

11.(10分)Accidents may happen at any time,as schools always hold a large number of people.It's best for us to know how to keep us safe.The following poster (海报) in the school will help you.
Prepare the first aid (急救) box in the classrooms. □The first aid box should be opened easily so that you can use it quickly if necessary. □Look through the first aid box and learn how to use each thing. □Check the first aid box from time to time to make sure that you have all necessary things. Protect yourself from dangers.Watch out the steps while you go out.Follow the teacher's words and the steps in book if you make experiments (实验) in the classroom.Remember to warm up your body before running or exercising.Keeping away from a large group of people can always help you keep safe. Never do any of the following. □Stand too close to the buildings on windy days. —Some of the broken glass (玻璃) from the windows may fall on you. □Run after others while going up or down stairs (楼梯). —You are taking your life in your hands.
(1)What is necessary in the classroom to keep safe?    
A.The first aid box.
B.A book about school safety.
C.The words from teachers.
D.The words from the headmaster.
(2)What can help save you from an accident according to the poster?    
A.Standing close to school buildings.
B.Keeping away yourself from a large group of people.
C.Running after other students.
D.Running and exercising as often as possible.
(3)What should you do before you begin to do exercise?    
A.Open the first aid box.
B.Watch out the steps.
C.Warm your body.
D.Stop moving.
(4)What do the underlined sentence "taking your life in your hands" probably mean?    
A.Doing something you don't like.
B.Doing something unnecessary.
C.Doing something very dangerous.
D.Doing something boring.
(5)Who is the text written for?    
12.(10分)Once a king got two nice falcons(猎鹰) from his son.He never saw the beautiful falcons before.He loved them so much and he asked the best falconer to train them to fly.
After a few months,the king came to see how the training was going on.He found that one falcon could fly high in the sky,but the other was just staying on the stick(枝条) of a tree quietly.
The king called all his falconers together and asked them to try every way to make the other falcon fly.But all of them failed(失败).One day,when the king was taking a walk in the forest ,he had an idea suddenly.He sent for a farmer in the forest into his palace(宫殿) to train it at once.
The next morning,the king saw the other falcon flying above,in the sky freely."It is unbelievable!"shouted the king. "How could you make it happen?"The farmer answered,"It's very easy.I just cut off the stick where the falcon rested. "
It is always the same to us.We all have "two flying wings( 翅膀)"as well,but we don't often notice(注意) them and stay where we just for safety and comfort.We won't know we can fly so high and freely till we have no stick to rest on.
(1)What did the king do after he got the two falcons?    
A.He kept them on the branch of a tree.
B.He sent them to a farmer in the forest.
C.He set them free and let them fly in the sky.
D.He made the best falconer train them to fly.
(2)Why did the king call all his falconers together?    
A.Because he wanted the other falcon to fly.
B.Because he wanted to get more falcons.
C.Because he wanted them to see his falcons.
D.Because he wanted to know more about his falcons.
(3)Who finally made the other falcon fly freely in the sky?    
A.The king.
B.The farmer.
C.The king's son.
D.The best falconer.
(4)What does the underlined word "unbelievable" mean in Chinese?    
(5)What is the best title for the text?    
A.The Clever King
B.The Flying Wings
C.The Best Falconer
D.The Nice Falcons
13.(10分)In the past,a diary(日记) was something you kept secret.You wrote down your ideas and feelings.But you didn't want others to read it.Then the Internet came.These days many young people write diaries just for other people to read.In the US,one in five students have their own web page.There are stories,pictures and,of course,diaries on it.
Lots of children like writing online diaries because they can write anything they like."In real life,you can't always say what you think. " says Mandy,a student from California."But on the Internet,you are more free. "Mandy has over twenty thousand fans on the Internet.They know what she's busy with,what she's wearing and how she feels through her page.Mandy gets about two hundred emails every day from her fans.
However,some people are not sure that online diaries are safe."The young need to be careful about what they write on a website." says a mother of three. "You don't know who's visiting your website and maybe they're trying to find you,"she says,"It's playing with fire."
Different people have different ideas.We are sure that the Internet makes the world smaller.People get closer to each other.But it's also important to keep ourselves safe.
(1)How many students in America have their own web page?    
(2)Who's Mandy?    
A.A teacher.
B.A student.
C.A mother.
