
语法选择 请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,根据语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
1.(10分)What will the future be like?No one knows what will happen in the future,but I believe life in the future will be (1)    better than now.
Every person will have a computer.They can look for information they need on (2)    Internet.Students won't go to school any more.They will stay at home with a virtual(虚拟的) teacher and have lessons (3)    their own computer every day.There will be no televisions and(4)    will watch TV on computers.There will be no fights in houses if people want to watch(5)    programs at the same time.
Everyone will have (6)    at home.They will help people with housework,such as cleaning,cooking or washing.They will be able (7)    after kids.If something dangerous happens,the robots (8)    the kids.
People will have more free time in the future.They will travel more,(9)    they won't travel by car.Everyone will use electric(电动的)buses and trains with robot drivers.These green buses and trains are good for the environment.People will go on holiday to the moon and other planets in space rockets.Traveling to space will probably be the (10)    activity in the future.Do you think so?
(1)A.much B.more C.most
(2)A.a C.the
(3) B.on C.for
(4)A.anyone B.someone C.everyone
(5)A.different B.difference C.differently
(6)A.robot B.robots C.robot's
(7)A.look B.looking look
(8) B.will save C.saved
(9)A.but B.or C.if
(10)A.popular B.more popular C.most popular
完形填空 请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
2.(10分)Hello Lisa,
How are you?Sorry for not (1)    to you for a long time.These days,I am pretty (2)    as my grandmother is not feeling well.I have to look after her.
It is my birthday next week.I am going to have a (3)    next Friday.It will start at 5 pm.A lot of (4)    are coming.Would you like to come?We will(5)    delicious food and drinks such as cake,turkey and milk shake.We will play games at the party,and it'll be lots of fun.Can you help me(6)    at least one game to play?Oh,I forget to tell you.An(7)    will be at the party.Do you want to know who he is?He (8)    in many movies,and he is my uncle.
Do you(9)    where my house is?It is on Center Street,near a park.You can (10)    find it,because it's the only house with many lights and a red door.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.Hope you can come and see you soon.
(1)A.listening B.writing C.running D.opening
(2)A.common B.happy C.busy D.surprised
(3)A.meeting B.trip C.vacation
(4)A.animals C.policemen D.people
(5)A.prepare B.sell C.cook D.add
(6)A.think of B.write down C.take up D.turn down
(7)A.artist B.actress
(8)A.appeared B.travelled C.fell D.promised
(9)A.decide B.remember C.draw D.think
(10)A.seriously B.hardly C.quietly D.easily
阅读理解 请阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
3.(10分)How to make an ice cream in a bag?
What you will need: 1 spoon of sugar,1/2 cup of half﹣and﹣half,1/4 spoon of vanilla extract(香草精),ice,salt,a big bag,a small bag.
How we make it: ★First,put the sugar,half﹣and﹣half and vanilla extract into the small bag. ★Next,put three glasses of ice into the big bag. ★Then,pour about 1/2 cup of salt in the big bag. ★When it's ready,place the small bag in the big bag and seal it tightly(系紧).You need to shake the bag for about five minutes. ★Finally,take the small bag out.After wiping off(擦去) the salt on the bag,you can open it and enjoy your ice cream. You can finish the work in less than ten minutes.
(1)What do you need when making the ice cream?    
A.A cup of half﹣and﹣half.
B.A spoon of sugar.
C.A glass of ice.
D.A spoon of salt.
(2)How many kinds of things should you put into the small bag?    
(3)What should you put into the big bag at last?    
C.The small bag.
D.The vanilla extract.
(4)What should you do before you open the small bag?    
A.Wipe off the salt.
B.Wait for ten minutes.
C.Put it into the fridge.
D.Shake the small bag.
(5)The passage is probably from    .
A.a not ice board
B.a movie poster
C.a history book
D.a cooking magazine
4.(10分)Do you eat breakfast every day?A new study shows if you don't have breakfast,you will be in great danger of getting heart disease (心脏病).
