2024年外研版中考英语一轮复习 八年级上册 Module 1-Module 3(含答案)

1. Work in p_________. Ask and answer the questions.
2. Can you ________(使配对;使匹配)the words with their meanings
3. Complete the s____________with the words in the box.
4. How does Daming usually check the ___________(拼写)of a word
5. Why not _______ _______(写下)our mistakes in our notebooks
6. Don’t forget to write down the c__________answers next to the mistakes.
7. It is a good idea to look up new words in the d_______________.
8.That’s good for our ______________(发音) too.
9. It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words _________(大声地) every day.
10. You should understand the _________(语法)
11. There are so many new _________(词;单词)in this book.
12. What’s the ____________(意思)of this word
13. Who has some a_________about how to learn English
14. You just listen for key words and m__________ ideas.
15. Let’s try to speak English as much as p____________.
Many students 1._______ _______(请求)advice about how to 2.__________(改进) their English. Here are some 3.__________ _________(主要的建议).
First, watch and listen several 4.__________(次;回), and guess the meaning of the new words. Each time you will learn something new. I also 5. a________(建议) you to talk about the films or songs with your friends.
Second, you can say, “Hello! How are you ”"Do you like China ”These are good ways to start a 6.__________________(对话). Remember this: Do not be 7.__________(羞怯的). Just try.
Finally, it is 8._____________(合乎常情的)to forget new words 9.___________(迅速地)! I suggest you write four or five words a day on pieces of paper and 10.____________(放置) them in your room.
每位同学都有自己喜欢的学科和学习方法.请以“My ways of learning______”为题,为你们学校校报写一篇征文,介绍你的学习方法。
1.pairs 2.match 3.sentences 4.spelling 5.write down 6.correct
7.dictionary 8.pronunciation 9.aloud 10.grammar 11.words 12.meaning
13.advice 14.main 15.possible
1.ask for; 2.improve; 3.basic advice; 4.times; 5.advise; 6.conversation; 7.shy; 8.natural; 9.quickly; 10.place
My ways of learning English
My favourite subject is English. I was interested in learning English when I was a little child.
How to lean English well The most important thing is that when you are learning English, you must listen to the teacher carefully. Secondly, I often listen to the English news on the radio. While listening to the news, I write down everything I hear so that I can learn something new. Thirdly, you should speak English as much as you can. Don't be shy. Just try.
These are my ways of learning English. I'll try my best to learn it better.
1.-How was your weekend -_________(挺好的)!
2.Shenzhen is a newer city t____ Hong Kong.
3.Shenzhen is g____ bigger and busier.
4. What’s the _______(人口) of Shenzhen
5.I think it’s over ten ______(百万).
6.Its streets are much w_____ and c_____ too.
7.Shenzhen is on the c_____(海岸) near Hong Kong.
8.Some day it will become as b___ (繁忙的)as Hong Kong.
9.The population of Shenzhen is l_____ than that of many other cities in China.
10.It was a small village about _________(30年前).
11.Diwang Tower is taller than __________(很多其他建筑) in Shenzhen.
12. In fact, it only became important _________(在20世纪80年代).
13. The tourists like the h____ and pretty villages.
14.Is your home town b_____(大的)than Shenzhen
15.Jin Mao Tower is about _________(420米高)
My ___1____(家乡) is Cambridge, a beautiful city____2_____(在...东部) England. It’s on the River Cam and____3______(有...人口) about 120,000. It has lots of old buildings and churches, and a e___4____(尤其;特别) well-known u___5_____. Many famous people, ___6_____(例如) Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin , studied here. It’s smaller than London, which is ____7_____(在...南部) England. London is about 2,000 years old, and ____8______(因...而著名) Big Ben Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge. England is part of a(n) i__9___. Tourists like the a_10___ of __11______(低矮的山峦) and beautiful lakes which are ____12_____(在...北部) it, and hills and pretty villages in the south. Everywhere in England, you will notice how green the c___13____ is. Because the weather is never very hot in summer or very cold in winter, you can come and see England ____14________(一年中任何时候), but remember to bring an u___15____.
Write a passage called My home town. Use Tony’s passage to help you.