D.A worker.
(3)Why do children like writing diaries on the Internet?    
A.Because they can express themselves more freely.
B.Because they don't have to do their homework at school.
C.Because they don't want others to know about their feelings.
D.Because they think it's safer to do anything on the Internet.
(4)The underlined sentence means writing online diaries is    .
(5)What does the writer think of the Internet?    
A.The Internet always does harm to ourselves.
B.The Internet helps people make good friends.
C.The Internet makes the world become bigger.
D.The Internet is helpful to us but it is also dangerous.
14.(10分)What do"three hearts,eight arms,and one big head"add up to?An octopus(章鱼).(1)    Octopuses don't have strong bodies to help themselves stay safe,but they have cleverer ways.
Octopuses can make the color of their bodies the same as the color of the sand(沙) in the sea.And this happens in less than a minute. (2)   
Some octopuses like to stay in water that has rocks(岩石) in it. (3)   
Another way octopuses can make themselves safe is by shooting ink(喷射墨汁).An octopus uses a part of its body to shoot ink into the water. (4)    Then predators(捕食性动物) cannot see clearly and the octopus has enough time to swim away.But if an octopus is already in trouble,what does it do?It breaks off one of its arms.When the predator tries to catch the arm ,the octopus swims away to safety.But don't worry. (5)   
So the next time you see an octopus,don't forget it is a kind of clever animal in the sea.
根据材料内容,从所给的A﹣E 五个选项中,选出能填入空缺处的最佳答案,使短文通顺、内容完整,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。
A.The ink becomes a cloud.
B.Then predators cannot find them.
C.It's a kind of clever animal in the sea.
D.The octopuses' arms will grow back.
E.They can go into small spaces between the rocks to get out of reach of a predator.
15.(15分)One day,a little boy asked his father,"What does the word 'great' mean?Who are great people and (1)    do they become great?"
The father asked his son to bring two plants.And then he asked his son to plant one of them (2)    the house and the other one outside the house.The boy did as his father said.
The father asked his son,"Which one of the two plants do you think will be (3)    ?" The boy answered,"The plant inside the house will grow bigger (4)    it is safer,while the plant outside the house is not safe at all.No one will be there to (5)    it.Animals may eat it. "The father smiled and said,"Let's wait (6)    .We will know the answer."
Then the boy left for study and he came back to his house four (7)    later.He said to his father,"Look! (8)    happens to this plant inside the house and it is safe."
When the boy went outside,he was (9)    to see a big tree.The boy couldn't believe his eyes.He couldn't (10)    why the plant outside was able to grow much bigger than the one inside."The plant outside the house experiences(经历) every (11)    and many difficulties,"the father explained.(解释)"But the plant inside is safe.It doesn't (12)    weather changes.And it doesn't get enough (13)    ,so it doesn't grow big.
How can a person be great?Here's the (14)    :To become a great person,one must have failed many times ,faced many difficulties and (15)    those difficulties.Only in this way can he be able to become great.
(1) A.how B.what C.when D.where
(2) A.opposite B.inside C.beside D.outside
(3) A.prettier B.bigger C.taller D.greener
(4) A.if B.though C.because D.before
(5) A.laugh at B.take away C.cut down D.care for
(6) A.quickly B.quietly C.happily D.carefully
(7) A.days B.weeks C.months D.years
(8) A.Anything B.Something C.Nothing D.Everything
(9) A.surprised B.upset C.relaxed D.interested
(10) A.decide B.use C.remember D.understand
(11) A.wall B.season C.corner D.person
(12) A.stop B.break C.cause D.feel
(13) A.food B.water C.sunlight D.warmth
(14) A.key B.result C.meaning D.example
(15) A.solved B.found C.protected D.corrected
四、语篇填空(共15分)第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。并请将答案填写在答题卡相应题号后的横线上。
Do you know China's Teeth Care Day?It falls on September 20th every year.It(1)    in 1989.Its aim(目的) is to take good care of people's (2)    .There are thirty﹣eight students in Wang Bin's class,and eleven of (3)    have tooth problems which bring them a lot of trouble.
Mao Kang said,"I had three bad teeth.Each tooth (4)    me four hundred yuan,and I had to see the dentist five times.
