Unit 3 Could you please clean your room ?课时作业 (共6课时 含答案)

Unit 3Could you please clean your room
第一课时(Section A 1a~2d)
1.Lucy often helps her mother do the ________ (dish).
2.Could you please ________ (help) me with the housework
3.You have to ________ (come) to the party on time this Sunday.
4.I want my mother ________ (buy) another book for me.
5.She must finish ________ (write) the composition before going to bed.
keys: dishes help come to buy writing
go to the movies,take out,make one's bed, in the living room,have to
6.You should ______________ after getting up.
7.They are watching TV _______________.
8.It smells terrible. Please ______________ the rubbish.
9.—Could you please clean your room
—Sorry,I can't. I ______________ do my homework.
10.She often _________________ to relax herself.
keys: make your bed in the living room take out have to goes to the movies
fold , sweep , floor , mess , rubbish
11.The yard(院子) is dirty,so you should ________ it after dinner.
12.—Well,where's our dog,Mom
—It's on the ________ under the table. It's sleeping.
13.I forgot to take the ________ out last night.
14.—Hey,Mike. Your bedroom is in a ________.
—Sorry,I'll clean it right now.
15.He ________ the map and put it in his pocket(口袋).
keys: sweep floor rubbish mess folded
16.Could you help me f________ the clothes on the sofa,Jenny
17.Look!Jane is s________ the floor.
18.What a m________ you've made!You'd better clean it up before Mom gets home.
19.Look!The cat is lying under the table,on the f________.
20.—Could you help me take out the r________
—No problem.
keys: fold sweeping mess floor rubbish
21.(2015,南充)—Could you please turn off the TV
— ________,I ________.I want to watch the sports news.
A.No;couldn't   B .Sorry;can't
C.Sure;can D.Sorry;couldn't
22.—Are you going to Russia to watch 2018 FIFA World Cup(2018世界杯足球赛)
—I'm not sure. It ________ time.
A.depends on B.cares about
C.agrees to D.finds out
23.There are ________ 50 students in his class.
A.at the least B.in the least
C.at least D.in least
24.—Could you please sweep the floor
— ________. I'm busy babysitting my sister.
A.Sorry,you can't B.Yes,sure
C.Yes,I can D.Sorry,I can't
25.—Ted,could you please ________ the trash(垃圾)
—Of course,Mom.
A.take after B.take off
C.take out D.take care of
A.What can I do for you
B.Dad will be angry if he sees our house is in a mess.
C.What are you doing
D.Ah,but I think the house is very clean.
E.Why don't you ask Dad to do that
F.Could you please stop reading and help me
G.How soon will Dad come back
A:Hey,Hu Rong. 26.________
B:I'm reading a book.
B:Yes,sure. 28.________
A:Could you please help me clean the house
A:Yes,it's clean but it's not “dad clean”. 30. ________
B:I see. Let's clean it now.
第二课时(Section A 3a~3c)
as soon as , shirt , throw , reply , neither
1.—Which do you prefer,tea or coffee
— ________ is OK. I like juice.
2.He called me ________ he arrived home.
3.The boy bought a ________ for his father on Father's Day.
4.Don't ________ the ball like that. It may break the window.
5.I wrote to my pen friend in the US last week,but she didn't ________.
KEYS: Neither as soon as shirt throw reply
throw down,help out,in surprise, all the time,come over
6.—Would you like to ________________ to my house next week
—Yes,I'd love to.
7.Gina ________________ her bag and turned on the TV.
8.James kept watching TV __________________ and never rested yesterday.
9.The girl looked at her mother ________________ and asked “When did you come back?”.
10.Tom gave me some advice and it ______ me ______.   
keys: come over threw down all the time in surprise helped out
11.She t________ the ball up and caught it again.
12.—I didn't see Linda at the party. How about you
—N________ did I.
13.The woman showed me three ________ (衬衫) in different colors.
14.“What's the matter with her?”,she asked in ________ (惊奇).
15.The girl always does her homework the ________ (分钟) she gets home.
KEYS: threw Neither shirts surprise minute
16. ________ (final),they took the advice.
17.He didn't say ________ (something) and walked away.
18.—Where is the rubbish
—I ________ (take) it out 5 minutes ago.
19.My mother shouted ________ (angry) at me,“Don't play computer games!”
20.Helen is going to talk with you as soon as she ________ (finish) her work.
KEYS: Finally anything took angrily finishes
21.(2015,孝感)—Which do young people prefer,music or sports
—Both. Music is ________ sports.
