
一、听力测试(总计 30分;每小题约有 8秒钟的答题时间)(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。(5分)
1.(1分)A.Not yet.
B.No way.
C.No good.
2.(1分)A.Thank you.
B.You bet.
C.Well done.
3.(1分)A.Good idea.
B.Be careful.
C.Good luck.
4.(1分)A.Enjoy yourself.
B.OK,I will.
5.(1分)A.That's a shame.
B.That's no excuse.
C.That' s amazing.
(1)   (2)   (3)   
(三)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题 A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(5分)
7.(1分) Why does the girl want to borrow a book by Shakespeare?
A.Because she likes reading his works.
B.Because she has to write a book review.
C.Because she makes a report about Shakespeare.
8.(1分) Where did the man go on holiday?
A.Music museum.
B.Science museum.
C.Art museum.
9.(1分) What does the girl think of climbing Mount Qomolangma?
10.(1分) How's the weather on Sunday?
11.(1分) What does the girl want to be when she grows up?
A.An inventor.
B.An artist.
C.A doctor.
(四)录音中有一段长对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题 A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(4分)
12.(4分)(1)What is the boy's first suggestion?
A.Turning off the lights.
B.Recycling paper.
C.Taking a bus.
(2)How does Linda go to school?
A.On foot.
B.By bike.
C.By car.
(3)Who does most of the shopping in Linda's family?
A.Her sister.
B.Her parents.
C.Her grandparents.
(4)How many suggestions does the boy give?
(1)Tracy A.wants to learn some skills to take care of her kids easily
(2)Daisy B.loves reading the Four Great Masterpieces of China
(3)Eric C.tells her students a story of Three Little Pigs
(六)听力填表(共5 小题;录音播放前,你有 20秒钟的读题时间)(10 分)录音中有一篇短文,是新华中学的一段英语校园广播(English Campus Radio),听短文两遍后,请你根据表格内容提示,记录校园广播的相关信息,完成表格(每空一词)。
School News
The Yesterday's Football Match Our players scored (1)   points and won.
The Star of the School Li Yun collects rubbish and teaches students how to(2)   .
The Photo Competition The photos that you take should be (3)   ,beautiful and meaningful.
School Culture Festival We need some (4)   .
A Talk The famous (5)   Mr Green will come to give a talk,
二、阅读理解(共50分)阅读下列短文,然后从每小题 A、B、C、D中选出能回答所提问问题的最佳答案。
15.(10分)Both my wife and I are running lovers.I usually run on the track(跑道) in my neighbourhood.Most people walk on the track,so I am faster than them.My speed seems amazing to the walkers and I often pass by them twenty or more times around the track. Thismakes me feel proud.
One day,a short man came.He didn't look like much of a runner.I saw him get out of the car and warm up before running when I passed by two walkers.He started running a few metres ahead of me.He was fast but I tried to catch up with him.I had someone to compete with.But after a lap(圈).I fell behind him and had great difficulty in breathing.After two laps,my foot began to hurt,so I have to slow down and began to run at my usual speed.This time I could breath again without sounding like I had a lung disease(肺病) and the pain in my foot went away.In a very short time,he was far ahead.He was too fast for me to follow.
That day,I learned several lessons.In life,there will always be those slower and faster.Some have natural talent(天赋),and some have trained harder.Don't judge the capacity of a person by how he or she looks.
The point is that we each have our own speed.When we are trying to keep up,we of﹣ ten end up trying to keep up.We often end up hurting ourselves and being out of breath.Slow down or speed up,but run your race to your best.Don't run at all when you should be walking.Don't walk when you should be running.
(1)What does underlined "This"refer to?    
A.Being faster than others.
B.Passing others many laps.
C.Being love for running.
D.Running with neighbors.
(2)What did the author think of the short man at first?    
A.He was an amazing runner.
B.He was an experienced driver.
C.He wasn't good at running.
D.He was too proud of himself.
(3)What happened to the author when he slowed down?    
A.His breath became much heavier.
B.His foot didn't hurt any more.
C.He sounded like having an illness.
D.He started to have a pain in his foot.
(4)What does the underlined word "capacity" in paragraph3 probably mean?    
(5)Which can be the best title for the text?    
A.The slower,the healthier
B.The faster,the better
C.Keep fit through running
D.Enjoy your own speed
Three top books for children Where the World Turns Wild Writer :Nicola Penfold (UK) Recommended(推荐) reason:This is a story about adventures.You will think about how to protect the natural world around us after reading it. Within the city walls,people live with no nature around them.Although many people are satisfied with living this way,Juniper and Bear have always dreamed of finding their mother by escaping into the wild.So they set out on their journey.They soon meet both the beauty and the cruelty(残酷) of nature.finding friends and enemies along the way...
The Strangeworlds Travel Agency Writer:L.D.Lapinski (UK) Recommended reason:This is a magical novel for 9+readers .The book will take you to new worlds. One day,12﹣year﹣old Flick Hudson gets into a new shop by chance.She discovers a fantastic secret:there are hundreds of hidden and magical worlds.All you have to do is to pay a visit to the shop and jump into the right suitcase(手提籍).Together with the owner of the shop.Flick starts a magical journey through unknown worlds…
Cloudburst Writer:Wilbur Smith(South Africa),Chris Wakling(UK) Recommended reason:It's an exciting adventure for readers aged10+. Jack Courtney,14,lived in the UK.This summer,Jack's parents are going to Africa for an animal meeting,and they invited Jack.Amelia and Xander to join them.Things get worse when Jack's parents go missing in the rainforest.Now,the three teenagers must find out what's happened and save Jack's parents.However,it's not going to be a simple task…
(1)What's the relationship between Juniper and Bear?    