Liu Jian said,"Something is (5)    with my front teeth.I don't like to open my mouth.My classmates say my teeth look like an old woman's.I'm sad to hear that.And I can't speak (6)    now.Do you have good teeth,my friend?If you want to take care of your teeth ,please follow the five suggestions below:
★Brush your teeth (7)    least once a day.If you can,brush them after every meal.Brush all your teeth ,and do not just brush the front ones.Brush your teeth slowly and carefully.Spend four (8)    or more each time.
★Do not use your teeth (9)    tools to open bottles.It's very easy to hurt your teeth to do such jobs.
★Eating and drinking are also important to your teeth.Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water.Try not to (10)    cola or other drinks.
第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
17.(5分)Stan and Daniel were the fastest bike riders in the whole school.Daniel was a little taller than Stan,but Stan was a little stronger.They decided to have a big race (1)    Saturday to see who was faster.
Daniel was more careful with his bike than Stan.He put air in his tires(轮胎).He oiled the chain(给链子上油).He checked the frame(骨架) of his bike (2)    make sure everything was just right.Stan did not do anything to his bike.His bike was much more expensive.It had cost three times as much (3)    Daniel's bike.Stan thought that nothing could go wrong.He laughed about all the work Daniel was doing while he watched a movie.
Stan and Daniel arrived at the race (4)    next day.Bob shouted," Go!"The boys began their race.Stan went a little faster (5)    Daniel.He thought he would win the race.Suddenly,Stan heard a noise.The chain had fallen off his bike.
18.(10分)A:Look at this picture.What's it?
B:Oh,it's a robot!
A:You're right.It's the newest robot in the world.
B: (1)   ?
A:It can help with housework.
B: (2)   ?
A:Of course.It can sweep the floor.It can also take care of kids and old people.
B:Will you buy one ?
A: (3)   .Because it's too expensive for me.
B:How much is it?
A: (4)   .We can have a look at it tomorrow.It is on show in the Science Museum.
B: (5)   .Let's go and see it together.
A:Let's meet at 9:00 a.m. ,OK?
B:OK.See you then.
六、书面表达(20 分)
19.(20分)每个人都有自己的爱好,都有养成这种爱好的原因或理由,也有坚持这种爱好的方法或方式。请你根据以下要点及要求,以"My hobby"为题写一篇短文。
(1)What's your hobby?
(1)Why do you like it?
(2)How do you keep your hobby?
(2)80 词左右;

11.(10分)Accidents may happen at any time,as schools always hold a large number of people.It's best for us to know how to keep us safe.The following poster (海报) in the school will help you.
Prepare the first aid (急救) box in the classrooms. □The first aid box should be opened easily so that you can use it quickly if necessary. □Look through the first aid box and learn how to use each thing. □Check the first aid box from time to time to make sure that you have all necessary things. Protect yourself from dangers.Watch out the steps while you go out.Follow the teacher's words and the steps in book if you make experiments (实验) in the classroom.Remember to warm up your body before running or exercising.Keeping away from a large group of people can always help you keep safe. Never do any of the following. □Stand too close to the buildings on windy days. —Some of the broken glass (玻璃) from the windows may fall on you. □Run after others while going up or down stairs (楼梯). —You are taking your life in your hands.
(1)What is necessary in the classroom to keep safe?  A 
A.The first aid box.
B.A book about school safety.
C.The words from teachers.
D.The words from the headmaster.
(2)What can help save you from an accident according to the poster?  B 
A.Standing close to school buildings.
B.Keeping away yourself from a large group of people.
C.Running after other students.
D.Running and exercising as often as possible.
(3)What should you do before you begin to do exercise?  C 
A.Open the first aid box.
B.Watch out the steps.
C.Warm your body.
D.Stop moving.
(4)What do the underlined sentence "taking your life in your hands" probably mean?  C 
A.Doing something you don't like.
B.Doing something unnecessary.
C.Doing something very dangerous.
D.Doing something boring.
