
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共 45分)
一.听力选择(共 15小题,计 15分)
1.When is Sports Day
A. B. C.
2.What does Tom like for dinner
A. B. C.
3.What will the girl buy
A. B. C.
4. Which sound(发音)can you hear in the conversation
A. [ s m] B. [ se m] C. [s n]
5. When is Frank's birthday
A. On October 1st. B. On October 20th. C. On October 21st.
2024.1学情监测七年级英语试题 I卷 第 1 页 共 6 页
6. How much are all the vegetables
A. 8 yuan. B. 10 yuan. C. 18 yuan.
7. What sport does Mary like
A. Playing ping-pong. B. Playing basketball. C. Playing Soccer.
8. What is Eric's favorite subject
A. Chinese. B. English. C. Geography.
(二)请听录音中两段较长的对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三
听下面一段较长的对话,回答第 9—11三个小题。
9. What day is it today
A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.
10. What does Cindy have for breakfast
A. Bread and milk. B. Bread and salad. C. An egg and salad.
11.Who has a ping-pong ball
A. Cindy. B. Eric. C. Simon.
听下面一段较长的对话,回答第 12—15四个小题。
12. Where are the speakers
A. At home. B. At school. C. At a clothes store.
13. What color does Jenny like
A. Purple. B. White. C. Blue.
14. Who are the speakers
A. Father and daughter.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Classmates.
15.When do they go to the store
A. On Sunday afternoon.
B.On Saturday afternoon.
C.On Saturday morning.
(请同学们翻到第 II卷第三大题,继续做听力填词题。)
2024.1学情监测七年级英语试题 I卷 第 2 页 共 6 页
二、阅读理解(共 15小题,计 30分)
阅读下列短文,从每小题 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。
Amy Brown is an English girl. She is 14 years old, and now she is in Beijing, China.She goes to
school in China, and she is very busy every day
16. Where is Amy now
A. In Beijing. B. In London.
C. In Shanghai. D. In New York.
17. When does Amy have PE lesson
A. At 8:00 am B. At 8:50 am
C. At 10:00 am D. At 10:55 am
18. What do Amy and her brother do after school
A. They go to the park with Lisa and Amy.
B. They do their homework.
C. They play sports with cousins.
D. They read books in the classroom.
2024.1学情监测七年级英语试题 I卷 第 3 页 共 6 页
Welcome to my BLOG(博客).
About me
My name is Julia. I’m 12 years old. My friends say I am a good girl.
My family
Here you can see a photo of my family. My grandmother, parents, brother and I are in it.
My school
I’m in Sun Middle School. My classroom is very big. There are forty desks and chairs in
it. A computer, a bookcase and a teacher’s desk are in it, too. The library and the computer
rooms in my school are also very big. My teachers are very nice.
My friends
Grace and Cindy are my friends. They are 13 and 14. They are like sisters to me. They
always help me with my schoolwork. And I want to say “________” to the two nice girls.
19. How old is Julia
A. 12. B. 13. C. 14. D. We don’t know.
20. Who is Cindy
A. Julia’s sister. B. Julia’s cousin.
C. Julia’s friend. D. Julia’s teacher.
21. 文中空格处应填_________.
A. good morning B. sorry
C. thank you D. you’re welcome
22. Which of the following is Julia’s family photo
A. B. C. D.
2024.1学情监测七年级英语试题 I卷 第 4 页 共 6 页
@Xiaoxue OK.
Good afternoon! I will buy something (某物 )
@Liu Xing What color jacket do
after work (下班后). What do you want
you want
Black. And I want a cup, too.
A jacket. My jacket is small.
A black cup.
@Liu Xing OK.
A cup (杯子).
@Dad What about you
@Xiaoxue You already (已经) have a cup. Some oranges. I’ll go with you.
@Mom Yes, but I want a new one. I don’t like
blue. I want a yellow cup.
23. What color may (可能) Xiaoxue like
A. Yellow. B. Red. C. Blue. D. Black.
24. What do we know about Liu Xing
A. He likes green. B. His cup is blue.
C. His jacket is small. D. He has a black jacket
25. Who wants oranges
A. Mom. B. Dad. C. Xiaoxue. D. Liu Xing.
26. What will Mom buy
A. A yellow cup, a black jacket and some grapes.
B. A yellow cup, a black jacket and some oranges.
C. Two yellow cups, a black jacket and some grapes.
D. A yellow cup, a black cup, a black jacket and some oranges.
2024.1学情监测七年级英语试题 I卷 第 5 页 共 6 页
Hello! My name is Jack, an American boy. Now I’m in a middle school in Beijing, China. This
week, I am busy in my new school because we have a lot of activities.
