
听力1-5 ABAAC 6-10 BBCBA 11-15 ACBBC
听填信息 16. January 8th 17. enjoy 18. school hall 19. new library 20. writing
完形一 21-25 BACBD 26-30 ACCDC
完形二 31-35 AACAC 36-40 BABCD
阅读A 41-43 BBC
阅读B 44-47 BDCD
阅读C 48-50 BBD
七选五 51-55 E F G C B
56 . die hard
57. bring out
58. saving the/ our earth
59. hearing from
60. in half
短文填空 61. culture 62. Although 63. little 64. writers 65. probably
66. His 67. talented 68. popular 69. enjoy 70. kinds
71. 75%
72. use
break down dead plants and animals and turn them into
the value of the natural world\importance of nature
76. What are you going to wear to the school dance tonight
77. Why don’t you wear a dress/Why not wear a dress/How/What about wearing a dress
78. Will you go there with anyone/your friends
79. Who are they/Who are your best friends
80. Yes/Of course, they can
书面表达(略)八年级英语试卷 WB202401
I. 听选答案
1. A. Great. B. Not bad. C. Terrible.
2. A. Usually. B. Sometimes. Never.
3. A. Tom. B. Sam. C. Jim.
4. A. Watch a movie. B. Climb the mountains. C. Go to the park.
5. A. She likes it. B. She can’t stand it. C. She doesn’t mind it.
6. A. Father and son. B. Teacher and student. C. Brother and sister.
7. A. On Saturday morning. B. On Saturday afternoon. C. On Saturday evening.
8. A. Because she thinks it’s easy. B. Because she thinks it’s relaxing. C. Because she thinks it’s fun.
9. A. Make money. B. Play soccer with lions. C. Visit Lions.
10. A. One spoon. B. Two spoons. C. Only one cup.
A. TV programs. B. Sports. C. Talent shows.
11. What are the two speakers talking about
12. What does Sally think of the shows
A. Funny. B. Relaxing. C. Educational
13. What does Jack want to be when he grows up
A. An actor. B. A teacher. C. A football player
14. Which city will he move to
A. Beijing. B. Shanghai. C. Xi’an.
15. How is he going to do that
A. To get good grades. B. To do much exercise. C. To learn how to teach.
16. The opening will be at nine on the morning of Wednesday, .
17. After this, you can our school concert.
18. Then lunch will be in the at12:00.
19. Please bring one book as a gift for the .
20. Reply in to this invitation by Friday, December 20th.
There was an old man who ate very little and always wore old clothes.
He 21 every coin he made. The old miser (吝啬鬼) lived in a house with a garden. To protect his coins, the miser 22 his coins in a pit(坑) under some stones in the garden. After waking up in the morning, the miser went to the pit and counted(数) the coins. He did this every day, 23 he never spent any of the coins.
One day, a thief(小偷) hid in the garden earlier and 24 the old man to go back into his house. After it was dark, the 25 went to the hiding place and stole the coins. The next day, the old miser found that the stones were not in place and that all of his gold coins were missing. He became very 26 .
His neighbor saw that the miser was angry and asked the miser about it. After learning what 27 , the neighbor asked, “ 28 didn’t you keep the money inside your house It is easier to get your money if you want to buy 29 !” “Buy ” said the miser. “I 30 used the gold. I wouldn’t spend it.” After hearing this, the neighbor threw a stone into the pit and said, “If so, save this stone. It is as worthless (不值钱的) as the gold you have lost.”
21. A. spent B. saved C. forgot D. threw
22. A. hid B. used C. lost D. added
23. A. or B. since C. but D. until
24. A. asked for B. waited for C. paid for D. hoped for
25. A. villager B. miser C. neighbor D. thief
26. A. upset B. excited C. tired D. happy
27. A. mattered B. worked C. happened D. changed
28. A. When B. How C. Why D. What
29. A. it B. everything C. nothing D. something
30 A. often B. usually C. never D. always
Do you know the history of hot pot(火锅) It’s one of the most famous 31 in China. There are many stories about how hot pot appeared. The most traditional and oldest one has to do 32 Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan was the founder(建立者) of the Mongol Empire. He was also one of the greatest military leaders(军事领袖).
The place where he lived was very 33 in winter. He needed food to 34 his army warm, strong and healthy. When it was time to eat, they built stoves(炉). After finishing building these things, they put ice and snow into the pot. When they turned into water, and the 35 of the water was high, they put meat into it. 36 a short time, the meat was OK, and they began to eat it. That might be the 37 hot pot. They ate mutton, beef and horse meat most. Later people brought hot pot to other parts of China and improved it. People began to put more kinds of ingredients(烹调的原料) into the hot pot, such as vegetables and seafood. By the Qing Dynasty, hot pot had become popular in most parts of China.
Today, we can find many 38 kinds of hot pot in Beijing, Chongqing, Sichuan and 39 in some foreign countries. When we 40 the delicious hot pot, we also feel the special food culture of China.