(5)Who is the text written for?  D 
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据"Prepare the first aid(急救) box in the classrooms."(在教室里准备好急救箱。)可知A符合题意。故选A。
(2)细节理解题。根据"Keeping away from a large group of people can always help you keep safe."(远离一大群人总是能帮助你保持安全。)可知,远离人群可以帮助你保证安全。故选B。
(3)细节理解题。根据"Remember to warm up your body before running or exercising."(记得在跑步或锻炼前热身。)可知,记得在跑步或锻炼前先热身。故选C。
(4)词句猜测题。根据"Never do any of the following."(切勿执行以下任何操作。)可知,千万不要做下面的任何一件事,所以是危险的事。选项C符合题意。故选C。
(5)推理判断题。根据"Watch out the steps while you go out.Follow the teacher's words and the steps in book if you make experiments…your body before running or exercising."(外出时注意步骤。如果你在跑步或锻炼前做实验,请遵循老师的话和书本上的步骤。)可知,这篇文章是为学生们写的。故选D。
12.(10分)Once a king got two nice falcons(猎鹰) from his son.He never saw the beautiful falcons before.He loved them so much and he asked the best falconer to train them to fly.
After a few months,the king came to see how the training was going on.He found that one falcon could fly high in the sky,but the other was just staying on the stick(枝条) of a tree quietly.
The king called all his falconers together and asked them to try every way to make the other falcon fly.But all of them failed(失败).One day,when the king was taking a walk in the forest ,he had an idea suddenly.He sent for a farmer in the forest into his palace(宫殿) to train it at once.
The next morning,the king saw the other falcon flying above,in the sky freely."It is unbelievable!"shouted the king. "How could you make it happen?"The farmer answered,"It's very easy.I just cut off the stick where the falcon rested. "
It is always the same to us.We all have "two flying wings( 翅膀)"as well,but we don't often notice(注意) them and stay where we just for safety and comfort.We won't know we can fly so high and freely till we have no stick to rest on.
(1)What did the king do after he got the two falcons?  D 
A.He kept them on the branch of a tree.
B.He sent them to a farmer in the forest.
C.He set them free and let them fly in the sky.
D.He made the best falconer train them to fly.
(2)Why did the king call all his falconers together?  A 
A.Because he wanted the other falcon to fly.
B.Because he wanted to get more falcons.
C.Because he wanted them to see his falcons.
D.Because he wanted to know more about his falcons.
(3)Who finally made the other falcon fly freely in the sky?  B 
A.The king.
B.The farmer.
C.The king's son.
D.The best falconer.
(4)What does the underlined word "unbelievable" mean in Chinese?  C 
(5)What is the best title for the text?  B 
A.The Clever King
B.The Flying Wings
C.The Best Falconer
D.The Nice Falcons
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据文中第1段:He loved them so much and he asked the best falconer to train them to fly.(他非常爱它们,他请最好的驯鹰师训练它们飞翔。)可知,国王得到两只猎鹰后他让最好的驯鹰师训练它们飞翔。故选D。
(2)细节理解题。根据文中第3段:The king called all his falconers together and asked them to try every way to make the other falcon fly.(国王把他所有的猎鹰者召集在一起,要求他们想尽一切办法让另一只猎鹰飞起来。)可知,国王把他所有的驯鹰人召集在一起,因为他想让另一只猎鹰飞起来。故选A。
(3)细节理解题。根据文中第4段: "How could you make it happen?"The farmer answered,"It's very easy.I just cut off the stick where the falcon rested. "("你怎么能让它发生?"农夫回答说:"这很容易。我只是砍掉了猎鹰休息的那根棍子。")可知,是农民最终让另一只猎鹰在天空中自由飞翔的。故选B。
(4)词义猜测题。根据文中第4段:The next morning,the king saw the other falcon flying above,in the sky freely."It is unbelievable!"shouted the king.(第二天早上,国王看到另一只猎鹰在上空自由飞翔。"真是......!"国王喊道。)可知,划线部分意为"难以置信的"。故选C。
(5)标题归纳题。根据文中第5段:We all have "two flying wings( 翅膀)"as well,but we don't often notice(注意) them and stay where we just for safety and comfort.We won't know we can fly so high and freely till we have no stick to rest on.(我们都有"两只飞翔的翅膀",但我们并不经常注意到它们,只是为了安全和舒适而呆在原地。我们不会知道我们可以飞得如此之高和自由,直到我们没有棍子休息。)可知,故事告诉我们,我们也有"两只飞翔的翅膀",但往往因为安全和舒适而不愿意尝试飞翔,直到我们没有支撑时才发现自己能够自由飞翔。所以"飞翔的翅膀"作为标题最合适。故选B。
13.(10分)In the past,a diary(日记) was something you kept secret.You wrote down your ideas and feelings.But you didn't want others to read it.Then the Internet came.These days many young people write diaries just for other people to read.In the US,one in five students have their own web page.There are stories,pictures and,of course,diaries on it.
