the results of each
Answer the questions: Will this solution be good for me... the family... co-workers Stay with your values and those of your family.
●Choose the best solution to solve your problem.
●Evaluate (评估) the decision you made. Decide if you need to change your action plan.
A.Set clearly defined goals or action plans.
B.Examine two or more solutions to the situation.
C.Analyse (分析) the possible results of each solution.
D.You probably won’t be happy with every decision you make.
E.You must decide the best way to spend the family’s money.
F.You collect data (资料,数据) that can help you with the decisions you need to make.
G.Throughout your life you will make some decisions that will influence your future.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Krista Sheneman was diagnosed with diabetes (糖尿病) around five years ago. Since then, health has become a(n) 41 part of her life. As she 42 that a lot of people weren’t 43 of what she went through on a daily basis as a diabetic and that people with the disease were thought to be 44 to simple activities, she 45 a mission to walk 470 miles across three states.
Throughout this 46 , people watched her blood glucose levels (血糖水平) through an app that was connected to her glucose monitor. The monitor provided real-time 47 when her glucose levels went too high or low. She showed what a diabetic was like and reminded people to constantly 48 and make sure that they are eating the 49 things. Just something as simple as stress can 50 their blood sugar.
To 51 for her walk, she spent eight hours a day on a treadmill (跑步机) while managing her diabetes. She thought it was important to bear in mind that there was just the creative difficulty that you had to 52 .
After a great effort, she 53 crossed the finish line. Her walk contributed to people’s understanding of diabetes and has 54 other people who are also battling diabetes by showing them that the 55 can’t stop someone from being active or achieving goals.
41.A.potential B.enormous C.natural D.simple
42.A.imagined B.decided C.realized D.guessed
43.A.proud B.ashamed C.tired D.aware
44.A.limited B.attracted C.committed D.challenged
45.A.approved of B.learned from C.got used to D.set out on
46.A.lecture B.recovery C.operation D.journey
47.A.warnings B.comments C.preferences D.requests
48.A.summarize B.suspect C.check D.follow
49.A.different B.right C.pure D..real
50.A.raise B.reach C.turn D.examine
51.A.train B.perform C.track D.stop
52.A.take in B.care about C.put down D.get over
53.A.accidentally B.completely C.immediately D.ultimately
54.A.served B.accepted C.inspired D.connected
55.A.condition B.technique C.scene D.conflict
第二节:(共10个小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
Huazhao Festival has remained silent for centuries. However, the traditional festival closely 56 (connect) with spring is coming back to life because of people’s intense enthusiasm for traditional Chinese culture and a rising need for seasonal sightseeing tours.
Huazhao Festival 57 (say) to be celebrated as the birthday of the flower goddess in every second month on the Chinese lunar calendar. Its origin can date 58 the period before the Qin Dynasty and was 59 (official) set as a festival during the Sui and Tang dynasties. During the Tang Dynasty, the festival 60 (fall) on the 15th day of the second lunar month. It was one of the three nationwide celebrations back then. The other two were Lantern Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.
However, the timing of the festival varies between regions, because of the difference in when flowering begins. As 61 result, many parts of the country took turns 62 (launch) their celebrations as if presenting a feast for the eyes in relays.
Despite various highlights, the celebrations across different regions shared the features of hanfu 63 flower appreciation. The festival also plays a key role in boosting shopping and caters to spending in nearby areas.
Its renaissance (复兴) reflects the change in young people’s aesthetic orientation (审美取向), emotional needs and consumption preferences, and indicates their 64 (recognize) of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Behind that is the 65 (grow) cultural confidence among young people.
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
1. 表示理解;
2. 你的建议。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
3. 参考词汇:新年计划 New Year resolution
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
When I reached out to pull my deskmate’s shirt, he looked very helpless. I thought Mrs Gao didn’t notice my behavior. I continued to drag my deskmate’s sleeve (袖子). He moved his hand a little painfully with his eyes helpless. Seeing him turn a deaf ear to me, I had to sit still looking at the tall tree outside the classroom, a mother bird with a few young birds was jumping up and down happily. I missed my mom. Where’s she Mrs Gao stopped lecturing and asked everyone to take out their exercise books for class exercises. I put my hands into my schoolbag, pretending to look for a pencil and exercise book. I was afraid that I would be called up by the teacher. What bad luck! Mrs Gao asked me to work out the math problem on the blackboard. Staring at the math problem, my mind went blank.
