(人教新目标Go for it!) 七年级英语下册同步练习 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 第2课时 (Section A GF-3c) 分层作业(试题版+解析版)

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar
Section A GF-3c 分层练习
1、Can you play the           (吉他)
2、My brother can           (游泳),but I can’t.
3、The girl          (绘画) very well. The bird is like a real one.
4、These           (故事)make us very happy. Each has a happy ending.
5、My good friend friend Kate is good at           (唱歌)English songs.
1. –你会游泳吗?--不,我不会。
-- ______ you ______
--No, I ______.
2. --你想加入什么俱乐部?--我想加入国际象棋俱乐部。
--_____ _____ do you want _____ _____
--I want ______ ______ the _______ _____.
3. What sports can you play
4. You are very good at telling stories.
1. Mary can _______, so she wants to join the ______ club.
A.swims; swim B.swims; swimming
C.swimming; swim D.swim; swimming
2. —Mike,what club do you want to join?
—Well,I want to join the ________ club. I love painting.(济南)
A. chess B. sports C. art D. English
3. —Can your sister play ping-pong
—______ But she can play volleyball.
A. Yes, she can. B. No, she can’t.
C. Yes, she does. D. No, she doesn’t.
4. Let’s the art club.
A. join B. to join C. not joining D. not to join
5. Steven is ________ at Chinese. He can speak Chinese ________.
A.well, good B.good, well C.nice, good D.fine, well
1.I want ________ (join) the swimming club.
2.The girl wants to be a great ________.(music)
3.My uncle likes sports and often practices ________ (swim) after work.
4.Having three meals _____ us healthy. (make)
5.He can do kung fu, so I want to make ________ (friend) with him.
A: Hi, Jack. ____1____
B: I want to join the chess club.
A: Oh. ____2____
B: Yes, I can. I can play chess well. ____3____
A: No, I don’t. ____4____ I can play soccer well.
B: I can play soccer, too.
A: Really ____5____
B: OK.
A.Let’s sing together.
B.Do you want to join the chess club
C.I want to join the soccer club.
D.Let’s play it now.
E.Can you play chess
F.Can you play the piano
G.What club do you want to join
Do you want to learn how to swim Welcome to the swimming club! There are good teachers in our club. You can also play interesting games here. Call John at 407-7998 or write an e-mail to him. E-mail address: john7203@ Time: 9:00—11:00, on Sunday mornings Price: $60/hour
Do you like playing the guitar You can join the guitar club. Here the teachers can show you how to play the guitar. Call Alice at 569-8838. E-mail address: alice8605@ Time: 3:00—4:00, on Saturday afternoons Price: $80/hour
Do you like painting Please come to the art club. Mike Green is a good painter. Do you want to be a great painter He can help you. Call Mike at 286-9332. E-mail address: mike8904@ Time: 8:30—11:30, on Saturday mornings Price: $ 50/hour
Are you good at playing basketball Please join the basketball club. You can learn more about basketball. You can play with other boys and girls. You can also make many new friends. Call David at 697-5821. E-mail address: david8509@ Time: 3:30—6:30, on Sunday afternoons Price: $40/hour
1.You can call ________to join the basketball club.
A.697-5821 B.286-9332 C.569-8838 D.407-7998
2.When can you learn to swim in the swimming club
A.From 4:00 to 6:00 on Sunday afternoons. B.From 9:00 to 11:00 on Sunday mornings.
C.From 8:00 to 10:00 on Sunday mornings. D.From 3:00 to 4:00 on Saturday afternoons.
3.If you want to learn to play the guitar, you need to pay ________ an hour.
A.40 dollars B.50 dollars C.60 dollars D.80 dollars
4.From the four ads, we know that ________.
A.John is good at playing basketball
B.Mike Green is a good player
C.we can make many new friends in the basketball club
D.we can make many new friends in the guitar club
5.Jim is free from 4:00 to 6:00 on Sunday afternoons. What club can he join
A.The swimming club. B.The guitar club.
C.The art club. D.The basketball club.
Unit 1 Can you play the guitar
Section A GF-3c 分层练习
1、Can you play the           (吉他)
2、My brother can           (游泳),but I can’t.
