Unit 5 Our school life Topic 2 A few students are running around the play..Section B 单词短语专练(2课时无答案

Unit 5 Topic 2 A few students are running around the play..
一 、用所给动词的适当形式填空
1.Mary usually ( have ) lunch at school.
2. --How he ( go ) to work
--He always ( go ) to work by car.
3.--Does Jim sometimes ( take ) the subway
--No, he seldom ( take ) the subway to school.
4.She never ( get ) up late in the morning.
5.The early bird ( catch ) the worm.
二 根据语境、音标、英文单词提示及要求完成句子。
1. Let’s meet ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________(在校门口).
2. --____________ do you ____________ [ lwe z] go to the ____________[pa:k]
--I ____________ [ seld m] go there ____________bus. ____________ I ____________ a bike there.
3. He often ____________[w ks] ____________schools, he ____________ [ nev (r)] ____________(go) there by bike.
4. The boys gets up ____________ to catch up with (赶上) the ____________ ____________(早班车).
5. Zhu Yilong usually ____________ ____________ ____________(坐地铁) to school.
6. ____________ ____________(在工作日), I often ____________ ____________ ____________ (做作业) at night.
7. They don’t know the time to ____________ ____________ ____________ (看电影).
8. ____________ ____________(快点), the ____________[plain] or the ____________[trein] is coming.
9. She ____________ ____________ one hour on Sunday.
10. How about ____________ ____________ (踢足球) after school
11. (翻译) 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
12. Tom’s father goes to work by car. (同义句)
Tom’s father ____________ his car ____________work
三 情景交际
13. 你的朋友跟你说新年快乐,你是这样回答的:
14. 你想问你同学时怎么样来上学的,你可以这样问:
15. 你想知道Sally每天几点上床睡觉,可以这样问:
1. 该到了上课时间了。(2)
3. 我的妈妈很少乘地铁回家(2)
4. 她从未骑自行车去公园。 (2)
Unit 5 Topic 2 A few students are running around the play..
2.骑自行车(介) (动)
3.乘地铁(介) (动)
4.乘公共汽车(介) (动)
I 、模仿例句,完成下列句子
Example: We take a bus to school. → We go to school by bus.
1.He rides a bike to school. → He to school .
2.They take the subway to the museum. → They to the museum .
3.We walk to the park. → We to the park .
1.She can’t ride a bike. So she goes to school by bike.
2.They go to school by bus, but they ride a bike.
3.What do you usually do after school go fishing.
4.My mother gets up at six, seven days a week.
5.I get up early in the morning. So I get to school late.
6.What do your parents do in the evening They watch TV.
He home every day.
He every day.
Tom to the zoo .
Tom the zoo.
he to school
he a bike school
4.我的叔叔经常乘轮船去英国。( often, by )
How do you usually go to work or go to school My __1__have different(不同的) ways of going outside.
My father works in a radio station. The station is __2__ from our home. So he goes to work by car. The car ride __3__ about 50 minutes. My mother has a clothes store. It’s about two kilometers from her __4__ to our home. She goes there___5___every day. She thinks walking is good __6__health. I’m a middle school student. I take the school bus to school. Many students __7__taking the school bus is boring, but I don’t think so, ___8___I can talk with my classmates on the bus. It gives me a lot of __9__. I like every minute of it.
How about your family Do you have the same way of going __10__ or different
( )1.A.friends B.family C.students D.classmates
( )2.A.dirty B.free C.far D.tidy
( )3.A.takes B.finds C.gets D.wants
( )4.A.club B.room C.school D.store
( )5.A.by bike B.on foot C.by bus D.by subway
( )6.A.at B.with C.to D.for
( )7.A.think B.know C.see D.show
( )8.A.so B.before C.because D.but
( )9.A.food B.fun C.love D.help
( )10.A.on B.outside C. into D. to
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