Scientists studied the information of 6,550 people over 40 years old for 18 years.Those people had no history of heart disease.59% of them ate breakfast every day.25%missed breakfast a few days.10.9% hardly ate breakfast and 5.1% never did.The scientists found a clear relation between breakfast habits and the danger of getting heart disease.Those who didn't eat in the morning were up to 87% more likely to have heart disease.
Breakfast is an essential meal of the day,but a lot of people didn't have it over the past 50 years in the US.23.8% of young people don't have breakfast every day.
About the relation,the scientists gave a few reasons.First,when people don't eat breakfast,they may eat much junk food.Second,breakfast helps to balance blood sugar levels(平衡血糖).
A similar study shows people who don't eat breakfast and eat dinner late are more likely to get heart disease.Also,they are more likely to spend little time exercising and have other bad living habits.
For your health,remember to eat breakfast every day.
(1)Of the 6,550 people in the study,how often did 59% of them eat breakfast?    
C.Hardly ever.
(2)How many people are more likely to have heart disease if they don't eat breakfast?    
A.Up to 10.9%.
B.Up to 25%.
C.Up to 59%.
D.Up to 87%.
(3)What does the underlined word "essential" in paragraph 3 mean?    
(4)What may people do if they don't have breakfast?    
A.Eat much unhealthy food.
B.Stay away from heart disease.
C.Balance blood sugar levels.
D.Eat dinner late in the evening.
(5)Why did the writer write this article?    
A.To tell people how to make breakfast.
B.To ask people to eat breakfast every day.
C.To tell people about a study on heart disease.
D.To ask people to spend more time exercising.
(1)   Alan wants lots of fun in the evening after spending all day relaxing on the beach.He enjoys dancing and wants to see some of the newest films. (2)   Mr.and Mrs.White have two five﹣year﹣old boys and the boys are learning to swim.They want to go somewhere with a good beach and activities for the children to do even in bad weather. (3)   Emily enjoys going for long walks.She also likes listening to music and eating good food.She wants to go to relaxing places close to the sea. (4)   Simon and his ten﹣year﹣old son,Mike,want to visit an old seaside town,away from too many people.Mike is very interested in history. (5)   Annie and her son want to spend a day out and see some of the Australian animals.Annie also wants to buy some gifts to take home. A.This is a popular town near the sea with lots of activities.For people over 18,there are sailing (航海) lessons all year round at the Town Sailing Club. B.This is a busy holiday town with great dancing clubs and cinemas.There are also good beaches in the town but swimming is dangerous at some time of the day. C.This is one of the most popular seaside towns in the UK.It has beaches and different kinds of sports.There is also a new swimming pool.The town has beautiful gardens and many other places to visit. D.The High Street,with its small,traditional hotels and excellent restaurants,is next to a beach.On the beach,the fishermen sell their fish every morning.There are popular concerts every Saturday in the Town Hall. E.This park gives people a close look at Australia's animals.Take photos with the koalas.There are also some small gift shops. F.This is an old town near the beach.It is famous for its old streets and fisherman's houses.One of the houses is now a museum about life in the 19th century. G.The village is in a mountain.It is a good place to go camping in summer.Different from the noisy cities,the village is quiet and peaceful.
短文填空 请从方框内选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使文章完整连贯。注意每空一词,每词仅用一次,有两词为多余项。请将答案写在答题卡对应题目的答题位置上。
careful yes how if sorry reason they possible in problem look refuse
We often get invitations from others.However,we can't always say (1)    when someone invites us.Sometimes,we have to(2)    an invitation because we really don't want to accept it or we're not available.But (3)    we turn down an invitation by just saying no,it will make the hosts sad.So how can we reply (4)    a nice and friendly way?
If you can't show up in a big event,you should tell the hosts as soon as (5)    so that they won't expect you.
At the same time,thank (6)    for the invitation.At last,tell them you are(7)    forward to the next one.
When you can't accept your friend's invitation to a party or a concert,say (8)    first.Then tell them the (9)    why you can't come.Finally,ask them if you can get together another time.Your friend will be glad to hear that.But you should think(10)    before you finally decide.Don't make others unhappy.
