Unit 7 Communication Workshop 同步练习 2023-2024北师大版英语九年级全一册(含解析)

Unit 7 Communication Workshop
1.—It’s unbelievable that there’s such a beautiful restaurant in the town.
—People are pleased with the ________ there, like fresh air and the clean river outside.
A.style B.service C.music D.environment
2.—Why do you like this brand
—Because all the materials used are of the best ________.
A.grade B.style C.size D.price
3.The main ________ of any report is to provide the information needed for people to make decisions or take action.
A.purpose B.choice C.form D.style
4.—What a ________! Tony, you should put away your things to keep the room clean.
—OK, mom. I will do it at once.
A.mirror B.style C.care D.mess
5.—Excuse me, what’s the ________ of the shoes I want them for Father’s Day.
—They are made of leather.
A.material B.style C.size D.price
6.—Do you like this sweater, Simon
— It isn’t the right ________. It’s too small for me.
A.size B.colour C.style D.price
7.—How did you feel when you talked to Miss Sun, Billy
—She seemed serious, but the ________ of her voice made me feel less nervous.
A.calm B.strength C.style D.warmth
8.—What is the ________ of your sweater
—It’s $ 50.
A.color B.size C.price D.style
San Francisco is a big city which lies in the west of the US along the Pacific, where two earth’s plates often meet and jump. So earthquake is a usual ____9____ for people to hear there. It is recorded that ____10____ two big earthquakes have happened in San Francisco since the beginning of the 20th century. One broke out in 1906, and the other in 1989.
The second worst earthquake shook San Francisco on the evening of October 17,1989, when people were travelling to their homes. A wide and busy road above ____11____ onto the one below. Many people were killed in their cars. A few ____12____ ones were not hurt, but many thousands became homeless. A large number of weak buildings didn’t stay up in the earthquake and the city’s electricity was ____13____ , too.
9.A.word B.mark C.story
10.A.more than B.less than C.at least
11.A.moved B.fell C.rose
12.A.lucky B.brave C.local
13.A.cleaned off B.cut off C.turned off
Have you ever been to Thailand When you travel in Thailand, you shouldn’t ____14____ the Bangkok Walking Food Tour. It usually takes three hours to ____15____ the whole tour. During the 3-hour tour, you can eat your fill (开怀大吃) in ____16____ excellent little restaurants and have great fun at the cultural attractions.
Here you can find lots of eateries (饮食店) ____17____ have been open for many years. Enjoy ____18____ when you have so many kinds of Thai dishes. As you know, they are all ____19____ deeply by Thai history and culture. The food is cleverly designed into small portion (一份) sizes, ____20____ you can try more dishes without feeling too full. The tour starts to 10 a.m. and ____21____ at around 1 p.m. If you are ____22____ enough, you shouldn’t eat breakfast.
This tour is one of visitors’ favourite activities in Thailand and really gives you a chance to get _____23_____ to the culinary delights (佳肴) of the amazing country. You will also be able to find more wonderful food in the rest of Thailand with the help of this experience.
14.A.miss B.try C.hire D.join
15.A.begin B.think C.plan D.finish
16.A.a great deal B.a number of C.a little D.the number of
17.A.who B.that C.what D.when
18.A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself
19.A.influenced B.expressed C.celebrated D.imagined
20.A.such as B.because of C.so that D.according to
21.A.lasts B.ends C.rises D.changes
22.A.silly B.fun C.strange D.wise
23.A.smaller B.closer C.wider D.bigger
Dear Linda, How was your winter holiday Did you do ___24___ interesting
I went to Yueyang with my family. Yueyang is famous ___25___ Yueyang Tower. As ___26___ as we arrived in Yueyang, we went to visit it. There were many people. It is said that Yueyang Tower receives thousands of ___27___ every year. We had a great time and learned a lot about the history of Yueyang. For lunch, we had something very special—Doupi, stinky toufu(臭豆腐)and fish. They were delicious! In the afternoon, we ___28___ a walk along the Dongting Lake. I love the clean air and sunshine. The best things in life are ___29___ ! Finally, we went to Dongting South Road, which is an Internet-famous place next to Baling Square. There are a lot of buildings in ancient style. Looking at these old buildings, I wonder ___30___ the life here was like in the past. “Great changes have ___31___ in Yueyang in the past years,” said Liu Ping, a local shop owner. My parents took us to try playing some games that they ___32___ to play when they were young, such as Kicking Shuttlecock(踢毽子), Skipping rubber band(跳皮筋)and Throw the square(滚铁环). These games ___33___ them of their childhood.
