Unit 6 Sad movies make me cry Section B 2a-Self Check必会清单及能力闯关(原卷版+解析版)鲁教版九年级英语全册

Unit 6 Sad movies make me cry.
Section B (2a-Self Check)必会清单及能力闯关
Ⅰ. 核心词汇
1. 重量; 分量n.   
2. 肩; 肩膀n.
3. 球门; 射门; 目标n.
4. 同队队员; 队友n.
5. 勇敢; 勇气n.
6. (非正式)家伙; (pl. )伙计们n.
7. 轻松; 解脱n.
8. (意见或看法)一致; 同意n.
9. 过失; 缺点n.
10. 踢; 踹v.
11. 拉; 拖v.
12. 点头v.
13. 使失望v.
14. 使失望         
15. 开除某人
16. 对某人苛刻; 对某人要求严厉
17. 齐心协力; 通力合作
Ⅱ. 重点句式
1. 那是他一生中最糟糕的一天。
It was of his life.
2. 彼得的情绪写满了他的脸。
Peter’s his face.
3. 彼得听到他的父亲在敲他卧室的门。
Peter his father his bedroom door.
4. 第二天, 彼得去进行足球训练时心中充满了勇气而不是恐惧。
The next day, Peter went to soccer practice fear in his heart.
5. 让他惊讶和欣慰的是, 他的队友都点头表示同意。
and relief, his teammates all .
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. __________
考点1  let. . . down 使失望
(1) let. . . down是“及物动词+副词”型短语, 若宾语是名词, 既可放在动词和副词之间, 也可放在副词之后; 若宾语是代词, 则必须放在中间。
(2) let. . . down和disappoint近义。
考点2 kick sb. off 开除某人
(1) kick. . . off是“及物动词+副词”型短语, 若宾语是名词, 既可放在动词和副词之间, 也可放在副词之后; 若宾语是代词, 则必须放在动词和副词中间。
get off下车   put off 拖延
shut off关闭 turn off关闭
go off铃响 fall off 掉下
cut off切 take off 脱下; 起飞
考点3 rather than 而不是
(1)常用于平行结构中, 连接名词、代词、形容词、介词短语、动词-ing形式和不定式短语。
(2)连接两个并列的不定式时, 通常省略其后的不定式符号。
(3)连接两个名词或代词作主语时, 谓语动词应与rather than 前面的名词或代词在人称与数上保持一致。
*We will go to Shanghai rather than Hangzhou.
*He prefers to stay at home rather than eat out.
*You rather than he are on the school basketball team. 是你而不是他是校篮球队成员。
①—We must finish the project on time and never ______our people down.
—You’re right. Let’s come on.
A. let   B. get   C. put   D. turn
②Gu Ailing won the gold medal in the women’s freeski big air of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games. She didn’t . (选出与画线部分意义相近的选项)
A. excite her fans B. disappoint her fans
C. move her fans D. hurt her fans
③汉译英: 妈妈爱我, 我不会让她失望。
①—I missed scoring that goal in the last game.
—Don’t worry. The coach won’t ______you off because of that.
A. cut B. put C. kick D. shut
②汉译英: 这个公司的老板不会无缘无故地开除工人。
①His uncle would the old bike rather than a new one.
A. repair; to buy B. to repair; buy
C. repair; buy D. to repair; to buy
②最珍贵的是时间, 而不是金钱。
The most valuable thing is time, money.
考点 agreement n. (意见或看法)一致; 同意
(1)agreement意为 “一致; 同意”, 是不可数名词。由动词agree加后缀“-ment”构成。表示“与……意见一致”用短语in agreement with sb. 。
①No ______was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other.
A. excitement     B. encouragement
C. improvement D. agreement
②Nodding one’s head means an (agree) in most countries.