On Monday, we have a School & Family Day. On that day, parents come to school to take part
in our activities. My parents are in New York, so my uncle and aunt come to school to help me. How
kind they are!
On Wednesday, we have a school sale in the morning. On the school sale, students can buy
different kinds of things from each other. Li Ming buys a black cap(帽子) and it looks cool. Chen
Lin buys a pink T-shirt from Lu Wen. I buy a toy bus from Zhang Wei and a book from Liu Xia. In
the afternoon, we have a soccer game. Many of my classmates can play it well. In the end, we win
the game. We are very happy!
On Sunday, our class go to the park (公园). Our Chinese teacher, Ms. Chen, goes with us. She
is so nice, we all like her very much. This is a busy but happy week.
27. Who helps Jack on the school day
A. His parents. B. His classmates.
C. His uncle and aunt. D. Ms. Chen
28. What does Jack buy on the school sales
A. B. C. D.
29. 文中划线单词的意思是: ________ .
A. 参加 B. 放弃 C. 赢得 D. 失败
30. What is the best title (标题) for the passage
A. Jack’s New School B. Jack’s Busy Week
C. Jack’s Kind Teachers D. Jack’s Nice Classmates
2024.1学情监测七年级英语试题 I卷 第 6 页 共 6 页
第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共 55分)
三、听力填词(共 5 小题,计 5 分)
请听下面一段独白。根据所听到的内容,写出可以填入下表 1—5 空格处的适当单词,每
Name Alice
Age 14
Classes Four classes in the morning and 1 in the afternoon
Likes and reasons Chinese and English, 2 and interesting
Dislikes and reasons Math and 3 ,difficult and 4
After-school Activity(课后活动) Play 5 for an hour
四、单词拼写与运用(共 8小题,计 8分)
1. Look at the c________. It’s 7:10. We must go now.
2. For w_________, we have beautiful dresses and skirts for only 100 yuan.
3. —Is this your new bike —No, it’s my brother’s. I lost m__________ last week.
4. —What’s your favorite f________ —Pears.
5. My uncle is a sport star. He can play basketball very ________(好).
6. Sally __________ (真正地)likes ice-cream. She eats it every day.
7.There are only twenty-eight days in __________(二月).
8.My last class ____________(结束)at 5:00 p.m. every day .
五、完成句子(共 4小题,计 4分)
We will have a School Day _______ _______.
I need two _______ _______ white shoes for school.
_______is the _______ month of a year.
I like that ________ ________ sweater.
2024.1学情监测七年级英语试题 II卷 第 1 页 共 4 页
六、阅读七选五(共 5小题,计 5分)
下面文章中有 5处需要添加标题。请从以下 7个选项中选出符合意思的标题。有两项是
Hello, everyone. I’m John. I’m a student. Let me say something about myself.
Peter is my grandpa and Alice is my grandma. They are old but healthy. Sam is my father.
Helen is my mother. Both of them are teachers. I have a little sister. She is a baby.
It’s nice. I like it very much. And my book, dictionary, pencil box and notebook are all in it.
Today I am very happy with my parents. My parents cook the dinner for me. A fish, some
chicken, and some other Chinese dishes are on the table. A birthday cake for me is also on it.
For breakfast, I always eat an apple. For lunch, I usually eat some vegetables. For dinner, I like
to have carrot soup. After dinner, I always eat a banana. I eat well so I am healthy.
There is a new clothes store between my home and the park. The clothes are nice. Many people
go there every day.
A.A happy birthday dinner B.A nice clothes store
C.Don’t eat too much meat D.My big family
E.Eat healthy food F.My beautiful schoolbag
G. My busy day
七、语法填空(共 5小题,计 5分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(必要时可加助
Today is January. 1st. It’s the 1 (one) day of this month. My parents and I go to Tian’an
Men Square in the morning and have 2 (we) breakfast at a restaurant(餐厅) there. I have some
salad and we all eat very 3 (good). My mother likes shopping. She 4 (need) a new jacket,
so we go to many stores in the afternoon. Some clothes are on sale, but she doesn’t buy them 5
she doesn’t like the colors. At about 3:00 P.M. we go back home in my father’s car. We have a good
day today!