B.Sister and brother.
D.The owner and worker.
(2)What should Flick do if she wants to visit the other worlds?    
A.Go into a suitcase.
B.Buy something in the old shop.
C.Make some new friends.
D.Share a secret with the shop owner.
(3)Why are Jack Courtney's parents in Congo?    
A.To go on a trip with him.
B.To save their child.
C.To meet their old friends.
D.To take part in a meeting.
(4)Which of the following is TRUE?    
A.We can learn how to find beauty and friends in Nicola's book.
B.The writer of The Strangeworlds Travel Agency is from Africa.
C.Flick Hudson is two years younger than Jack Courtney.
D.Cloudburst is written for children under ten years old.
(5)Where can we probably read this passage?    
A.In a magazine.
B.In a newspaper.
C.On a website.
D.On English textbook.
17.(10分)Is there anyone who likes to do chores(家务活)?Should children help out around the house?For some children,doing chores may be the last thing they want to do.And for many parents,getting their children to help out around the house can be a real headache.But one Malaysian(马来西亚) mother found a creative way.
Nurafiza is the mother of two sons.She came up a reward system(奖励体系) for her sons at home.She made a list of chores for her children and gave them money for each task they had completed.The list of chores included cleaning up the house and putting away their toys for RM50 each,studying for RM150,and even not fighting with each other for RM10 to RM15.When her boys had trouble sleeping、she rewarded them with RM50 for going to bed.Murafiza also opened a"mini﹣mart"at home for her children to spend the money in.Her three﹣year﹣old and six﹣year﹣old sons could buy snacks from her mini﹣mart which was open from 10am to 8pm.The money she gave to her children was not real money.
Because of this system,both of Nurnfiza's children are now more willing to do their chores.Her post has got over 15.000 likes and has been shared over 27.000 times.Many parents have started to imitate her.They use the same way to discipline(管教) their children.
In fact,doing chores is important for children's development,First,chores teaches children basic life skills,like cooking,cleaning and so on.Second,doing chores is a good way to exercise children's bodies.It helps them stay healthy.Third,doing chores creates opportunities(机会)for parents and children to be together.The relationship between them can become much closer.Finally,do chores can help a child grow into a responsible,confident and independent person by helping with the housework.
(1)How does the writer start the passage?    
A.A.By telling a story.
B.By offering advice.
C.By giving examples.
D.By asking questions.
(2)What do we know about Nurafiza?    
A.She is a clever mother from Singapore.
B.She has two sons and a daughter.
C.She gave her children real money for chores.
D.She opened a "mini mart" at home.
(3)What's the underlined word "imitate" mean in English?    
(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?    
A.Nurafiza's children can ger RM50 for studying.
B.Nurafiza's children never fight with each other.
C.The "mini﹣mart" is open for eight hours a day.
D.Doing chores can make children more confident.
(5)What's the writer's purpose of writing the passage?    
A.To introduce a clever woman.
B.To encourage children to do housework.
C.To explain a good reward system.
D.To discuss the ways to do housework.
18.(10分)Now glasses have become a daily necessity(必需品) for some of us.Sowhat do you know about them?
Nobody knows who made the first wearable eyeglasses,but experts say they appeared in Italy.Early eyeglasses were like magnifying glasses(放大镜).And most of them weren't even made of glass!Instead,many early eyeglasses were made of quartz(石英).That's because most glass at that time wasn't clear.so it wouldn't have worked well for eye﹣glasses.
Eyeglasses didn't look much like modern glasses until the 1700's.That's when people added car stems(镜腿) to hold the glasses on their faces.Glasses also became much more common around this time,probably because reading and writing became more popular.
People didn't start seeing eye doctors for glasses until the 1800s.In those days,people simply tried on different pairs of glasses until they found one that made them see better.Eye doctors changed all that.They gave people an eye test to see whether they needed a pair of glasses or not.
Different kinds of glasses have also appeared.Sunglasses are about as old as eyeglasses.People in China started wearing sunglasses in the 12th century.These early sunglasses were also made of quartz.Nowadays,many people also like to wear contact lenses(隐形眼镜),which were invented by a German in 1887.The first contact lenses were very uncomfortable to wear.However,today's lenses are soft er and can be worn all day.However,you should always take your contact lenses out at night.Some people even like to wear glasses without lenses.These are called fashion glasses,and they come in many shapes and sizes to match everyone's personal style.
(1)What can we learn from the second paragraph?    
A.What early glasses were made of.
B.How early glasses were created.
C.When glasses were first made.
D.Who made the first set of glasses.
(2)What might have made glasses more common in the 1700s?    
A.Wearing glasses made people look much better.
B.More and more people liked reading and writing.
C.Ear stems were used to keep glasses on people's faces.
D.People had better eyesight with the help of eye doctors.
(3)Which of the following is TRUE about sunglasses?    
A.They first appeared in Italy.
B.Early sunglasses were made of quartz.
C.They were invented by a German.
D.People wear them just to look good.
(4)How many kinds of glasses are mentioned in the passage?    
(5)What's the best title for the passage?    
A.How Did Glasses Develop?
B.Why Do People Wear Glasses?
C.What Kind of Glasses Will Suit You
D.When Is the Best Time to Have an Eye Test?