A.as popular as    B.not as popular as
C.more popular than D.less popular than
22.(2015,龙东)—Lucy can't go mountain climbing with us tomorrow.
— ________. I have to do housework at home.
A.So can I  B.Neither can I  C .Neither I can
23.(2015,孝感)My friend and I are interested in drawing,but ________ of us is good at it.
A.neither   B .both   C .none   D .all
24.I will send you an e mail as soon as I ________ in London.
A.arrived B.arrive
C.will arrive D.am arriving
25.I take my dog for a ________ in the park every morning.
A.jump  B.walk  C.sleep  D.meal
The teacher ________ ________ ________ Tom because he was late again.
________ ________ ________ did any housework for a week.
We need to ________ the housework to have a ________ and ____________ home.
You watch TV ________ ________ ________ and never ________ ________ around the house.
My mom came over ________ ________ ________ I sat down in front of the TV.
KEYS: was angry with Neither of us share clean comfortable all the time
help out as soon as
第三课时(Section A Grammar Focus~4c)
finger, borrow , lend , hate, pass
1.Let's go to the library ________ some books about how to take care of house plants.
2.You mustn't ________ the book to others and you must return it next week.
3.Linda was careless and she cut her _________________.
4.Bruce never watches TV because he ________ it.
5.I am lucky ________ the exam.
keys: to borrow lend finger/fingers hates to pass
6.Could we get something ________ (drink) now
7.He finished ________ (read) the book just now.
8.Could you please ________ (pass) me the knife
9.Jack had no money with him,so I ________ (lend) some to him.
10.Judy hates ________ (take) math lessons because she thinks they are too difficult.
keys: to drink reading pass lent taking
11.My father was reading a book ________ (当……的时候) I was doing my homework.
12.He put one of his ________ (手指) in his mouth to show that he needed food.
13. ________ (递) the newspaper to me please.
14.—Could you l________ me a ruler
—Sure. Here you are.
15.May I b________ your dictionary?Mine is at home.
keys: while fingers Pass lend borrow
16.—Can I ________ your bike
—With pleasure. But you mustn't ________ it to others.
A.lend;borrow    B.borrow;lend
C.lend;lend D.borrow;borrow
17.—Would you like something ________?
—Yes,I'd like some ________.
A.drink;apple juice B.to drink;apple juice
C.to eat;apple D.eat;apple
18.In China and some other countries,it is impolite to speak loudly ________ you are having a meal.
A.before  B.while 
C.after D.during
19.—Jason,I can not get Sue on the phone.
—I am seeing her this afternoon. Do you want me to ________ any messages
A.pass on B.find out
C.look up D.work on
20.(2015,黑河)—Could I invite my friends to a party
—Yes,of course you ________.
A.can    B .could    C .must
keys: BBBAA
21.James likes ________ ________ (闲逛)with his friends on weekends.
22.Take your umbrella and try not to ________ ________ (淋湿).
23.Could you please ________ ________ (拿出去) the rubbish
24.My mother often ________ ________ ________ (洗碗) after meals.
25.He ________ ________ (切了手指) last week.
keys: hanging out get wet take out does the dishes cut fingers
________ ________ please ________ a train ticket for me
________ ________ ________ your dictionary
________ ________ ________ ________ a concert after school
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ put up the tent
________ ________ ________ ________ with my friends this afternoon
keys: Could you buy Could I use Could we go to Could you please help me
Could I play tennis
Section A 话题阅读
Greg,Todd and Rob are brothers. All of them __1__ the chores at home. Every weekend,each of them should do __2__ chores. They always draw (抽签) to decide what to do because it is __3__.
It was Saturday today. Greg drew __4__. His task(任务) was to take out the rubbish. It was a(n) __5__ but fast job. Then Todd drew. He had to clean the garden. It was the longest job. He would have to __6__ a whole morning in doing it. Rob drew at last. He has to clean the windows. Rob __7__ doing it. He thought it was a boring job.
Rob drew first in the next round. His task was to __8__ after lunch. He was glad to help clean the plates and bowls. __9__ the rest drew,we knew that Todd had to feed the cats and Greg had to help wash the car.
Greg was the __10__ kid today because it was easier and faster to do his two jobs
1.A. show   B .share   C .give    D .make
2.A. two B.three C.four D.five
3.A. important B.same
C.difficult D.fair
4.A. first B.next C.then D.finally
5.A. dangerous B.exciting
C.interesting D.dirty
6.A. take B.cut C.spend D.cost
7.A. practiced B.finished
C.enjoyed D.hated
8.A.do the dishes B.do the laundry
C.fold the clothes D.sweep the floor
9.A. When B.Before C.After D.Because
10.A. saddest B.happiest
C.longest D.fastest
When I was ten,my mother worked all day so I had to take care of my younger brother. At that time my little brother was about four years old and he missed mum all the time.
