
Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.
【key words】
No. English Chinese Let’s test!
1 beginning n.开头;开端
2 resolution n.决心;决定
3 schoolwork n.学校作业;功课
4 university n. (综合性) 大学;
5 promise n.承诺,诺言 v.许诺;承诺
6 education n.教育
7 article n.文章;论文
8 send v.邮寄;发送
9 pilot n.飞行员
10 foreign adj.外国的
11 relationship n.关系;联系
12 improve v.改进;改善
13 physical adj.身体的
14 hobby n.业余爱好
15 weekly adj.&adv.每周地
16 meaning n.意义;意思
17 own adj.&pron.自己的
18 personal adj.个人的;私人的
cook n.厨师v.烹饪;煮→_______________n.烹饪
violin n.小提琴→_______________n.小提琴手
drive v.驾驶→_______________ n.驾驶员;司机
piano n.钢琴→_______________n.钢琴家
science n.科学→_______________n.科学家
education n.教育→_______________adj.有教育意义的→_______________n.教育家
mean v.意味着;意思是→_______________n.意义;意思→_______________ adj.毫无意义的
discuss v.讨论→_______________ n.讨论.
begin v.开始→_______________ n.开头;开端
improve v.改进;改善→_______________ n.改进;提高
week n.周→_______________ adj.& adv.每周的(地)
person n.人→_______________adj.个人的;私人的
【key phrases】
at the beginning of ...的开始 take up 学着做;开始做
have to do with 关于; ....关系 grow up 长大;成熟;成长
write down 写下;记录下 make sure 确保,查明
be sure about... 确定 try one's best to do... 尽最大努力做.....
keep on doing sth. 继续做某事 promise to do sth. 承诺做某事
agree with 同意 the meaning of... ....的含义
be able to 能够 improve one's life 改善某人的生活
for this reason 因为这个原因 make plans for 为....制订计划
1. -What are you busy with these days
-I am busy taking _______ English lessons in _______ university.
A.the; / B. /; a C. /; an
2. -ls there _______ a sports meeting next month in our school
-Yes. And I promised _______ the first place in running.
A. going to have; to win B. going to be; winning C. going to be; to win
3. -Are you sure _______ your dream at the moment
-Of course. I dream _______ a good teacher like you.
A. of; to be B. about; of being C. with; of being
4. Tom _______ able to become a primary school student because his school headmaster thought he was _______ young _______ take care of himself in school.
A. wasn’t, too…to B. isn’t so…that C. wasn’t, not enough…to
5. We should keep on _______ because it _______ our self-improvement.
A. learning; have to do with
B. learn; have nothing to do with
C. learning; has to do with
6. -I believe I can get a better grade if I study harder.
A.I can’t agree more. B. That’s a good idea. C. You are very good.
7-I practice _______ every day, but when I _______ my favorite magazines, they still didn’t accept it.
A. writing; sent it to B. to write; sent to it C. writing; sent it for
8. -My new year resolution this year is _______ a soccer team.
-Sounds good, but you’d better write it down before _______ it.
A. to make; forget about B. making; forgot about C. to make; forgetting about
9. As usual, _______ a parents’ meeting after the mid-term examination
A. there is going be B. will be C. there is going to have
10.- _______ some notes can be good for your study.
-But it will _______ a lot of my time in class.
A. Take down; make up B. Taking up; take down C. Taking down; take up
11. The policeman q__________ the criminal about the accident yesterday.
12. They finally made a decision after d__________ where to go on vacation for a long time.
13. Jessie made great i__________ in English with her teacher’s help, and she will keep on.
14. Jessica’s dream is to be a great p__________. She never stops working hard on it and wants to play as well as Lang Lang.
15. Cambridge and Oxford are two of the best u__________ in the world.
Unit 7 Will people have robots
【key words】
No. English Chinese Let’s test!