三、短文还原(共5空,每空 2分,计 10分)阅读短文,从短文下面方框中的六个句子中选择五个还原到短文中,使短文通顺完整、衔接自然。
19.(10分)Jim Barnes ,15,from Oxford,talks about what his family does every day to save the planet.
A British family can produce more than one ton of rubbish a year.(1)   .It also costs a lot of money to buy new things to replace the things we throw away.
To help save the planet and save money,our family has decided to recycle everything.We collect used things like paper and bottles,and put them in different bins(垃圾桶).After they are treated in a recycling centre,they can be used again.This will help reduce a lot of waste.We are also going to grow our own vegetables and we already have chickens.(2)   .
In a year,a family like ours uses about 4,800 kWh for watching TV,taking showers,using the dishwasher and the washing machine,and more.That is a lot.(3)   .This pollution can cause health problems and global warming.
Because of all this,we have decided to do something to save electricity.We watch less TV and use low energy light bulbs now.We no longer use the dishwasher.(4)   .
What's more,we try to use our car less to reduce air pollution.My dad organizes a car﹣pool with our neighbors and they take turns driving to work.(5)   .How cool is that!
A.And I ride my bicycle to school
B.To produce that much energy,a lot of pollution is created
C.Some of this rubbish will take hundreds of years to recycle
D.Turn off the lights when you do not need them
E.Soon,we will be able to eat our own eggs for breakfast
F.Mum also tries to save energy while cooking
四、综合填空(计 30 分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从下面方框内所给11个词中选择意义相符的词,必要时进行词形变化,填入空白处,每空一词。
method twenty relationship against but well﹣known one people Asia close by
When it comes to the ways that Chinese people relax in their spare time,square dancing and playing mahjong are among the most popular (1)   .
Square dancing comes from the social life of Chinese people.They have not only created the dance, (2)   further developed it from an activity for the elderly to one for people of all ages.And they have made the dance (3)    connected with their everyday life.
Square dancing can be an excellent sport.Regularly(经常地) doing square dancing is good for (4)    physical health.At the same time,it can also improve their personal(5)   so that their cultural life is more colorful.
Mahjong was developed in China during the Qing Dynasty and has spread around the world since the early (6)   century.It is commonly played (7)    four players.But you can still find some three﹣player mahjong games in Japan,Korea and some other (8)   countries.Mahjong is a game of skill and strategy(策略).It also has some﹣thing to do with luck.
There are more than ten kinds of mahjong playing (9)    in China.By playing mahjong,people can have a lot of fun.It has become a (10)    activity.
encourage influence join control realize relax found become suffer play tell
Nenad Bach is an American artist.For many years,he performed around the world with some famous musicians.However,all of that came to a sudden end in 2010.
Bach (1)    that he had Parkinson's discase(帕金森症) in a hospital that year.Parkinson disease is a serious condition.If it's not treated in time,it (2)    people's movements.During this time,he lived a very hard life.
One day,a friend of his invited him to play table tennis (3)   .Bach said yes without thinking too much.To his friend's surprise,Bach fell in love with this game."While I (4)   table tennis,I feel like I am a young person full of energy."he told his friend.
With the help of his friends,he (5)    Ping Pong Parkinson in 2017.It aims to help more people (6)   the power of the sport.Later,he attended the 2019 World Table Tennis Championship for Parkinson's.There he shared his story,"I used to (7)    from the disease then and I couldn't even play a chord(和弦) on my guitar.But I never give up.Thanks to the sport,I (8)    healthier and happier than before."he says.
Now Bach actively (9)    people with Parkinson's to play table tennis.And he even teaches them to how to play.He hopes that more people (10)   him in the future and discover the value of playing table tennis.
22.(10分)I'm Jack and I am from England.I left my home town in the late 1990s.Unconsciously(不知不觉地).I have been living abroad for more than 20 years.During my years abroad,I have been used to keeping a diary of what I see and hear every day.It's a record of my life away from home.
In 1998,I first moved to Hong Kong and stayed there for about two years.Then I kept moving from city to city in China.During the period.I visited many places of interest in China.Then I spent some time in Japan.After that,I was in Thailand.My friends were not surprised to learn that I had moved to a new place again,because moving around was the norm(常态) for me.
Now I'm in Malaysia(马来西亚),I found a flat in the central part of Kuala Lumpur,the capital city of Malaysia. It's a magical city that I loved to stay in.I hate the cold winter in England,and the warm weather in Kuala Lumpur makes me much more comfortable.
Many people ask me if I miss my home town.I used to say"yes".The last time I went back was about two years ago.I met my parents and some relatives I hadn't seen in years and talked to them about about life abroad.At the time,I realized that our lives were completely different.
So compared to my life in England.I now enjoy my life in Malaysia more.
(1)What habit has the writer got into when living abroad?
(2)How did the writer's friends feel about his moving to Thailand?
(3)Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
(4)When was the last time the writer went back to Britain?
(5)According to the passage,how many countries has the writer ever lived in by now?
23.(20分)你的英国笔友 Mike 对中国文化感兴趣,请你结合表格内容给他写一封回信。
(3)词数:不少于80 个词;
Great wonders The Great Wall(about 21,196 kilometers long)…
Great people Confucius…
Great inventions
Dear Mark.
I'm glad to hear that you are interested in Chinese culture.I'd like share something interesting with you.
I hope this brief introduction can give you a better understanding of Chinese culture.If you have any question,please ask me.I'm looking forward to discussing more interesting topics with you.