2024.1学情监测七年级英语试题 II卷 第 2 页 共 4 页
八、完形填空(共 5小题,计 5分)
ball friend help on in interesting oranges
Notice Board
Fun in the Park
Activities of a New Term Date: March 12th.
April 20th.
Dear students, welcome to a new Place: Yayun ParkA baseball hat
We can have a big
was found in school year. We have some 2
sale there to 3
Classroom 101 1 things for you this term. September is
the morning of busy. We have a sports meeting, a school
others. After that, we
April 20th. Please trip and an English party. We have an art
can play games, fly
kites(放风筝), and
call me at festival in October. School Day is in
88943264. November. It’s a busy term!
have a picnic. Have a
good day!
Fruit Sale
Friends Wanted
We have all kinds of fruits! The fruits in our
Do you need a new 5 I like
shop are very cheap. 4 are 2 yuan a kilo.
collecting balls. My name is Bob
Apples are only 5 yuan a kilo. Pears are 4 yuan a
Miller. I’m from America. E-mail
e to our Fresh Fruit Store!
me at 3675287dale@.
九.阅读表达(共 4小题,计 8分)
Dear Sam,
Thank you very much for your letter(信). I like China and I like Beijing
here. Now I'm fine and I'm busy with my lessons.①我每天有七节课。There
are four in the morning and three in the afternoon. I have nine subjects this term.
I like math, science, geography and history. My favorite subject is science,
because it is very interesting. Yes, I do very well in English, and I like it, but I don't like Chinese.
②Because it is very difficult for me. I can play soccer and I often play soccer. Can you speak(说)
Chinese I hope(希望)you can come to China one day.
2024.1学情监测七年级英语试题 II卷 第 3 页 共 4 页
1. Where is Tony now (不多于 4个单词)
2. Why does Tony like science (不多于 5个单词)
3. 将画线部分①翻译成英语。
4. 将画线部分②翻译成汉语。
请根据信息征求内容,给“英语角”主编 Alan回信。
3.总词数 60词左右。
Dear Alan,
Li Hua
2024.1学情监测七年级英语试题 II卷 第 4 页 共 4 页
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共 45 分)
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共 55 分)
三.听力填词(共 5小题,计 5 分)
1._______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
四.单词拼写与运用(共 8小题,计 8 分)
1._______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______
5._______ 6.______ 7.______ 8.______
五.完成句子(共 8空,计 4分)
1._______ ______ 2.______ ______ 3.______ ______
4._______ ______
2024.1学情监测七年级英语答题纸 第 1 页 共 2 页
六.阅读七选五(共 5小题,计 5分)
1._______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
七.语法填空(共 5小题,计 5 分)
1._______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
八.完形填空(共 5小题,计 5 分)
1._______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______5._______
九.阅读表达(共 4小题,计 8 分)
Dear Alan,
Li Hua
2024.1学情监测七年级英语答题纸 第 2 页 共 2 页
1--3CBA 4--8CACAA 9-11CAC 12-15BACB
16--18. A D B 19-22. A C C A 23-26. A C B D 27-30 C A C B
1.two/2 2.easy 3.science 4.boring 5.tennis
1.clock 2.women 3.mine 4.fruit 5.well 6.really 7.February 8.finishes
1.for sure 2.pairs of 3.November twelfth 4.short brown
六、阅读七选五(共5小题,计5分)1--5 DFGEB
七、语法填空(共5小题,计5分)1.first 2.our 3.well 4.needs 5.because
八、完形填空(共5小题,计5分)1.on 2.interesting 3.help 4.Oranges 5.friend
1. He is in Beijing,/In China. 2. Because it’s very interesting.
3. I have seven classes every day. 4. 因为它对于我而言很难。
Dear Alan,
How are you It’s a very busy but happy term for me. I like my new life in the school.
I like sports very much. And in all sports, I like to play soccer. I always play soccer with my classmates after school. And food in our school is good for me. Chicken and eggs are my favorite food. And do you want to know my favorite class It’s English! Because my English teacher is very nice to us and she always plays games with us. So English class is fun for me. When is it Oh, it on Monday, Tuesday and Friday morning.
I love my middle school life.