【解析】句意:我哥哥会游泳,但我不能。“游泳”英文表达是swim,情态动词can 后用动词原形,故答案为swim。
3、The girl          (绘画) very well. The bird is like a real one.
【解析】句意:这个女孩画得很好,这只鸟就像一只真正的鸟。“绘画”英文表达是draw,主语The girl 是第三人称单数,所以动词用三单形式draws,故答案为draws。
4、These           (故事)make us very happy. Each has a happy ending.
5、My good friend friend Kate is good at           (唱歌)English songs.
【解析】[句意:我的好朋友凯特很擅长唱英文歌。“唱歌”英文表达是sing,be good at doing sth.擅长做某事,所以这里应使用sing的ing形式,故答案为singing。
1. –你会游泳吗?--不,我不会。
-- ______ you ______
--No, I ______.
【答案】 Can; swim; can’t
【解析】根据题目所给汉语及英语题干中已经给出的单词进行分析这个句子的翻译,第一个用情态动词can,因为在句首,需要大写,第二个词是swim,回答为否定形式,第三个横线用情态动词can的否定形式,这里需要写缩写形式,因此答案是 Can; swim; can’t。
2. --你想加入什么俱乐部?--我想加入国际象棋俱乐部。
--_____ _____ do you want _____ _____
--I want ______ ______ the _______ _____.
【答案】What club; to join; to join; chess club
【解析】根据题目所给汉语及问句及答句的英语题干中已经给出的单词进行分析这个句子的翻译,在问句部分,第一个空,用特殊疑问词what,因为在句首,需要大写,第二个词是club,后面两个空,需要填 to ,join,回答句,前面两个空需要填 to,join,句子末尾的两个空,需要填chess club ,这里需要写缩写形式,因此答案是 Can; swim; can’t。
3. What sports can you play
4. You are very good at telling stories.
1. Mary can _______, so she wants to join the ______ club.
A.swims; swim B.swims; swimming
C.swimming; swim D.swim; swimming
【答案】 D
【解析】根据原句及所给的相关信息,结合四个选项分析,可以知道,第一句表示某人能做什么的结构,这个横线部分情态动词can后面的动词用原形,第二句要表达的是“因此她想加入游泳俱乐部。”, 因此,因此选D。
2. —Mike, what club do you want to join?
—Well, I want to join the ________ club. I love painting.(济南)
A. chess B. sports C. art D. English
【解析】句意:----迈克,你想参加什么俱乐部?-----嗯,我想加入艺术俱乐部。我爱画画。A. chess象棋,国际象棋;B. sports运动,体育活动;C. art艺术,美术;D. English英语。结合句意可知选C。
3. —Can your sister play ping-pong
—______ But she can play volleyball.
A. Yes, she can. B. No, she can’t.
C. Yes, she does. D. No, she doesn’t.
【解析】考查情态动词用法。回答情态动词can开头的一般疑问句, 应用“Yes, 主语+can. ”或“No, 主语+can’t. ”;由答语中“但她会打排球”, 可知应为否定回答, 故选B。
4. Let’s the art club.
A. join B. to join C. not joining D. not to join
【解析】句意:让我们加入艺术俱乐部吧。考查动词形式辨析题。let sb. do sth.让某人做某事,是祈使句,固定结构;根据句意结构,可知选A。
5. Steven is ________ at Chinese. He can speak Chinese ________.
A.well, good B.good, well C.nice, good D.fine, well
考查形容词和副词。good好的;nice好的;fine好的;well好地。第一空是固定短语:be good at“擅长”;第二空应用副词well修饰动词,故选B。
1.I want ________ (join) the swimming club.
【答案】to join
【详解】句意:我想加入游泳俱乐部。want to do sth“想要做某事”,是固定短语,故填to join。
2.The girl wants to be a great ________.(music)
【详解】句意:女孩想要成为一名厉害的音乐家。a后接可数名词单数,根据“The girl wants to be a great...”可知此处指职业,musician表示“音乐家”。故填musician。
3.My uncle likes sports and often practices ________ (swim) after work.
【详解】句意:我叔叔喜欢运动,下班后经常练习游泳。practice doing sth“练习做某事”,为固定短语,故填swimming。
4.Having three meals _____ us healthy. (make)
5.He can do kung fu, so I want to make ________ (friend) with him.
