寒假Lesson2复习课二Units5-9(无答案) 2023-2024人教版英语七年级上册

Lesson2 复习课(二)
Units 5 —9
【key words】
1 .we( pron.) 我 们 ( 主 格 ) →____________(宾格) →____________( 形容词性物主代词) →____________(名词性物主代词 ) →____________( 反身代词)
2 .interest( v.& n . ) 使 …… 感 兴 趣 ; 兴 趣 →____________(adj.)有趣的 →____________(adj .) 感兴趣的
3.take( v.)拿走→ ____________(v.)带来 (反义词 )
4 .have( v.) 有 →__________(v.)(第三人称单数) →__________(v.)(过去式 /过去分词)
5 .difficult( adj.) 困难的 →____________(n.) 困难→____________( 同义词) →____________(adj.)(反义词) →____________(adv .)(反义词的副词 )
6.relax( v.)使轻松→ ____________(adj.)轻松的;令人放松的→ __________(adj.)感到放松的
7.same( adj.)相同的→ ____________(adj.)不同的 (反义词 )
8 .tomato( n.)西红杮→ ____________( 复数)
9 .health( n.) 健 康 →____________(adj.) 健康的→___________(adv .)健 康地 (副词) →____________(adj.) 不健康的 (形容词的反义词 )
10.short( adj.)短的;矮的→ _________(adj.)长的 (反义词) →__________(adj.)高的 (反义词 )
11.twelve( nu m.) →____________(nu m .)第十二
12.big( adj.)大的→ ____________(adj.)小的 (反义词 )
13 . sell( v.) 卖 →____________(v.)( 过去式 / 过去分词) →____________(v.)买 (反义词 ) →____________(n.)特价销售;出售
14.woman( n.)女子→ ____________(n.)( 复数 )
15.art( n.)艺术→ ____________(n.)艺术家
16 . music( n.) 音 乐 →____________(n.) 音乐家 →____________(adj.)音乐的
17 . science( n.) 科 学 →____________(n.) 科 学 家 →____________(adj.)科学的
18 . use( v.) 使 用 →____________(adj.) 有 用 的 →____________(adj.)无用的
19.busy( adj.)忙碌的→ ____________(adv.)忙碌地
20. free( adj.)空闲的→ ____________(adv .)不受限制地;自由地→ ____________(n.)自由
21.with( prep.)带有→ ____________(prep.)没有 (反义词 )
22.much( pron.& adj.)许多;大量→ _________(adj.)(比较级 ) →____________(adj.)(最高级 )
【key phrases】
English Chinese English Chinese
1. have a volleyball 有一个排球 13. skirts in red 红颜色的裙子
2. play volleyball/tennis 打排球/网球 14. for boys/girls 对于男孩/女孩
3. have a ping-pong/table tennis 有一个乒乓球 e to M r. Cool’s Clothes Store 来酷先生的服装店
4. play ping-pong/table tennis 打乒乓球 16. $2 for three pairs 三双2 美元
5. with our friends 和我们的朋友一起 17. buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. 买某物给某人
6. have a football/soccer ball 有一个足球 18. sell sth. to sb. / sell sb. sth. 把……卖给某人
7. play football/soccer 踢足球 16. in the afternoon 在下午
8. at school 在校,在上学 17. on the 12th 在12日那天
9. ask sb. about sth. 问某人某事 18. next month 下个月
10. like hamburgers/ice-cream 喜欢汉堡包/冰淇淋 19. my favorite subject(s) 我最喜欢的科目
11. like eating eggs 喜欢吃鸡蛋 20. have P. E. /a P. E. lesson 上体育课
12. her eating habits 她的饮食习惯 21. play games with us 和我们一起玩游戏
【key points合集】
Unit8 when is your birthday
When is your birthday
When is his /her birthday
When is sb’s (名字)birthday
如:when is Jim’s birthday
答语:my birthday is ..
His birthday is on/in ..
Her birthday is on/in ....
Sb’s birthday is on/in .. …
如:Mike’s birthday is on July 2nd .
How old is /are sb
Sb is /are years old .
如:-____ are you
- I am 25 years old .
A How much B how many C How old
3.Be busy with sth 忙于做某事
be busy doing sth . 忙于做某事
若后面有动词,动词末尾加ing .若没有动词
用with .