After class, I was asked to Mrs Gao’s office and she asked me what was wrong. I kept quiet. I was afraid that she would call my father. I thought she must have found the rubbish under my desk again. I had broken the rules many times. She patiently told me to be a good boy all the time. When she asked if my parents cared about my study and life, tears streamed down my face. She asked me what it was that kept me from studying. I stood there like a statue, looking up at the ceiling and sighing.
Mrs Gao didn’t know my parents divorced (离婚) when I was only two years old. It was on a snowy night that my mother left the noisy home. Later my father often got home late. I always stayed at home alone, facing the empty and cold pots. Many times I saw my mother in my dreams. How happy I was! But it’s only an empty dream. When I was hungry, my uncle and aunt gave me something to eat.
One day, I was eating at my uncle’s house when Mrs Gao’s voice came from outside.
Mrs Gao asked me to be responsible for keeping the classroom clean.
【原文】M: Hi Sue. Are you free for lunch today
W: No, Jake. My son David is feeling under the weather. He couldn’t go to school.
【原文】W: Good morning, my doctor told me to buy some medicine. Do you have the medicine I need
M: Let me have a look. Yes, we do. Here you go. You need to take two pills every morning after a meal.
【原文】W: Where are you from, Karl New York or Los Angeles
M: I just told you yesterday, I’m from Washington, a city close to New York.
【原文】M: How do you practice your English
W: I usually look through English language websites every day.
M: Have you ever considered going to the English corner
W: Yeah, I have. And I hope to speak to native speakers someday.
【原文】W: We’re going skating this weekend. Can you and Mary come along
M: I don’t think we’ll be able to make it. My brother’s family is coming on Saturday.
6.A 7.C
【原文】W: You looked awful this morning, Jack. What happened
M: Well. Nothing much. I was just a bit tired.
W: What’s that Did you stay up last night
M: Yes. My daughter was having a high fever all night.
W: Oh, poor little thing! How is she now
M: Fortunately, much better, and the doctor said she would be back on her feet in two days.
8.B 9.C
【原文】W: We care about quality here, not just about doing enough work to get by. When you work at Trader Joe’s, you’re more than an employee. You’re like family!
M: In my family, we usually argue over things like whose turn it is to take out the trash. We also complain a lot when there’s no dessert. Is working here like that
W: OK... Let me give you a better idea. Working here is like being in a family in some ways. You know how children get punished when they don’t clean their rooms, or when they go out with friends before they finish their homework
M: Yes, I can relate to that.
W: Well, that’s more like how it is to work at Trader Joe’s. The employees are the children ... and I’m the mother.
M: Are you the only parent at this store I think I’d rather be adopted by someone else...
10.B 11.A 12.A
【原文】M: Welcome to our program, Miss Johnson. Congratulations on winning the Teacher of the Year award.
W: Thank you, Peter. I’m more than happy to be here.
M: What inspired you to be a teacher, Miss Johnson
W: Well, I’ve always loved to learn, but I’ve enjoyed teaching others even more. It’s in the family.
M: Could you tell us what the best part about your job is
W: Getting to know all of the different kids and communicating with them. I have always loved kids. So, I will always enjoy that part of my job.
M: Then, what do you hope to achieve by being a teacher
W: My goal is to help my students develop awareness of their strengths, weaknesses, and learning needs, and to enable them to learn throughout their lives.
M: That sounds great.
13.C 14.C 15.B 16.A
【原文】M: Amber, can you tell us a bit about yourself
W: Sure. I left school at 18 and was unemployed for six months when I was 19. Then I went to college the next year. I’ve always been interested in beauty and fashion, so it was a natural choice for me.
M: What did you do after graduation
W: I got a job as an assistant designer at Highlights. It was a fun place. The customers were friendly and the owner was really nice.
M: You won this year’s Youth Beauty Competition, didn’t you
W: Yes, but it was quite unexpected. I was shopping in the supermarket when I saw the competition poster. I signed up for it without hesitation. I even asked my workmates to help me.
M: How did you feel when you won
W: Shocked, really shocked. I was awarded a large amount of money as the prize, part of which I used to buy a new car for my parents. But I didn’t go mad. More than three-quarters of the money is still in my bank account.
