
The animals have a big party in the forest. Mr Monkey likes bananas best. They are so sweet. He doesn’t like onions. Carrots are Miss Rabbit’s favourite. She likes cabbages, too. They are healthy. She doesn’t like oranges. Mr Giraffe likes orange juice best. It’s fresh. Look! Mr Sheep is eating grass. It’s delicious. Where’s Mr Bear Oh, he’s under the tall tree. He’s sleeping (睡觉) now. His favourite food is honey (蜂蜜). But there’s no honey here. Oh! It’s an awful party for the bear.
1.Mr Monkey’s favourite food is _______. ( )
A.bananas B.cabbages C.honey
2.Miss Rabbit likes carrots and cabbages. Because they are _______. ( )
A.healthy B.hot C.sweet
3.Where is Mr Bear ( )
A.He’s in the tree. B.He’s under the tree. C.He’s behind the tree.
4.What does “awful” mean (意思是) ( )
A.有趣的 B.惊喜的 C.糟糕的
5.What’s the best title (题目) for the passage ( )
A.Favourite food B.Animal party C.Favourite drink
My name is John. I am twelve years old. I go to school from Mondays to Fridays. My favourite day is Sunday, because I can play football and watch TV. Beef is my favourite food. I don’t like to drink tea. Tomorrow is Monday. I will have Chinese and computer. Miss Chen is my computer teacher. She is strict and funny. Mr Green is my Chinese teacher. He is tall and thin.
6.How old is John ( )
A.12. B.20.
7.What is John favorite food ( )
A.Beef. B.Meat.
8.John likes _______ very much. ( )
A.Sunday B.Saturday
9.What does John have on Mondays ( )
A.English and computer. B.Chinese and computer.
10.What is John’s Chinese teacher like ( )
A.Strict and funny. B.Tall and thin.
Hello, I’m Paul. I love PE class. I have a PE class on Fridays. My PE teacher is Mr Li. He is tall and strong. I often play football with him on the weekend. What about you Do you like PE
11.Paul likes ______ class. ( )
A.art B.PE C.music
12.______ is Paul’s PE teacher. ( )
A.Miss Li B.Mr Chen C.Mr Li
13.Mr Li is ______. ( )
A.tall and strong B.tall and thin C.strong and short
14.Paul has a PE class on ______. ( )
A.Tuesdays B.Fridays C.Mondays
15.Paul often ______ on the weekend. ( )
A.plays football B.plays sports C.listens to music
Welcome to our restaurant! We have fish, chicken, rice, eggs, fruits and vegetables for you to eat. We have apple juice, orange juice, milk and beer for you to drink. Many people come here for dinner every day. Do you want to try Chinese food We have Shandong food, Sichuan food and Guangdong food. They’re nice to eat. And they are cheap. On Sundays, children can have free milk here. You can take our food home.
Would you like to enjoy nice food Please come in!
16.We can’t have ________ in this restaurant. ( )
A.eggs B.fish C.ice cream
17.We can have ________ in this restaurant. ( )
A.soup B.coffee C.orange juice
18.The underlined (划线的) word “cheap”means (意思是) ________. ( )
A.便宜的 B.易坏的 C.昂贵的
19.How many kinds of Chinese food can we eat there ( )
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.
20.The writer (作者) wants to ________. ( )
A.tell us where this restaurant is
B.help us eat well in this restaurant
C.encourage (鼓励) us to eat in this restaurant
Hello! I'm Li Lei. I’m a Chinese boy. I live in a small village, but it’s beautiful. There is a river in front of my house. The water is clean. I see many pretty fish in it. There is a road near the river. Beside the road there are many flowers and grass. There is a park in the village. There is a playground in the park. We can play basketball there. Welcome to my village. You’ll love it, too.
21.I am from China. ( )
22.There is a river in my house. ( )
23.There are many flowers beside the road. ( )
24.There is a playground in the village. ( )
25.We can play football in the park. ( )
I am Wang Lin. I’m eleven years old. I’m short and fat. I like all kinds of meat. Chicken is my favourite food. I like vegetables and fruit, too. Now I live with my parents in a village. My village is not big, but it’s very beautiful. There aren’t any tall buildings here. There are many small houses. Behind the village there is a mountain. There are many trees and flowers on the mountain. In front of the village there is a river. And you can see many ducks on the river. I love my village!
26.Wang Lin is short and fat. ( )
27.Wang Lin’s favourite food is beef. ( )
28.There are no tall buildings in the village. ( )
29.The mountain is behind the village. ( )
30.We can see many ducks and geese on the river. ( )
Hello, I’m Tom. I have three friends. They’re Sarah, Mike and John. I like ice cream. It’s sweet. I like apples. They’re sweet, too. Sarah like ice cream, too. She doesn’t like onions. Mike’s favourite food is beef noodles. They’re delicious. But he is heavy now. So he has to (不得不) eat vegetables. John likes orange juice. It’s fresh and healthy.
31.Tom and Sarah like ice cream. ( )
32.Tom doesn’t like onions. ( )
33.Mike likes beef noodles very much. ( )
34.Mike likes vegetables, too. ( )
35.John likes apple juice. It’s fresh and healthy. ( )
My name is Peter. This is my timetable.
time Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday weekend
8:00 English maths maths Chinese English do homework, watch TV and play football
9:30 art English PE maths Chinese
lunch rice noodles bread chicken sandwich
14:00 PE art English English computer
15:30 science PE Chinese computer art
36.Peter has English at 8:00 on Mondays. ( )
37.Peter has noodles for lunch on Wednesdays. ( )
38.Peter has five English classes in a week. ( )
39.Peter has two classes on the weekend. ( )
40.Peter has a computer class on Mondays. ( )