回答问题 请阅读下面短文,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整切题,并把答案写在答题卡对应题目的答题位置上。
Why should you set goals (目标)?Because goals can help you do and experience everything you want in life.Instead of just letting life happen to you,you should have goals that allow you to make your life happen. A successful person knows what his life will be like and set many goals.It's like a map to show you where you want to go.With it,you can get there easily.Think of it in this way.There re two drivers.The first one has a destination (目的地) in mind,which can be found on a map.So he can drive straight there.But the second driver has no destination.He starts at the same time from the same place as the first driver,but he drives around and doesn't know where to go.Which driver do you want to be? Winners in life set goals and follow them.Unsuccessful people just let go of their life.Goals aren't difficult to set and reach.It's up to you to find out what your goals really are. Research tells us that when we write goals down,it will be easier for us to make it.And we can see them over and over again.So they are harder to forget.When you write your goals down in a special way,they will bring you nearer to what you want.
(1)Why should we set goals?    
(2)Who knows what their life will be like and set many goals?    
(3)Which driver would you like to be if you want to get to the destination easily?    
(4)What do unsuccessful people just do?    
(5)When will goals bring you nearer to what you want?    
My Holiday Plans
Winter holiday is coming,and I have some plans for it._____
语法选择 请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,根据语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
1.(10分)What will the future be like?No one knows what will happen in the future,but I believe life in the future will be (1) A  better than now.
Every person will have a computer.They can look for information they need on (2) C  Internet.Students won't go to school any more.They will stay at home with a virtual(虚拟的) teacher and have lessons (3) B  their own computer every day.There will be no televisions and(4) C  will watch TV on computers.There will be no fights in houses if people want to watch(5) A  programs at the same time.
Everyone will have (6) B  at home.They will help people with housework,such as cleaning,cooking or washing.They will be able (7) C  after kids.If something dangerous happens,the robots (8) B  the kids.
People will have more free time in the future.They will travel more,(9) A  they won't travel by car.Everyone will use electric(电动的)buses and trains with robot drivers.These green buses and trains are good for the environment.People will go on holiday to the moon and other planets in space rockets.Traveling to space will probably be the (10) C  activity in the future.Do you think so?
(1)A.much B.more C.most
(2)A.a C.the
(3) B.on C.for
(4)A.anyone B.someone C.everyone
(5)A.different B.difference C.differently
(6)A.robot B.robots C.robot's
(7)A.look B.looking look
(8) B.will save C.saved
(9)A.but B.or C.if
(10)A.popular B.more popular C.most popular
【解答】(1)考查副词。句意:没有人知道未来会发生什么,但我相信未来的生活会比现在好得多。A.多;B.较多;C.最多。better than比……好,是比较级,much可以修饰比较级,故选:A。
(2)考查定冠词。句意:他们可以在互联网上寻找他们需要的信息。A.表示数量"一",用于辅音音素开头的单词前面;B.表示数量"一",用于元音音素开头的单词前面;C.表示特指。on the Internet在互联网上,是固定搭配,故选:C。
(3)考查介词。句意:他们将呆在家里和一位虚拟老师在一起,每天在自己的电脑上上课。A.在……里;B.在……上;C.为了。on one's computer在某人的电脑上,故选:B。
(7)考查动词不定式。句意:他们能照顾孩子们。A.看(原形);B.看(动名词、动词现在分词);C.看(动词不定式)。be able to do sth.能够做某事;结合语境,此处应用动词不定式,故选:C。
(8)考查动词。句意:如果发生危险的事情,机器人会保护孩子。A.救(原形);B.将救;C.救(过去式)。分析句子结构可知,句子是主将从现句,从句时态是一般现在时,主句时态是一般将来时,其结构是will do,故选:B。
完形填空 请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
2.(10分)Hello Lisa,
How are you?Sorry for not (1) B  to you for a long time.These days,I am pretty (2) C  as my grandmother is not feeling well.I have to look after her.
It is my birthday next week.I am going to have a (3) D  next Friday.It will start at 5 pm.A lot of (4) D  are coming.Would you like to come?We will(5) A  delicious food and drinks such as cake,turkey and milk shake.We will play games at the party,and it'll be lots of fun.Can you help me(6) A  at least one game to play?Oh,I forget to tell you.An(7) C  will be at the party.Do you want to know who he is?He (8) A  in many movies,and he is my uncle.