Lots of children like writing online diaries because they can write anything they like."In real life,you can't always say what you think. " says Mandy,a student from California."But on the Internet,you are more free. "Mandy has over twenty thousand fans on the Internet.They know what she's busy with,what she's wearing and how she feels through her page.Mandy gets about two hundred emails every day from her fans.
However,some people are not sure that online diaries are safe."The young need to be careful about what they write on a website." says a mother of three. "You don't know who's visiting your website and maybe they're trying to find you,"she says,"It's playing with fire."
Different people have different ideas.We are sure that the Internet makes the world smaller.People get closer to each other.But it's also important to keep ourselves safe.
(1)How many students in America have their own web page?  A 
(2)Who's Mandy?  B 
A.A teacher.
B.A student.
C.A mother.
D.A worker.
(3)Why do children like writing diaries on the Internet?  A 
A.Because they can express themselves more freely.
B.Because they don't have to do their homework at school.
C.Because they don't want others to know about their feelings.
D.Because they think it's safer to do anything on the Internet.
(4)The underlined sentence means writing online diaries is  C .
(5)What does the writer think of the Internet?  D 
A.The Internet always does harm to ourselves.
B.The Internet helps people make good friends.
C.The Internet makes the world become bigger.
D.The Internet is helpful to us but it is also dangerous.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段In the US,one in five students have their own web page.There are stories,pictures and,of course,diaries on it.(在美国,五分之一的学生有自己的网页,上面有故事、照片,当然也有日记。)可知在美国,五分之一的学生有自己的网页。故选A。
(2)细节理解题。根据第二段In real life,you can't always say what you think. " says Mandy,a student from California."(加利福尼亚的学生曼迪说:"在现实生活中,你并不总是能说出自己的想法。)可知曼迪是一名学生。故选B。
(3)细节理解题。根据第二段Lots of children like writing online diaries because they can write anything they like.(很多孩子喜欢写在线日记,因为他们可以写任何他们喜欢的东西。)可知因为他们可以更自由地表达自己。故选A。
(4)语义猜测题。根据第三段However,some people are not sure that online diaries are safe."The young need to be careful about what they write on a website." says a mother of three. "You don't know who's visiting your website and maybe they're trying to find you,"she says,"It's playing with fire."(然而,有些人不确定在线日记是否安全。一位三个孩子的母亲说:"年轻人在网上写东西要小心。""你不知道谁在访问你的网站,也许他们想找到你,"她说,"这是在玩火。")可知与dangerous"危险的"相符合。故选C。
(5)细节理解题。根据最后一段Different people have different ideas.We are sure that the Internet makes the world smaller.People get closer to each other.But it's also important to keep ourselves safe.(不同的人有不同的想法。我们确信互联网让世界变得更小,人们更加接近。但保护自己的安全也很重要。)可知互联网对我们很有帮助,但它也很危险。故选D。
14.(10分)What do"three hearts,eight arms,and one big head"add up to?An octopus(章鱼).(1) C  Octopuses don't have strong bodies to help themselves stay safe,but they have cleverer ways.
Octopuses can make the color of their bodies the same as the color of the sand(沙) in the sea.And this happens in less than a minute. (2) B 
Some octopuses like to stay in water that has rocks(岩石) in it. (3) E 
Another way octopuses can make themselves safe is by shooting ink(喷射墨汁).An octopus uses a part of its body to shoot ink into the water. (4) A  Then predators(捕食性动物) cannot see clearly and the octopus has enough time to swim away.But if an octopus is already in trouble,what does it do?It breaks off one of its arms.When the predator tries to catch the arm ,the octopus swims away to safety.But don't worry. (5) D 
So the next time you see an octopus,don't forget it is a kind of clever animal in the sea.
根据材料内容,从所给的A﹣E 五个选项中,选出能填入空缺处的最佳答案,使短文通顺、内容完整,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。
A.The ink becomes a cloud.
B.Then predators cannot find them.
C.It's a kind of clever animal in the sea.
D.The octopuses' arms will grow back.