17.B 18.A 19.C 20.B
【原文】 When Bilibili uploader Lin Xiao had too many bags to carry, he built a robot to address the problem. The robot’s name Devil!
The name comes from the background music Devil’s Swing. It looks like a suitcase, which can follow Lin everywhere and avoid blocks in its path. Besides carrying bags, it can be used for transport and even charge phones.
The robot has a steel structure and a 3D-printed plastic shell. The brain of the robot is powered by an electronics platform. Although it took eight months to make, Lin admits Devil is not good enough, particularly in its physical stability. Lin presented it in the video just to inspire more young people with the imagination and passion to create.
Lin’s passion for robotics began in his first year at high school in 2018, when a teacher discovered his talent for computers and advanced his skills. One year later, he developed a smart home system, which made him understand how his products could help others. As a university freshman now, Lin believes he and his products will make a difference in the future.
21.A 22.D 23.C
21.细节理解题。根据第三段中“Chinese knot is made by strings through special weaving, and it has blessings of safety, health and happiness (中国结是用绳子通过特殊的编织制成的,它有安全、健康和幸福的祝福)”可知,中国结不能带来钱财的祝福。故选A。
22.细节理解题。根据第二段中“How to make dumplings. (如何包饺子)”、根据第三段中“How to make Chinese traditional handicrafts (手工艺品), like Chinese knots (结), and paper-cutting. (如何制作中国传统手工艺品,比如中国结和剪纸。)”、根据第四段中“How to make terracotta warriors(兵马俑), china, and pottery(如何制作兵马俑、瓷器和陶器。)”可知,本文主要介绍了六件有教育意义的事情:包饺子、制作中国结、剪纸、制作兵马俑、瓷器和陶器。故选D。
23.推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是根据文章第一段的“here we offer travel tips on what to do and learn for educational tour in China. (我们在这里为您提供一些关于在中国进行教育之旅的旅行建议)”可知,本文属于网站的旅游文化板块。故选C。
24.A 25.C 26.C 27.D
24.主旨大意题。根据第二段“Mark maintains that a shorter attention span has three downsides: The first is that people make more errors when they do attention shifting; second downside is that it takes longer to do something, because we have to adjust to every new task every time we shift; the third downside — maybe this is the worst of all — is that stress increases. When people are working on multiple tasks and they have to shift their attention, their blood pressure rises.(马克认为,较短的注意力持续时间有三个缺点:首先,人们在注意力转移时犯了更多的错误;第二个缺点是,做某件事需要更长的时间,因为每次转换时,我们都必须适应每一项新任务;第三个缺点——也许是最糟糕的——是压力增加。当人们同时处理多项任务,不得不转移注意力时,他们的血压就会升高)”可知,第二段的主要内容是注意力持续时间短的负面影响。故选A。
25.词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“If it’s just boredom or procrastination (拖延症), make a deal with yourself to work another 20 minutes, and then treat yourself to a reward.(如果只是无聊或拖延,跟自己约定再工作20分钟,然后给自己一个奖励)”可知,马克建议当你渴望改变任务的时候,要分析一下原因,来让自己保持专注。故划线词意思是“渴望”。故选C。
26.细节理解题。根据第三段“So she offered a couple of tips for staying focused: First, when you feel the itch to change tasks, analyze why. If it’s just boredom or procrastination (拖延症), make a deal with yourself to work another 20 minutes, and then treat yourself to a reward.(因此,她提供了一些保持专注的建议:首先,当你想要改变任务时,分析一下原因。如果只是无聊或拖延,跟自己约定再工作20分钟,然后给自己一个奖励)”可知,格洛丽亚·马克建议在改变你的任务之前,有必要三思而后行。故选C。