It was time to leave though we didn’t want to. This experience left us a lot of sweet memories!
24.A.anything B.something C.anywhere
25.A.as B.to C.for
26.A.long B.soon C.far
27.A.tricks B.traditions C.tourists
28.A.took B.traded C.treated
29.A.cheap B.expensive C.free
30.A.what B.how C.when
31.A.taken off B.taken down C.taken place
32.A.had B.used C.prevented
33.A.told B.remembered C.reminded
Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或短语完成短文)
London’s burning
The Great Fire of London started at around 1:00 a.m. on 2nd September, 1666. The fire started in the home of a baker named Thomas Farynor (Farriner), located on London’s Pudding Lane.
Thomas wasn’t an ____34____ baker. Actually, he was King Charles II’s baker.
The fire brought complete damage to the city of London. In 17th century London, not only were buildings made from wood and straw, but they stood very close together, making it easy for fire to ____35____. Warehouses (仓库) around Pudding Lane contained materials such as oil and rope which soon caught fire! Within just a few hours, London Bridge by the River Thames was burning. For the next four days, almost the whole city was on fire.
Instead of fighting the fire, people’s first reaction was to get away as quickly as possible. In a state of great ____36____, they collected all the belongings they could carry and ran.
Back then, there was no fire station in London. Local soldiers as well as local people did the best they could with the limited equipment they had.
It wasn’t until Tuesday, 4th September that the fire was brought under control. And by Thursday the fire was finally put out. Most of what we know about the Great Fire of London came from the ____37____ of two men called Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn, who both left detailed descriptions of this famous tragedy (悲剧). A third of the city had been destroyed! About 13,200 houses and 87 churches were burned to the ground. ____38____, only six official deaths were recorded, but the actual figure is likely to be much higher. With 70,000 people left homeless, theft and other crimes swept what was left of the city, as well as sickness and disease.
There is no doubt that the Great Fire was an awful tragedy–but it did lead to some nice changes to London. The city was rebuilt in a safer and more organized way, ____39____ such a disaster would not happen again. Streets were made wider, and buildings were made from brick or stone (rather than wood), with better access to water. What’s more, London’s first fire brigades were formed!
34.A.honest B.average C.eager D.important
35.A.arrive B.keep C.spread D.pass
36.A.fun B.fear C.interest D.pain
37.A.diaries B.proverbs C.stories D.tricks
38.A.Unluckily B.Certainly C.Immediately D.Surprisingly
39.A.because B.so that C.although D.if
When Dad told me he had to go to Paris for a business trip and suggested that I should go with him. I wasn’t that ____40____ the idea at first. It’s not that I wasn’t interested in going to Paris, ____41____ that I just didn’t think it would be much fun with a parent! ____42____, though, Dad made me believe that we would have a good time.
We live in London so we didn’t have to fly then. We took the Eurostar, which is a high-speed train that takes about two hours to ____43____ there. I thought that I might be a bit ____44____, because the train travelled through a 50-kilometer-long tunnel(隧道)under the sea between England and ____45____! “Is it safe ” I said to myself. But as we were travelling when it was already dark, I didn’t even realize that we were in the tunnel ____46____ we were almost out of it.
Then we arrived in Paris and except a couple of meetings on the first day, Dad was ____47____ the rest of the time. So we planned to visit some places, including going to the Eiffel Tower and Louvre Museum to see Leonardo da Vinci’s painting called the Mona Lisa. I’m not usually a big fan of art museums, but Dad ____48____ me into going, and in fact, it wasn’t as ____49____ as I thought it would be. It is actually quite exciting to see such a famous painting in real life.
40.A.surprised at B.afraid of C.angry about D.interested in
41.A.and B.but C.so D.because
42.A.At first B.At once C.In the end D.By now
43.A.stay B.get C.fly D.walk
44.A.happy B.hungry C.worried D.cold
45.A.America B.Germany C.Russia D.France
46.A.since B.until C.unless D.which
47.A.free B.busy C.tired D.sleepy
48.A.made B.asked C.talked D.helped
49.A.interesting B.boring C.exciting D.relaxing
Would you like to live in a city where buildings turn off the lights for you, and self-driving cars will find the nearest parking space themselves Although it might sound a little far from you, living in a “smart” city like this could happen sooner than you think.
The towns that we have lived in for centuries have changed a lot, while completely new cities are being built. One such place is the city of Songdo. In every home there will be a “telepresence” system(远程遥控系统)—allowing users to control the heating(暖气)and locks, take part in video meetings, and receive education, healthcare and government services. Around the city, escalators(自动扶梯)will only move when someone is on them, and offices and schools will all be connected to the system.