E.They can go into small spaces between the rocks to get out of reach of a predator.
【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据前文An octopus.(一只章鱼。)以及后文Octopuses don't have strong bodies to help themselves stay safe,(章鱼没有强壮的身体来帮助自己保持安全,)可知,此处应是介绍章鱼,所以C项"它是海洋中一种聪明的动物"符合语境。故选C。
(2)推理判断题。根据前文Octopuses can make the color of their bodies the same as the color of the sand(沙) in the sea.And this happens in less than a minute.(章鱼可以让它们身体的颜色和沙子的颜色一样沙在海里。这不到一分钟就发生了。)可知,可以避免被捕食者找到,所以B项"捕食者就找不到它们"符合语境。故选B。
(3)推理判断题。根据前文Some octopuses like to stay in water that has rocks(岩石) in it. (一些章鱼喜欢呆在有石头的水中。)可知,这样可以利用石头保护自己,所以E项"它们可以进入岩石之间的小空间,以躲避捕食者"符合语境。故选E。
(4)推理判断题。根据前文An octopus uses a part of its body to shoot ink into the water.(章鱼用身体的一部分向水中喷射墨汁。)以及后文Then predators(捕食性动物) cannot see clearly and the octopus has enough time to swim away.(然后捕食者看不清楚,章鱼有足够的时间游走。)可知,墨汁可以帮助它逃离,所以A项"墨汁变成一朵云"符合语境。故选A。
(5)推理判断题。根据前文But if an octopus is already in trouble,what does it do?It breaks off one of its arms.When the predator tries to catch the arm ,the octopus swims away to safety.But don't worry.(但是如果章鱼已经有麻烦了,它会怎么做呢?它折断了一只手臂。当捕食者试图抓住手臂时,章鱼会游到安全的地方。不过不用担心。)可知,它们的手臂还会长出来,所以D项"章鱼的手臂会长回来"符合语境。故选D。
15.(15分)One day,a little boy asked his father,"What does the word 'great' mean?Who are great people and (1) A  do they become great?"
The father asked his son to bring two plants.And then he asked his son to plant one of them (2) C  the house and the other one outside the house.The boy did as his father said.
The father asked his son,"Which one of the two plants do you think will be (3) B  ?" The boy answered,"The plant inside the house will grow bigger (4) C  it is safer,while the plant outside the house is not safe at all.No one will be there to (5) D  it.Animals may eat it. "The father smiled and said,"Let's wait (6) B  .We will know the answer."
Then the boy left for study and he came back to his house four (7) D  later.He said to his father,"Look! (8) C  happens to this plant inside the house and it is safe."
When the boy went outside,he was (9) A  to see a big tree.The boy couldn't believe his eyes.He couldn't (10) D  why the plant outside was able to grow much bigger than the one inside."The plant outside the house experiences(经历) every (11) B  and many difficulties,"the father explained.(解释)"But the plant inside is safe.It doesn't (12) D  weather changes.And it doesn't get enough (13) B  ,so it doesn't grow big.
How can a person be great?Here's the (14) A  :To become a great person,one must have failed many times ,faced many difficulties and (15) A  those difficulties.Only in this way can he be able to become great.
(1) A.how B.what C.when D.where
(2) A.opposite B.inside C.beside D.outside
(3) A.prettier B.bigger C.taller D.greener
(4) A.if B.though C.because D.before
(5) A.laugh at B.take away C.cut down D.care for
(6) A.quickly B.quietly C.happily D.carefully
(7) A.days B.weeks C.months D.years
(8) A.Anything B.Something C.Nothing D.Everything
(9) A.surprised B.upset C.relaxed D.interested
(10) A.decide B.use C.remember D.understand
(11) A.wall B.season C.corner D.person
(12) A.stop B.break C.cause D.feel
(13) A.food B.water C.sunlight D.warmth
(14) A.key B.result C.meaning D.example
(15) A.solved B.found C.protected D.corrected
【解答】(1)考查特殊疑问词。句意:谁是伟大的人,他们如何变得伟大?A.how如何;B.what什么;C.when什么时候;D.where哪。根据 Who are great people(谁是伟大的人)可知,他们是如何变得强大的,故选A。
(2)考查介词辨析。句意:然后他让儿子把其中一株种在房子里边,另一株种在房子外面。A.opposite对面的;B.inside里面的;C.beside在...旁边;D.outside外边的。根据the other one outside the house.(另一株种在房子外面)可知,一件种在房子里边,故选C。
(3)考查形容词比较级。句意:你认为这两种植物中哪一种会更大?A.prettier更可爱的;B.bigger更大的;C.taller更高的;D.greener更绿的。根据The plant inside the house will grow bigger (房子里的植物会长得更大)可知,在问,哪一个长得更大,故选B.