1 space n.太空;空间
2 dangerous adj.有危险的;不安全的
3 possible adj.可能存在或发生
4 rocket n.火箭
5 holiday n.假日;假期
6 planet n.行星
7 astronaut n.宇航员
8 servant n.仆人
9 probably adv.大概;很可能
10 disagree v.不同意;持不同意见
11 pollute v.污染
12 future n.将来;未来
13 environment n.环境
14 factory n.工厂
15 believe v.相信;认为有可能
already adv.已经
fall adj.&adv.倒塌;跌落
apartment n.公寓
prediction n.预言
during prep.在...期间
pollution n.污染;污染物→_____________ v.污染
prediction n.预言;预测→_____________ v.预言;预测
environment n.环境→_____________ adj.环境的
peace n.和平→_____________ adj.和平的
dangerous adj.有危险的;不安全的→_____________n.危险
disagree v.不同意;持不同意见;有分歧→_____________v.同意;赞成
possible adj.可能存在或发生的;可能的→_____________adj.不可能存在或发生的;不可能的
probably adv.可能地→_____________ adj.可能的
【key phrases】
think like humans 像人类一样思考 never get bored 从不疲惫
do the same things as 与....做相同的事 for example 例如
look for 寻找 seem impossible 看起来不可能
be fun to watch 看起来滑稽 wake up 醒过来
be polluted 被污染 live on the earth 住在地球上.
move to other planets 搬到其它星球 be in great danger 处于极大的危险中
play a part in... ....中扮演-个角色 over and over again 多次;反复
save one's life 救某人的命 hundreds of 许多
1. Henry wants to be _______ astronaut, and he hopes to live in _______ space.
A. an;/ B. an;an C. a;they
2. There will be _______ pollution in 100 years. We can live in a greener environment.
A. more B. less C. fewer
3.What will our lives be like after finishing middle school Let's make _______.
A. choices B. predictions C. decisions
4. It is really crowded in Beijing now. I hope there _______ fewer cars in hundreds of
years and people can use public transportation more.
A. are B. were C. will be
5. If you keep on working hard, it will be _______ to make your dream come true one day, although it will not be easy.
A. important B. possible C. actually
6. Cleaning the classroom is really _______, but no one gets _______ and keeps doing it every day.
A. bored;boring B. bored;bored C. boring;bored
7. My parents want me to be a doctor. But I _______ with them. I think I’ll talk with her this evening and tell her about my dream.
A. fight B. discuss C. disagree
8. This robot looks like a(n) _______, so it's easy for it to lift heavy things to high shelves.
A. arm B. dog C. leg
9. ---It's said that robots will be smarter and finally they,will fight against humans.
A. I'd love to. B. I hope not. C. I don't know.
10. In the future, robots will be like humans and they will do the same things _______ humans do.
A.with B. like C. as
11. For most people, it's important to live in a beautiful e__________, so they like the houses
with a big garden in the quiet countryside.
12. No one will b__________ in him this time, because he doesn't always tell the truth.
13. In order to stop p__________ the river, the government closed lots of paper making factories in the last 5 years.
14. Being an a__________ isn't easy. They have to eat and sleep upside down in space. And this
always makes people feel sick.
15. Scientists believe that in the near future, people will have their own robot s__________ to help
them do the housework at home.
Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake
【key words】
No. English Chinese Let’s test!
1 Thanksgiving n.感恩节
2 traditional adj.传统的;惯例的
3 celebrate v.庆祝;庆贺
4 turkey n.火鸡
5 mix v. (使)混合;融合
6 fill v. (使)充满,装满
7 finally adv.最后;最终
8 plate n.盘子;碟子
9 cover v.遮盖;覆盖 n.覆盖物;盖子
10 gravy n. (调味) 肉汁
11 sandwich n.三明治;夹心面包片
12 lettuce n.黄油;奶油
13 shake n.&v.摇动;抖动
14 blender n.事物搅拌机
15 dig v.挖
16 prepare v.做好准备
17 temperature n.温度
finally adv.最后;最终→____________ adj.最后的;最终的
salt n.食盐-→____________adj.咸的
traditional adj.传统的;惯例的→____________n.传统;惯例
traveler n.漂泊者;旅行者;游客→____________v.旅游;旅行
celebrate v.庆祝;庆贺→____________ n.庆祝;庆贺
mix v.(使)混合;融合→____________ n.混合物
serve v.接待;服务;提供→____________n.服务
【key phrases】
turn on 打开(机器) cut up 切碎
two teaspoons of... .两茶匙..... taste great 尝起来很棒
make beef noodles 做牛肉面 pour.. into... 把.....倒入....
