冀教版八年级下册Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends Lesson13 同步练 (含答案)

Lesson 13 Danny’s Big Scare
We're going to the beach for v next Sunday.
Uncle Liu always enjoys listening to music in the (长沙发)after work.
There was a(微小的) stone in my shoe. Susan helped me take it out.
The doorbell rang when I did my homework carefully and it (scare) me.
She is ( friend ) to people around her.
She asked me ( visit ) the Bethune Memorial Hall.
He has never ( be) to Baoding.
The wind in spring is .It's blowing now.( gentle)
Which one would you like ( choose ) ,the red one or the yellow one
Camping is very interesting. Last summer,my family went camping in the forest 1.
a vacation. We 2. (put) up our tents( 帐篷) by a lake, There we made a fire 3.
(careful) to cook food on. Dad caught some fish and cooked them. Grilled ( 烤的 ) fish is my favorite.Mum cooked some 4. (vegetable), too.The 5. (one) day was interesting and relaxing.
However, the next noon, I got 6. awful experience. When I looked into my tent, I saw a small hedgehog ( 刺猬 )sleeping in the corner. I was so 7. (scare) and I couldn't move. Dad came and said animals are 8. (we) friends.He took the hedgehog behind a big tree and told me that hedgehogs don't like sunlight. They like to go out 9.
night.There 10. (be) no thorns( 刺)on its stomach(肚子).
What a useful lesson for me! I hope to have a camp this summer again.
If someone tells you plants can talk with each other,you must think he is kidding. However, modern search has found something 1 : they do communicate with each other.
It has been known for some time that plants use chemicals to communicate with each other. This happens when a plant gets attacked (袭击) by 2 .The plant gives out chemicals from the leaves that are being eaten. This is like a 3 or a call for help:“I'm being attacked!” When another plant gets the chemicals ,it starts to 4 its own ,different chemicals. Some of these chemicals can 5 insects away. Others attract ( 吸引) the wasps (黄峰)! The wasps kill the insects that are eating the plants. 6 hope to learn more about this plant warning system so that we can use it to grow more crops
More surprisingly , plants also use sounds to communicate. People can't hear these sounds 7 plants are making them. Some trees make licking noises when they are 8 during the dry season.
Most surprisingly of all,plants can communicate with nearly every plant in a forest. Scientists call this system the “ wood wide web”. It connects the roots of different plants to each other.It is 9 the Internet we use. Using the wood wide web ,plants can share information and even food with each other.Scientists are learning more every day about the secret ways in which plants talk to each other. Maybe one day we will be able to “ 10 ” with them ourselves.
1. A. impossible B.funny C.amazing D. relaxing
2. A. humans B. insects C.enemies D. rainstorms
3.A. warning B.information C.news D.music
4. A. give up B. give in C. give out D. give away
5. A. ask B. eat C.blow D. drive
6. A. Teachers B.Humans C. Scientists D. Workers
7.A. so B. but C.because D.if
8. A. hungry B. thirsty C.unhappy D. afraid
9.A. different B.same C.like D. similar
10. A. play B.communicate C.connect D.share
一.1-5vacation; sofa; tiny;scared;friendly
6-9 to visit; been; gentle, gently; to choose
二.for; put; carefully; vegetables; first; an; scared; our; at; are



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