27.主旨大意题。根据第一段“Does it ever seem like something is going on with our attention spans Gloria Mark, an attention researcher at the university of California, says there is scientific evidence that attention spans have shrunk considerably.(我们的注意力有没有出现过变化?加利福尼亚大学的注意力研究员Gloria Mark表示,有科学证据表明,注意力持续时间已经大幅缩短)”结合文章主要说明了有科学证据表明,注意力持续时间已经大幅缩短。文章说明了较短的注意力持续时间有三个缺点、注意力持续时间变短的原因以及我们如何应对的建议。由此可知,D选项“我们能做些什么来延长注意力的持续时间?”最符合文章标题。故选D。
28.D 29.D 30.A 31.A
28.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“In the late 1990s, scientists discovered specific chemicals which made Brussels sprouts taste bitter. Plant breeders started growing old seeds, previously abandoned due to poor yields (产量), to look for tastier versions with lower levels of these specific chemicals.(在20世纪90年代末,科学家们发现了使孢子甘蓝尝起来苦的特殊化学物质。植物育种者开始种植以前因产量低而废弃的旧种子,以寻找含有较低这些特定化学物质的更美味的种子)”可知,植物育种家种植老球芽甘蓝种子寻找不那么苦的孢子甘蓝。故选D项。
29.词句猜测题。根据划线词下文“That’s because most breeding decisions favor plant traits (特性) that matter to vegetable growers, not vegetable eaters.(这是因为大多数育种决定都倾向于对蔬菜种植者重要的植物特性,而不是对吃蔬菜的人)”可知,此处提到了其他蔬菜不太好即不太“成功”的原因,所以划线词是“成功”的意思。故选D项。
30.推理判断题。根据文章第四段““There’s never been a better time to be a fruit breeder or a vegetable breeder because we have more tools and techniques, ” says Susan Brown, an apple breeder at Cornell University.(“现在是水果育种或蔬菜育种的最佳时机,因为我们有更多的工具和技术,”康奈尔大学的苹果育种专家苏珊 布朗表示)”可推知,育种技术正在蓬勃发展。故选A项。
31.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段““Don’t waste your time talking about trying to educate people to eat better, ”said Harry Klee, a professor who specializes in tomato breeding. “Just give them products that taste better and that they want to eat.”(“不要浪费时间谈论如何教育人们吃得更好,”专门研究番茄育种的教授哈里·克利说。“只要给他们提供味道更好、他们想吃的产品就行了。”)”可知,根据Harry Klee的说法,让人们多吃水果和蔬菜的最好方法是提高蔬菜和水果的味道。故选A项。
32.D 33.B 34.D 35.D
32.细节理解题。根据第二段中“The solar energy in community solar doesn’t actually flow into your home, but flows into your area’s power grid (电网), providing electricity to homes and businesses in your region(社区太阳能中的太阳能实际上并不会流入你的家庭,而是流入你所在地区的电网,为你所在地区的家庭和企业提供电力)”可知,社区太阳能通过流入所在地区的电网为该地区的家庭和企业提供电力,故选D。
33.推理判断题。根据第三段中“‘You’ll save money, and you’ll feel good about saving the planet-at least a little bit.’ Proudly showing charts of their electricity costs in a recent interview, Dickerson and his fellow members of the community green committee, said they’re all paying less with community solar for their individual homes as well as the community’s common space.(“你会省钱,而且你会为拯救地球而感到高兴——至少有那么一点点。”在最近的一次采访中,Dickerson和他的社区绿色委员会成员自豪地展示了他们的电力成本图表,他们说,他们为个人住宅和社区公共空间支付的社区太阳能费用都更少)”可知,Dickerson和社区成员报名社区太阳能是为了减少电费并帮助保护地球,故选B。
34.推理判断题。根据第四段中““Community solar is about to boost everywhere in terms of access, ” said Nicole Steele, a senior advisor in the U. S. Department of Energy. “It’s just another way to be part of the clean energy transformation and see the actual benefits. ”(“社区太阳能将在各地普及。”美国能源部高级顾问Nicole Steele说。“这只是参与清洁能源转型并看到实际效益的另一种方式。”)”可知,Nicole Steele对社区太阳能持赞成态度,故选D。
35.词句猜测题。根据最后一段中“As a parent and grandparent, it’s kind of like a heritage(作为父母和祖父母,这有点像一种遗产)”以及“How could I do something that’s bad for the world in which my grandchildren are going to live (我怎么能做一些对我孙子将要生活的世界有害的事情呢?)”可知,Johnson认为自己在做对子孙后代有益的事情,故应是用自豪的语气说,推测划线单词trumpeting意为“宣扬”,故选D。
