牛津深圳版七年级英语上册Unit5Let’s celebrate复习练习(无答案)

学生 日期 时间
课题 七年级上册U5学习复习
Unit5 课前小练习
Leaves turn gold and red. 21._______October, it is the best time 22._______ year to travel 23._______ famous road in Virginia. People call it Skyline drive. Skyline drive is the only public Road through Shenandoah National Park. The park is home to black bear, deer, songbird and 24._______ wildlife(野生动物). The road 25._______ 105 miles across the Blue Ridge Mountains. Along the drive, you can see visitor centers with campground(营地). In good weather, It 26._______ three hours to drive all the length.
As driving grew more popular throughout the 1940s and 1950s, Skyline drive 27._______ a must-see place. Visitors came to the road for 28._______ beauty and the picnic places.
Like most US national parks, the national park 29._______ 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Skyline drive 30._______ be closed in bad weather. 31.________ visitors can still go into the park on foot. The road has four different entrances.
The car can't drive 32._______than 35 miles per hour. The park asks visitors 33._______ slow. Look out for wildlife and 34._______ the beauty. 35._______ a gas station along the road. And in recent years, they built two more gas stations. Today, Skyline Drive receives about 1.4 million visitors every year.
A. At B. On C. In D. With
A. of B. about C.to D. at
A. a B. an C. the D. /
A. other B. others C. another D. the others
25. A. run B. runs C. will run D. is running
26. A. take B. cost C. takes D. costs
27. A. become B. becomes C. becoming D. became
28. A. it B. it’s C. it is D. its
29. A. open B. is open C. is opening D. opened
30. A. may B. may not C. shall D. shall not
31. A. But B. And C. So D. Because
32. A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. more fast
33. A. drive B. to drive C. driving D. drove
34.A. take in B. to take in C. took in D. takes in
35.A. There is B. There are C. There has D. There have
日记 如果 返回
太空 照相机 漂浮
太空飞船 运转,工作 捆绑
宇航服 花园 我们自己
紧张的 岩石 没有
离开 明信片 虚弱的
重力 机器 呼吸v
1. How many satellites (卫星) are there in s__________
2. Remember to bring a c__________. I want to take some photos.
3. Don’t go out w__________ your jacket. It’s very cold outside.
4. They t__________ the cat to the table with a rope. They don’t want it to go far away.
5. She is ill, so she feels very w__________.
6. He looked at her quietly and she started to feel n__________.
7. Ben doesn’t want to l__________ the old house. He likes living there.
8. These __________ (diary ) are hers. If we read them, it is an invasion of privacy(侵犯隐私).
9. We are seven years old. We are old enough to dress __________ (we) .
10. Many people go to the park to __________ ( breath) the fresh air in the morning.
more than 多于
be able to 能够
have to 不得不,必须
so that 以便
take photos 拍照
as...as... 像……一样
that is 也就是说
such as 例如
1. 超过300名同学参加校运会。
__________ __________ 300 students took part in the sports meeting.
2. 在秋天,树叶都变黄了。
Leaves __________ __________ in autumn.
3. 我的妈妈外出了,我不得不自己做饭。
My mother goes out, so I __________ __________ cook by myself.
4. Kate花了一个月的时间来画这幅画。
It __________ Kate one month __________ __________ this picture.
5. 我哥哥和我爸爸一样高。
My brother is __________ __________ __________ my father.
6. 请把照片拿近点,以便我能看得更清楚。
Please bring the photo nearer __________ __________ I can see it more clearly.
7. 谁不会为这个消息感到兴奋呢
Who __________ __________ __________ __________ the news
8. 琳达在周末也做运动。她觉得这是开始一天的最好方式。
Linda also __________ __________ at weekends. She thinks it’s the best way to start a day.
U5 语法
根据括号内的提示,将下列句子翻译成英文 (每小题2分,共4分)
1. 你明天会来见见她吗 (will)
2. 他们不打算明天下午去看那部电影。 (be going to)
There be句型在一般将来时应该怎么用?
( ) 1. There _________ a wonderful football match tomorrow.
A. is going to have B. will have C. will D. is going to be
( ) 2. Look at the black clouds! It _________ soon.
A. is raining B. is going to rain C. rains D. rained
( ) 3. Fish can’t live _________ water.
A. no B. without C. haven’t D. hasn’t
( ) 4. He travels to many places, _________ Beijing, Shanghai and Guilin.
A. such to B. such as C. for example D. as example
( ) 5.There are a lot of stars _________.
A. in space B. in a space C. on the space D. in the space
( ) 6. My computer doesn’t _________. Can I borrow yours
A. move B. work C. do D. call
( ) 7. Mr. Li _________ a lot of time in helping his students with their English.
