外研(新标准)版七年级下册 Module 3 Unit 2 We're going to cheer the players.基础知识专练(共2课时含答案)

Module 3 Unit 2 We're going to cheer the players
第1课时 同步练习
1. 露西看起来很悲伤, 咱们使她振作起来。
Lucy looks sad. Let's ________ ________ ________.
2. 我希望你暑假愉快。
I ________ you have a nice ________ ________.
3. 她期盼着见到她的父母。
She ________ ________ ________ ________ her parents.
4. 下周去观光怎么样
How about ________ ________ next week
5. 在五一劳动节你经常做什么
What do you often do ________ ________ ________
6. 我们经常在晚饭后散步。
We often ________ ________ ________ after dinner.
1. 五一假期我将会过得很开心。
I'm going to________ ________ during the ________ ________ holiday.
2. 我们将会在乡间散步或者去游泳。
We're going to ________ ________ ________ in the country or ________ ________.
3. 我们也将会去观光并去海滩野餐。
We're also ________ ________ and going to ________ ________ ________ on the beach.
4. 孩子们总是盼望着春节。
Children always ________ ________ ________ the Spring Festival.
5. 我正期待着明天的足球赛。
I'm ________ ________ ________ the football match tomorrow.
6. 我们将遇见其他球迷, 结交一些新朋友。
We're going to meet other fans, and________ some new ________.
三 选择方框中适当的单词并用其正确形式填空。
late, sightseeing, play, two, Australia
1. We are going to cheer the ________ together.
2. My grandparents live on the ________ floor.
3. My brother gets up very ________ every Sunday.
4. I want to make some ____________ friends.
5. Would you like to go ____________ with me
四 根据句意及首字母或者中文提示,补全句中所缺单词。
(1)Lingling is going to c________ her email this evening.
(2)Daming gets up e________ every day.
(3)Jim is going to have a ________ (野餐) with Tom and Tony in the park.
(4)What are you going to do n________ week
(5)Don't be ________ (愚蠢的)!
五 按要求完成句子
1. 欢迎返回这座城市!
________ ________ ________this city!
2. 这些是谁的紫色手套
________ ________ ________ are these
3. 这个手表是我的。
This watch________ ________.
4. Kevin的包在失物招领箱里。
________ ________ is in the ________ ________ ________ box.
5. 从现在起我要学骑自行车。
________ ________ ________, I will learn ________ ________a bike.
6. Your English book is here. (改为倒装句)
________ ________ your English book.
7. This bag is Tom's. (就画线部分提问)
________ ________ this bag 8. The purple T -shirt is Lisa's. (改为一般疑问句)
________ the purple T- shirt ________
9. The red one isn't his bike. (改为同义句)
The red ________ isn't________.
10. Are these your books (作肯定回答)
Yes, ________ ________.
六 补全对话
A:Hi, Zhou Weilun! It's a nice day, isn't it
B:Yes, it is. ________
A:I'm going to stay with my grandparents for a month in the countryside.
B:Really ________
A:Because there is too much noise in the city. _______
What's more, there are many green plants in the countryside. I like plants.
B:I also like plants, but I like animals better.
A:Why do you think so
B:________ They are our friends.
A:I think I should also make an animal friend this time.
A:Thank you.
A. I like living in a quiet place.B. What are you going to do during the summer holiday C. Why do you want to live in the countryside D. Have a good time in the countryside!E. Because animals give us joy and can help us do some useful things.
七 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文
Hello, I’m Jenny Hunt. I am going to have a housewarming(乔迁庆宴) tomorrow. My husband promises 1__________(help) me with the party,2__________he needs to go to the airport to meet his customers. So I am going to do everything by 3__________(my). I’ll do my best to make4__________nice party.
First, I am going to call my 5__________(friend) and invite(邀请) them to come to the party. After that, I’ll start to 6__________(clean) and decorate(装怖) my house. Next, I am going to do some 7__________(shop) in the Green Store. I am going to buy some food and drinks. Also, I need to think of some interesting 8(game) for the party. And I am going to search for some on the Internet. I’m looking forward to 9(see) my friends. And I’m sure I can have a great time 10__________them.
Module 3 Unit 2 We're going to cheer the players
第2课时 同步练习
1. I’m going to be a p______like Sun Yang.
2. Don’t be l______ for class again.
3. Children like lying on the b______ and enjoying the sun.
4. We h______ everything goes well.
5. They laughed and talked d______the party.
二 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词
1.They are going to c     litter in the park near the house.
2.Lucy is going on a summer c     in Sydney.
3.Monday is the s     day of the week.
4.It is good f     to play with my best friends.
5.I’d like to go to Beijing d     the winter holiday.
