

I’m a student from Canada. Ever since I was little, I’ve been larger than other girls. For a long time, this really made me 1 . People would look at me for a long time because I was “big” and I hated the way I looked. My nervousness drove me to try every way possible to lose 2 , including dieting and weight-loss pills. But this brought me nothing but pain and 3 condition.
Everything 4 when one day I found a story of a heavy model, Tess Holiday. 5 she is not as slim as most other models, she has the confidence to be herself 6 in a job full of beauty stereotypes (“美”的刻板印象). Her story made me have different ideas about what it means to be beautiful. I realized that my health is the most important thing.
Now I exercise a couple of times a week but just to 7 . Isn’t it better that I’m large and happy 8 being unhealthy and too slim Being healthy is beautiful, and we should wear that beauty with 9 . What I really 10 is that Tess says good health not only makes us more beautiful, but happier, too.
1.A.glad B.unhappy C.surprised D.interested
2.A.weight B.face C.heart D.control
3.A.safe B.healthy C.poor D.hopeful
4.A.repeated B.appeared C.returned D.changed
5.A.If B.Although C.Since D.When
6.A.even B.almost C.hardly D.just
7.A.keep calm B.stay awake C.keep fit D.stay slim
8.A.except for B.because of C.according to D.instead of
9.A.confidence B.nervousness C.patience D.carelessness
10.A.hope B.doubt C.admire D.hate

It was a summer noon. As I drove along the road in a mountain, I could see some pretty wildflowers. When I turned the corner and saw some 11 picking up litter on the roadside, I stopped 12 and smiled at them. They volunteered here on such a hot day. How helpful they were! I 13 a spring day long ago.
When my children were younger, we often took a walk around the lake near our home. One 14 day, we noticed much litter lying there. The next day, we brought a big litter bag and started to pick up the litter along our way. 15 , the bag was nearly full. Tired but 16 , we put the bag in an empty bin. We 17 before we went home and took one last look at the lake as the sun set. It looked more beautiful than ever.
I know this world’s problems sometimes seem 18 , but how can we solve them The 19 is that everything we do kindly can make a difference. Every time we pick up a piece of litter, we make a difference. Every smile we share makes a difference. Our small act of being 20 can make this colorful world even better.
11.A.children B.drivers C.volunteers D.policemen
12.A.driving B.walking C.running D.riding
13.A.talked about B.wrote down C.looked for D.thought of
14.A.autumn B.winter C.spring D.summer
15.A.Normally B.Finally C.Suddenly D.Actually
16.A.surprised B.excited C.bored D.worried
17.A.stopped B.danced C.waited D.moved
18.A.useful B.simple C.hard D.possible
19.A.story B.truth C.news D.class
20.A.busy B.polite C.lazy D.kind

I worked in a small office. I shared a small 21 with another three persons. In that small fridge, there was a water filter pitcher (滤水壶). One person said the water in it tasted “dirty”. It went on 22 a few days. And she was very 23 that I could still drink the water without any trouble. That made me think there was something wrong with my taste buds (味蕾). 24 I was wrong. My taste buds were OK. And the water really tasted fine.
25 , she found out the problem. It wasn’t the water. It was her cup. She just 26 to clean her cup, so after a while, the water looked dirty. She cleaned her cup, then drank the water with no problem.
I start to 27 the world we live in. When we meet problems, we 28 blame (指责) other people and other things without thinking twice. The world isn’t perfect, I know. But I think we should ask 29 some questions: What is the problem Did I make a 30 How can I correct it Can I be better
I want to tell you that you should always clean your own cup. Because when you do, the water will taste much better. I promise you this.
21.A.cup B.desk C.fridge D.computer
22.A.at B.of C.to D.for
23.A.afraid B.patient C.surprised D.happy
24.A.And B.But C.Or D.So
25.A.To be honest B.For example C.At last D.After all
26.A.forgot B.wanted C.remembered D.hoped
27.A.call in B.think about C.look after D.part with
28.A.happily B.politely C.hardly D.quickly
29.A.yourselves B.yourself C.ourselves D.myself
30.A.rule B.mistake C.wish D.noise