Best regards,
Li Hua

二、阅读理解(共50分)阅读下列短文,然后从每小题 A、B、C、D中选出能回答所提问问题的最佳答案。
15.(10分)Both my wife and I are running lovers.I usually run on the track(跑道) in my neighbourhood.Most people walk on the track,so I am faster than them.My speed seems amazing to the walkers and I often pass by them twenty or more times around the track. Thismakes me feel proud.
One day,a short man came.He didn't look like much of a runner.I saw him get out of the car and warm up before running when I passed by two walkers.He started running a few metres ahead of me.He was fast but I tried to catch up with him.I had someone to compete with.But after a lap(圈).I fell behind him and had great difficulty in breathing.After two laps,my foot began to hurt,so I have to slow down and began to run at my usual speed.This time I could breath again without sounding like I had a lung disease(肺病) and the pain in my foot went away.In a very short time,he was far ahead.He was too fast for me to follow.
That day,I learned several lessons.In life,there will always be those slower and faster.Some have natural talent(天赋),and some have trained harder.Don't judge the capacity of a person by how he or she looks.
The point is that we each have our own speed.When we are trying to keep up,we of﹣ ten end up trying to keep up.We often end up hurting ourselves and being out of breath.Slow down or speed up,but run your race to your best.Don't run at all when you should be walking.Don't walk when you should be running.
(1)What does underlined "This"refer to?  B 
A.Being faster than others.
B.Passing others many laps.
C.Being love for running.
D.Running with neighbors.
(2)What did the author think of the short man at first?  C 
A.He was an amazing runner.
B.He was an experienced driver.
C.He wasn't good at running.
D.He was too proud of himself.
(3)What happened to the author when he slowed down?  B 
A.His breath became much heavier.
B.His foot didn't hurt any more.
C.He sounded like having an illness.
D.He started to have a pain in his foot.
(4)What does the underlined word "capacity" in paragraph3 probably mean?  D 
(5)Which can be the best title for the text?  D 
A.The slower,the healthier
B.The faster,the better
C.Keep fit through running
D.Enjoy your own speed
【解答】(1)代词指代题。根据第1段"My speed seems amazing to the walkers and I often pass by them twenty or more times around the track. This makes me feel proud."(我的速度对步行者来说是惊人的,我经常在赛道上经过他们20多次。这让我感到骄傲。)可知This指的是在赛道上经过他们20多次。故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据第2段"One day,a short man came.He didn't look like much of a runner."(一天,一个矮个子男人来了。他看起来不像一个跑步者。)可知作者对这个矮个子男人的第一印象是他不善于跑步。故选C。
(3)细节理解题。根据第2段"After two laps,my foot began to hurt,so I have to slow down and began to run at my usual speed.This time I could breath again without sounding like I had a lung disease(肺病) and the pain in my foot went away."(两圈后,我的脚开始疼,所以我不得不放慢速度,开始以我平时的速度奔跑。这一次,我可以再次呼吸了,听起来不像我得了肺病,脚痛也消失了。)可知放慢速度以后作者的脚不再疼了。故选B。
(4)词义猜测题。根据第3段"In life,there will always be those slower and faster.Some have natural talent(天赋),and some have trained harder.Don't judge the capacity of a person by how he or she looks."(在生活中,总会有那些越来越慢、越来越快的。有些人天赋异禀,有些人训练更刻苦。不要以外表来评判一个人的能力。)可知生活中人们有快有慢,有的有天赋而有的训练更努力,不要以长相来判断一个人的能力,capacity与ability意思相近。故选D。
(5)标题归纳题。本文通过作者跑步时的亲身经历告诉我们:我们每个人都有自己的速度。当你应该慢速跑的时候,不要跑得快。当你应该走的时候,不要跑。该跑的时候不要走。用"Enjoy your own speed"做标题最合适。故选D。
Three top books for children Where the World Turns Wild Writer :Nicola Penfold (UK) Recommended(推荐) reason:This is a story about adventures.You will think about how to protect the natural world around us after reading it. Within the city walls,people live with no nature around them.Although many people are satisfied with living this way,Juniper and Bear have always dreamed of finding their mother by escaping into the wild.So they set out on their journey.They soon meet both the beauty and the cruelty(残酷) of nature.finding friends and enemies along the way...
The Strangeworlds Travel Agency Writer:L.D.Lapinski (UK) Recommended reason:This is a magical novel for 9+readers .The book will take you to new worlds. One day,12﹣year﹣old Flick Hudson gets into a new shop by chance.She discovers a fantastic secret:there are hundreds of hidden and magical worlds.All you have to do is to pay a visit to the shop and jump into the right suitcase(手提籍).Together with the owner of the shop.Flick starts a magical journey through unknown worlds…
Cloudburst Writer:Wilbur Smith(South Africa),Chris Wakling(UK) Recommended reason:It's an exciting adventure for readers aged10+. Jack Courtney,14,lived in the UK.This summer,Jack's parents are going to Africa for an animal meeting,and they invited Jack.Amelia and Xander to join them.Things get worse when Jack's parents go missing in the rainforest.Now,the three teenagers must find out what's happened and save Jack's parents.However,it's not going to be a simple task…
(1)What's the relationship between Juniper and Bear?  B 
B.Sister and brother.
D.The owner and worker.
(2)What should Flick do if she wants to visit the other worlds?  A 
A.Go into a suitcase.
B.Buy something in the old shop.
C.Make some new friends.
D.Share a secret with the shop owner.
(3)Why are Jack Courtney's parents in Congo?  D 
A.To go on a trip with him.
B.To save their child.
C.To meet their old friends.