The great mind behind Songdo is from the company Cisco. In fact, technology companies around the world such as IBM, Siemens and Microsoft are already in the business.
About 75% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050, so cities will need to be more modern to solve the coming problems. “Making cities smarter is one way out, and I think this will in turn make cities greener.” said Dan Hill, head of a research company.
50.What does the underlined word “it” refer to
A.Living in a “smart” city will be far from you.
B.People live in a “smart” city.
C.Buildings turn off the lights for you.
D.Self-driving cars will find the nearest parking space themselves.
51.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about
A.A future city. B.A meeting in Songdo.
C.A plan to build a city. D.A report on public health.
52.Which company offers the great mind to build Songdo
A.Microsoft. B.IBM. C.Siemens. D.Cisco.
53.Dan Hill thinks that making cities smarter is one way to ________.
A.drive people out of cities B.control the world’s population
C.solve the cities’ coming problems D.develop his own company
54.What’s the best title for the passage
A.Future Education B.Government Services
C.Famous Companies D.Smart Cities
When you go to Beijing, the local people will tell you that the real culture of Beijing lies in (在于) the culture of hutong and siheyuan (courtyards). How true it is!
A hutong is a kind of narrow alleyway (小巷) found in cities in the north of China, especially in Beijing. The hutongs in Beijing are formed by lines of siheyuan. This type of house is built to form squares in order to create a traditional courtyard. In the mid-20th century, several hutongs in Beijing had disappeared for the modern development. However, because of the efforts designed to protect the Chinese architectural (建筑的) culture, many hutongs have been preserved.
In hutongs, every house is connected to the other, making it easy for local people to keep in touch with their neighbours. Therefore, when people enter any of the hutongs, they can feel the deep and warm relationships among people, which is rarely found in this modern world.
Tourists can experience the life of the locals when they visit these hutongs. The public bathrooms and toilets can be found. Shops sell all kinds of goods that satisfy the local people’s daily needs. It is just like a community. People living in hutongs often talk with each other, as it is the main way for people to strengthen their relationship. These hutongs have witnessed the development of Beijing. Where there is such a hutong, there is a story. If you want to explore the culture and experience Beijing hutong food and hutong shopping, a hutong tour should not be missed.
55.What does the underlined word “preserved” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean
A.kept B.crossed C.sold D.compared
56.Which of the following is the best title of the passage
A.Chinese Cultures B.The Modem Development
C.Hutongs in Beijing D.How to Travel Around Beijing
57.Where does the passage probably come from
A.A storybook. B.A travel magazine. C.A science report. D.A health guide.
Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am your guide today. First, I’d like to tell you something about London before we arrive. As you know, London is the capital of England. It’s a very big city with a population of about 7 million. The people are usually friendly and helpful, especially the policemen. They are always glad to tell visitors about their city.
London is a busy city. People work in offices, banks, or companies. They are in a hurry all the time.
London is also a beautiful city. It has lots of parks and gardens. When you are in London, you should visit the London Museum. It can tell you a lot of interesting stories. You may also visit many other places of interest, such as Big Ben, River Thames and so on.
58.The population of London is about ________.
A.17 million B.7 million C.1.7 million D.7 billion
59.The guide thinks London is ________.
A.poor and uninteresting B.busy but uninteresting
C.busy and beautiful D.beautiful and uninteresting
60.The policemen in London are ________.
A.unfriendly and helpful B.strict and unfriendly
C.unfair and strict D.friendly and helpful
61.The guide is ________.
A.talking to the tourists B.helping a friend
C.visiting a garden D.drinking coffee
62.The tourists are ________.
A.in the London Museum B.in China
C.on the way to London D.on River Thames
Perhaps you’ve been to Rome and Venice and are looking for a new place to visit in Italy. Consider the village of Cefalu, which is about 40 miles from Palermo, on the northern coast of the island of Sicily(西西里岛). The town has a history which is influenced by the Greeks, Romans, Arabs and Normans. It has shaped the buildings and also the culture. Looking across the village from the Tyrrhenian Sea, we can see the sunlight reflecting on Cefalu Cathedral(大教堂). Here are two people’s opinions on the town.
Helen Cefalu is a town which is rich in culture in Italy. The town, with its population of just under 14,000, is one of the major tourist attractions(旅游景点)in the country. Though it is small, every year it attracts millions of tourists from all parts of Italy and also from all over Europe.