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词
1. Let’s take another look at Italy’s fantastic winning (射门).
2. The boy (踢) the ball so hard that it flew into the middle of the river.
3. We were touched by his (勇气).
4. The two men tried to (拉) the cow forward, but it didn’t move at all.
5. Lily (点头) to me and smiled at me politely when I saw her on my way home.
Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空
1. He hurt his arms last year. So he could not lift heavy (weigh).
2. We reached an (agree)that she should join the English Corner.
3. Mario and Bob are both my (teammate) in the basketball game.
4. Cindy was close to (catch)up with Anna in the running race yesterday.
5. It’s a pity that I missed (see) my favorite singer on TV tonight.
Ⅲ. 单项选择
1. Teamwork is very important, so we need to ______when we do something in groups.
A. pull down      B. pull together
C. put together D. put down
2. Stephen Hawking’s story gives me much ______to face all kinds of difficulties.
A. chance  B. wealth  C. courage  D. decision
3. Mr Brown is so great that he has won the World Cup several times. He never ______his fans.
A. disappoints B. praises
C. greets D. supports
4. I prefer ______the failure rather than ______my dream.
A. experience; to give up
B. to experience; give up
C. experiencing; giving up
D. to experience; giving up
5. You’ll have to get your parents’ ______if you want to go on the trip.
A. achievement B. announcement
C. agreement D. advertisement
Ⅳ. 综合填空(教材开发)
  阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容及首字母提示, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词。
  Peter is on a soccer team. One day, he kept his eyes on the ground and felt like there was a heavy 1. w on his shoulders. What let him 2. d was that he had missed scoring a goal during the game. He was really worried that his coach might
3. k him off the team. As soon as his father knew this, he talked with him. He advised that Peter should learn how to communicate with his 4. t and learn from the mistakes.
What his father said made Peter think 5. c . The next day, Peter went to
6. s sorry to his teammates with 7. c rather than fear in his heart. To his surprise and 8. r , they all nodded in 9. a that they should 10. p together and win the next one. How lucky Peter felt that he was on a winning team!
Ⅴ. 阅读理解
  Perhaps the only test score that I remember is the 55 I got when I was in high school.
The test was the last one of the term. I remember waiting nervously as my teacher Mr Right gave out our papers one after another. It was a rather difficult test. I heard my classmates groaning, and I could guess by the groans that the scores were not looking good.
Mr Right put my paper on my desk. There in big red numbers, circled to catch attention, was my score, 55! I let my head go down, and covered the score up quickly. A 55 is not something that you wanted your classmates to see. “The scores were not very good; none of you passed, ” Mr Right said. “The highest score in the class was a 55. ”
A 55. That’s me! Suddenly I didn’t feel so bad. I had the highest score. I was getting a little better.
I walked home alone that day with the low but high score. My mother knew that I had a big test that day and asked me as soon as I got home, “How did you do in your test ” “I got 55, ” I said. A frown (皱眉) appeared on my mother’s face. I knew I had to explain at once. “But Mom, I had the highest score in the class, ” I said proudly. “You failed, Dave! ” my mother replied. “But it’s the highest! ” I insisted (坚持). “I don’t care what scores others had, you failed. The important thing is what you do! ” my mother said in a strong way.
For years, my mother was always in that way. She didn’t care what others did, only cared what I did and that I did it excellently. My mother’s words have made a big difference to my life.
1. When did the test take place
A. At the beginning of the term.
B. In the middle of the term.
C. At the halfway term.
D. At the end of the term.
2. ______ of the students failed the test.
A. Both  B. None  C. All   D. Neither
3. How did Dave’s mother feel when she knew his score
A. She was upset.
B. She felt very happy.
C. She felt embarrassed.
D. She was really excited.
4. What does the underlined word “groaning” mean in Chinese
A. 耳语  B. 议论  C. 叹息  D. 庆祝
5. What does the passage want to tell us
A. A story about the low but high score.
B. Don’t care what others did.
C. Compare with ourselves rather than others.
D. What a big difference a score can make.
  科学家把人的情绪分为: 快乐, 接受, 恐惧, 惊讶, 悲伤, 厌恶, 愤怒, 期待, 放弃等。如何控制我们的情绪在我们的生活中很重要。请根据以下提示分享一下控制情绪的经验。
1. 体育运动
2. 看场电影
3. 向朋友、家人诉说一下
. . . . . .