Li Hua2023—2024学年度第一学期第二次学情监测
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共45分)
1.When is Sports Day
A. B. C.
2.What does Tom like for dinner
A. B. C.
3.What will the girl buy
A. B. C.
4. Which sound(发音)can you hear in the conversation
A. [ s m] B. [ se m] C. [s n]
5. When is Frank's birthday
A. On October 1st. B. On October 20th. C. On October 21st.
6. How much are all the vegetables
A. 8 yuan. B. 10 yuan. C. 18 yuan.
7. What sport does Mary like
A. Playing ping-pong. B. Playing basketball. C. Playing Soccer.
8. What is Eric's favorite subject
A. Chinese. B. English. C. Geography.
9. What day is it today
A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.
10. What does Cindy have for breakfast
A. Bread and milk. B. Bread and salad. C. An egg and salad.
11.Who has a ping-pong ball
A. Cindy. B. Eric. C. Simon.
12. Where are the speakers
A. At home. B. At school. C. At a clothes store.
13. What color does Jenny like
A. Purple. B. White. C. Blue.
14. Who are the speakers
A. Father and daughter.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Classmates.
15.When do they go to the store
A. On Sunday afternoon.
B.On Saturday afternoon.
C.On Saturday morning.
Amy Brown is an English girl. She is 14 years old, and now she is in Beijing, China.She goes to school in China, and she is very busy every day
16. Where is Amy now
A. In Beijing. B. In London.
C. In Shanghai. D. In New York.
17. When does Amy have PE lesson
A. At 8:00 am B. At 8:50 am
C. At 10:00 am D. At 10:55 am
18. What do Amy and her brother do after school
A. They go to the park with Lisa and Amy.
B. They do their homework.
C. They play sports with cousins.
D. They read books in the classroom.
Welcome to my BLOG(博客).
About me My name is Julia. I’m 12 years old. My friends say I am a good girl. My family Here you can see a photo of my family. My grandmother, parents, brother and I are in it. My school I’m in Sun Middle School. My classroom is very big. There are forty desks and chairs in it. A computer, a bookcase and a teacher’s desk are in it, too. The library and the computer rooms in my school are also very big. My teachers are very nice. My friends Grace and Cindy are my friends. They are 13 and 14. They are like sisters to me. They always help me with my schoolwork. And I want to say “________” to the two nice girls.
19. How old is Julia
A. 12. B. 13. C. 14. D. We don’t know.
20. Who is Cindy
A. Julia’s sister. B. Julia’s cousin.
C. Julia’s friend. D. Julia’s teacher.
21. 文中空格处应填_________.
A. good morning B. sorry
C. thank you D. you’re welcome
22. Which of the following is Julia’s family photo
A. B. C. D.
Good afternoon! I will buy something (某物) after work (下班后). What do you want @Xiaoxue OK. @Liu Xing What color jacket do you want
A jacket. My jacket is small. Black. And I want a cup, too. A black cup.
A cup (杯子). @Liu Xing OK. @Dad What about you
@Xiaoxue You already (已经) have a cup. Some oranges. I’ll go with you.
@Mom Yes, but I want a new one. I don’t like blue. I want a yellow cup. OK.
23. What color may (可能) Xiaoxue like
A. Yellow. B. Red. C. Blue. D. Black.
24. What do we know about Liu Xing
A. He likes green. B. His cup is blue.
C. His jacket is small. D. He has a black jacket
25. Who wants oranges
A. Mom. B. Dad. C. Xiaoxue. D. Liu Xing.
26. What will Mom buy
A. A yellow cup, a black jacket and some grapes.
B. A yellow cup, a black jacket and some oranges.
C. Two yellow cups, a black jacket and some grapes.
D. A yellow cup, a black cup, a black jacket and some oranges.
Hello! My name is Jack, an American boy. Now I’m in a middle school in Beijing, China. This week, I am busy in my new school because we have a lot of activities.
On Monday, we have a School & Family Day. On that day, parents come to school to take part in our activities. My parents are in New York, so my uncle and aunt come to school to help me. How kind they are!
On Wednesday, we have a school sale in the morning. On the school sale, students can buy different kinds of things from each other. Li Ming buys a black cap(帽子) and it looks cool. Chen Lin buys a pink T-shirt from Lu Wen. I buy a toy bus from Zhang Wei and a book from Liu Xia. In the afternoon, we have a soccer game. Many of my classmates can play it well. In the end, we win the game. We are very happy!
On Sunday, our class go to the park (公园). Our Chinese teacher, Ms. Chen, goes with us. She is so nice, we all like her very much. This is a busy but happy week.
27. Who helps Jack on the school day
A. His parents. B. His classmates.
C. His uncle and aunt. D. Ms. Chen
28. What does Jack buy on the school sales
A. B. C. D.
29. 文中划线单词的意思是: ________ .