Do you(9) B  where my house is?It is on Center Street,near a park.You can (10) D  find it,because it's the only house with many lights and a red door.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.Hope you can come and see you soon.
(1)A.listening B.writing C.running D.opening
(2)A.common B.happy C.busy D.surprised
(3)A.meeting B.trip C.vacation
(4)A.animals C.policemen D.people
(5)A.prepare B.sell C.cook D.add
(6)A.think of B.write down C.take up D.turn down
(7)A.artist B.actress
(8)A.appeared B.travelled C.fell D.promised
(9)A.decide B.remember C.draw D.think
(10)A.seriously B.hardly C.quietly D.easily
【解答】(1)考查动名词词义辨析。句意:很抱歉很久没给你写信了。listening听;writing写;running跑;opening打开。write to 给.....写信。根据文章内容可知,这是给朋友写信;介词for后用动名词,故选B。
(2)考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些天,因为奶奶生病了,我很忙。common 普通的,一般的;happy开心的;busy忙碌的;surprised吃惊的。根据I have to look after her.(我必须照顾她。)可知,"我"很忙,故选C。
(3)考查名词词义辨析。句意:下周五我要举办一个聚会。meeting会议;trip旅行;vacation假期;party聚会。根据下文 We will play games at the party.(在聚会上我们要做游戏。)可知,"我"要举办party,故选D。
(6)考查动词词义辨析。句意:你能帮我想出至少一种可以玩的游戏吗?think of想出;write down写下来;take up从事;turn down拒绝,关的小一点。根据句意在聚会上玩的游戏要提前想好,故选A。
(7)考查名词词义辨析。句意:我忘了告诉你聚会上会来一位演员。artist 艺术家,美术家;actress女演员;actor男演员;engineer工程师。根据后面 He appeared in many movies,(他出现在多部电影中。)可知他是一位男演员,故选C。
(8)考查动词词义辨析。句意:他出现在多部电影中。appeared出现;travelled旅行;fell掉下来;promised承诺。根据句中in many movies (在多部电影中)可知是出现在电影中,故选A。
(10)考查副词词义辨析。句意:你很容易找到它。seriously认真地,严肃地;hardly几乎不;quietly安静地;easily容易地。根据下文地描述because it's the only house with many lights and a red door(因为它是唯一的一所有许多灯和一扇红色门的房子),所以很容易找到,故选D。
阅读理解 请阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
3.(10分)How to make an ice cream in a bag?
What you will need: 1 spoon of sugar,1/2 cup of half﹣and﹣half,1/4 spoon of vanilla extract(香草精),ice,salt,a big bag,a small bag.
How we make it: ★First,put the sugar,half﹣and﹣half and vanilla extract into the small bag. ★Next,put three glasses of ice into the big bag. ★Then,pour about 1/2 cup of salt in the big bag. ★When it's ready,place the small bag in the big bag and seal it tightly(系紧).You need to shake the bag for about five minutes. ★Finally,take the small bag out.After wiping off(擦去) the salt on the bag,you can open it and enjoy your ice cream. You can finish the work in less than ten minutes.
(1)What do you need when making the ice cream?  B 
A.A cup of half﹣and﹣half.
B.A spoon of sugar.
C.A glass of ice.
D.A spoon of salt.
(2)How many kinds of things should you put into the small bag?  C 
(3)What should you put into the big bag at last?  C 
C.The small bag.
D.The vanilla extract.
(4)What should you do before you open the small bag?  A 
A.Wipe off the salt.
B.Wait for ten minutes.
C.Put it into the fridge.
D.Shake the small bag.
(5)The passage is probably from  D .