写作话题: 描述某件事情对自己的影响
写作内容: 事情简述; 对自己的影响; 总结
写作要求: 正确使用make; 选择恰当的形容词描述情绪; 正确运用时态; 合理运用连词
  假如你是李华, 请根据下列提示写一篇短文, 分享你的经历和感受。
时间 做法 结果 感受
上周 不努力学习、熬夜玩电脑游戏 考试不及格 难过, 担心
本周 家长鼓励、同学和老师帮助、认真听课、按时完成作业 考试取得好成绩, 受到表扬 高兴, 自豪
感受: 合理利用时间; 努力学习……
要求: (1)可适当发挥, 但必须包括表格中所给的所有信息。
(3)词数: 80左右。
Step 1: 审题·研要求
1. 人称: 为主
2. 时态: 为主
3. 核心: 各种表现及其后果和影响
Step 2: 列纲·研结构
Step 3: 润色·磨篇章
  Hi, I’m Li Hua. Now let me share some of my experiences and feelings with you.   Last week, I didn’t work hard. I stayed up late to play computer games. As a result, I failed the exam. ① It made③ me sad and worried. I let my parents down. ③ I regretted spending too much time playing games rather than learning. ② Luckily, my parents encouraged me to work hard. My teachers and classmates also helped me a lot. I listened carefully in class and finished my homework on time. This week, I got good grades and high praise③ from my teachers. That made③ me happy and proud.   From this experience, I know that we should use our time wisely and work hard every day. ④ That can make③ us succeed. ①as a result 的使用使叙述连贯流畅。 ②巧妙地运用了regret /spend, 使语句更高级。 ③运用本单元重要词汇短语make/let. . . down/praise等, 学以致用。 ④句中既对自己的经历进行总结提升, 又令文章结构更加完整。
  人非圣贤, 孰能无过 作为一名学生, 在学习或生活中你是否也曾犯过错误、做过傻事 在认识到自己所犯错误或明白所做的傻事后, 你又是如何改正的呢 请以“The Mistake Made Me Grow Up”为题, 用英语写一篇90词左右的短文。
The Mistake Made Me Grow Up
___________________________________________________________________Unit 6 Sad movies make me cry.
Section B (2a-Self Check)必会清单及能力闯关
Ⅰ. 核心词汇
1. 重量; 分量n.    weight
2. 肩; 肩膀n. shoulder
3. 球门; 射门; 目标n. goal
4. 同队队员; 队友n. teammate
5. 勇敢; 勇气n. courage
6. (非正式)家伙; (pl. )伙计们n. guy
7. 轻松; 解脱n. relief
8. (意见或看法)一致; 同意n. agreement
9. 过失; 缺点n. fault
10. 踢; 踹v. kick
11. 拉; 拖v. pull
12. 点头v. nod
13. 使失望v. disappoint
14. 使失望          let. . . down
15. 开除某人 kick sb. off
16. 对某人苛刻; 对某人要求严厉 be hard on sb.
17. 齐心协力; 通力合作 pull together
Ⅱ. 重点句式
1. 那是他一生中最糟糕的一天。
It was the worst day of his life.
2. 彼得的情绪写满了他的脸。
Peter’s feelings were written all over his face.
3. 彼得听到他的父亲在敲他卧室的门。
Peter heard his father knocking on his bedroom door.
4. 第二天, 彼得去进行足球训练时心中充满了勇气而不是恐惧。
The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.
5. 让他惊讶和欣慰的是, 他的队友都点头表示同意。
To his surprise and relief, his teammates all nodded in agreement.
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. __________
答案: 1. down 2. kick 3. on 4. support 5. pull 6. agreement
考点1  let. . . down 使失望
(1) let. . . down是“及物动词+副词”型短语, 若宾语是名词, 既可放在动词和副词之间, 也可放在副词之后; 若宾语是代词, 则必须放在中间。
(2) let. . . down和disappoint近义。
考点2 kick sb. off 开除某人
(1) kick. . . off是“及物动词+副词”型短语, 若宾语是名词, 既可放在动词和副词之间, 也可放在副词之后; 若宾语是代词, 则必须放在动词和副词中间。
get off下车   put off 拖延
shut off关闭 turn off关闭
go off铃响 fall off 掉下
cut off切 take off 脱下; 起飞
考点3 rather than 而不是
(1)常用于平行结构中, 连接名词、代词、形容词、介词短语、动词-ing形式和不定式短语。
(2)连接两个并列的不定式时, 通常省略其后的不定式符号。
(3)连接两个名词或代词作主语时, 谓语动词应与rather than 前面的名词或代词在人称与数上保持一致。
*We will go to Shanghai rather than Hangzhou.