D.To take part in a meeting.
(4)Which of the following is TRUE?  C 
A.We can learn how to find beauty and friends in Nicola's book.
B.The writer of The Strangeworlds Travel Agency is from Africa.
C.Flick Hudson is two years younger than Jack Courtney.
D.Cloudburst is written for children under ten years old.
(5)Where can we probably read this passage?  C 
A.In a magazine.
B.In a newspaper.
C.On a website.
D.On English textbook.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据文章第一栏中"Juniper and Bear have always dreamed of finding their mother by escaping into the wild"(Juniper和Bear一直梦想着逃到野外找到他们的母亲)可知,Juniper和Bear是兄弟或姐妹关系,故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据文章第二栏中" One day,12﹣year﹣old Flick Hudson gets into a new shop by chance.She discovers a fantastic secret:there are hundreds of hidden and magical worlds.All you have to do is to pay a visit to the shop and jump into the right suitcase(手提籍).Together with the owner of the shop.Flick starts a magical journey through unknown worlds…"(有一天,12岁的弗利克 哈德森偶然走进一家新商店,她发现了一个奇妙的秘密:里面有数百个隐藏的神奇世界。你所要做的就是参观商店并跳入其中正确的手提箱。与店主一起。弗利克开始了穿越未知世界的神奇之旅……)可知,如果弗利克想去其他世界,应该参观那家商店,进入正确的手提箱,故选A。
(3)细节理解题。根据文章第三栏中"This summer,Jack's parents are going to Africa for an animal meeting,"(今年夏天,杰克的父母要去非洲参加动物会议,)可知,杰克 考特尼的父母在刚果参加会议,故选D。
(4)细节理解题。根据文章第二栏中"12﹣year﹣old Flick Hudson"(12岁的弗利克 哈德森)和第三栏中"Jack Courtney,14,lived in the UK."(杰克 考特尼,14 岁,住在英国。)可知,弗利克 哈德森比杰克 考特尼小两岁,故选C。
17.(10分)Is there anyone who likes to do chores(家务活)?Should children help out around the house?For some children,doing chores may be the last thing they want to do.And for many parents,getting their children to help out around the house can be a real headache.But one Malaysian(马来西亚) mother found a creative way.
Nurafiza is the mother of two sons.She came up a reward system(奖励体系) for her sons at home.She made a list of chores for her children and gave them money for each task they had completed.The list of chores included cleaning up the house and putting away their toys for RM50 each,studying for RM150,and even not fighting with each other for RM10 to RM15.When her boys had trouble sleeping、she rewarded them with RM50 for going to bed.Murafiza also opened a"mini﹣mart"at home for her children to spend the money in.Her three﹣year﹣old and six﹣year﹣old sons could buy snacks from her mini﹣mart which was open from 10am to 8pm.The money she gave to her children was not real money.
Because of this system,both of Nurnfiza's children are now more willing to do their chores.Her post has got over 15.000 likes and has been shared over 27.000 times.Many parents have started to imitate her.They use the same way to discipline(管教) their children.
In fact,doing chores is important for children's development,First,chores teaches children basic life skills,like cooking,cleaning and so on.Second,doing chores is a good way to exercise children's bodies.It helps them stay healthy.Third,doing chores creates opportunities(机会)for parents and children to be together.The relationship between them can become much closer.Finally,do chores can help a child grow into a responsible,confident and independent person by helping with the housework.
(1)How does the writer start the passage?  D 
A.A.By telling a story.
B.By offering advice.
C.By giving examples.
D.By asking questions.
(2)What do we know about Nurafiza?  D 
A.She is a clever mother from Singapore.
B.She has two sons and a daughter.
C.She gave her children real money for chores.
D.She opened a "mini mart" at home.
(3)What's the underlined word "imitate" mean in English?  C 
(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  D 
A.Nurafiza's children can ger RM50 for studying.
B.Nurafiza's children never fight with each other.
C.The "mini﹣mart" is open for eight hours a day.
D.Doing chores can make children more confident.
(5)What's the writer's purpose of writing the passage?  B 
A.To introduce a clever woman.
B.To encourage children to do housework.
C.To explain a good reward system.
D.To discuss the ways to do housework.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Is there anyone who likes to do chores(家务活)?Should children help out around the house?(有人喜欢做家务活吗?孩子们应该帮忙做家务吗?)可知,作者是通过提问来开始这篇文章的。故选D。
(2)细节理解题。根据第二段Murafiza also opened a"mini﹣mart"at home for her children to spend the money in. (Murafiza还在家里开了一个"迷你超市",让她的孩子们把钱花在那里。)可知,Murafiza在家里开了一个"迷你超市"。故选D。
(3)词义猜测题。根据第四段最后一句They use the same way to discipline(管教)their children.(他们用同样的方法管教孩子。)可知,是在效仿她的做法。所以划线词意为"效仿"。选项C"效仿"与之相对应。故选C。
(4)细节理解题。根据最后一段Finally,do chores can help a child grow into a responsible,confident and independent person by helping with the housework.(最后,做家务可以帮助孩子成长为一个负责任、自信和独立的人。)可知,做家务可以让孩子更加自信。故选D。
18.(10分)Now glasses have become a daily necessity(必需品) for some of us.Sowhat do you know about them?
Nobody knows who made the first wearable eyeglasses,but experts say they appeared in Italy.Early eyeglasses were like magnifying glasses(放大镜).And most of them weren't even made of glass!Instead,many early eyeglasses were made of quartz(石英).That's because most glass at that time wasn't clear.so it wouldn't have worked well for eye﹣glasses.