A.a not ice board
B.a movie poster
C.a history book
D.a cooking magazine
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据表格一中的介绍What you will need:1 spoon of sugar,1/2 cup of half﹣and﹣half,1/4 spoon of vanilla extract(香草精),ice,salt,a big bag,a small bag.(你需要什么:糖1勺,奶油混合物二分之一杯,香草精1/4勺,冰,盐,一大袋,一小袋。)可知,制作袋装冰淇淋需要糖1勺,奶油混合物二分之一杯,香草精1/4勺,冰,盐,一大袋,一小袋。故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据表格二中的介How we make it:(我们是如何制作的:)第一条★First,put the sugar,half﹣and﹣half and vanilla extract into the small bag.(★首先,把糖,奶油混合物和香草精放进小袋子里。)可知,小袋子里放糖,奶油混合物和香草精,一共三样东西。故选C。
(3)细节理解题。根据表格二中的介How we make it:(我们是如何制作的:)第四条★When it's ready,place the small bag in the big bag and seal it tightly(系紧).(★煮好后,将小袋放入大袋中,密封好。)可知,最后,应该把小袋子放进大袋子里。故选C。
(4)细节理解题。根据表格二中的介How we make it:(我们是如何制作的:)最后一条★Finally,take the small bag out.After wiping off(擦去) the salt on the bag,you can open it and enjoy your ice cream.(★最后,把小包拿出来。擦去袋子上的盐后,你就可以打开它享用你的冰淇淋了。)可知,打开小袋子之前,应该擦去袋子上的盐。故选A。
4.(10分)Do you eat breakfast every day?A new study shows if you don't have breakfast,you will be in great danger of getting heart disease (心脏病).
Scientists studied the information of 6,550 people over 40 years old for 18 years.Those people had no history of heart disease.59% of them ate breakfast every day.25%missed breakfast a few days.10.9% hardly ate breakfast and 5.1% never did.The scientists found a clear relation between breakfast habits and the danger of getting heart disease.Those who didn't eat in the morning were up to 87% more likely to have heart disease.
Breakfast is an essential meal of the day,but a lot of people didn't have it over the past 50 years in the US.23.8% of young people don't have breakfast every day.
About the relation,the scientists gave a few reasons.First,when people don't eat breakfast,they may eat much junk food.Second,breakfast helps to balance blood sugar levels(平衡血糖).
A similar study shows people who don't eat breakfast and eat dinner late are more likely to get heart disease.Also,they are more likely to spend little time exercising and have other bad living habits.
For your health,remember to eat breakfast every day.
(1)Of the 6,550 people in the study,how often did 59% of them eat breakfast?  A 
C.Hardly ever.
(2)How many people are more likely to have heart disease if they don't eat breakfast?  D 
A.Up to 10.9%.
B.Up to 25%.
C.Up to 59%.
D.Up to 87%.
(3)What does the underlined word "essential" in paragraph 3 mean?  C 
(4)What may people do if they don't have breakfast?  A 
A.Eat much unhealthy food.
B.Stay away from heart disease.
C.Balance blood sugar levels.
D.Eat dinner late in the evening.
(5)Why did the writer write this article?  B 
A.To tell people how to make breakfast.
B.To ask people to eat breakfast every day.
C.To tell people about a study on heart disease.