36.G 37.F 38.E 39.B 40.C
36.根据下文“In fact, the decisions you make today will not only influence your future, but also other people and the world in which you live.(事实上,你今天做出的决定不仅会影响你的未来,还会影响其他人和你生活的世界)”可知,第一段讲述的是做出决定在生命中的重要性。由此可知,G项“Throughout your life you will make some decisions that will affect your future.(在你的一生中,你会做出一些决定,这些决定会影响你的未来)”能够承接下文,其中affect your future对应下文中的influence your future。故选G。
37.根据上文“Decision making involves thinking, talking, and searching for information related to a problem.(决策包括思考、交谈和搜寻与问题有关的信息)”可知,我们做决定时要使用一些相关的信息。由此可知,F项“You collect data (资料,数据) data that can help you with the decisions that you need to make.(你收集的数据可以帮助你做出你需要做的决定)”符合题意,其中gather data对应上文中的searching for information。故选F。
38.根据上文“Decision making usually happens when events, habits, and patterns of living change.An example is your ten-year-old car breaks down and needs much money to repair. You need transportation to get to work, to do shopping, and to deal with other tasks (决策通常发生在事件、习惯和生活模式发生改变时。一个例子就是你那辆用了10年的车坏了,需要很多钱来修理,你需要交通工具去上班、购物和处理其他任务。)”可知,本段讲述的是做决定的具体时刻,说明是什么时候要我们做出决定。由此可知,接下来的内容应阐述在面对众多事件发生时,你应该做出最好的选择。E项“You must decide the best way to spend the family’s money.(你必须决定以最好的方式花家里的钱。)”与本段的主旨一致,符合题意。故选E。
39.根据下文“It is important to have many possible solutions to the situation.(有尽可能多的解决方案是很重要的)”可知,要多找出解决问题的方法。由此可知,B项“Examine two or more solutions to the situation.(检查两种或两种以上的解决方案)”符合此处语境,其中关键词是solutions。故选B。
40. 根据下文“Look at the good and bad sides to each solution. What are the results of each (看看每个解决方案的优点和缺点。每一个的结果是什么?)”可知,要考虑我们所做出的决定的结果。由此可知,C项Analyze (分析) the possible results of each solution.(分析每个解决方案可能产生的结果)符合此处语境,其中关键词是results of each。故选C。
41.B 42.C 43.D 44.A 45.D 46.D 47.A 48.C 49.B 50.A 51.A 52.D 53.D 54.C 55.A
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一名糖尿病患者Krista Sheneman,她进行了一个月的行走行动,目的是让人们了解糖尿病,并激励糖尿病患者积极实现自己的目标。
41.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:从那时起,健康就成了她生活中很重要的一部分。A. potential有潜力的;潜在的;B. enormous巨大的;C. natural自然的;天然的;D. simple简单的;朴素的。根据上一句“Krista Sheneman was diagnosed with diabetes (糖尿病) around five years ago.”可知,她患上了糖尿病,从此她就要每天关注自己的健康,健康状况成了生活中的一个很大问题。故选B项。
42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她意识到很多人都不知道她作为一名糖尿病患者每天都经历着什么,并且患有这种疾病的人被认为只能进行简单的活动时,她开始了一项穿越三个州步行470英里的任务。A. imagined想像;B. decided决定;C. realized意识到;D. guessed猜测。根据“she   5   a mission to walk 470 miles across three states.”可知,Krista Sheneman 意识到了许多人不了解糖尿病患者的生活状况,才会去采取行动普及知识。故选C项。
43.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当她意识到很多人都不知道她作为一名糖尿病患者每天都经历着什么,并且患有这种疾病的人被认为只能进行简单的活动时,她开始了一项穿越三个州步行470英里的任务。A. proud骄傲的;B. ashamed羞愧的;C. tired累的;厌烦的;D. aware有意识的。be aware of意为“意识到”,空前有否定词,可知因为她认为人们不了解糖尿病患者的生活,她才想向人们展示。故选D项。
44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她意识到很多人都不知道她作为一名糖尿病患者每天都经历着什么,并且患有这种疾病的人被认为只能进行简单的活动时,她开始了一项穿越三个州步行470英里的任务。A. limited限制;B. attracted吸引;C. committed犯下;承诺,承担;D. challenged挑战。根据“she   5   a mission to walk 470 miles across three states.”可知,她意识到人们的错误观念,认为糖尿病人的活动方式受限,只能做一些简单的活动,所以她才以糖尿病人的身份开始一项这样的大型活动改变人们的认知。故选A项。