Eyeglasses didn't look much like modern glasses until the 1700's.That's when people added car stems(镜腿) to hold the glasses on their faces.Glasses also became much more common around this time,probably because reading and writing became more popular.
People didn't start seeing eye doctors for glasses until the 1800s.In those days,people simply tried on different pairs of glasses until they found one that made them see better.Eye doctors changed all that.They gave people an eye test to see whether they needed a pair of glasses or not.
Different kinds of glasses have also appeared.Sunglasses are about as old as eyeglasses.People in China started wearing sunglasses in the 12th century.These early sunglasses were also made of quartz.Nowadays,many people also like to wear contact lenses(隐形眼镜),which were invented by a German in 1887.The first contact lenses were very uncomfortable to wear.However,today's lenses are soft er and can be worn all day.However,you should always take your contact lenses out at night.Some people even like to wear glasses without lenses.These are called fashion glasses,and they come in many shapes and sizes to match everyone's personal style.
(1)What can we learn from the second paragraph?  A 
A.What early glasses were made of.
B.How early glasses were created.
C.When glasses were first made.
D.Who made the first set of glasses.
(2)What might have made glasses more common in the 1700s?  B 
A.Wearing glasses made people look much better.
B.More and more people liked reading and writing.
C.Ear stems were used to keep glasses on people's faces.
D.People had better eyesight with the help of eye doctors.
(3)Which of the following is TRUE about sunglasses?  A 
A.They first appeared in Italy.
B.Early sunglasses were made of quartz.
C.They were invented by a German.
D.People wear them just to look good.
(4)How many kinds of glasses are mentioned in the passage?  C 
(5)What's the best title for the passage?  A 
A.How Did Glasses Develop?
B.Why Do People Wear Glasses?
C.What Kind of Glasses Will Suit You
D.When Is the Best Time to Have an Eye Test?
【解答】(1)段落大意题。根据第二段Nobody knows who made the first wearable eyeglasses,but experts say they appeared in Italy.Early eyeglasses were like magnifying glasses(放大镜).And most of them weren't even made of glass!Instead,many early eyeglasses were made of quartz(石英).That's because most glass at that time wasn't clear,so it wouldn't have worked well for eye﹣ glasses.(没有人知道是谁发明了第一副可穿戴眼镜,但专家称它们出现在意大利。早期的眼镜就像放大镜。而且大多数都不是用玻璃做的!相反,许多早期的眼镜是由石英制成的。那是因为当时大多数玻璃都不透明。所以这对眼镜来说就不太管用了。)可知第二段说的是早期的眼镜是用什么做的。故选A。
(2)细节理解题。根据第三段Eyeglasses didn't look much like modern glasses until the 1700's .That's when people added car stems(镜腿) to hold the glasses on their faces.Glasses also became much more common around this time ,probably because reading and writing became more popular.(直到18世纪,眼镜才看起来和现代眼镜很像。那时候人们在脸上加上了车柄来固定眼镜。在这个时期,眼镜也变得更加普遍。可能是因为阅读和写作变得更受欢迎。)可知,在18世纪时,阅读和写作变得更加流行,所以更多人需要眼镜。故选B。
(3)细节理解题。根据第二段Nobody knows who made the first wearable eyeglasses,but experts say they appeared in Italy.(没有人知道是谁发明了第一副可穿戴眼镜,但专家称它们出现在意大利。)可知它们最早出现在意大利。故选A。
(4)细节理解题。根据第三段Eyeglasses didn't look much like modern glasses until the 1700's .That's when people added car stems(镜腿) to hold the glasses on their faces.(直到18世纪,眼镜才看起来很像现代眼镜。这是人们戴上耳柄来戴眼镜的时候。)和倒数第二段bifocal(双光眼镜),Sunglasses(太阳镜),contact lenses(隐形眼镜)以及最后一段fashion glasses(时尚眼镜)可知,本文一共提及了五种眼镜:普通眼镜,双光眼镜,太阳眼镜,隐形眼镜,时尚眼镜。故选C。
(5)标题归纳题。根据第一段Now glasses have become a daily necessity(必需品) for some of us.So what do you know about them?(现在,眼镜已经成为我们一些人的日常必需品。你对他们了解多少?)及其后文内容,可知文章说的是眼镜是如何发展的。故选A。
三、短文还原(共5空,每空 2分,计 10分)阅读短文,从短文下面方框中的六个句子中选择五个还原到短文中,使短文通顺完整、衔接自然。
19.(10分)Jim Barnes ,15,from Oxford,talks about what his family does every day to save the planet.
A British family can produce more than one ton of rubbish a year.(1) C .It also costs a lot of money to buy new things to replace the things we throw away.
To help save the planet and save money,our family has decided to recycle everything.We collect used things like paper and bottles,and put them in different bins(垃圾桶).After they are treated in a recycling centre,they can be used again.This will help reduce a lot of waste.We are also going to grow our own vegetables and we already have chickens.(2) E .
In a year,a family like ours uses about 4,800 kWh for watching TV,taking showers,using the dishwasher and the washing machine,and more.That is a lot.(3) B .This pollution can cause health problems and global warming.
Because of all this,we have decided to do something to save electricity.We watch less TV and use low energy light bulbs now.We no longer use the dishwasher.(4) F .
What's more,we try to use our car less to reduce air pollution.My dad organizes a car﹣pool with our neighbors and they take turns driving to work.(5) A .How cool is that!