D.To ask people to spend more time exercising.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段59% of them ate breakfast every day.(59%的人每天都吃早餐。)可知在参与研究的6550人中,59%的人多久总是吃早餐。故选A。
(2)细节理解题。根据第二段Those who didn't eat in the morning were up to 87% more likely to have heart disease.(那些早上不吃东西的人患心脏病的可能性要高出87%。)可知高达87%的人不吃早餐更容易得心脏病。故选D。
(3)词义猜测题。根据第三段Breakfast is an essential meal of the day,but a lot of people didn't have it over the past 50 years in the US.(早餐是一天中必不可少的一餐,但是在过去的50年里,美国很多人都没有吃早餐。)可知,下划线单词的意思是"重要的"。故选C。
(4)细节理解题。根据第四段First,when people don't eat breakfast,they may eat much junk food.(首先,当人们不吃早餐时,他们可能会吃很多垃圾食品。)可知,如果不吃早餐,人们会吃很多垃圾食品。故选A。
(5)主旨大意题。根据最后一段For your health,remember to eat breakfast every day.(为了你的健康,记得每天吃早餐。)可知作者写这篇文章是要求人们每天吃早餐。故选B。
(1) B Alan wants lots of fun in the evening after spending all day relaxing on the beach.He enjoys dancing and wants to see some of the newest films. (2) C Mr.and Mrs.White have two five﹣year﹣old boys and the boys are learning to swim.They want to go somewhere with a good beach and activities for the children to do even in bad weather. (3) D Emily enjoys going for long walks.She also likes listening to music and eating good food.She wants to go to relaxing places close to the sea. (4) F Simon and his ten﹣year﹣old son,Mike,want to visit an old seaside town,away from too many people.Mike is very interested in history. (5) E Annie and her son want to spend a day out and see some of the Australian animals.Annie also wants to buy some gifts to take home. A.This is a popular town near the sea with lots of activities.For people over 18,there are sailing (航海) lessons all year round at the Town Sailing Club. B.This is a busy holiday town with great dancing clubs and cinemas.There are also good beaches in the town but swimming is dangerous at some time of the day. C.This is one of the most popular seaside towns in the UK.It has beaches and different kinds of sports.There is also a new swimming pool.The town has beautiful gardens and many other places to visit. D.The High Street,with its small,traditional hotels and excellent restaurants,is next to a beach.On the beach,the fishermen sell their fish every morning.There are popular concerts every Saturday in the Town Hall. E.This park gives people a close look at Australia's animals.Take photos with the koalas.There are also some small gift shops. F.This is an old town near the beach.It is famous for its old streets and fisherman's houses.One of the houses is now a museum about life in the 19th century. G.The village is in a mountain.It is a good place to go camping in summer.Different from the noisy cities,the village is quiet and peaceful.
【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据Alan wants lots of fun in the evening after spending all day relaxing on the beach.He enjoys dancing and wants to see some of the newest films.(在海滩上放松了一整天之后,阿兰希望晚上能有很多乐趣。他喜欢跳舞,想看一些最新的电影。)可知在海滩上放松了一整天之后,阿兰希望晚上能有很多乐趣。他喜欢跳舞,想看一些最新的电影。B项"这是一个繁忙的度假小镇,有很棒的舞蹈俱乐部和电影院。镇上也有不错的海滩,但在一天中的某些时候游泳很危险。"符合题意。故选B。
(2)细节推理题。根据Mr.and Mrs.White have two five﹣year﹣old boys and the boys are learning to swim.They want to go somewhere with a good beach and activities for the children to do even in bad weather.( 怀特夫妇有两个五岁的男孩,他们正在学习游泳。他们想去一个有好海滩和活动的地方,即使天气不好,孩子们也可以去。)可知怀特夫妇有两个五岁的男孩,他们正在学习游泳。他们想去一个有好海滩和活动的地方,即使天气不好,孩子们也可以去。C项"这是英国最受欢迎的海滨小镇之一。这里有海滩和各种各样的运动项目。还有一个新的游泳池。这个小镇有美丽的花园和许多其他可以参观的地方。"符合题意。故选C。
(3)细节推理题。根据Emily enjoys going for long walks.She also likes listening to music and eating good food.She wants to go to relaxing places close to the sea.(艾米丽喜欢长时间散步。她还喜欢听音乐和吃美味的食物。她想去海边放松的地方。)可知艾米丽喜欢长时间散步。她还喜欢听音乐和吃美味的食物。她想去海边放松的地方。D项"高街紧挨着海滩,有小型的传统酒店和一流的餐馆。在海滩上,渔民们每天早上出售他们的鱼。市政厅每周六都有受欢迎的音乐会。"符合题意。故选D。
(4)细节推理题。根据Simon and his ten﹣year﹣old son,Mike,want to visit an old seaside town,away from too many people.Mike is very interested in history.(西蒙和他十岁的儿子迈克想参观一个远离太多人的海滨小镇。迈克对历史很感兴趣。)可知西蒙和他十岁的儿子迈克想参观一个远离太多人的海滨小镇。迈克对历史很感兴趣。F项"这是一个靠近海滩的古镇。它以古老的街道和渔夫的房子而闻名。其中一座房子现在是一座关于19世纪生活的博物馆。"符合题意。故选F。
(5)细节推理题。根据Annie and her son want to spend a day out and see some of the Australian animals.Annie also wants to buy some gifts to take home.( 安妮和她的儿子想出去玩一天,看看澳大利亚的一些动物。安妮也想买些礼物带回家。)可知安妮和她的儿子想出去玩一天,看看澳大利亚的一些动物。安妮也想买些礼物带回家。E项"这个公园让人们近距离观察澳大利亚的动物。与考拉合影。还有一些小礼品店。"符合题意。故选E。
短文填空 请从方框内选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使文章完整连贯。注意每空一词,每词仅用一次,有两词为多余项。请将答案写在答题卡对应题目的答题位置上。
careful yes how if sorry reason they possible in problem look refuse
We often get invitations from others.However,we can't always say (1) yes  when someone invites us.Sometimes,we have to(2) refuse  an invitation because we really don't want to accept it or we're not available.But (3) if  we turn down an invitation by just saying no,it will make the hosts sad.So how can we reply (4) in  a nice and friendly way?