Katy Sullivan is an actress, an athlete, and a person who also refuses to accept the words “no” or “I can’t”.
She was born without the lower half of her legs and has worn prosthetic (假体的) ones all her life. She grew up in Alabama, the US and had a(n) 31 childhood. She kept up with her sisters and brothers at the gym and the swimming pool. She feels lucky 32 her family treated her in just the same way as the other members.
When a person is born without legs, there are plenty of things that are difficult to do. But Katy believed she could 33 anything. So she chose two jobs 34 were difficult even with both legs. As a teenager, she once saw a good movie. Before it was 35 , Katy had made up her mind to be an actress.
She did a degree in theater and then moved to Los Angeles, where she played 36 in theater, television and movies. She has a positive view of life. She thinks that if you believe you can do something, you should 37 it. So when Katy’s friend asked her 38 she’d like to try running, she said “yes”. She was given a pair of running legs and she 39 her new life.
Katy was the first person in the world with two prosthetic legs to take up running as a competitive sport. She entered the final 100 meters in the 2012 London Paralympics.
Katy’s family, friends, and fans look up to her as an 40 of someone who has overcome her difficulty and realized her dreams.
31.A.terrible B.active C.mysterious D.lonely
32.A.because B.but C.so D.unless
33.A.require B.examine C.prevent D.achieve
34.A.which B.they C.who D.those
35.A.up B.on C.out D.over
36.A.games B.sports C.music D.roles
37.A.go for B.get used to C.look for D.give in
38.A.that B.what C.whether D.how
39.A.changed B.started C.described D.prepared
40.A.explorer B.influence C.example D.enemy

I told my parents that I wanted to visit my grandparents alone. I didn’t see them for a long time and I 41 them a lot. Although my parents agreed, they were 42 worried about my safety. So they told me something that would happen on the way 43 my grandparents’ and encouraged me to solve the problems by myself.
When the 44 came, my parents came to the train station to see me off. While we were waiting for the train, my father gave me a letter. He told me I could read it if I felt afraid on the way. With the train moving slowly, I said 45 to them.
I looked out of the window and saw green farms and beautiful villages along the way. And I was very 46 . At one station, a tall and heavy man got on the train and sat next to me. I got a little nervous. Suddenly, I 47 what my father gave me and told me at the station. I opened the letter. It said, “Never be afraid. I’m together with you in this train.” Seeing this, I began to feel relaxed. I tried to speak with the man and he talked with me so 48 . We both felt quite happy all the way.
In our life, there are many times when we need to do something 49 . We needn’t be afraid because our parents are always with us. Remember we should try 50 best to solve all the problems by ourselves.
41.A.missed B.helped C.thanked D.understood
42.A.hardly B.still C.seldom D.never
43.A.at B.for C.with D.to
44.A.day B.week C.month D.year
45.A.sorry B.hello C.goodbye D.no
46.A.sad B.happy C.bored D.upset
47.A.borrowed B.refused C.remembered D.forgot
48.A.kindly B.angrily C.clearly D.shyly
49.A.slowly B.carefully C.quietly D.alone
50.A.my B.his C.our D.their