One day,after I had given him his dinner,he started crying for mum. He was so young and really needed mum. So I dressed him,put on his shoes,carried him on my back and walked out. Soon he fell asleep. About half an hour later,I found that he had lost a shoe while sleeping. I took him off my back and put him down. I knew we needed to find that shoe,for our mother couldn't afford new shoes. We had to go back to find it,so I told my brother
to wait right there. A man heard it and stopped me just before I walked off. He asked me,“You are leaving your brother here to find the shoe What would you do if he is not here when you return?” I did not know how to answer that question. He continued,“It is OK if you can't find the shoe,but it is not OK to lose your brother.” Then he sent us to mum's workplace by taxi.
I have depended on the kindness of many strangers in my whole life. I feel regretful that I cannot find them and say thank you. I don't even remember what the man's face looked like,but he taught me a lesson—people are more important than things.
11.Why did the younger brother cry for his mother
A.Because he wanted to sleep.
B.Because he wanted to play outside.
C.Because he was hungry.
D.Because he missed his mother.
12.What does the underlined word “regretful” in the last paragraph mean
A.Happy.  B.Sorry.  C.Angry.  D.Excited.
13.What did the man mean by saying “It's OK if you can't find the shoe,but it is not OK to lose your brother.”?
A.People are more important than things.
B.Things are more important than people.
C.Both the shoe and your brother are important.
D.The shoe is more important than your brother.
14.According to the passage,which word can best describe the man
A.Rude. B.Funny. C.Silly. D.Kind.
As students,we are always busy studying. So we often have supper as soon as we come home from 15.________ .Not all children like to do housework. They think doing housework is their 16.________ job.
In fact,doing housework isn't a bad thing. Firstly,it's a good way 17.________.Many children like to spend much time 18.________ TV when they are tired. As a result,they usually get more tired. But doing housework is different. It is easy and it can let us relax. 19.________,doing some housework can show our care and love to our parents. We know our parents are usually very 20.________ after a day's work. They must feel happy if we can help them 21.________ the floor or cook supper. Thirdly,we can find it very 22._________ to do housework. I'm sure you must be glad to see the dishes bright and the 23.________ clean. At the same time,24.________ how to do housework is a great thing. So try your best to do housework from today!
KEYS: school parents' to relax watching Secondly tired
Clean interesting rooms learning
第四课时(Section B 1a~1e)
excite , invite , store , snack , borrow
1.Tomorrow Linda wants ________ some friends to her house because there will be a party.
2.Let's go to the ________ and buy some school things.
3.Please don't bring drinks or ________ to the class. The teacher may be angry.
4.There's something wrong with my bike. Could I ________ yours
5.The students were very ________ when they heard the good news.
keys: to invite store snacks borrow excited
6.Could I use your CD ________ (play)
7.Could you help me do the ________ (dish)
8.Mary ________ (make) her bed every day.
9.You need to ________ (sweep) the floor.
10.Could you please ________ (not go) to the movies
keys: player dishes makes sweep not go
11.Last week Miss Green ________ (邀请) me to her birthday party.
12.I want to ________ ________ ________ (借些钱) from you.
13.Mom doesn't want me to ______ ______ ________ ________ (买饮料和小吃).
14.Could you please help me ________ ________ the ________ (倒垃圾)
15.How many ________ ________ (激光唱机) does your brother need
borrow some money
buy drinks and snacks
take out rubbish
CD players
16.—Can you answer the door,Jim?I ________ the dishes.
—I'm coming,Dad!
A.do       B.did
C.have done D.am doing
17.—Could I go out with my friend on Sunday
— ________.
A.No,you couldn't B.Yes,you could
C.Yes,you can D.Yes,you do
18.There is some rubbish in the bag. Please ______.
A.take it out B.take out it
C.take them out D.take out them
19.(2015,梅州)Jane was shy. She would not invite her classmates ________.
A.practice B.practices
C.practicing D.to practice
20.—Could I ________ your iPad,Alice
—Of course. Here you are.
A.lend  B.keep  C.borrow  D.return
keys: DCADC
—Could you ________ ________ ________ ________ ,please
________ ________ us ________ ________ from Mike.
Could you please ________ ________ ________ ________?