31.A.foods B.vegetables C.cooks D.pots
32.A.with B.about C.for D.on
33.A.hot B.cool C.cold D.warm
34.A.keep B.take C.give D.serve
35.A.height B.side C.temperature D.shape
36.A.Through B.After C.At D.Before
37.A.first B.new C.free D.last
38.A.traditional B.different C.famous D.useful
39.A.finally B.already C.even D.yet
40.A.mix B.reach C.serve D.enjoy
IV. 阅读理解(共15小题,计20分)。
第一节:阅读下面A、B、C 三篇材料,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
Lisa has always been overweight (肥胖的). She wanted to lose weight, not only because she wanted to look more beautiful and healthier, but also because it would make life easier.
For example, it was difficult for Lisa to find ready-made clothes. She had to ask a tailor(裁缝) to make clothes that were large enough. In school, she needed a special chair that was bigger and stronger than other chairs. If she went for a walk, she got tired very quickly.
She was also unhappy about the way people treated (对待) her sometimes. “People look at me and even make fun of me. I can’t enjoy having dinner with my friends because I'm afraid of getting fatter.”But now things are quite different. Last month her classmates were preparing(准备)for School Art Week. Someone advised Lisa to play the lead role of the proud (骄傲的) Queen who was tall and overweight. Lisa agreed and practiced a lot. Soon after the play, Lisa became a star! She did so well that everybody knew the proud Queen.
Now Lisa doesn’t worry about being overweight anymore. She believes in the English saying: “Every dog has its day.”
41. Why did Lisa want to lose weight
a. To be healthier. b. To make life easier.
c. To wear clothes made by a tailor. d. To be more beautiful.
A. abc B. abd C. acd D. bcd
42. According to Paragraph 3, how did some people treat Lisa
A. They liked to make friends with her. B. They sometimes laughed at her.
C. They enjoyed having dinner with her. D. They treated her the same as others.
43. What does the story tell us
A. Everybody hopes to be beautiful.
B. We should take care of ourselves.
C. Everybody has talents and problems.
D. We should be kind to overweight people.
Hangzhou, together with five other cities in Zhejiang, is going to host the 19th Asian Games from Sept 23 to Oct 8. The Games are going to be very “smart” with the use of many exciting technologies. Let’s have a look!
Every dish at the Asian Games should be safe and healthy to eat. In the kitchen of the athletes’ ( 运动员) village in Hangzhou, there is a special system (系统) that can tell people’s faces. If a “stranger” goes into the kitchen, an alarm will go off to let people know. The managers (管理人员) of the kitchen will also get messages on their phones. There’s also a system to keep an eye on the temperature of the refrigerators (冰箱).
The venue(场馆) for the tennis finals (决赛) of the Hangzhou Asian Games is sometimes called the “Small Lotus (莲花)”. On the top of the stadium, there are eight “petals”(花瓣). Each petal weighs 160 tons. They can open and close freely. It takes 15 minutes for each petal to open and close. People build it this way for different kinds of weather.
What if there’s an accident during the game and the athletes need first aid (急救) People can use drones (无人机) to send things over. The drones can fly as far as 2 kilometers and travel 16 meters in one second. Using a drone saves about 60 percent of the time. They can send medicine, blood and other things needed for first aid to people quickly.
Say that you are in Hangzhou and going to watch one of the events. It will be sad if you can’t find your way. Augmented reality(AR,增强现实) is here to help. There’s a mini program called the Hangzhou Asian Games AR service. You simply turn on your phone's camera and it will see where you are and then show you the way. You can also get more information about the stadiums as you walk by.
44. What is the “Small Lotus” for
A. Showing the way to the venue. B. Matching the different weather.
C. Showing what time it is. D. Moving heavy things quickly.
45. Why do people set an alarm in the kitchen
A. To send food messages to players’ phones.
B. To check the temperature of refrigerators.
To watch cooks and managers there.
D. To make sure the food is safe.
46. Which of the following can help out people who are lost
A. The met averse. B. The drones.
C. The AR service. D. The alarm system.
47. The passage is mainly about
A. The19th Asian Games in Hangzhou
B. The importance of high-technology in19th Asian Games in Hangzhou
C. Why technology is used in19th Asian Games in Hangzhou
D. How technology works in 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou
Before getting in the pool, it is important to know about swimming safety.
Keep in mind, drowning(溺水) doesn’t make much sound. Children younger than 4 should be in arm’s reach of an adult at all times. Children over the age of 4, even if they know how to swim, should always have an adult’s eyes on them.
Swim Safety Do’s:
* Know how deep the water is. No jumping if less than 9 feet. No diving if less than 12 feet.
* All children 4+ should take a swimming class.
* Take away toys from the water.
* Be more careful when swimming in the ocean.
Swim Safety Don’ts:
* Never swim outside during a storm.
* Don’t use water wings or other pool toys as life jackets.
* Never eat in the water.