one more thing 还有一-件事 follow the instructions 遵照指令
at the top of.... 在...顶端: on special holidays 在特别的假期
cover.. with... 用.....盖.... one by one 一个接-一个
in different ways 用不同的方式 fill with 用....装满
cover with 用....遮盖 milk shake 奶昔
1. Please _______ the TV. I want to watch football match on TV.
A. turn off B. open C. turn on
2. --- _______ salt do we need for the noodles --- Just a little is OK.
A. How much B. How many C. What
3. --- I don’t know how to use the popcorn machine.
--- It doesn’t matter. Here is the _______.
A. instruction B. ingredients C. information
4. I don’t like the color of the T-shirt. Would you please show me _______ one
A. other B. the other C. another
5. I need two _______ for the fruit salad.
A. spoon of honey B. spoons of honey C. spoon of salt
6. We all like _______ salad, but Tom doesn’t like _______ in the salad.
A. vegetables, vegetables B. vegetable, vegetables C. vegetable, vegetable
7. I don’t understand _______ the instructions _______.
A. how; means B. what; mean C. how; mean
8. You need an _______ and a few _______ for the beef soup.
A. tomato, beef B. onion, tomatoes C. lettuce, salt
9. Put all the things in a bowl and _______ for two minutes.
A. mix up them B. mix them up C. mix up it
0. In most countries, people usually eat traditional food _______.
A. during the summer vacation B. on weekends C. on special holidays
11. According to the recipe, we need to cut the chicken into p__________ to cook Yunnan rice noodles.
12. If you don’t know how to make the m__________ work, you can read the instructions first.
13. The rivers are becoming more and more polluted because the factories along them are always p__________ their waste into them.
14. He has a sweet tooth. He adds lots of s__________ while eating popcorn.
15. My daughter is quite interested in t__________ Chinese stories like Monkey King.
Unit 9 Can you come to my party
【key words】
No. English Chinese Let’s test!
1 invitation n.邀请;请柬
2 guest n.客人;宾客
3 exam n. (=examination) 考试
4 available adj.可获得的;有空的
5 accept v.接受
6 refuse v.拒绝
7 reply v.回答;回复
8 calendar n.日历;日程表
9 catch v.及时赶上;接住;抓住
10 until conj. & prep.到..时;
11 surprised adj.惊奇的;感觉意外的
12 hang v.悬挂
13 forward adv. & v.向前
14 delete v.删除
15 without prep.没有
16 opening n.开幕式
17 event n.大事;公开活动
18 daytime n.白天;日间
prepare u.使做好准备;把……准备好→_________________n.准备;准备工作
hang v.悬挂;垂下→_________________(过去式)
catch v.及时赶上;接住;抓住→_________________t(过去式)
invite v.邀请→_________________n.邀请;请柬
sad adj.(令人)悲哀的;(令人)难过的→_________________n.悲哀;悲伤
surprised adj.惊奇的;感觉意外的→________________ adj.令人惊讶的→________________n.惊讶
【key phrases】
prepare for 为....做准备 another time 其他时间,别的时间
hang out 去某处,泡在某处 have the flu 患流感
meet one's friend(s) 会见某人的朋友 help my parents help my parents
the day after tomorrow 后天 the day before yesterday 前天
not... until.. 直到....... too much homework 太多家庭作业
look after 照顾 turn down 拒绝
look forward to 盼望、期待 reply in writing 书面回复
accept an invitation 接受邀请 take a trip 去旅行
1. If Mrs. Smith ___________ back tomorrow, please let me know.
A. will come B. come C. comes D. came
2. I usually sleep with the window open __________ it’s really cold.
A. if B. however C. so D. unless
3. My teacher gave me a lot of ___________ on how to study math well when I had trouble.
A. advice B. question C. suggestion D. problem
4. After Steven sent some e-mails, he ___________ surfing the Internet.
A. starts B. has started C. will start D. started
5. Many fast food restaurants paint their walls red, play loud music and have hard seats ______
customers eat quickly and leave.