I don't want to ________ ________ my parents.
He ________ ________ ________ ________.
take out the rubbish
Neither of borrowed shirts
pass me some snacks
depend on
hates making the bed
A:Hey,Mom. Can I 26.i________ some friends to the party on Sunday afternoon
B:Sure,you can. But you have to do some 27.c________ first.
A:28.W________ could I do
B:Well,first you could 29.s________ the kitchen.
A:OK. And then
B:Then you could take out the 30.r________.
A:Yeah. I can do that.
B:And you 31.m________ wash your clothes and clean your room.
A:Wow!Then I'll be too 32.t________ to go to my 33.o ________ party.
B:Don't 34.w________.I'll help you. But I'll go to the store to buy drinks and 35.s________ first.
KEYS: invite chores What sweep rubbish must tired own worry snacks
第五课时(Section B 2a~2b)
1.Children should learn to be ______________ (independence) in their lives.
2.Tony __________ (develop) his interest in science when he was young.
3.Mr. Li is friendly and he often helps his ________ (neighbor) around.
4.At the end of the meal,they ________ (provide) us with a large plate of fruit.
5.Jim said it was ________ (fair) to give Eric the first prize. Mark played best.
keys: independent developed neighbors provided unfair
in order to,depend on,take care of, a waste of,spend one's time on
6.The teacher told us we should ______________ schoolwork to get good grades.
7.They are practicing soccer hard ______________ win the next game.
8.I think playing computer games is ______________ time.
9.We know all living things ______________ the sun to grow.
10.Can you help me ______________ my pet bird while I'm away
keys: spend our time on in order to a waste of depend on take care of
11.James felt very bored because he had a lot of ______ (精神压力).
12.Don't watch TV too much. It's a ________ (浪费) of time.
13.The book ______ (提供) us with a lot of information about first- aid.
14.We should ________ (发展) a healthy eating habit.
15.Don't always ________ (依靠) on your parents. You aren't children any longer.
keys: stress waste provides develop depend
16.Things can easily go wrong when people are under ________.
17. ________ it was too late,we had to take a taxi home.
18.He got lost and spent hours looking for the station,but ________,he got home before midnight.
19.Cindy ________ the glasses and broke them just now.
20.Mr. Smith fell ________ today,so he stayed in bed all day.
keys: stress Since anyway dropped ill
21.(2015,鄂州)—Would you please provide us ________ some information
—Sure. It's said that it will start ________ the morning of September 20th.
A.for; on  B .with; on  C .for; in  D .with; in
22.(2015,海南)I like reading,so I always spend my pocket money ________ books.
A.on B.in C.at
23.(2015,济宁)It is necessary for everyone to ________ a good habit of reading.
A.enjoy B.choose C.develop D.accept
24.(2015,云南)—You shouldn't eat too much junk food. It's bad for your health.
—You're right.________ junk food I eat, ________ I will be.
A.The less; the healthier B.The less; the healthy
C.The more; the healthier D.The more; the healthy
25.—Are you going to Brazil to watch the 31st Olympics
—I'm not sure. It ________ time.
A.depends on B.cares about
C.agrees to D.finds out
keys: BACAA
________ ________ ________ ________ for you to be angry with them.
________ ________ ________ ________ to just read these books after class.
I ________ ________ ________ in a house like that.
It is important for kids ________ ________ ________ __________ _______________.
________ ________ we get there tomorrow, ________ ________.
There is no need
It is not enough
don't mind living
to have a comfortable environment
The earlier the better
第六课时(Section B 2c~Self Check)
1.It's important for us ________ (learn) English well.
2.Peter felt ________ (bad) today than yesterday.
3.Everyone should do their part in ________ (make) the world more beautiful.
4.If children live with ________ (fair),they learn justice(正义).
5.He can do his homework by ________ (he).
KEYS: to learn worse making fairness himself
depend on,do one's part in,take care of,as a result,agree with
6.He stayed up watching 2014 FIFA last night.________________,he couldn't get up on time this morning.
7.Good health ____________ good food,exercise and getting good sleep.
8.—Do you ____________ me
—No,I have my own ideas.
9.Linda ____________________ keeping it clean these days.
10.Please ____________ my dog while I am away.
KEYS: As a result depends on agree with is doing her part in take care of
11.Could you please ________ (借给) me your bicycle
12.Why ________ (浪费) money on clothes you don't need
13.He ________ (折叠) the letter and put it into the envelope(信封).