Eric If you visit this town, a friendly local guide is waiting to help you and take you on a private Cefalu tour. Your guide is an expert on Sicilian history and can explain all the cultural influences on the town. You can also see the cathedrals and visit the public “Wash House”, where villagers have been washing their clothes for centuries. Your guide can teach you a few words in Sicilian and will make sure you taste the freshest local food. Your private Cefalu tour is completely flexible(灵活的). So, what are you waiting for Come and have a different experience!
63.According to Helen, Cefalu is famous for its ________.A.population B.friendly guide C.culture D.great cathedrals
64.What can a local guide do according to Eric
①Introduce the culture and history of the town to you.
②Help you wash your clothes in “Wash House”.
③Take you to try some local food.
④Teach you some Sicilian words.
A.①②③ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②④
65.Where does the material probably come from
A.A guidebook. B.A story book. C.A history magazine. D.A geography book.
66.The material is mainly to ________.
A.introduce the history of Cefalu B.show how to travel in Cefalu
C.explain the customs in Cefalu D.attract more people to visit Cefalu
Chinatown in San Francisco
It is a true cultural wonder of America. Not only is it the most expansive(广阔的)Chinatown outside of China, but it is also the oldest one in the United States. There are countless events, restaurant, and cultural attractions to be found and there is no better place to celebrate the Chinese New Year!
Chinatown in New York City
It is second only to that of San Francisco. The large amount of people selling everything from food to herbs and spices(草药和香料) is an expert’s lesson in how to bargbar(讨价还价). You’ll find the authentic(地道的)Chinese cooking at the city’s first Chinese restaurant.
Chinatown in Los Angeles
If you’re in California but can’t make the trip up to SanFrancisco, SoCal(Southern California) can still provide you with a shining Chinatown to explore. The Chinatown in Los Angeles of today, however, is not the original Chinatown. The history of the construction, destruction and reallocation(重新安置)of the Chinese in the city is a modest and inspiring story.
Chinatown in Honolulu
The story of Honolulu’s Chinatown is one of total change. It developed from one of the worst neighborhoods in the city to one of the most culturally advanced. In Hawaiin Theatre, you can enjoy many visual performances, from vaudeville(歌舞杂耍)to concerts. You can learn about the luckiest days of the Chinese.
67.Which Chinatown has the longest history in the United States
A.Chinatown in San Francisco B.Chinatown in New York City
C.Chinatown in Los Angeles D.Chinatown in Honolulu
68.What do we know about the Chinatown in New York City
A.It has the longest history B.Cutting price is nowhere to be seen there.
C.We can enioy authentic Chinese food there. D.It is the third largest Chinatown in America.
69.What’s the meaning of “advanced”
A.先进的 B.落后的 C.糟糕的 D.衰败的
70.What’s the best title of this passage
A.The City of San Francisco B.Chinatown(唐人街)around the USA
C.Chinatown in Los Angeles D.The Culture of New York
The novel coronavirus pneumonia (新型冠状病毒肺炎) broke out in Wuhan in 2019, Hubei province in December 2019. Later, it spread to other parts of China. Many people got ill. This year the city was locked down from January to April to prevent the virus from spreading further to other places.
The city built two hospitals for the people with the novel coronavirus. They are Leishenshan Hospital and Huoshenshan Hospital. Builders worked hours a day and they worked very fast. They built the hospitals in two weeks. The two hospitals have a big capacity (容量) and one of them has room for 1,600 beds.
More than 120,000 people, including engineers, construction workers, volunteers, and over 30,000 medical workers, came to help the city. They worked without breaks.
71.Many people in Wuhan became ill because of the novel coronavirus pneumonia in 2019.
72.Wuhan was locked down as soon as the novel coronavirus broke out.
73.Leishenshan Hospital and Huoshenshan Hospital were built fast in two weeks.
74.The two hospitals are big enough to hold 1,600 beds.
75.More than 30,000 medical workers came to Wuhan to help the sick people.