A. 参加 B. 放弃 C. 赢得 D. 失败
30. What is the best title (标题) for the passage
A. Jack’s New School B. Jack’s Busy Week
C. Jack’s Kind Teachers D. Jack’s Nice Classmates
第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共55分)
Name Alice
Age 14
Classes Four classes in the morning and 1 in the afternoon
Likes and reasons Chinese and English, 2 and interesting
Dislikes and reasons Math and 3 ,difficult and 4
After-school Activity(课后活动) Play 5 for an hour
1. Look at the c________. It’s 7:10. We must go now.
2. For w_________, we have beautiful dresses and skirts for only 100 yuan.
3. —Is this your new bike —No, it’s my brother’s. I lost m__________ last week.
4. —What’s your favorite f________ —Pears.
5. My uncle is a sport star. He can play basketball very ________(好).
6. Sally __________ (真正地)likes ice-cream. She eats it every day.
7.There are only twenty-eight days in __________(二月).
8.My last class ____________(结束)at 5:00 p.m. every day .
We will have a School Day _______ _______.
I need two _______ _______ white shoes for school.
_______is the _______ month of a year.
I like that ________ ________ sweater.
Hello, everyone. I’m John. I’m a student. Let me say something about myself.
Peter is my grandpa and Alice is my grandma. They are old but healthy. Sam is my father. Helen is my mother. Both of them are teachers. I have a little sister. She is a baby.
It’s nice. I like it very much. And my book, dictionary, pencil box and notebook are all in it.
Today I am very happy with my parents. My parents cook the dinner for me. A fish, some chicken, and some other Chinese dishes are on the table. A birthday cake for me is also on it.
For breakfast, I always eat an apple. For lunch, I usually eat some vegetables. For dinner, I like to have carrot soup. After dinner, I always eat a banana. I eat well so I am healthy.
There is a new clothes store between my home and the park. The clothes are nice. Many people go there every day.
A.A happy birthday dinner B.A nice clothes store C.Don’t eat too much meat D.My big family E.Eat healthy food F.My beautiful schoolbag G. My busy day
Today is January. 1st. It’s the 1 (one) day of this month. My parents and I go to Tian’an Men Square in the morning and have 2 (we) breakfast at a restaurant(餐厅) there. I have some salad and we all eat very 3 (good). My mother likes shopping. She 4 (need) a new jacket, so we go to many stores in the afternoon. Some clothes are on sale, but she doesn’t buy them 5 she doesn’t like the colors. At about 3:00 P.M. we go back home in my father’s car. We have a good day today!
ball friend help on in interesting oranges
Fun in the Park
Date: March 1

We can
have a big sale there to
others. After that, we can p
lay games, fly kites
and have a picnic.
a good day!
April 20
A baseball hat was found in Classroom
the morning of
April 20
Please call me at
)Notice Board (
Activities of
New Term
Dear students,
elcome to a new school year. We have some
things for you this term. September is busy. We have a sports meeting, a
school trip
and an English party.
e have an art festival
n October
School Day is in November. It’s a busy term!
) (
Friends Wanted
Do you need a new

I like collecting balls. My name is
Miller. I’m from America. E-mail me at
) (
We have all kinds of fruits! The fruits in our shop are very cheap.
a kilo. Apples are
only 5
a kilo. Pears are 4
a e
our Fresh
Fruit S
Dear Sam,
Thank you very much for your letter(信). I like China and I like Beijing here. Now I'm fine and I'm busy with my lessons. ①我每天有七节课。There are four in the morning and three in the afternoon. I have nine subjects this term. I like math, science, geography and history. My favorite subject is science, because it is very interesting. Yes, I do very well in English, and I like it, but I don't like Chinese. ②Because it is very difficult for me. I can play soccer and I often play soccer. Can you speak(说)Chinese I hope(希望)you can come to China one day.
1. Where is Tony now (不多于4个单词)
2. Why does Tony like science (不多于5个单词)
3. 将画线部分①翻译成英语。
4. 将画线部分②翻译成汉语。
Dear Alan,
Li Hua
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共45分)
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共55分)
1._______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
1._______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______
5._______ 6.______ 7.______ 8.______
1._______ ______ 2.______ ______ 3.______ ______
4._______ ______
1._______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
1._______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
1._______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______5._______
Dear Alan,
Li Hua



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