14.Some students are ________ (打扫) the floor in the classroom.
15.I believe the rules are ________ (公正的) to each basketball player.
KEYS: lend waste folded sweeping fair
agree, develop , true , make ,fair
16.After school,please help us ________ a poster(海报).
17.It's not ________ for a 6 -year- old to do the heavy work.
18.It's ________ that the car is comfortable.
19.To ________ my son's hobby,what should I do
20.Sonia was too young to take care of herself,so her parents ________ to take her to the party.
keys: make fair true develop agreed
21.(2015,南充)This hotel ________ us ________ a large house.
A.provides; for   B .offers; to
C.provides; with   D.offers; with
22.(2015,重庆)Miss Lin has taught us English ______ we came to this school.
A.for   B.since   C.before   D.when
23.(2015,曲靖)—What's your idea about family education
— ________ kids learn to be independent, ________ it is for their future.
A.The earlier; the better
B.The more; the more
C.The earlier; the earlier
D.The better; the earlier
24.When you are swimming,________ your ears. You can use earplugs(耳塞)to stop water getting into your ears.
A.take after B.take part in
C.take off D.take care of
25.The driver was badly hurt ________ of the traffic accident.
A.at a result B.in the result
C.with the result D.as a result
I think playing computer games is ________ ________ ________ ________.
You need to __________ ___________ _____________.
We don't mind ________ ________________.
She should ________ ________ ________ her schoolwork.
I think ________ ________ ________ ________ to start so early.
KEYS: a waste of time
develop children's independence
doing chores/housework
spend time on
there is no need
Section B 话题阅读与书面表达
Doing chores is a big part of American __1__.Most __2__ in America have their children do chores every week. The chores include things like doing the dishes,sweeping the floor,taking out the trash and cleaning the living room. If the children __3__ their chores well,most parents will give them __4__.This kind of money is called an allowance(零花钱).
America is not the only __5__ where this happens. In other countries,the children also help the parents take care of the house. If your father and mother had to do everything by themselves,they would be very __6__.So it is a __7__ thing to help your parents clean up the house. If you do your chores well,maybe your parents will give you some money!
In the past,only women did things like cleaning the house and cooking the food. Now,people have changed.__8__ in the house has chores to do now. The children will fix things if something is broken in the house. And the father can __9__ in the kitchen. The children can do simple things like washing the dishes or folding the clothes. Working is a good thing. Let's keep __10__ by doing chores!
1.A. clothes      B .life
C.house D.transportation
2.A. teachers B.students
C.teenagers D.parents
3.A.do    B .does    C .did    D .doing
4.A. time B.food C.drinks D.money
5.A. home B.country C.family D.school
6.A. tired B.strong
C.surprised D.disabled
7.A. good B.bad C.well D.badly
8.A. Someone B.No one
C.Everyone D.Somebody
9.A. go shopping B.watch TV
C.do homework D.cook
10.A. free B.sad C.glad D.quiet
The magazine Sunday Mail interviewed some parents about whether children should do chores at home. Different people have different opinions.
Ms. Miller thinks that kids these days already have enough stress from school. They do not have time to study and do housework,too. Housework is a waste of their time. They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university. When kids get older,they will have to do housework. So there is no need for them to do it now. She thinks that doing chores is not so difficult.
However,Mr. Smith disagrees with her. He thinks it is important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework. It's not enough to just get good grades at school. Children these days depend on their parents too much. Doing chores helps to develop children's independence and teaches them how to look after themselves. It also helps them to understand the idea of fairness. Everyone should do their part in keeping the house clean and tidy. The earlier kids learn to be independent,the better it is for their future.
If kids learn to be independent earlier,it is better for their future.
13.任务三:What does Mr. Smith think doing chores can help
14.任务四:What does the passage mainly talk about
The earlier kids learn to be independent,the better it is for their future.
It helps to develop children's independence and teaches them how to look after themselves. It also helps them to understand the idea of fairness.
It talks about whether/if children should do chores at home.
Do you like doing housework I like doing housework. I often help my mother do housework when I am free. Because I think my parents are very tired after a day's work. I want them to have a good rest. I often help clean room,wash dishes,take out the rubbish and so on.
Last Sunday,my mother was on duty. She had to go home late. So I wanted to try to make dinner. I boiled some noodles first. Then I cut up some tomatoes and broke two eggs and put them into the noodles. When my mother came back home,I had already made two bowls of noodles with tomatoes and eggs. My mother was surprised and happy. She praised me. I was happy,too.