1.Prettygood2.than3.getting4.population5.million6.wider;cleaner 7.coast8.busy9.larger10.30 years ago11.many other buildings
12.in the 1980s13.hills14.bigger15.420 meters high
home town 2.In the east of 3.has a population of 4.especially 5.university 6.such as 7.in the south of 8.is famous for
9.island 10.areas 11.low mountains 12.in the north of
13.countryside 14.any time of the year 15.umbrella
My home town is Tianjin. It is on the east coast of China. It is a big city on the River Haihe. It has a population of 16 million. When you take a boat tour, you will enjoy trips along the river.
Tianjin is as modern and busy as other big cities in China. There are many tall buildings. Tianjin Eye is a famous landmark. If you want to learn about old Tianjin, you may visit Ancient Culture Street.
Tianjin is famous for its snakes. If you want to try local food, you may visit Food Street. People living there are friendly and kind. They are ready to help others.
It is warm in spring and it is cool in autumn. So come and see Tianjin in spring or autumn. Everywhere in Tianjin, you will notice how nice the city is.
Tianjin is a nice place to visit.
Last week the match on TV was so b_____ because no one scored at all.
This week’s match is more e ____________.
3. What’s the m__________ with you, Tony
4 Watching is not dangerous and it’s more r__________.
5.Nothing is ___________(另人愉快的)than playing tennis.
6. Staying at home was easier than going to the_______(体育馆) .
7. -He missed .一__________.(没关系)
8.There’s still p_________ of time for them to score.
9. Our team s____________ two goals in this match. We felt very happy!
10. Today’s match is ___________(已经) more exciting than last night’s.
11.He ___________(弄伤) his knee and missed the ball. Bad luck!
12.Basketball is more enjoyable than ______________. (排球)
13.The 2008 O _____ were in Beijing.
14.I am not good at tennis. I always m ____ the ball.
15.________(棒球)is more dangerous than table tennis.
I am in our school team and we are going to _________(打比赛) another school next week. The_________(练习) starts at 10 am. We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to__________ .(热身) We are____________(训练更努力)____________(比平常) because the other team__________(打败了我们) last year. This year we want ____________(做的更好)。
____________(我们的教练)is pleased because we are better now. Last year sometimes we____________(粗心的) when we____________(传球) and we lost to the other team.____________(多可惜啊) ! This year we____________(更好的获胜机会) .
The__________(球迷俱乐部)has fewer people this year. We hope to play well so that we have more fans to watch the matches. They ____________(为我们欢呼)and we____________(更有信心)to win the game.
最近你校英文论坛的热点话题是My Favourite Sport。请你用英语写一篇短文介绍你最喜欢的一项运动,然后发表在该论坛上。内容包括:
My Favourite Sport
)(1) 最喜欢的运动是什么;
(2) 喜欢这项运动的理由;
(3) 这项运动带来的影响。
(1) 语句通顺、意思连贯、语法正确;
(2) 包含所有提示内容,可适当发挥;80词以上;
(3) 能写一句含比较级的句子。
参考词汇:烦恼 trouble 团队合作 teamwork
My Favourite Sport
My favourite sport is __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1.boring 2.exciting 3.matter 4.relaxing 5.enjoyable 6. stadium
7.Never mind 8.plenty 9.scored 10.already 11. hurt 12.volleyball
13. Olympics 14. miss 15.baseball
play against 2. practice 3.warm up 4.training harder
than usual 6.beat us 7.to do better 8.Our coach
9.were careless 10.passed the ball 11.What a pity 12.have a better chance of winning 13. fan club 14.cheer us on 15 feel more confident
My Favourite Sport
My favourite sport is volleyball. My love for it started when I was in Grade 6. Now I'm in our school's volleyball team. We won four matches out of six last year.
Now let me tell you why I like it best. First, playing volleyball makes me feel relaxed. When I play it, I will forget all my troubles. Second, I can make lots of friends when I play volleyball. Third, playing volleyball helps me keep strong and healthy.
I learn that teamwork is very important from playing volleyball. And in the future I want to become a volleyball player like Zhu Ting. All in all, nothing is more enjoyable than playing volleyball. The more I practice, the better I will play.



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