45.考查动词短语辨析。句意:当她意识到很多人都不知道她作为一名糖尿病患者每天都经历着什么,并且患有这种疾病的人被认为只能进行简单的活动时,她开始了一项穿越三个州步行470英里的任务。A. approved of同意,赞成;B. learned from向……学习;C. got used to习惯于;D. set out on开始。根据上文“As she 2 that a lot of people weren’t _aware_ of what she went through on a daily basis as a diabetic and that people with the disease were thought to be 4 to simple activities,…”及空后的宾语“a mission to walk 470 miles across three states.”可知,她发现人们对糖尿病人的生活有错误的认知,认为他们只能做一些简单的活动,她就开始了一次长途旅行,动词短语set out on意为“开始了(一个任务)”。故选D项。
46.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在整个过程中,人们通过一个与她的血糖监测仪相连的应用程序来观察她的血糖水平。A. lecture演讲;授课;B. recovery康复,恢复;C. operation手术;操作;D. journey旅程。根据上文“…she 5 a mission to walk 470 miles across three states.”可知,她开始了一次长途旅行。故选D项。
47.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当她的血糖水平过高或过低时,监测器会实时发出警告。A. warnings警告;B. comments评论;C. preferences偏爱;D. requests要求,请求。根据上一句“people watched her blood glucose levels (血糖水平) through an app that was connected to her glucose monitor.”及空后“when her glucose levels went too high or low”可知,血糖检测仪的功能就是监测她的血糖,所以当她的血糖异常时,应该是会发出提示性警告。故选A项。
48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她向人们展示了糖尿病患者是什么样的,并提醒人们要经常检查并确保他们吃的是正确的东西。A. summarize总结;B. suspect怀疑;C. check检测,查看;D. follow跟踪;效仿。根据空后“make sure that they are eating the ___9__ things”可知,只有查看之后才能确定吃的食物是否合适。故选C项。
49.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她向人们展示了糖尿病患者是什么样的,并提醒人们要经常检查并确保他们吃的是正确的东西。A. different不同的;B. right合适的,正确的;右边的;C. pure纯的,纯洁的;D. real真的,真实的。糖尿病人的饮食不能随便吃,应该是合适的食物。故选B项。
50.考查动词词义辨析。句意:就像压力这样简单的事情就能提高他们的血糖。A. raise提高,提升;举起;饲养,养育;筹集;B. reach够到;到达,达到;C. turn转变;转弯;D. examine检查,查看。糖尿病人应该是控制血糖,不能让血糖升高,这里她告诫大家,压力就有可能使血糖升高,故选A项。
51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了训练走路,她每天在跑步机上花八个小时,同时控制自己的糖尿病。A. train训练;B. perform表演;表现;执行,做;C. track追踪;D. stop停止;阻止。该空后的宾语the walk指上文第5空后的“a mission to walk 470 miles across three states.”下文“she spent eight hours a day on a treadmill (跑步机) while managing her diabetes.”中在跑步机上的八小时锻炼是为这次活动提前在做训练。故选A项。
52.考查动词短语辨析。句意:她认为记住这一点很重要,那就是你必须克服创作上的困难。A. take in吸收;理解;收留;B. care about关心,重视;C. put down放下;写下;D. get over克服,战胜。该空动词短语为定语从句的谓语部分,that指代先行词difficulty作该动词短语的宾语,困难是不得不去战胜的。故选D项。
53.考查副词词义辨析。句意:经过一番努力,她终于冲过了终点线。A. accidentally意外地;B. completely完全地;C. immediately立即,马上;D. ultimately最终,终于。根据第一段“she ____5___ a mission to walk 470 miles across three states.”可知,她开始了一次长途旅行,根据该空前“After a great effort”及空后“crossed the finish line.”可知,最终她完成了这次壮举。故选D项。
54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的行走促进了人们对糖尿病的了解,并激励了其他与糖尿病作斗争的人,告诉他们这种疾病不会阻止一个人积极活动或实现目标。A. served服务;B. accepted接受;C. inspired激励;D. connected联系。根据空后宾语“other people who are also battling diabetes”可知,她的做法应该是激励了那些和糖尿病作斗争的人们。故选C项。
55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的行走促进了人们对糖尿病的了解,并激励了其他与糖尿病作斗争的人,告诉他们这种疾病不会阻止一个人积极活动或实现目标。A. condition状况;B. technique技巧;C. scene场景,场面;幕;D. conflict冲突,矛盾。她通过自己的长途旅行向人们表明糖尿病这种身体状况不会阻止积极的活动或者实现自己原来的目标。故选A项。
56.connected 57.is said 58.from 59.officially 60.fell 61.a 62.to launch 63.and 64.recognition 65.growing
56.考查非谓语动词。句意:然而,由于人们对中国传统文化的强烈热情和季节性观光旅游需求的增加,这个与春天密切相关的传统节日又重新焕发了生机。此处表示“这个与春天密切相关的传统节日又重新焕发了生机”,be connected with意为“和……相关”,此处应用过去分词作定语,故填connected。