A. make B. to make C. made D. making
6. If you have the party today , __________ won’t come.
A. half the class B. half class C. half of classes D. half of class
7. You should share your problems with your parents because they have _________.
A. much experiences B. more experience
C. many experience D. lots of experiences
8. ---Could you please help me with my English
---_____________. It’s my pleasure.
A. Not sure. B. Sure not C. Certainly D. Certainly not
9. His father told him to be _________ ant not to be make __________ mistakes.
A. careful; careless B. carefully; careful C. careful; careful D. carefully; careless
10. If you don’t finish your homework, your teacher will __________-you
A. be angry with B. be angry for C. be angry of D. be angry at
11. My school o____________ a book sale in the school library two weeks ago.
12. Mary felt vey u_____________ after she broke the glass.
13. You should ask the teacher for a______________ when you have trouble.
14. Peter managed to repair the bike by h_____________.
15. She is always c______________ about her schoolwork, so she keeps making the same mistakes.
Unit10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!
【key words】
No. English Chinese Let’s test!
1 normal adj.正常的;一般的
2 expert n.专家;能手
3 advise v.劝告,建议
4 experience n.经验;经历
5 halfway adj. & adv.在中途;部分地
6 organize v. (=organise)组织;筹备
7 mistake n.错误;失误
8 careful adj.小心的;细致的;精心
9 understanding adj.善解人意的;体谅人
10 solve v. 解决;解答
11 teenager n. (13~19岁的)青少年
12 upset adj. 难过,失望;沮丧
13 certainly adv. 当然,肯定;无疑;行
14 travel v.& n.旅行;游历
15 normal adj.正常的;一般的
16 unless conj.除非;如果不
17 angry adj.生气的
18 trust v.信任;相信
19 else adj. & adv.别的;其他的
meeting n.会议;集会;会面→______________v.见面;会面
organize v.组织;筹备→______________ n.组织
advice n.劝告;建议→______________ v.劝告;建议
normal adj.正常的;一般的→______________ adv.经常地;一般地
certainly adj.无疑;肯定;当然;行→______________adj.肯定的
understanding adj.善解人意的;体谅人的→______________v.理解;明白
careless adj.粗心的;不小心的→______________adj.小心的;细致的;精心的;慎重的→______________ v.在意;担忧;关心
himself pron.他自己→______________(宾格)→______________(主格)
solve v解决;解答→______________n.解决;解决方法
【key phrases】
have a great time 玩得开心 stay at home 待在家里
tomorrow night 明天晚上 have a class meeting 开班会
make some food 做些食物 feel upset 感到沮丧:
give sb. some advice 给某人一些建议 travel around the world 环游世界
make a lot of money 赚许多钱 get an education 得到教育
keep... to oneself 保守秘密 be angry at / about sth. 因某事生气
in the end 最后 make mistakes 犯错误
run away from 逃避,逃跑 cut in half 分成两半
1. Lots of________ came to help the children with mental problems after the earthquake.
agents B. experts C. headmasters
2. If I make a lot of money, I'll________. I want to know something about other countries.
A. be famous B. get an education C. travel around the world
3. You can't make your dream come true ________you work really hard.
A. if B. unless C. until
4. Peter was sleepy in class because he was ill. Mr. Li didn't get angry but asked him to take
care. He is really a/an________ teacher.
A. understanding B. halfway C. normal
5. When you________ something, please remember parents are always there for you.
A. are halfway to B. have problems with C. run away from
6. Besides (除了) watching movies,what________ do you want to do
A. other B. others C. else
7.---What will happen if I don't finish my homework
---________. And maybe he will call your parents.
