Module 1 Unit 2 It's a long story 预习精品题型(2课时含答案)

Module 1 Unit 2 It’s a long history
Although you have                 , I don’t mind it at all.
To be polite, you’d             your shoes after you enter the room.
3.“你为什么如此伤心 ”“唉,说来话长。”
—Why are you so sad
—Oh,                 .
Take     ! We can’t         the bus until it stops.
Kate, please     your English book     .
get on, elder, have a look at, say goodbye to, take off
1.It’s time         each other. Let’s meet next school year.
2.It’s very hot inside. Please         your jacket.
3.The         man got up and left.
4.The toy is very nice. May I         it  
5.A little girl is helping an old woman         the bus at the station.
三 根据句意及中文提示将单词的正确形式填写在横线上。每空一词
1.Just show your ticket to the ticket     (官员) as you get on the train.
2.Can I help you,     (先生)
3.My mother bought me a beautiful     (夹克衫) two days ago.
4.She is very busy caring for two     (上了年纪的) relatives.
5.I was     (糊涂的) enough to believe him again and again.
四 句型转换
1.How beautiful the flower is!(改为同义句)
________ ________ ________ flower it is!
2.May I look at your family photo?(改为同义句)
May I ________ ________ ________ ________ your family photo
3.Learning a foreign language is easy.(改为同义句)
________ ________ to learn a foreign language.
4.He can't come today. I think.(合并为一句)
I ________ think he ________ come today.
5.The girl can ride a bike.(改为同义句)
The girl ________ ________ ________ ride a bike.
6.Take care! Keep away from the fire.
________ ________! Keep away from the fire.
五 补全对话
A: 1.     I decided to go to the Disneyland with my brother.
B: Really That’s cool. 2.     The one in Hong Kong or the one in Paris
A: Neither. The one in Los Angeles. Because we want to visit Hollywood after that.B: 3   
A: Five days in total. We will spend the first day in Disneyland and two days in Hollywood, and we will go to the beaches for the other two days.
B: Sounds great! 4     In a hotel, or in a homestay in a stranger’s house
A: Well, our aunt lives in Los Angeles, so we will stay there.
B: 5   
A.Lucky you.
B.Where are you going to stay
C.How long will you spend in Los Angeles
D.Which Disneyland do you want to go
E.The summer holiday is coming.
F.You’re welcome.
G.How far is it
六 单项填空
(  )1.The river is deep. You’d better     in it.
A.not to swim B.swim C.not swim
(  )2.—I think keeping dogs will not make you feel lonely.
—    . In my opinion, dogs some-times bring you a lot of trouble.
A.Not exactly B.Take it easy
C.I agree with you D.That’s a good idea
(  )3.At last they succeeded     the problem.
A.solve solving solve solving
(  )4.—We are going to Taiwan for vacation.
—    .
A.Good luck B.I’m sorry to hear that
C.Have a good time D.Congratulations
七 选词填空
excite, for, do, how, it
Travel can teach kids more than a textbook. Travelling with kids is good 1.     them. They can find new interests. Travel makes information alive for kids, and makes it much more exciting than studying textbooks or 2.     experiments in the lab. While travelling, they learn 3.     to deal with new situations, and communicate with other people. They learn patience, because sometimes 4.     takes a long time to get to some 5.     or interesting places.
Module 1 Unit 2 It’s a long history
一 根据汉语意思完成句子
Although you have                 , I don’t mind it at all.
To be polite, you’d             your shoes after you enter the room.
3.“你为什么如此伤心 ”“唉,说来话长。”
—Why are you so sad
—Oh,                 .
Take     ! We can’t         the bus until it stops.
Kate, please     your English book     .
二 单词拼写 
1.It is     (糊涂的) to believe what he says.
2.The police     (官员) wanted to see my license.
3.My     (短上衣) is made of wool.
4. Sit down and make yourself     (舒适的).
5. You've taken the wrong     (座位).
三 用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空
have a look at, take off, look for, take care, get on
1. He asked me to help him __________ the lost dog.
2. She __________ the train and sat in her seat.
3. —Here are my new photos.
—Let me __________ them.
4. It's hot in the room. Please __________ your coat.
5. You must __________ not to hurt yourself.
四 用适当的冠词(a, an, the)填空,不需要填冠词的地方用 “ / ”表示。
1. in __________ spring 2. He is __________ honest boy.
3. He watches TV once _____________ month.
4. My father has ____________ car and _____________ restaurant.
5. Tom is ______________ cleverest boy in our class.
6. We begin ____ first class at 7:45am.
7. ___________ Whites are having dinner.
8. We should respect(尊敬) ___________ old.
五 连词成句
1. your tickets, ready, please, have(请把你们的票准备好。)
2. to, me, remember, take care, and, send emails to(多保重并且记得给我发送电子邮件。)
3.was full of, the train, and, people, I, stand, had to, over, for, three hours(火车里挤满了人,我不得不站了三个多小时!)
4.playing basketball, are, the students, on the playground, happily(学生们在操场上开心地打着篮球。)5.made great progress, the teacher, that, Mary, find, had, was surprised to(老师惊奇地发现玛丽有了很大的进步。)
六 综合填空
In China, you can travel to all corners of this big country by bus or train.It’s surprising what China has done in the past ten 1.     (year) in terms of train travel—it now has the biggest high-speed railway network in 2.     world.The high-speed trains are great, and a long train 3.     / d ni/ in China is a great way to see the country.
“4.     (exact).China is a huge, fascinating country with so much to see,” said Tony.“5.A     a student, I love travelling with my parents, from big cities to hot spots, to holy mountains, to national parks, to historical sites and to small villages far away.So far, we have been to 6.    (hundred) of places of interest.Getting out of your comfortable home to some unknown places is 7.     good experience as well.And you can eat local food, and
8.     (real) reach the heart of the country.”
More and more people are making plans to start their travel.As 9.l     as they’re free, they’re about to start.Many people’s dream is to travel all over the country.I hope you’ll
10.    /s k si d/ in achieving it.
Module 1 Unit 2 It’s a long history
1.taken the wrong seat2.better take off’s a long; get on 
二用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空 say goodbye to2.take off 3.elderly4.have a look at 5.(to) get on
三 根据句意及中文提示将单词的正确形式填写在横线上。每空一词
1.officer 2.sir 3.jacket 4.elderly5.stupid
四 句型转换
1.What a beautiful 2.have a look at’s easy 4.don’t can able to 6. Look out
五 情景交际
六 单项填空
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C
七 选词填空
1.for 2.doing 5.exciting
Module 1 Unit 2 It’s a long history
1.taken the wrong seat2.better take off’s a long story; get on 5.have/get; ready
1.stupid 2.officer 3.jacket 4.comfortable
三 用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空
1. look for 2. got on 3. have a look at 4. take off 5. take care
四 用适当的冠词(a, an, the)填空,不需要填冠词的地方用 “ / ”表示。
1.\ 3.a 4.a a 5.the 6.the 7.The 8.the
五 连词成句
1.Please have your tickets ready.
2.Take care and remember to send emails to me.
3.The train was full of people, and I had to stand for over three hours!
4.The students are on the playground, playing basketball happily./
The students are playing basketball happily on the playground.
5.The teacher was surprised to find that Mary had made great progress.
1.years 2.the 3.journey 4.Exactly 5.As 6.hundreds
7.a 8.really 9.long 10.succeed




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