(4)考查连词辨析。句意:房子里的植物会长得更大,因为它更安全。A.if如果;B.though虽然;C.because因为;D.before之前。根据while the plant outside the house is not safe at all.(而房子外面的植物一点也不安全。)可知,因为安全所以它长得更大,故选C。
(5)考查动词辨析。句意:没有人会在那里照顾它。A.laugh at嘲笑;B.take away带走;C.cut down砍倒;D.care for关心。根据 while the plant outside the house is not safe at all.(而房子外面的植物一点也不安全。)可知,没有人照顾它,故选D。
(6)考查副词辨析。句意:让我们安静地等待。A.quickly快速地;B.quietly安静地;C.happily高兴地;D.carefully仔细地。根据 We will know the answer(我们会知道答案的)可知,让我们安静地等待,故选B。
(8)考查不定代词辨析。句意:他对父亲说:"看!房子里的这种植物不会发生任何事情,它是安全的。"A.Anything任何事情;B.Something一些事情;C.Nothing什么也没有;D.Everything一切。根据 it is safe(它是安全的)可知,房子里的这种植物不会发生任何事情,故选C。
(9)考查形容词辨析。句意:当男孩出去时,他惊讶地看到一棵大树。A.surprised吃惊的;B.upset不安的;C.relaxed放松的;D.interested感兴趣的。根据The boy couldn't believe his eyes.(他不能相信自己的眼睛)可知,非常吃惊的看到一棵大树,故选A。
(10)考查动词辨析。句意:他不明白为什么外面的植物能够长得比里面的大得多。A.decide决定;B.use使用;C.remember忘记;D.understand理解。根据The boy couldn't believe his eyes.(他不能相信自己的眼睛)可知,他不能理解,故选D。
(11)考查名词辨析。句意:"房子外面的植物经历了每个季节和许多困难,"父亲解释说。A.wall墙;B.season季节;C.corner角落;D.person人。根据It doesn't (12)weather changes.(它感觉不到天气变化。)可知,天气变化是入季节的轮回 ,故选B。
(12)考查动词辨析。句意:它感觉不到天气变化。A.stop停止;B.break打破;C.cause导致;D.feel感受。根据 the plant inside is safe(里面的植物是安全的)可知,它没有感受天气的变化,故选D。
(13)考查名词辨析。句意:它没有得到充足的阳光,因此长不大。A.food食物;B.water水;C.sunlight阳光;D.warmth温暖。根据so it doesn't grow big.(因此长不大)可知,因为没有得到充足的阳光,故选B。
(14)考查名词辨析。句意:关键是:要成为一个伟大的人,你必须经历很多次失败,面对很多困难并解决这些困难。A.key关键;B.result结果;C.meaning意义;D.example例子。根据How can a person be great?(一个人如何才能变得伟大)可知,下文是结果,故选A。
(15)考查动词辨析。句意:关键是:要成为一个伟大的人,你必须经历很多次失败,面对很多困难并解决这些困难。A.solved解决;B.found发现;C.protected保护;D.corrected纠正。根据Only in this way can he be able to become great.(只有这样他才能变得伟大。)可知,面对困难,解决困难,故选A。
四、语篇填空(共15分)第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。并请将答案填写在答题卡相应题号后的横线上。
Do you know China's Teeth Care Day?It falls on September 20th every year.It(1) began  in 1989.Its aim(目的) is to take good care of people's (2) teeth  .There are thirty﹣eight students in Wang Bin's class,and eleven of (3) them  have tooth problems which bring them a lot of trouble.
Mao Kang said,"I had three bad teeth.Each tooth (4) cost  me four hundred yuan,and I had to see the dentist five times.