如:He is busy with his birthday party .
He is busy asking the teacher for help.
Unit 9. my favorite subject is science
What’s your /his /her favorite subject
What subject do you like best
What subject does he/she like best
答语:my /his /her favorite subject(s)
is /are …
Sb’s(名字) favorite subject(s)is/are …
I have +学科类名词。
He /she has +学科类名词。
sb has /have +..(数字)+学科类名词 class(es).
某人上几节…课。如:I have two math classes .
2. 在星期几的表示方法:
如:on Sunday on Monday on Tuesday
On Wednesday on Thursday on Friday
On Saturday .
The first day of a week is Sunday .
3.From …to… 从…到… 表示时间。
I go to school from Monday to Friday .
Why do you like …
Because it’s …
--_____ do you like English
Because I think it’s interesting and useful .
A and B but C so D because .
5.For + 一段时间 。表示某人做某事做的时间长度。 如:重点句子。
I have an English class _________ an hour .
A in B on C for D at .
6. 在几点几分前用介词at .
如: at half past …(数字),表示在几点半。
At half past twelve 在12点半
At half past eight 在八点半。
7.she likes playing …/he likes playing …
I like playing .. 他、她喜欢打…
31. In the US, however, the backyard is ______important part of most homes.
A. a B. an C. the
32. ______ little kids, the backyard can be a paradise.
A. For B. To C. With
33 So what do people do with their backyards Some ______ it to start a garden.
A. use B. uses C. is using
34. Starting a new school term is always exciting. It is a chance to ______ your friends again.
A. see B. meet C. look
35. Miss Read is good _____music. She can be good____ children in the music club.
A. with/at B. with/with C. at/with
36. ——How old is your son  —— _____. We had a special party for his _____ birthday yesterday.
A. Nine; nine B. Nine; the ninth C. Nine; ninth
37. I can’t hear you _____. Something may be wrong with my computer.
   A. carefully    B. clearly   C. quietly
38. I was not good at speeches in public. My teachers asked me to see a speech expert (专家) at school.
A. giving. B. speaking. C. saying.
39.---How do you like the two pairs of shorts
—They don’t fit me well. They are ____too long____ too short.
A. neither; nor B. either; or C. both; and
40. What does a father “usually do” If you ask ten different families, you may get ten different _____.
A. activities B. answers C. questions
Do you like cookies (曲奇饼干) I know a boy and he 46 cookies. His name is Joe. He always eats cookies for breakfast. After lunch, he eats three or four of 47 . Joe wants to eat some cookies before (在……之前) he goes to bed, but his mom says that’s not a 48 habit.
It’s Joe’s birthday next week. His mom asks him about the birthday 49 , “What do you want to eat for your birthday ” Joe says, “Cookies, Mom.” “Well, 50 do you want to go after dinner ” asks his dad.“ Let’s go to the store (商店) to buy some cookies!” says Joe.
( )46. A. loves B. wants C. knows
( )47. A. his B. them C. it
( )48. A. healthy B. interesting C. relaxing
( )49. A. lunch B. games C. dinner
( )50. A. what B. where C. how
When my grandmother turned 89 years old, she started having some problems with her heart.
My family went with her to the ___51___, who told her that she needed an operation (手术). However,    ___52___my grandmother’s age, the operation could be dangerous.
The doctor told my grandmother that she had a 50-percent chance of dying during the operation.
My grandmother was ___53___. She said, “Doctor, all you are talking about is statistics (数据), but I can surely tell you I am not going to have the operation in your ___54___.” With these words, my grandmother got up and   ___55___the doctor’s office.
My grandmother might have been stubborn (执拗的), ___56___she was not a fool. So the next day she went to another doctor. He also told her she needed an operation. My grandmother asked the doctor, “___57___I were your mother, what would you say to her ”
The doctor walked up to her, ___58___, put his arm around her and said, “Mom, let’s do this operation!”
She had the operation and came out ___59___.
My grandmother passed away a few weeks ___60___her 97th birthday. However, because she was optimistic (乐观的), she earned herself almost eight more years of life.
