Module 3 Unit 1 They sometimes work harder 分课时基础专练(2课时含答案)

Module3 Life now and then
Unit1 They sometimes work harder.第1课时 同步练习
1. Tom left as a poor boy and returned as a very ________ (富有的) man.
2. Mary ________ (很少地) eats out because she likes cooking at home.
3. The boy can't say a word because of ________ (害怕). 4. Sorry, my grandma is so ________ (聋的) that she can't hear what you say.
5. In the past three years, the price of the house in Qingdao has ________ (增加一倍).
6. Is life today better than it ________ (be) 50 years ago
7. I think people are more _________ (wealth) today than in the past.
8. There is less fear of ________ (get) ill.
9. Every year, about 6.5 million people die because of air __________(pollute). 【中考·临沂】
10. Today the number of the tourists __________ (double) than last year.
1.Everyone in our neighborhood loves my grandma because she is ________ kind to others.
A.never B.always C.seldom D.sometimes
2.—Where shall we eat tonight
—Let's call Jack. He ____________ knows the best places to go.
A.seldom B.always C.only
3.Bruce ______ watches TV or listens to the radio, so he knows nothing about it.
A.seldom B.sometimes C.usually D.often
4.In order to keep healthy, we should eat ______ vegetables and ______ meat.
A.more, more B.fewer, more C.more, less D.more, fewer
5.According to the report, ______ half of the students sleep late at weekends.
A.mostly B.partly C.especially D.nearly
6.This year _____ number of students in my school _______ 1,200.
A.a, is B.the, is C.a, are D.the, are
7.Now the air in our town is than it used to be. Something must be done to stop it.
A.very good B.even worse C.rather bad D.much better
8.-Do you like the western food,Lily
-No,I think the food of our country is that of western countries. delicious as B.less delicious than C.not as delicious as D.much more delicious than
9.The world's population is growing and there is land and water for growing rice.
10.The headmaster spoke as _____ as she could to make the students understand her.
A.clearly B.more clearly C.most clearly D.the most clearly
Module3 Life now and then
Unit1 They sometimes work harder.第2课时 同步练习
change;pollute;simple;in the past;suppose;worse;the number of;speak up;used to;spare
1. Please stay with us. We have a________room for you.
2. ________ pages in this book is two hundred.
3. His illness is even________than I thought it would be.
4. The old man can't hear well. Please________a bit.
5. Life here today is much easier than it________be.
6. I________you are right.
7. If there is more________,the air in our home town will be much dirtier.
8. My parents usually buy me some________clothes that can last a long time.
9. The city has________greatly in the past ten years.
10. The life________was much harder than today.
1. The number of the students ________ over 2, 000 in our school. 【中考·六盘水】
A. is B. are C. be D. were
2. He is afraid of high places, so he ________ travels by air. 【中考·盘锦】
A. seldom B. sometimes C. always D. often
3. According to a recent survey, ________ three fifths of working mothers in China don't want to have a second child. 【中考·广东】
A. mostly B. especially C. partly D. nearly
4. Our city is cleaner than it ________ be. 【中考·白银】
A. is used to B. used to C. uses to D. is used
5. —We all like John.
—________ he is very honest and helpful.
A. Because of B. That's because C. Why D. That's why
6. Millie _____ missed the train this afternoon. It started to leave right after she got on it. 【中考·南京】
A. almost B. already C. really D. seldom
7. —Molly has changed so much! She _____ be shy and quiet.
—Yeah. But now she _____ speaking in front of the class. 【中考·湘西】
A. used to; is used to B. is used to; used to C. used to; used to
8. The number of the volunteers in our city _____ 2, 000. And sixty percent of them _____ teachers and students. 【中考·荆门】
A. is; is B. is; are C. are; is D. are; are
9. There _____ a number of books in the library and the number of them _____ increasing. 【中考·烟台】
A. has; is B. have; are C. are; is D. is; are
10. Nowadays some parents spend more time on mobile phones so that they ________ care for their kids.
A. often B. seldom C. usually D. sometimes
11. Bob dislikes coffee, so he almost ________ drinks it. 【中考·沈阳】
A. often B. always C. never D. ever
12. —I have some trouble in learning math.
—Take it easy, because we can ________ avoid meeting problems in study. 【中考·葫芦岛】
A. always B. usually C. often D. hardly
13. My sister ________ be lazy. But now she's working really hard. 【中考·宜宾】
A. used to B. is used to C. was used to
1. 大点声说,我们在后面听不见你。
_______ ______, and we can't hear you at the back.
2. 你在闲暇时喜欢做什么?
What do you like doing in your ______ ______
3. 她以前早上读书,但现在习惯了晚上读书。
She used to ________ books in the morning, but now she is used to ________ books at night.