三 根据括号提示的适当形式完成单词
1. I want to take some photos of Hong Kong -Zhuhai -Macau Bridge. May I use your ________(相机)
2. There're about nine ________(百) students in our school.
3. Look, there's something ________(奇怪的)in the sky.
4. There are ____________(千)of students in our school.
5. Is there an ________(机场)in your city
四 从方框中选择恰当的词完成句子
camp, else, early, country, nothing
1.There is ________ in the box. It's empty(空的).
2. He doesn't like living in a city. He enjoys living in the ________.
3.—Who ________ is going to the beach in your class
4.We're going on a summer ________ in Beidaihe.
5. I get up ________ to catch(赶上)a bus.
五 用所给动词的正确形式填空
1. I ______ (watch) the football games on TV this Sunday.
2. She ______ (not have) lunch at school tomorrow.
3. ______ they ______ (study) English this year
4. What ______ you ______ (do) tomorrow
5. I ______ (play) basketball with Jim this afternoon.
六 句型转换
1. He's going to buy a new camera tomorrow. (改为一般疑问句)
________ he ________ to buy a new camera tomorrow
2. Are they going to play soccer this afternoon (作否定回答)
________, they ________.
3. She is going to have a picnic on Sunday. (就画线部分提问)
________ ________ she going ________ ________ on Sunday
4. We are going to swim in the lake. (用He替换We)
He ________ ________ to swim in the lake.5. There is a basketball game now. (用next week替换now)
There ________ ________ ________ ________ a basketball game next week.
七 补全对话
(A=BaiRu B=Tang Xiaobing)
A: Good morning, Tang Xiaobing.
B: Good morning, BaiRu. 
A: The weekend is coming. 1.   
B: On Saturday morning, I’m going to go over lessons at home. On Saturday afternoon, my parents are going to take me to have a picnic. 2   
A: Go camping Oh, I never sleep in a camp. You are very lucky!
B: Thank you. 3.   
A: What about Sunday
B: 4.     We want to have meals with them.
A: It’s good to stay with our grandparents. 5.     
B: You’re right.
A.Theyhope to see us, too.
B.Whatare your plans
C.Then, we are also going camping in the evening.
D.Weare going to visit my grandparents.
E.My family enjoy outside activities(户外活动), you know.
八 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文
May Day holiday is coming. I’m going to have a good time. 1__________(在……时候) the first day, I’m going to do my 2__________(家务劳动), then I am going to go over 3__________(功课). On the 4__________(第二) day, I am going to have a 5__________(野餐). The food is 6(极好的). 7__________(没有什么) else is better. On the 8__________(第三) day, I’m going to stay at 9__________(家)______. 10__________(没有人) can visit me.
Module 3 Unit 2 We're going to cheer the players
第1课时 同步练习
1 cheer her up考查cheer up。其意思为“使……振作起来”,接宾格时宾格要放在中间。
2 hope summer holiday
3 looks forward to meeting考查look forward to。其意思为“盼望”,后接动词的- ing形式。由主语She可知look用第三人称单数形式。
4 going sightseeing考查go sightseeing。其意思为“去观光”。how about后接动词的 -ing形式。
5 on May Day, 6 take a walk
1 enjoy myself May Day, 2 take a walk go swimming, 3 going sightseeing have a picnic, 4 look forward to
5 looking forward to,6 make friends,
三 选择方框中适当的单词并用其正确形式填空。
1players 2.second 3.late 4.Australian 5.sightseeing
四 根据句意及首字母或者中文提示,补全句中所缺单词。
五 按要求完成句子
1-5 Welcome back to, Whose purple gloves, is mine,
Kevin’s bag lost and found, From now on to ride;
6-10 Here is, Whose is, Is Lisa’s, bike his, they are;
六 补全对话
七 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文
1. to help 2. but 3. myself 4. a 5. friends 6. clean
7. shopping 8. games 9. seeing 10. with
Module 3 Unit 2 We're going to cheer the players
第2课时 同步练习
1. player 2. late 3. beach 4. hope 5. during
二 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词
1.collect 2.camp 3.second4.fun 5.during
三 根据括号提示的适当形式完成单词
1-5 camera, hundred, strange, thousands, airport
四 从方框中选择恰当的词完成句子
1 nothing 2 country 3 else 4 camp 5 early五 用所给动词的正确形式填空
1. am going to watch
2. isn’t going to have
3 (1). Are (2). going to study
4 (1).are (2). going to do
5. am going to play
六 句型转换
1Is going, 2 No aren’t, 3 What is to do, 4 is going
5 is going to be
七 补全对话 BCEDA
八 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文
1. On 2. housework 3. lessons 4. second 5. picnic
6. fantastic 7. Nothing 8. third 9. home 10. Nobody




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