【详解】句意:他会功夫,所以我想和他成为朋友。make friends with sb表示“与某人交朋友”。故填friends。
A: Hi, Jack. ____1____
B: I want to join the chess club.
A: Oh. ____2____
B: Yes, I can. I can play chess well. ____3____
A: No, I don’t. ____4____ I can play soccer well.
B: I can play soccer, too.
A: Really ____5____
B: OK.
A.Let’s sing together.
B.Do you want to join the chess club
C.I want to join the soccer club.
D.Let’s play it now.
E.Can you play chess
F.Can you play the piano
G.What club do you want to join
1.G 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.D
1.根据“I want to join the chess club.”可知,此空询问想要参加哪个俱乐部。选项G“你想加入哪个俱乐部?”符合语境。故选G。
2.根据“Yes, I can. I can play chess well.”可知,此空询问会不会下棋。选项E“你会下棋吗?”符合语境。故选E。
3.根据“I can play chess well.”和“No, I don’t.”可知,此空为一般疑问句,且询问的内容与象棋有关。选项B“你想加入国际象棋俱乐部吗?”符合语境。故选B。
4.根据“I can play soccer well.”可知,此空介绍的内容与足球相关。选项C“我想加入足球俱乐部。”符合语境。故选C。
5.根据“I can play soccer, too.”和“OK.”可知,此空应该是提出建议,建议一起去踢球。选项D“我们现在就踢吧。”符合语境。故选D。
Do you want to learn how to swim Welcome to the swimming club! There are good teachers in our club. You can also play interesting games here. Call John at 407-7998 or write an e-mail to him. E-mail address: john7203@ Time: 9:00—11:00, on Sunday mornings Price: $60/hour
Do you like playing the guitar You can join the guitar club. Here the teachers can show you how to play the guitar. Call Alice at 569-8838. E-mail address: alice8605@ Time: 3:00—4:00, on Saturday afternoons Price: $80/hour
Do you like painting Please come to the art club. Mike Green is a good painter. Do you want to be a great painter He can help you. Call Mike at 286-9332. E-mail address: mike8904@ Time: 8:30—11:30, on Saturday mornings Price: $ 50/hour
Are you good at playing basketball Please join the basketball club. You can learn more about basketball. You can play with other boys and girls. You can also make many new friends. Call David at 697-5821. E-mail address: david8509@ Time: 3:30—6:30, on Sunday afternoons Price: $40/hour
1.You can call ________to join the basketball club.
A.697-5821 B.286-9332 C.569-8838 D.407-7998
2.When can you learn to swim in the swimming club
A.From 4:00 to 6:00 on Sunday afternoons. B.From 9:00 to 11:00 on Sunday mornings.
C.From 8:00 to 10:00 on Sunday mornings. D.From 3:00 to 4:00 on Saturday afternoons.
3.If you want to learn to play the guitar, you need to pay ________ an hour.
A.40 dollars B.50 dollars C.60 dollars D.80 dollars
4.From the four ads, we know that ________.
A.John is good at playing basketball
B.Mike Green is a good player
C.we can make many new friends in the basketball club
D.we can make many new friends in the guitar club
5.Jim is free from 4:00 to 6:00 on Sunday afternoons. What club can he join
A.The swimming club. B.The guitar club.
C.The art club. D.The basketball club.
1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.D
1.细节理解题。根据“You can also make many new friends. Call David at 697-5821.”可知,拨打电话697-5821可加入篮球社。故选A。
2.细节理解题。根据“Time: 9:00—11:00, on Sunday mornings”可知,周日上午9点至11点可到游泳俱乐部学习游泳。故选B。
3.细节理解题。根据“Price: $80/hour”可知,吉他社的收费是每小时80美元。故选D。
4.推理判断题。根据“You can play with other boys and girls.”可知,在篮球社可以和其他男生女生一起玩;由此推知,在篮球社可以交到很多朋友。故选C。
5.细节理解题。根据“Time: 3:30—6:30, on Sunday afternoons”可知,约翰周日下午4点至6点有空,与篮球社的开放时间对应,他可以去篮球社。故选D。