51. A. doctor B. teacher C. student
52. A. because of B. because C. so
53. A. happy C. angry C. quiet
54. A. hospital B. school C. house
55.A.wen to B. left C. run to
56. A. but B. so C. or
57.A. When B. Because C. If
58.A. cried B. smiled C. laughed
59.A. well B. fine C. good
60.A. before B. after C. when
Never be afraid to tell the truth
Frank plays on his university’s soccer team. Once, Frank was called in as a witness (证人) in court (法庭). He came to the courtroom on time and dressed very well that day. “Are you on the university soccer team ” the judge (法官) asked.“Yes, Your Honor (尊敬的法官大人).” “What position do you play ”
“Center, Your Honor.”“How good are you ” Frank felt a bit nervous about this question, but still answered, “Sir, I’m the best center on my team.” Frank’s coach was also in the courtroom that day. He was surprised to hear what Frank said. Everyone on the team thought of Frank as a humble (谦逊的) person.
When they were about to leave the courtroom, the coach took Frank aside. He asked Frank why he had said that he was the best center on the team. Suddenly, Frank’s face was red. “I didn’t want to say it,” he said. “But I was in court and I had to tell the truth.”
 61. Frank went to court because he did something wrong.
62. Frank was a center on his soccer team.
63. Frank thought he played very well as a center.
64. The coach wasn’t surprised by what Frank said.
65. Frank thought he should tell the truth in court.
Who cooks in your family Who cleans the clothes Who washes the dishes Who takes care of the baby Maybe on most days, the answer would be your mother. But not on the second Sunday of May. On that day, it’s you and your father.
That’s because the second Sunday of May is Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is a day to appreciate (感谢) and give thanks for all the things that mothers do.
One way people can do that is by doing all of her chores (家务活) for her. For example, one tradition in the US is for the father and children in a family to cook breakfast for the mother and do housework. Mothers get to be very lazy on this day. It’s probably their favorite holiday.
Another thing you can do is give her a gift. Fathers will often buy their wives flowers or chocolates. Children often make them gifts. For example, they might draw their mom a beautiful card or make a nice necklace out of candy.
But the most important thing to do on Mother’s Day is to show your mother you love her. Any way you do it is fine. Sometimes, the best Mother’s Day present is a hug.
66. In the first paragraph, who probably cleans the clothes in the family on the second day of May
A. Mother B. Son C. Parents
67. The story mainly talks about _____.
A. Children’s Day B. Mother’s Day C. Father’s Day
68. According to the passage, which of the following is probably true
A. Kids and fathers never do housework for mothers.
B. Kids and fathers appreciate their mothers for their hard work.
C. Mothers teach children to do chores.
69. What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3
A. Mothers really enjoy Mother’s Day. B. Mothers don’t work hard.
C. Mothers are lazier than fathers.
70. People mainly celebrate Mother’s Day to _____.
A. show kids and fathers that doing housework is not easy
B. thank mothers for what they have done for the family
C. let mothers see how important they are
Mike works very long hours every day. He usually gets up at 17:00. He has a shower and makes his breakfast. What a funny time to make breakfast! After breakfast he practices his guitar, then he puts on his jacket and goes to work. To get to work, he takes the number17 bus to the Star Hotel. The bus usually leaves at 19:15. He works all night. People love to listen to him! He gets home at 7:00, and he watches the early morning news on TV. He goes to bed at 8:30, a tired but happy man. Can you think what his job is
71. How long does Mike work
A. 7 hours B. 8 hours C.
72. He _______ and makes his breakfast.
A. gets up B. takes a shower C. works
73. What does Mike do after breakfast
A. He goes to work. B. He puts on his clothes.
C. He practices his guitar, then puts on his jacket and goes to work.
74. Maybe he is _______.
A. a worker B. a singer C. a writer
75. How does he go to work
A. By car B. By bikes C. By bus
76. The student says he must t______ Ms. Wu for what she does for him in school. .
77. The day after Wednesday is T______. We have computer science in the afternoon.
78. I have a white m__________ plane. It’s very small, but it looks like a real one.
79. We like drawing very much. It’s really r__________ for us to have art lessons.
80. The boy f______ it is not easy to learn Chinese. So he asks the teacher for help.
A:Hi, Mike! Welcome to my new house!