*He prefers to stay at home rather than eat out.
*You rather than he are on the school basketball team. 是你而不是他是校篮球队成员。
①—We must finish the project on time and never ______our people down.
—You’re right. Let’s come on.
A. let   B. get   C. put   D. turn
【解析】选A。考查短语辨析。句意: 我们必须按时完成这个项目, 决不能让我们的群众失望。let. . . down使失望; get down下来; put down放下; turn down调低音量。
②Gu Ailing won the gold medal in the women’s freeski big air of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games. She didn’t let her fans down. (选出与画线部分意义相近的选项)
A. excite her fans B. disappoint her fans
C. move her fans D. hurt her fans
【解析】选B。考查固定短语。let sb. down 使某人失望, 相当于disappoint sb. 。
③汉译英: 妈妈爱我, 我不会让她失望。
Mum loves me,_ and I won’t let her down/disappoint her.
①—I missed scoring that goal in the last game.
—Don’t worry. The coach won’t ______you off because of that.
A. cut B. put C. kick D. shut
【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。句意: ——我在上一场比赛中丢了一球。
——不用焦虑。教练不会因为那个开除你的。cut off切除; put off推迟; kick off开除; shut off关闭。
②汉译英: 这个公司的老板不会无缘无故地开除工人。
The boss of this company will not kick off workers for no reason.
①His uncle would the old bike rather than a new one.
A. repair; to buy B. to repair; buy
C. repair; buy D. to repair; to buy
【解析】选C。考查固定短语。would do sth. rather than do sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事。
②最珍贵的是时间, 而不是金钱。
The most valuable thing is time, rather than money.
考点 agreement n. (意见或看法)一致; 同意
(1)agreement意为 “一致; 同意”, 是不可数名词。由动词agree加后缀“-ment”构成。表示“与……意见一致”用短语in agreement with sb. 。
①No ______was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other.
A. excitement     B. encouragement
C. improvement D. agreement
【解析】选D。考查名词辨析。excitement激动; encouragement鼓励; improvement提高; agreement一致; 同意。根据题意“讨论的双方互不让步”可知“没有达成一致”, 所以agreement符合题意。
②Nodding one’s head means an agreement(agree) in most countries.
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词
1. Let’s take another look at Italy’s fantastic winning goal(射门).
2. The boy kicked(踢) the ball so hard that it flew into the middle of the river.
3. We were touched by his courage(勇气).
4. The two men tried to pull(拉) the cow forward, but it didn’t move at all.
5. Lily nodded(点头) to me and smiled at me politely when I saw her on my way home.
Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空
1. He hurt his arms last year. So he could not lift heavy weights(weigh).
2. We reached an agreement(agree)that she should join the English Corner.
3. Mario and Bob are both my teammates(teammate) in the basketball game.
4. Cindy was close to catching(catch)up with Anna in the running race yesterday.
5. It’s a pity that I missed seeing(see) my favorite singer on TV tonight.
Ⅲ. 单项选择
1. Teamwork is very important, so we need to ______when we do something in groups.
A. pull down      B. pull together
C. put together D. put down
【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 团队合作非常重要, 所以当我们集体做事情的时候, 我们需要 ______。pull down意为“拆掉”; pull together意为“齐心协力”; put together意为“把……放在一起”; put down意为“放下”。根据语境可知, 应该是“齐心协力”。
2. Stephen Hawking’s story gives me much ______to face all kinds of difficulties.
A. chance  B. wealth  C. courage  D. decision
【解析】选C。考查名词词义辨析。 句意: 斯蒂芬·霍金的故事给了我许多面对各种困难的勇气。chance意为“机会”; wealth意为“财富; 财产”; courage意为“勇气”; decision意为“决定”。根据句意可知courage符合题意。
3. Mr Brown is so great that he has won the World Cup several times. He never ______his fans.
A. disappoints B. praises
C. greets D. supports
【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意: 布朗先生如此优秀, 他赢得了几次世界杯。他从没有让他的粉丝失望过。disappoint使……失望; praise表扬; greet问候; support支持。
4. I prefer ______the failure rather than ______my dream.
A. experience; to give up
B. to experience; give up
C. experiencing; giving up
D. to experience; giving up
【解析】选B。考查固定搭配。句意: 比起放弃梦想, 我宁愿经历失败。prefer to do. . . rather than do. . . 意为“相比于做……, 更喜欢做……”。