Little Dora always wanted a sister. So when Mum told her she would have one in six months, she felt very 51 . But Dora had to be away for some time. She had promised to stay with her grandparents till autumn came.
“How can I make 52 go faster I can’t wait to see the 53 .” Dora said to herself while she was sitting in her grandparents’ yard one day. She had a good 54 when she saw the apple tree in the yard. She decided to 55 a picture of the tree each day. As Grandpa said, by the time she saw red apples on the tree, she would have a sister!
Dora’s first picture was a tree full of green leaves. Day by day, the weather got cooler. The leaves slowly 56 their colour and tiny apples appeared among them.
57 , Dora drew her last picture of the tree. It had a lot of red apples. Now it was time to return home. When she entered the house, Mum and Dad were 58 her on the sofa. Each of them was 59 a baby in their arms.
“Now you have a sister and a brother!” Dad said. “Wow, I’m the 60 sister in the world!” Dora said happily. “Look! Their faces are as round as red apples. They are so cute.”
51.A.rich B.afraid C.nervous D.cheerful
52.A.air B.time C.light D.water
53.A.yard B.tree C.baby D.apple
54.A.job B.idea C.life D.trip
55.A.buy B.take C.draw D.borrow
56.A.shared B.found C.passed D.changed
57.A.Finally B.Really C.Usually D.Suddenly
58.A.waiting for B.laughing at C.looking after D.learning from
59.A.hiding B.training C.walking D.holding
60.A.funniest B.smallest C.luckiest D.prettiest

Emily loved reading. She used to be very shy. She 61 talking to others. So she turned to 62 . In 2019, her dad got sick. It was very serious. Books became an even bigger comfort for 63 .
Emily’s dad got better. And she came up with a plan to 64 others.
Emily started a book drive in her hometown. She 65 books. She took them to 66 being cared for in hospitals. 67 , she has collected more than 10,000 books.
Emily and her father are very close. When her father learned of her plans for the book drive, he wasn’t surprised. “She was always interested in books,” he says. “ 68 she always wanted to do things for the neighborhood.” Emily runs the book drive herself, but she gets some help from her 69 . “We do the driving,” her dad says.
Emily still runs the book drive. The memory of meeting the children she helps sticks with her. “It was the 70 day of my life,” she says. “I realized I wanted to do this type of work forever.”
61.A.was afraid of B.was interested in C.was good at D.was sorry for
62.A.music B.sports C.books D.stamps
63.A.me B.her C.him D.it
64.A.teach B.save C.move D.help
65.A.wrote B.collected C.read D.bought
66.A.kids B.men C.women D.newborns
67.A.In short B.Hardly ever C.So far D.On time
68.A.So B.Or C.But D.And
69.A.parents B.friends C.teachers D.neighbors
70.A.saddest B.best C.shortest D.strangest

In 2007, Jim and his friend Dylan moved into their new apartment on 22nd Street in Manhattan. The previous tenant (之前的租户) told them something 71 . “Every year over Christmas, many letters to Santa come here,” he said. “No one knows the reason.”
For the first two years, only a few letters came from kids 72 Santa for gifts. But in the weeks before Christmas in 2010, Jim and Dylan were 73 crazy. Every morning, they opened their mailbox and 74 was full of letters to Santa. They replied to as many as they could, writing notes and even buying gifts. But they could only do so much.
One evening, Jim and Dylan had a Christmas party in their apartment. Their guests 75 the hundreds of letters in the room and asked about them. Jim told them the 76 . Many guests offered to help without thinking twice.
77 was born Miracle on 22nd Street, a volunteer organization. Then Jim, Dylan and their friends replied to children’s letters to Santa with gifts. One child wrote that his back hurt because his parents couldn’t afford a 78 and he had to sleep on the floor. 79 agreement from the boy’s parents, they bought him one.
Every year, Jim, Dylan and Miracle on 22nd Street help hundreds of families. They no longer wonder 80 the letters come to the apartment. It has become part of Christmas for them to try to help families in need.
71.A.normal B.silent C.strange D.clear
72.A.telling B.asking C.paying D.throwing
73.A.driven B.shown C.woken D.known
74.A.they B.he C.we D.it
75.A.stole B.wrote C.noticed D.carried
76.A.report B.story C.rule D.excuse
77.A.So B.Until C.Nor D.Either
78.A.quilt B.table C.car D.bed
79.A.To B.About C.Of D.With
80.A.what B.why C.when D.who



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