A.And I ride my bicycle to school
B.To produce that much energy,a lot of pollution is created
C.Some of this rubbish will take hundreds of years to recycle
D.Turn off the lights when you do not need them
E.Soon,we will be able to eat our own eggs for breakfast
F.Mum also tries to save energy while cooking
【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据上文A British family can produce more than one ton of rubbish a year.(一个英国家庭每年产生超过一吨的垃圾。)和下文It also costs a lot of money to buy new things to replace the things we throw away.(它也花费大量金钱买新的东西来代替我们扔掉的东西。)可知此处介绍垃圾带来的危害。C选项"一些垃圾需要数百年循环降解。"符合题意。故选C。
(2)细节推理题。根据上文We are also going to grow our own vegetables and we already have chickens.(我们也将自己种蔬菜,我们已经养了鸡。)可知此处表示可以吃自己种的东西。E选项"很快,我们就能在早餐吃自己养的鸡下的蛋了。"符合题意。故选E。
(3)细节推理题。根据下文This pollution can cause health problems and global warming.(污染可以引起健康问题和全球变暖。)可知此处介绍污染带来的问题。B选项"为了产生更多的能量,污染就变多了。"符合题意。故选B。
(4)细节推理题。根据上文We no longer use the dishwasher.(我们不再使用洗碗机。)可知此处介绍在厨房节约能源。F选项"妈妈也尽量在烹饪时节约能源。"符合题意。故选F。
(5)细节推理题。根据上文What's more,we try to use our car less to reduce air pollution.(此外,我们尽量少开车以减少空气污染。)和下文How cool is that!(多酷啊!)可知此处指交通方式的改变。A选项"我可以骑自行车去上学。"符合题意。故选A。
四、综合填空(计 30 分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从下面方框内所给11个词中选择意义相符的词,必要时进行词形变化,填入空白处,每空一词。
method twenty relationship against but well﹣known one people Asia close by
When it comes to the ways that Chinese people relax in their spare time,square dancing and playing mahjong are among the most popular (1) ones .
Square dancing comes from the social life of Chinese people.They have not only created the dance, (2) but further developed it from an activity for the elderly to one for people of all ages.And they have made the dance (3) closely  connected with their everyday life.
Square dancing can be an excellent sport.Regularly(经常地) doing square dancing is good for (4) people's  physical health.At the same time,it can also improve their personal(5) relationships so that their cultural life is more colorful.
Mahjong was developed in China during the Qing Dynasty and has spread around the world since the early (6) twentieth century.It is commonly played (7) by  four players.But you can still find some three﹣player mahjong games in Japan,Korea and some other (8) Asian countries.Mahjong is a game of skill and strategy(策略).It also has some﹣thing to do with luck.
There are more than ten kinds of mahjong playing (9) methods  in China.By playing mahjong,people can have a lot of fun.It has become a (10) well﹣ known  activity.
(2)考查连词。句意:他们不仅创造了这种舞蹈,而且还将其从老年人的活动进一步发展为所有年龄的人都可以参加的活动。固定搭配not only...but不但......而且,故填but。
(9)考查名词。句意:中国有十多种麻将玩法。method方法,可数名词,all kinds of后面加名词复数,故填methods。
(10)考查形容词。句意:这已经成为一项众所周知的活动。well﹣ known众所周知的,形容词,修饰后面的名词activity,故填well﹣ known。
encourage influence join control realize relax found become suffer play tell
Nenad Bach is an American artist.For many years,he performed around the world with some famous musicians.However,all of that came to a sudden end in 2010.
Bach (1) was told  that he had Parkinson's discase(帕金森症) in a hospital that year.Parkinson disease is a serious condition.If it's not treated in time,it (2) will influence  people's movements.During this time,he lived a very hard life.
One day,a friend of his invited him to play table tennis (3) to relax .Bach said yes without thinking too much.To his friend's surprise,Bach fell in love with this game."While I (4) play table tennis,I feel like I am a young person full of energy."he told his friend.
With the help of his friends,he (5) founded  Ping Pong Parkinson in 2017.It aims to help more people (6) realize the power of the sport.Later,he attended the 2019 World Table Tennis Championship for Parkinson's.There he shared his story,"I used to (7) suffer  from the disease then and I couldn't even play a chord(和弦) on my guitar.But I never give up.Thanks to the sport,I (8) have become  healthier and happier than before."he says.
Now Bach actively (9) encourages  people with Parkinson's to play table tennis.And he even teaches them to how to play.He hopes that more people (10) will join him in the future and discover the value of playing table tennis.