5. You’ll have to get your parents’ ______if you want to go on the trip.
A. achievement B. announcement
C. agreement D. advertisement
【解析】选C。考查名词辨析。句意: 如果你想去旅行, 你要得到你父母的一致同意。achievement成就; announcement宣布; agreement同意; advertisement广告。
Ⅳ. 综合填空(教材开发)
  阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容及首字母提示, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词。
  Peter is on a soccer team. One day, he kept his eyes on the ground and felt like there was a heavy 1. weight on his shoulders. What let him 2. down was that he had missed scoring a goal during the game. He was really worried that his coach might
3. kick him off the team. As soon as his father knew this, he talked with him. He advised that Peter should learn how to communicate with his 4. teammates and learn from the mistakes.
What his father said made Peter think 5. carefully. The next day, Peter went to
6. say sorry to his teammates with 7. courage rather than fear in his heart. To his surprise and 8. relief, they all nodded in 9. agreement that they should 10. pull together and win the next one. How lucky Peter felt that he was on a winning team!
Ⅴ. 阅读理解
  Perhaps the only test score that I remember is the 55 I got when I was in high school.
The test was the last one of the term. I remember waiting nervously as my teacher Mr Right gave out our papers one after another. It was a rather difficult test. I heard my classmates groaning, and I could guess by the groans that the scores were not looking good.
Mr Right put my paper on my desk. There in big red numbers, circled to catch attention, was my score, 55! I let my head go down, and covered the score up quickly. A 55 is not something that you wanted your classmates to see. “The scores were not very good; none of you passed, ” Mr Right said. “The highest score in the class was a 55. ”
A 55. That’s me! Suddenly I didn’t feel so bad. I had the highest score. I was getting a little better.
I walked home alone that day with the low but high score. My mother knew that I had a big test that day and asked me as soon as I got home, “How did you do in your test ” “I got 55, ” I said. A frown (皱眉) appeared on my mother’s face. I knew I had to explain at once. “But Mom, I had the highest score in the class, ” I said proudly. “You failed, Dave! ” my mother replied. “But it’s the highest! ” I insisted (坚持). “I don’t care what scores others had, you failed. The important thing is what you do! ” my mother said in a strong way.
For years, my mother was always in that way. She didn’t care what others did, only cared what I did and that I did it excellently. My mother’s words have made a big difference to my life.
【主旨大意】本文讲述的是作者上中学时参加的一次考试, 他只得了55分, 但却是全班最高分。妈妈没有为这个既低又高的分数开心, 而是严厉地告诉他, 别的孩子得了多少分她不在乎, 最重要的是他自己得了多少分。
1. When did the test take place
A. At the beginning of the term.
B. In the middle of the term.
C. At the halfway term.
D. At the end of the term.
【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第二段The test was the last one of the term. 可知这次考试是这学期的最后一次, 故发生在期末。
2. ______ of the students failed the test.
A. Both  B. None  C. All   D. Neither
【解析】选C。 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“The highest score in the class was a 55. ”可知班上没人及格。
3. How did Dave’s mother feel when she knew his score
A. She was upset.
B. She felt very happy.
C. She felt embarrassed.
D. She was really excited.
【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据妈妈的话“I don’t care what scores others had, you failed. The important thing is what you do! ” my mother said in a strong way. 可知妈妈对我的不及格的成绩感到沮丧。
4. What does the underlined word “groaning” mean in Chinese
A. 耳语  B. 议论  C. 叹息  D. 庆祝
【解析】选C。 词义猜测题。由“I could guess by the groans that the scores were not looking good. ”可知分数不好, 同学们应该都在“叹息”。
5. What does the passage want to tell us
A. A story about the low but high score.
B. Don’t care what others did.
C. Compare with ourselves rather than others.
D. What a big difference a score can make.
【解析】选C。主旨大意题。本文通过母亲对待作者既低又高的分数的态度和所说的话表明, 母亲只关心他表现得是否够好, 而不是与别人比较怎么样。
  科学家把人的情绪分为: 快乐, 接受, 恐惧, 惊讶, 悲伤, 厌恶, 愤怒, 期待, 放弃等。如何控制我们的情绪在我们的生活中很重要。请根据以下提示分享一下控制情绪的经验。
1. 体育运动
2. 看场电影
3. 向朋友、家人诉说一下
. . . . . .