4. 你所有的成绩比我预想的还要差。
All your marks are ______ ______ than I thought.
5. 你将如何处理这些旧书?
How will you ______ ______ these old books
6. 大点儿声说!她现在有点儿耳背。
______ _____! She's a bit deaf now.
7. 我不知道怎么处理人际关系。
I don't know how to ______ ______ the interpersonal relationship.
8. 人们和五十年前一样努力工作吗?
Do people work _____ ______ _____ they did fifty years ago
9. 你认为人们过去比今天有更多的锻炼吗?
Do you think people ______ ______ take more exercise than they do today
10. 如果你有时间,记得回家看看父母。
___________ ____ _____ back home to see your parents if you're free.
11. Hurry up! It's _____________ seven o'clock now.
12. ________ no one believes him.
选用that‘s because或that’s why的适当形式完成13、14:
13. I was late for the meeting this morning. _____________________ I met an old friend on the way.
14. I met an old friend on the way, and ________________ I was late for the meeting this morning.
A. I used to play games with my friends after class. B. How I've changed!
C. I am too busy now. D. but now the teacher asks us to study, study and study. E. Do you miss your old days
(P: Paul M: Mr. Zhang)
(Two years ago, Paul started high school. Now his life has changed.)
M: What's your life like now
P: It has changed a lot since last year. ____1
M: Did you use to have lots of free time
P: Yes, ____2 And I used to watch TV at the weekends.
M: ____3
P: Of course. I used to do many interesting things, ____4
M: It seems that your life really has changed.
P: Yeah. ____5
Module3 Life now and then
Unit1 They sometimes work harder.第1课时 同步练习
一、1-5 wealthy, seldom, fear, deaf, doubled; 6-10 was wealthier, getting, pollution, is doubled
二 单项填空
Module3 Life now and then
Unit1 They sometimes work harder.第2课时 同步练习
一、【答案】1. spare
2. The number of
3. worse 4. speak up
5. used to
6. suppose
7. pollution
8. simple 9. changed
10. in the past
句意:“这本书的页数是二百页。”,观察句子,考查主谓一致,谓语动词是is三单形式,主语应该是一个短语,结合句意及所选词“the number of….,….的数量”后面接可数名词复数,做主语时,谓语动词用单数,故填:The number of。
句意:“这位老人听不清楚。请大声点。”,观察句子,这里缺少谓语动词,并且结合前半句句意,这里应该是说“请大声点”,speak up符合句意,故填:speak up。
句意:“今天这里的生活比过去容易多了。”,观察句子,这里应该是比较级,现在与过去的形成对比,结合所选词“used to”符合句意,故选used to。
句意:“这座城市在过去的十年里发生了很大的变化。”,观察句子,这里缺少谓语动词再结合句意和所选词“change改变”,符合句意,又根据“in the past ten years”可知这里用现在完成时,故填:changed。
句意:“过去的生活比今天艰难得多。”,根据“was”可知这是一般过去时,观察所选词“in the past在过去”符合句意,故填:in the past。
二 1 A
2 A 【点拨】语境推理法。句意:他恐高,所以他极少乘飞机旅行。由语境可推知,后半句应表示他极少乘飞机旅行。故选A。
3 D
4 B 【点拨】be used to doing意为“习惯做……”;used to do意为“过去常常做……”。根据句意“我们的城市比过去干净多了。”可知答案选B。
5 B
6 A 【点拨】考查副词辨析。almost几乎,差一点;already已经;really的确,确实;seldom很少。根据下文的“It started to leave right after she got on it.”可知米莉事实上是赶上火车了,只是差一点没有赶上。故选A。
7 A 【点拨】固定搭配法。句意:—莫莉已经改变了很多!她过去害羞且文静。—是的。但现在她习惯在全班面前演讲了。从句意可推知:她过去很害羞,用used to表示;第二空后跟speaking可推知:现在她习惯于在全班面前演讲了,用is used to 表示。故选A
8 B 【点拨】主谓一致法。根据语法知识“the number of +名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用单数;sixty percent of them作主语时,谓语动词用复数。故选B
9 C 【点拨】主谓一致法。a number of books意为“大量的书”,可知句子的谓语动词用复数;the number of意为“……的数量”,作主语时谓语动词用单数。故选C
10 B 【点拨】考查副词的用法辨析。often意为“经常”;seldom“很少”;usually“通常”;sometimes“有时”。根据“spend more time on mobile phones”可知:这些家长“很少”有时间关心孩子。故选B。
11 C 12 D 13 A
三、1-5 Speak up, spare time, read reading, even worse, deal with;
6-10 Speak up, deal with, as hard as, used to, Remember to go;
11-14 nearly/almost, Almost, That was because, that was why