57.考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:据说花朝节是在中国农历的每个第二个月庆祝花女神的生日。本句描述一个事实,应用一般现在时,sth. be said to do是固定搭配,主语“Huazhao Festival”表示单数意义,be动词用is,故填is said。
58.考查介词。句意:它的起源可以追溯到秦朝之前的时期,并在隋唐时期被正式定为节日。date from“追溯到”,是固定短语,故填from。
60.考查时态。句意:在唐朝,这个节日是在农历二月十五日。根据时间状语“During the Tang Dynasty”可知,句子应用一般过去时,动词使用过去式形式,故填fell。
61.考查冠词。句意:因此,全国许多地方轮流举行庆祝活动,仿佛在传递一场视觉盛宴。as a result“因此”,是固定短语,故填a。
62.考查非谓语动词。句意同上。take turns to do sth“轮流做某事”,是固定用法,故填to launch。
63.考查连词。句意:尽管亮点各不相同,但不同地区的庆祝活动都有汉服和赏花的特点。结合句意可知,hanfu和flower appreciation之间是并列关系,表示两者兼有的并列关系应用连词and,故填and。
66.Dear Jim,
In your last letter, you said that you failed to achieve your New Year resolutions and you felt upset. I understand your feelings as it’s not uncommon that people get stuck into such situation. However, with right approaches, you’re likely to succeed.
First, you should break your goals into smaller, manageable tasks and set realistic deadlines. Also, stay motivated by reminding yourself of the long-term benefits and keeping a positive mindset. Lastly, don’t be too hard on yourself and celebrate small wins.
If you follow those tips, I’m sure you’ll realize your next New Year resolutions.
Li Hua
【详解】1. 词汇积累
陷入:get stuck into→get trapped into
对……严厉:be hard on→be strict with
2. 句式拓展
原句:However, with right approaches, you’re likely to succeed.
拓展句:However, if you adopt right approaches, you’re likely to succeed.
【点睛】【高分句型1】I understand your feelings as it’s not uncommon that people get stuck into such situation. (运用了as引导原因状语从句、it作形式主语以及that引导的主语从句)
【高分句型2】If you follow those tips, I’m sure you’ll realize your next New Year resolutions.(运用了If引导的条件状语从句以及省略连接词that的宾语从句)
67. One day, I was eating at my uncle’s house when Mrs Gao’s voice came from outside. I hid myself behind the door like an arrow. I was afraid that Mrs Gao would tell my uncle what I had done in class. Much to my surprise, she didn’t mention my bad behavior. Instead, she inquired about my family situation. After knowing everything, she said, “It’s a pity to give up the child. Everyone can shine with some help and proper guidance, so let’s give him a hand together.” Her care and patience made me full of warmth and gratitude. Seized by a sense of guilt, I began to reflect on my behavior.
Mrs Gao asked me to be responsible for keeping the classroom clean. She said success belongs to those who are willing to start with small things. From then on, I didn’t litter. I learned to help other students clean the classroom and keep everything in order. Mrs Gao praised me in front of the whole class and gave me an award of “Star of Progress” in recognition of my efforts. It is Mrs Gao that I want to give my sincere gratitude to, who guides me to change myself for the better.
①帮助某人:give sb a hand/do sb a favor/help sb
②反思:reflect on/rethink/introspect
③赞扬:praise/commend/speak highly of
【点睛】[高分句型1] I was afraid that Mrs Gao would tell my uncle what I had done in class.(运用了that和what引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2]It is Mrs Gao that I want to give my sincere gratitude to, who guides me to change myself for the better.(运用了it is...that的强调句型及who引导的非限制性定语从句)