写作话题: 描述某件事情对自己的影响
写作内容: 事情简述; 对自己的影响; 总结
写作要求: 正确使用make; 选择恰当的形容词描述情绪; 正确运用时态; 合理运用连词
  假如你是李华, 请根据下列提示写一篇短文, 分享你的经历和感受。
时间 做法 结果 感受
上周 不努力学习、熬夜玩电脑游戏 考试不及格 难过, 担心
本周 家长鼓励、同学和老师帮助、认真听课、按时完成作业 考试取得好成绩, 受到表扬 高兴, 自豪
感受: 合理利用时间; 努力学习……
要求: (1)可适当发挥, 但必须包括表格中所给的所有信息。
(3)词数: 80左右。
Step 1: 审题·研要求
1. 人称: 第一人称为主
2. 时态: 一般过去时为主
3. 核心: 各种表现及其后果和影响
Step 2: 列纲·研结构
Step 3: 润色·磨篇章
  Hi, I’m Li Hua. Now let me share some of my experiences and feelings with you.   Last week, I didn’t work hard. I stayed up late to play computer games. As a result, I failed the exam. ① It made③ me sad and worried. I let my parents down. ③ I regretted spending too much time playing games rather than learning. ② Luckily, my parents encouraged me to work hard. My teachers and classmates also helped me a lot. I listened carefully in class and finished my homework on time. This week, I got good grades and high praise③ from my teachers. That made③ me happy and proud.   From this experience, I know that we should use our time wisely and work hard every day. ④ That can make③ us succeed. ①as a result 的使用使叙述连贯流畅。 ②巧妙地运用了regret /spend, 使语句更高级。 ③运用本单元重要词汇短语make/let. . . down/praise等, 学以致用。 ④句中既对自己的经历进行总结提升, 又令文章结构更加完整。
  人非圣贤, 孰能无过 作为一名学生, 在学习或生活中你是否也曾犯过错误、做过傻事 在认识到自己所犯错误或明白所做的傻事后, 你又是如何改正的呢 请以“The Mistake Made Me Grow Up”为题, 用英语写一篇90词左右的短文。
The Mistake Made Me Grow Up
The Mistake Made Me Grow Up
  One day, I sat in the classroom alone. Suddenly I saw Mike’s new ruler on his desk. What a beautiful ruler! I really wanted to own it. Then I took the ruler and put it into my schoolbag. While Mike was looking for his ruler, I was afraid and didn’t have the courage to tell him the truth. When I got home, I told my mum about the ruler. She said I made a mistake and told me I should be honest and make up for it.
  Then I realized that I was wrong and felt very sorry, so I decided to give it back to Mike and say sorry to him.
  It was the mistake that made me grow up and learn the importance of being honest.
消极做法 stay up late 熬夜; spend too much time playing花费太多时间玩; fail the exam考试不及格; let sb. down使某人失望
积极做法 encourage鼓励; help 帮助; praise 表扬; succeed成功; work hard 努力学习; listen to the teacher carefully 认真听讲; get good grades取得好成绩
消极心情 sad 伤心的; worried 担心的; unhappy不高兴的; nervous 紧张的; uncomfortable不舒服的; awful 糟糕的
积极心情 happy 快乐的; proud自豪的; relaxed 放松的; comfortable舒服的; excited激动的
1. I want to share my experience with you.
2. I’d like to tell you something about my study.
1. Luckily, my parents encouraged me.
幸运的是, 我的父母鼓励我。
2. To my surprise and relief, my friends tried their best to help me.
令我吃惊和轻松的是, 我的朋友们尽最大努力帮助我。
3. But I didn’t lose heart. I decided to try my best to catch up with others.
但是我没有灰心, 我决定尽自己最大努力赶上其他人。
4. The failure gave me a lesson. I must change.
这次失败给了我教训, 我必须改变。
1. From this experience, I know that we should work hard.
2. From now on, I must use my time wisely.
从现在开始, 我一定要理智地利用时间。
1. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.
吃一堑, 长一智。
2. Happy is the man who learns from the misfortunes of others.
吸取他人教训, 自己才会走运。



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