B:Hi, Sam. This is Kris Wu’s new CD and it is a gift(礼物)for you.
A:Thank you so e on in.
B:Oh, it’s a small but 81 room.
A:Well, my mom always helps me to put things in the right place. Look, this is my new bookcase.
B:It’s really great. So many books are on it. Are they 82 yours
A:No. These on the right are my parents’. They like reading very much. 83 are on the left(左边).
B:Can I have a 84 at that book, Harry Potter
A:Sure. So are you 85 a big fan of Harry Potter
B:Yes. I like the magic(魔法的)world in the book and the three friends’ friendship.
A:In fact, the book is 86 one of my classmates, Jack. He gave the book to me for my twelfth 87 . Of all the gifts, it’s my favorite.
B: He must 88 you well.
A:Yes, we are not only classmates but also best friends for each other. He likes Harry Potter, too.
B:There is a Harry Potter movie(电影)next Friday. Let’s 89 it with him.
A: 90 great.
but; easy; good ; happy; have; is ; just; one ;restaurant; take ;to; with
John was waiting for a girl at the station. She was his pen pal. She had helped him a lot both in school and life. They planned their ____91___ meeting for 7:00 pm at the train station.
“You’ll find me ____92___,” she wrote, “by the red rose on my coat.” So at 7:00 pm, he was in the station looking for a girl wearing red rose.
A young woman was walking ____93___him. She was wearing a green coat and was everything that he hoped the girl would be. But there was no red rose. Then a plain-looking woman walked past him. She was ____94___past 40. On her coat there was a red rose.
He didn’t hesitate . “I’m John Blanchard and you must ____95___Miss Maynell. I am so glad you could meet me. May I ____96___you to dinner ” he asked.
The woman ____97___a kind smile on her face. “I don’t know what this is about, dear,” she answered. “____98___the young lady in the green coat ____99___asked me to wear this rose on my coat. She said if you asked me out to dinner, I should tell you that she is waiting for you in the big ____100___across the street. She said it was a kind of test!”
Christmas, on December 25, is one of the most important holidays around the world. 101 They sing Christmas songs and everyone is busy going to parties. It’s also a special time when children get gifts from family, friends and Santa Claus, or Father Christmas.
102 But it is not easy to be a Santa. Like you, Santa also goes to school. 103 It is the Charles W Howard Santa Claus School. Every year around Christmas, over 200 people from around the world come here. 104 They also learn about wearing a beard(大胡子), making toys and riding a sleigh(骑雪橇). Most importantly, they learn how to answer tricky questions from kids. 105 So, you see, to be a Santa is not so easy.
A. All the kids say they love Santa Claus. B. Kids can always get the answer they want from Santa Claus. C. People do many interesting things on that day. D. For example,” Are you the real Santa ” E. They learn the history of Santa Claus, how to dress and how to laugh: ”Ho Ho Ho!”.      F. In the US, there is a Santa school.
After the final exam, you are going to have your winter holiday (寒假) from Jan. 11th to Feb. 20th. Here are three students’ cool ideas for the holiday. Try them out and have fun.
Yu Mei: I want to start a new hobby. When I’m in school, I’m too busy to do the things I like. I want to learn to sing English songs. It’s also a good idea to grow a plant(养植物). It must be great to watch a flower come out.
Mei Ling: I think winter holiday is a great time for us to be with family. First, I want to help parents to clean the room. It’s a good way to say goodbye to the old year, and welcome the new year. Then, we will go shopping. Clothes are always on sale these days.
Lin Hai: I am so happy that my family and I will take a trip to Shenzhen this winter holiday. It’s one of the top 10 cities to go in 2019. It’s not so cold in Shenzhen. There are many great parks. The food there is good, too. But do you know what I really like The NBA All-Star Games! After the trip, I’ll stay at home and watch the games from Feb. 17th to Feb. 18th.
Names Their 106 in winter holiday
Yu Mei Start a new hobby. She is 107 in the holiday. She wants to learn English songs and grow a plant.
Mei Ling 108 . He will clean the room with his parents to welcome the new year. They will buy some clothes because stores sell clothes 109 .
Lin Hai Have a trip in Shenzhen. He and his family will have a good time in the great city, Shenzhen. After that he will watch the 110 NBA games.



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