If you can't show up in a big event,you should tell the hosts as soon as (5) possible  so that they won't expect you.
At the same time,thank (6) them  for the invitation.At last,tell them you are(7) looking  forward to the next one.
When you can't accept your friend's invitation to a party or a concert,say (8) sorry  first.Then tell them the (9) reason  why you can't come.Finally,ask them if you can get together another time.Your friend will be glad to hear that.But you should think(10) carefully  before you finally decide.Don't make others unhappy.
【解答】(1)考查名词。句意:然而,当有人邀请我们时,我们不能总是说是。根据Sometimes,we have to(2)___ an invitation(有时候,我们不得不拒绝一个邀请)可知,我们不能总是说是,因此选yes"是"符合题意。故填yes。
(2)考查动词。句意:有时候,我们不得不拒绝一个邀请,因为我们真的不想接受它,或者我们没空。根据because we really don't want to accept it or we're not available.(因为我们真的不想接受它,或者我们没空。)可知,此处指拒绝邀请,因此选refuse"拒绝",have to do sth为固定搭配,意为"不得不做某事",因此填动词原形。故填refuse。
(3)考查连词。句意:但是如果我们只说"不"就拒绝了邀请,这会使主人难过。根据we turn down an invitation by just saying no,it will make the hosts sad.(我们拒绝邀请只是说不,这会让主人难过。)可知,应该是如果我们拒绝邀请只是说不,这会让主人难过,因此选if"如果"引导条件状语从句。故填if。
(4)考查介词。句意:那么我们怎样才能用友好的方式回答呢?in a/an...way为固定搭配,意为"以一种......的方式"。故填in。
(5)考查形容词。句意:如果你不能出席一个大型活动,你应该尽快告诉主人,这样他们就不会期待你了。as soon as possible为固定搭配,意为"尽可能快地"。故填possible。
(6)考查代词。句意:同时,感谢他们的邀请。根据you should tell the hosts(你应该告诉主人)可知,此处指感谢主人的邀请,因此选they代指"hosts",作动词thank的宾语,应该用人称代词宾格。故填them。
(7)考查动词。句意:最后,告诉他们你期待下一次。根据the next one(下一次)可知,应该是期待下一次,因此选look,look forward to为固定搭配,意为"盼望",根据are可知,句子用现在进行时,因此填现在分词。故填looking。
(8)考查名词。句意:当你不能接受朋友参加聚会或音乐会的邀请时,先说"抱歉"。根据When you can't accept your friend's invitation to a party or a concert(当你不能接受朋友参加聚会或音乐会的邀请时)可知,先说"抱歉"。故填sorry。
(9)考查名词。句意:然后告诉他们你不能来的原因。根据why you can't come(你为什么不能来)可知,此处是告诉他们你不能来的原因,因此选reason"原因",前面有冠词the,表示特指,因此用单数形式。故填reason。
(10)考查副词。句意:但是在你最终决定之前你应该仔细考虑。根据before you finally decide(在你最终决定之前)可知,要仔细考虑,因此选careful,修饰动词,要用副词形式。故填carefully。
回答问题 请阅读下面短文,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整切题,并把答案写在答题卡对应题目的答题位置上。
Why should you set goals (目标)?Because goals can help you do and experience everything you want in life.Instead of just letting life happen to you,you should have goals that allow you to make your life happen. A successful person knows what his life will be like and set many goals.It's like a map to show you where you want to go.With it,you can get there easily.Think of it in this way.There re two drivers.The first one has a destination (目的地) in mind,which can be found on a map.So he can drive straight there.But the second driver has no destination.He starts at the same time from the same place as the first driver,but he drives around and doesn't know where to go.Which driver do you want to be? Winners in life set goals and follow them.Unsuccessful people just let go of their life.Goals aren't difficult to set and reach.It's up to you to find out what your goals really are. Research tells us that when we write goals down,it will be easier for us to make it.And we can see them over and over again.So they are harder to forget.When you write your goals down in a special way,they will bring you nearer to what you want.