【解答】(1)考查动词时态和语态。句意:那年他在医院被告知自己患有帕金森病。根据that year可知本句用一般过去时,根据所给单词和句意,可知此处表示"被告知",主语是单数he,be动词用was,told是tell的过去分词。故填was told。
(2)考查动词时态。句意:如果不及时治疗,将会影响人的运动能力。if引导条件状语从句,遵循主将从现原则,主句需用一般将来时。influence影响,动词,符合题意。故填will influence。
(3)考查不定式。句意:一天,他的一个朋友邀请他去打乒乓球放松。根据所给单词和句意,可知此处表示"放松",不定式表示目的。故填to relax。
(4)考查动词时态。句意:当我打乒乓球时,我觉得自己就像一个充满活力的年轻人。根据I feel like I am可知本句用一般现在时,主语是I,谓语动词用原形。故填play。
(5)考查动词时态。句意:在朋友的帮助下,他在2017年创立了"乒乓帕金森"组织。根据in 2017可知本句用一般过去时。根据句意和It aims(它旨在)可知这是一个组织,found建立,符合题意,founded是过去式。故填founded。
(6)考查动词。句意:它旨在帮助更多的人意识到运动的力量。help sb.do帮助某人做,realize意识到,动词,符合题意。故填realize。
(7)考查动词。句意:过去我常常忍受这个疾病带来的痛苦,我甚至不能用吉他弹和弦。used to do过去常常,suffer from承受痛苦,固定短语。故填suffer。
(8)考查动词时态。句意:多亏了这项运动,我已经变得比以前更健康更快乐。根据句意可知此处用现在完成时,表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响是变得更健康更快乐。主语是I,助动词用have。become变得,系动词,符合题意。故填have become。
(9)考查动词时态。句意:现在,Bach积极地鼓励帕金森病患者打乒乓球。根据Now可知本句用一般现在时,主语是单数Bach,谓语动词用第三人称单数。encourage sb.to do鼓励某人做,固定短语。故填encourages。
(10)考查动词时态。句意:他希望未来能有更多的人加入他,并发现打乒乓球的价值。根据in the future可知本句用一般将来时。join sb.加入某人,固定短语。故填will join。
22.(10分)I'm Jack and I am from England.I left my home town in the late 1990s.Unconsciously(不知不觉地).I have been living abroad for more than 20 years.During my years abroad,I have been used to keeping a diary of what I see and hear every day.It's a record of my life away from home.
In 1998,I first moved to Hong Kong and stayed there for about two years.Then I kept moving from city to city in China.During the period.I visited many places of interest in China.Then I spent some time in Japan.After that,I was in Thailand.My friends were not surprised to learn that I had moved to a new place again,because moving around was the norm(常态) for me.
Now I'm in Malaysia(马来西亚),I found a flat in the central part of Kuala Lumpur,the capital city of Malaysia. It's a magical city that I loved to stay in.I hate the cold winter in England,and the warm weather in Kuala Lumpur makes me much more comfortable.
Many people ask me if I miss my home town.I used to say"yes".The last time I went back was about two years ago.I met my parents and some relatives I hadn't seen in years and talked to them about about life abroad.At the time,I realized that our lives were completely different.
So compared to my life in England.I now enjoy my life in Malaysia more.
(1)What habit has the writer got into when living abroad?
 Keeping a diary. 
(2)How did the writer's friends feel about his moving to Thailand?
 They were not surprised. 
(3)Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
(4)When was the last time the writer went back to Britain?
 About two years ago. 
(5)According to the passage,how many countries has the writer ever lived in by now?
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段During my years abroad,I have been used to keeping a diary of what I see and hear every day.(在国外的这些年里,我已经习惯了把我每天的所见所闻记在日记上。)可知,作者在国外生活时养成了记日记的习惯。故填Keeping a diary.
(2)细节理解题。根据第二段After that,I was in Thailand.My friends were not surprised to learn that I had moved to a new place again,because moving around was the norm(常态)for me.(之后,我去了泰国。我的朋友们得知我又搬到了一个新地方并不感到惊讶,因为搬家对我来说是常态。)可知,作者的朋友们并不感到惊讶。故填They were not surprised.
(3)英译汉题。It's它是;a一个;magical神奇的;city城市;that I loved to我喜欢;stay in待在这里。故填:它是一个神奇的城市,我喜欢待在这里。
(4)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段The last time I went back was about two years ago.(我最后一次回去是在两年前。)可知,作者最后一次回去是在两年前。故填About two years ago.
(5)细节理解题。根据第一段I'm Jack and I am from England.(我叫杰克,我来自英国。)和第二段In 1998,I first moved to Hong Kong and stayed there for about two years.(1998年,我第一次搬到香港,在那里待了大约两年。)和第二段Then I spent some time in Japan.After that,I was in Thailand.(然后我在日本待了一段时间。之后,我去了泰国。)以及第三段Now I'm in Malaysia(马来西亚),I found a flat in the central part of Kuala Lumpur,the capital city of Malaysia.(现在我在马来西亚,我在马来西亚首都吉隆坡市中心找到了一套公寓。)可知,到目前为止,作者在五个国家待过。故填5/Five.
23.(20分)你的英国笔友 Mike 对中国文化感兴趣,请你结合表格内容给他写一封回信。
(3)词数:不少于80 个词;
Great wonders The Great Wall(about 21,196 kilometers long)…
Great people Confucius…
Great inventions
Dear Mark.
I'm glad to hear that you are interested in Chinese culture.I'd like share something interesting with you.
I hope this brief introduction can give you a better understanding of Chinese culture.If you have any question,please ask me.I'm looking forward to discussing more interesting topics with you.
Best regards,
Li Hua
【解答】Dear Mark.
I'm glad to hear that you are interested in Chinese culture.I'd like share something interesting with you.
The Great Wall represents China in my eyes.It is about 21,196 kilometers long and over 2,000 years old.There is a Chinese saying,"He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man ." 【高分句型一】Today the Great Wall is a place of interest not only to the Chinese but to people from all over the world.It's also one of the seven great wonders in the world.(长城)Confucius is considered a famous educator in China. 【高分句型二】His ideas still influence the Chinese people today. (孔子)Papermaking,the compass,gunpowder and printing are the four great inventions of China.It plays an important role in the development of human civilization.(四大发明)
I hope this brief introduction can give you a better understanding of Chinese culture.If you have any question,please ask me.I'm looking forward to discussing more interesting topics with you.
Best regards,
Li Hua