Liu Jian said,"Something is (5) wrong  with my front teeth.I don't like to open my mouth.My classmates say my teeth look like an old woman's.I'm sad to hear that.And I can't speak (6) clearly  now.Do you have good teeth,my friend?If you want to take care of your teeth ,please follow the five suggestions below:
★Brush your teeth (7) at  least once a day.If you can,brush them after every meal.Brush all your teeth ,and do not just brush the front ones.Brush your teeth slowly and carefully.Spend four (8) minutes  or more each time.
★Do not use your teeth (9) as  tools to open bottles.It's very easy to hurt your teeth to do such jobs.
★Eating and drinking are also important to your teeth.Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water.Try not to (10) drink  cola or other drinks.
(5)考查形容词。句意:我的门牙有点问题。wrong with有毛病,故填wrong。
(7)考查介词。句意:每天至少刷牙一次。固定搭配at least至少,故填at。
第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
17.(5分)Stan and Daniel were the fastest bike riders in the whole school.Daniel was a little taller than Stan,but Stan was a little stronger.They decided to have a big race (1) on  Saturday to see who was faster.
Daniel was more careful with his bike than Stan.He put air in his tires(轮胎).He oiled the chain(给链子上油).He checked the frame(骨架) of his bike (2) to  make sure everything was just right.Stan did not do anything to his bike.His bike was much more expensive.It had cost three times as much (3) as  Daniel's bike.Stan thought that nothing could go wrong.He laughed about all the work Daniel was doing while he watched a movie.
Stan and Daniel arrived at the race (4) the  next day.Bob shouted," Go!"The boys began their race.Stan went a little faster (5) than  Daniel.He thought he would win the race.Suddenly,Stan heard a noise.The chain had fallen off his bike.
(4)考查冠词。句意:Stan和Daniel第二天到达了比赛现场。根据the next day第二天,固定短语,故填:the。
18.(10分)A:Look at this picture.What's it?
B:Oh,it's a robot!
A:You're right.It's the newest robot in the world.
B: (1) What can it do ?
A:It can help with housework.
B: (2) Can it sweep the floor ?
A:Of course.It can sweep the floor.It can also take care of kids and old people.
B:Will you buy one ?
A: (3) No .Because it's too expensive for me.
B:How much is it?
A: (4) I don't know .We can have a look at it tomorrow.It is on show in the Science Museum.
B: (5) Sounds great .Let's go and see it together.
A:Let's meet at 9:00 a.m. ,OK?
B:OK.See you then.
【解答】(1)根据答语It can help with the housework.(它可以帮助做家务。)可知,此处应该询问它能做什么。故填What can it do。
(2)根据答语Of course.Besides sweeping the floor,it can also take care of kids and old people.(当然。除了扫地,它还可以照顾孩子和老人。)可知,此处是一个一般疑问句,应该询问它是否能扫地。故填Can it sweep the floor。
(3)根据答语Because it's too expensive for me.(因为对我来说太贵了。)可知这里是否定回答,故填No。
(4)根据上文How much is it?(它多少钱?)及下文We can have a look at it tomorrow.It is on show in the Science Museum.(我们明天可以去看看。科学博物馆在展览。)可知这里表示不知道价格,故填I don't know。
(5)根据上文We can have a look at it tomorrow.It is on show in the Science Museum.(我们明天可以去看看。科学博物馆在展览。)以及下文Let's go and see it together.(让我们一起看看。)可知,此处应该表示听起来很棒。故填Sounds great。
六、书面表达(20 分)
19.(20分)每个人都有自己的爱好,都有养成这种爱好的原因或理由,也有坚持这种爱好的方法或方式。请你根据以下要点及要求,以"My hobby"为题写一篇短文。
(1)What's your hobby?
(1)Why do you like it?
(2)How do you keep your hobby?
(2)80 词左右;
My hobby
Everyone has his or her own hobby and so do I.My hobby is listening to music.(我的爱好是什么)When I am in trouble,music can make me calm down.【高分句型一】When I am very tired ,it can make me comfortable.【高分句型一】When I am angry with something ,it can also make me happy again.Listening to music keeps me in a good mood and it's good for my health.【高分句型二】(为什么喜欢)Every day,when I go home by bus,I listen to music.In addition,when I am tired of studying at home,I will listen to music to relax.I often take part in singing competitions.(如何保持爱好)



上一篇:2024年九年级B卷提升(一):六选五速成 lesson8(无答案)