A. Half the class won't come. B. The teacher will be unhappy.
C. You'll have a great time.
8.I________a happy vacation, if I________ good grades in the final exam.
A will have; don't have B. don't have; will have C. won't have; don't have
9. We should ________easily believe the news ________we see it ourselves.
A. not; until B. too, to C. so, that
10. Sharing your worry can help you________. It helps a lot.
A. cut it in half B. tell it to someone C. keep it to yourself
11. Now, People don’t need to take their w__________ with them, they can buy things through
12. After getting the result of the exam, I was so u__________ that I didn’t eat for days
13. Last Friday we bought many c__________ for the New Year's party. They were so sweet.
14. Mr. Ren is a teacher with lots of teaching e__________ He really teaches well
15. There are many t__________ playing soccer in the middle school. It's so noisy.
cook n.厨师v.烹饪;煮→cooking n.烹饪
violin n.小提琴→violinist n.小提琴手
drive u.驾驶→driver n.驾驶员;司机
piano n.钢琴→pianist n.钢琴家
science n.科学→scientist n.科学家
education n.教育→educational adj.有教育意义的.
mean v.意味着;意思是→meaning n.意义;意思→meaningless adj.毫无意义的
discuss v.讨论→discussion n.讨论.
begin v.开始→beginning n.开头;开端
improve v.改进;改善→improvement n.改进;提高
week n.周-weekly adj.& adv.每周的(地)
person n.人→personal adj.个人的;私人的
pollution n.污染;污染物→pollute v.污染
prediction n.预言;预测--→predict v.预言;预测
environment n.环境→environmental adj.环境的
peace n.和平 -peaceful adj.和平的
dangerous adj.有危险的;不安全的→danger n.危险
disagree u.不同意;持不同意见;有分歧→agree v.同意;赞成
possible adj.可能存在或发生的;可能的→impossible adj.不可能存在或发生的;不可能的
probably adv.可能地→probable adj.可能的
finally adv.最后;最终→final adj.最后的;最终的
salt n.食盐-→salty adj.咸的
traditional adj.传统的;惯例的→tradition n.传统;惯例
traveler n.漂泊者;旅行者;游客→travel v.旅游;旅行
celebrate v.庆祝;庆贺一celebration n.庆祝;庆贺
mix v.(使)混合;融合→mixture n.混合物
serve v.接待;服务;提供→service n.服务
1. prepare u.使做好准备;把……准备好→preparation n.准备;准备工作
2.hang v.悬挂;垂下→ hung(过去式)
3 .catch u.及时赶上;接住;抓住--caught(过去式)4.invite u.邀请→invitation n.邀请;请柬
5. sad adj.(令人)悲哀的;(令人)难过的→ sadness n.悲哀;悲伤
6.surprised adj.惊奇的;感觉意外的→surprising adj.令人惊讶的→surprise n.惊讶
meeting n.会议;集会;会面→meet u.见面;会面
organize v.组织;筹备→organization n.组织
advice n.劝告;建议→advise v.劝告;建议
normal adj.正常的;一般的→→normally adv.经常地;一般地
certainly ad.无疑;肯定;当然;行→certain adj.肯定的
understanding adj、善解人意的;体谅人的→understand v.理解;明白
careless adj.粗心的;不小心的→careful adj.小心的;细致的;精心的;慎重的→ care v.在意;担忧;关心
himself pron.他自己→him(宾格)一he(主格)
solve v解决;解答→solution n.解决;解决方法
1-5: ACBBC 6-10: ABCAA
1.questioned 2. discussing 3. improvements 4. pianist 5. universities
environment; believe; polluting; astronaut; servants
1. pieces 2. machine 3. pouring 4. sugar 5. telling
1. organized 2. upset 3. advice 4. himself 5. careless
单项选择 1-5 CDADB 6-10 ABCAA
首字母:1.wallet 2.upset 3.chocolate 4.experience 5.teenager



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