* No running or pushing.
* Do not let children swim in rivers.
48. To protect a 3-year-old kid in a pool, parents should .
A. stop the kid going into the pool
B. make sure they can reach the kid at any time
C. stand by the pool and watch the kid all the time
D. tell the kid to cry if they are in danger
49. Children can in a 10-feet-deep pool.
A. eat warm food B. jump C. dive D. bring many toys
50. What should children do to keep safe in the water
A. Feel free to swim in rivers and oceans. B. Swim with parents on a stormy day.
C. Play games and push other kids. D. Know how deep the water is.
People didn’t pay much attention to their health in the past, but now more and more people try to make sure that they are healthy. 51 .
Do exercise every day. There are many ways to do exercise in daily life 52 . Some people think that doing simple things like cleaning the house is helpful. Other people think that doing exercise such as running or playing ball games is good.
Eat healthy food. 53 . You should eat more vegetables and fruits but less junk food every day. Healthy food plays an important role in a strong body.
54 . Today many people have stress (压力) in their life, but we should try to relax ourselves. In fact, you can never keep away from (远离) stress in life. 55 . So you need to know the reason for the stress and find ways to feel better. Thinking about things in an active way can also reduce (减少) stress. Try to live for now, and don’t worry about the future.
A. Take up a hobby B. It is always with you C. Learn to relax yourself D. It’s bad for your health to sit for a long time E. Now let me tell you some ways to keep healthy F. People have different ideas about ways to exercise G. It is good for your health
旧习难改。Old habits .
My best friend helps to the best in me.
Everyone should play a part in .
Everything is if you don’t work hard.
In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it .
Ⅵ. 短文填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次,每空限填一个单词)(共10小题,计10分)
write enjoyable probable kind talent culture popular less he although
Where does Harry Potter come from He’s from the United Kingdom, an island country in Western Europe. It is a country with a long history and rich 61 . Many people think of Queen Elizabeth II when speaking of the UK.62 she was a queen, she didn’t run the country. The royal family has 63 real power. People in the UK like to talk about their literature (文学). There are many Great British 64 . William Shakespeare is 65 the most famous one. 66 writing is over 400 years old and is a bit difficult to read. But he is very 67 in writing plays(戏剧). Many of his plays are very 68 . People all over the world 69 them very much. He ever wrote all 70 of plays, such as tragedy(悲剧) “Hamlet” , comedy “ Twelfth Night” , historical drama(历史剧) “ Henry Ⅷ(Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ)”and so on. He was not of an age, but for all time!
Think about a world without insects (昆虫). It might sound nice at first. There would be no flies in your room. But in fact, this could be really bad news. The number of insects is less and less, according to British biologist Dave Goulson (戴夫·古儿森). “In the 27 years from 1989 to 2016, the number of insects fell by 75 percent,” Goulson wrote.
Scientists say the main reason for this is the use of pesticides (农药). They are bad for the places that insects live in. What would happen without insects It’s almost impossible to give an answer, but the results would be far-reaching. We need insects to pollinate crops(给庄稼授粉). They also break down dead plants and animals and turn them into new useful things. We need them to keep the soil(土地) healthy and do much more. Without insects, many animals would have nothing to eat. They would go hungry and die. The ecosystem(生态系统) would be off balance (失去平衡). The first step to stop this is to let more people understand “the values (价值) of the natural world, both for what it does for us and for its own sake,” Goulson said. “The best place to start is with our children. We should encourage them to protect the environment from an early age.”
What if bugs die out
Number of insects * It is becoming less. *It fell by 71. percent from 1989 to 2016.
Reason The 72. of pesticides.
The role of insects * They pollinate crops. * They 73. new useful things. * They keep the soil healthy.
74. * Animals would die of hunger. * The environment would get worse.
Solutions * Understand 75. to humans. * Teach our children to protect our nature.
VⅢ. 补全对话(共5小题,计5分)
A: Good afternoon, Jenny!
B: Good afternoon, Jessica!
A: 76_______________________
B: I’m going to wear my black jeans and a red shirt to the school dance tonight.
A: I’m afraid that’s not a good idea. 77_____________________ It’s better to go to the school dance in a dress.
B: Sounds good. I’ll wear my green dress then.
A: 78_______________________
B: Yes, I will go there with my best friends.
A: 79_________________________
B: Karen and Anna.
A: Cool. By the way, can they dance
B: 80______________________. They are both excellent dancers.
A: That’s great. I’m sure we will have a good time.
IX. 书面表达(共1题,计15分)。
难忘的八年级第一学期的生活即将结束,请以 “My Plan for the Coming School Term”为题写一篇短文,谈谈你新一学期的打算。要求:1.语言流畅,书写规范。2.词数不少于70。
参考词汇:start,new school term,good beginning is a half done,work hard,more exercise,get good grades,help with housework,wonderful school term.




下一篇:Unit 6 Lesson 18 Dreams 同步练习 (含解析)