A. spends B. costs C. takes D. pays
( ) 8. There _________ air on the Moon
A. is B. is no C. has no D. have no
( ) 9. I am going to study in England _________.
A. last week B. yesterday C. next month D. in 2014
( ) 10. I think it _________ Sunny tomorrow.
A. is B. will be C. be D. will is
Would you like to learn about astronauts’ life in space Well, astronauts’ life in space is much different from our life on the Earth.
Space food is more like the food we eat on the Earth. (2)____________ But now the space station has water, microwave ovens(微波炉) and fridges. So astronauts can eat more daily food, such as fruit, vegetables and ice cream.
All the people in the ISS (国际空间站)have their own rooms. There is no gravity. (3)____________That seems like a strange way to sleep, but astronauts say sleeping in space is really not too bad.
(4)____________Astronauts exercise on special bikes and other machines for about two hours every day. In that way, they can still be healthy when they get back to the Earth.
Having fun
Astronauts can read books, play cards, listen to music or send e-mail to their friends and family members when they aren’t working. (5)____________It sounds really fun!
How do astronauts live in space
Sometimes they just sit and look out of the window.
It is more important to exercise in space than on the Earth.
They have to tie themselves to their beds, or they will fly away!
In the past. Astronauts could eat only small pieces of dried food.
1. I, spacesuit, on the Moon, no air, there be, have to, breathe, wear, help, because__________________________________________________
2. Yang Liwei, 15 October 2003, space, go into, the Shenzhou V spaceship.__________________________________________________
3.380,000 kilometres, the Moon, the Earth, about, be away from.__________________________________________________
4. the Space Hotel, will, exciting, very, visit,it, in the future.__________________________________________________
We will live in peace (和平) in 2050. Countries won’t fight with each other, We will be able to go on a trip to other planets by spaceship and we will find other planets which humans can live on. We will probably find aliens (外星人)! We will probably be able to see robots everywhere, at home, in factories and hospitals. They will help to make our lives more comfortable.
I think a lot of things will be different in 2050. But the world will still have a lot of pollution problems. We will need to find other resources ( 资源) because of the large population (人口). Now the world’s population is about 7.8 billion ( 十亿) and it will reach about 9.7 billion in 2050. We will also need to build more spaceships to go to the Moon and Mars, because we will have to get resources from these places.
In2050, people will live longer and have fewer health problems. There won’t be any wars (战争). My sister Judy thinks everybody will be able to speak at least five languages and it will be easier for her to visit other counties!
1. What does the underlined word “They” in Paragraph 1 refer to
A. Trips. B. Robots. C. Aliens. D. Spaceships.
2. The world’s population in 2050 will be about _________ billion more than that in 2020.
A.1.5 B.1.7 C.1.9 D.2
3. Steven and Lisa both believe people will _________ in 2050.
A. live in peace B. live a longer life C. visit other planets D. speak the same language
4. Who thinks we will need to take resources from other places
A. Steven. B. Samuel C. Judy. D. Lisa.
5. Where can we probably read this passage
A. In a diary. B. In a storybook. C. In a dictionary. D. In a magazine.
Do you know anything about the Moon Well, there are many interesting facts about the Moon. Let’s have a look at them together.
The Moon gets its name from the old English word “mona” and Latin word “mensis”.
If you see the Moon at night, it’s sometimes very large, round and very bright. The Sun plays an important role. It lights both the Earth and the Moon. The Moon reflect the light it gets from the Sun. In fact, the Moon only reflect(反射) between 3% and 12% of the light it gets from the Sun. How bright would it be if it could reflect all the light it gets
The Moon looks quite near us. But it is really far away from the Earth. If you take a spaceship and it can fly at a speed of 11 kilometres a second, it will take you more than three days to get to the Moon. In 1969, two Americans landed on the Moon by spaceship.
The Moon is the Earth’s natural satellite(卫星). A natural satellite is a space body that goes around a planet. If you are on the Earth, you can only see one side of the Moon.
And there are no living things on the Moon because there is no air or water there. You can jump much higher there than on the Earth. You can’t walk or stand like you do on the Earth.
What does the underlined word “It” refer to
A.The Sun B.The Moon C.The Earth D.The light from the Sun
Which of the following is TRUE
The Moon reflects all the light it gets from the Sun.
Two people from the USA got to the Moon in 1969.
The Moon also reflects the light it gets from the Earth.
You just need to spend 2 days getting to the Moon by spaceship.
What can’t we know from the passage
A.What a natural satellite is. B.How the Moon gets its name.
C.How far it is from the Earth to the Sun. D.Why there are no living things on the Moon.
What does the writer want to tell us
How to travel to the Moon.
Some facts about the Moon.
Why people take a trip to the Moon.
The differences between the Moon and the Earth.
In which part of the magazine can we read the passage
A.Health B.Culture C.Animals D.Science




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