(1)Why should we set goals?  Because goals can help us do and experience everything we want in life. 
(2)Who knows what their life will be like and set many goals?  Successful people imagine what their life will be like and set many goals. 
(3)Which driver would you like to be if you want to get to the destination easily?  I would like to be the one with a destination in mind. 
(4)What do unsuccessful people just do?  Unsuccessful people just let go of their life. 
(5)When will goals bring you nearer to what you want?  When I write my goals down in a special way,they will bring me nearer to what I want. 
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第1段"Because goals can help you do and experience everything you want in life."(因为目标可以帮助你完成和体验你想要的生活。)可知,设定目标能够帮助你做并且体验生活中你想要的一切。故填:Because goals can help us do and experience everything we want in life.
(2)细节理解题。根据第2段"Successful people imagine what their life will be like and set many goals."(成功人士想象他们的生活将会是什么样子,并设定许多目标。)可知,成功的人会想象他们的生活将会是什么样子的,并且会设定很多目标。故填:Successful people imagine what their life will be like and set many goals
(3)细节理解题。根据第2段"One has a destination (目的地)in mind which can be found on a map.So he can drive straight there.But the other driver has no destination.He starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver,but he drives aimlessly around."(心中有目的地的司机会直接到目的地。但是没有目的地的司机,虽然和有目的地的司机同时同地开始,但是他会无目的的乱转。)因此第一种心中有目的地的司机会更加容易到达目的地。故填:I would like to be the one with a destination in mind.
(4)细节理解题。根据第3段Winners in life set goals and follow them.Unsuccessful people just let go of their life.Goals aren't difficult to set and reach.It's up to you to find out what your goals really are.(生活中的成功者设定目标并按照目标去做。不成功的人只是随遇而安。目标的设定和实现并不难。这取决于你自己去发现你的真正目标是什么。)可知不成功的人只是随遇而安。故填:Unsuccessful people just let go of their life.
(5)细节理解题。根据第4段"When you write your goals down in a particular(特殊的) way,they will bring you nearer to what you want."(当你以一种特殊的方式写下你的目标时,它们会让你更接近你想要的。)可知,当你用一种特殊的方式写下你的目标的话,你将会离你想要的生活更近一步。故填:When I write my goals down in a special way,they will bring me nearer to what I want.
My Holiday Plans
Winter holiday is coming,and I have some plans for it._____
Thirdly,I need to do something I enjoy to relax myself,such as watching TV,listening to music,and playing games.第三,我要做一些自己喜欢的事情来放松我自己,例如看电视,听音乐和游戏等。such as例如。
I hope everyone can take action together and have a pleasant vacation.希望大家一起行动起来,过一个愉快的假期。I hope+宾语从句。
My Holiday Plans
Winter holiday is coming,and I have some plans for it.Firstly,I need to complete my winter homework.Secondly,I need to do some sports.Thirdly,I need to do something I enjoy to relax myself,such as watching TV,listening to music,and playing games. 【高分句型一】(具体计划)To achieve these plans,first I need to develop a study plan for each subject.Secondly,I need to arrange my time reasonably and complete these tasks according to the plan. (如何实现)I hope to complete these plans and achieve good results.I hope everyone can take action together and have a pleasant vacation.【高分句型二】(希望和呼吁)