考查名词辨析。style款式/风格;service服务;music音乐;environment环境。根据下文的举例“like fresh air and the clean river outside”,可知说的是环境,故选D。
考查名词辨析。grade等级;style风格;size尺寸;price价格。根据“Because all the materials used are of the best ...”可知材料的都上等的,用grade符合语境。故选A。
考查名词辨析。purpose目的;choice选择;form形式;style风格。根据“The main...of any report is to provide the information needed for people to make decisions or take action.”可知,此处指“报告的主要目的”,故选A。
【详解】句意:——好混乱!托尼, 你应该把你的东西收拾好以保持房间干净。——好的,妈妈。我立刻就收拾。
考查名词词义辨析。mirror镜子;style风格;care照顾;mess混乱。根据空后的“Tony, you should put away your things to keep the room clean.”可知,此处指房间很乱,你应该把你的东西收拾干净。故选D。
考查名词辨析。material材料;style风格;size尺码;price价格。根据答语“They are made of leather.”可知,此处询问的是鞋子的制作材料。故选A。
考查名词辨析。size尺寸;colour颜色;style款式;price价格。根据“It’s too small for me.”可知是尺寸不合适,故选A。
考查名词辨析。calm平静;strength力量;style风格;warmth温暖。根据下文“of her voice made me feel less nervous”,可知是她温暖的声音让“我”没那么紧张。故选D。
考查名词辨析。color颜色;size尺码;price价格;style风格。根据回答“It’s $ 50.” 可知,上句是提问毛衣的价格。故选C。
9.A 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.B
word话语;mark记号;story故事。根据“San Francisco is a big city which lies in the west of the US along the Pacific, where two earth’s plates often meet and jump.”(旧金山是个大城市,位于太平洋沿岸的西部,两个地球板块经常在这里相遇并且活跃。)可知,此处是指地震是这里的人们经常听到的话语。故选A。
more than超过;less than少于;at least至少。根据“One broke out in 1906, and the other in 1989.”可知,此处是指至少两次地震。故选C。
moved移动;fell下落;rose上升。根据下文“Many people were killed in their cars.”(许多人死在车里。)可知,此处是指一条宽阔而繁忙的道路落到下面的那条路上。故选B。
lucky幸运的;brave勇敢的;local当地的。根据“were not hurt,”可知,此处是指幸运的。故选A。
cleaned off清理;cut off切断;turned off关闭。根据“the city’s electricity”可知,此处是指电被切断。故选B。
14.A 15.D 16.B 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.C 21.B 22.D 23.B
begin开始;think思考;plan计划;finish完成。根据下文中“During the 3-hour tour”可知,通常完成(finish)这段旅行需要三个小时。故选D。
a great deal很多的,大量的,只能修饰不可数名词,且须加of;a number of许多,修饰可数名词复数;a little一点,修饰不可数名词;the number of……的数量,后跟可数名词。根据“…excellent little restaurants”可知,此处表示“许多不错的小餐馆”,restaurants是名词的复数,需用a number of修饰。故选B。
you你;your你的;yours你的;yourself你自己。enjoy oneself是固定短语,意为“玩得开心”。故选D。
such as例如;because of因为;so that以便;according to根据。根据空格处前后关系判断,空处用so that引导目的状语从句。故选C。
lasts持续;ends结束;rises升起;changes改变。根据空格前的“starts”及第一段中的“During the 3-hour tour”提示可知,此处应用ends。故选B。
smaller更小的;closer更近的;wider更宽的;bigger更大的。这次行程让你有机会更接近美食。get close to是固定短语,意为“接近”。故选B。
24.A 25.C 26.B 27.C 28.A 29.C 30.A 31.C 32.B 33.C
anything某些事,用于疑问句和否定句;something某些事,用于肯定句;anywhere任何地方。根据“Did you do”可知,是一般疑问句,询问是否做了什么有趣的事,故选A。
as作为;to到;for为了。根据“ is famous”可知,be famous for“因为……而出名”,故选C。
long长的;soon不久;far远。根据“we arrived in Yueyang, we went to visit it”可知,一到岳阳,就去参观,as soon as“一……就……”,故选B。
tricks把戏;traditions传统;tourists游客。根据“Yueyang Tower receives thousands of...every year.”可知,表示每年有成千上万的游客,故选C。
took拿;traded贸易;treated对待。根据“a walk”可知,take a walk“散步”,故选A。
cheap便宜的;expensive昂贵的;free免费的。根据“I love the clean air and sunshine.”可知,最美好的东西都是免费的,故选C。
what什么;how如何;when什么时候。根据“the life here was like”可知,从句缺少宾语,故选A。
taken off起飞;taken down记下;taken place发生。根据“Great changes”可知,岳阳发生了巨大的变化,故选C。
had有;used使用;prevented预防。根据“when they were young, such as Kicking Shuttlecock(踢毽子), Skipping rubber band(跳皮筋)and Throw the square(滚铁环).”可知,曾经玩过的游戏,used to do“过去常常做某事”,故选B。
told告诉;remembered记住;reminded提醒。根据“These games...them of their childhood.”可知,remind sb of sth“使某人想起某事”,故选C。
34.B 35.C 36.B 37.A 38.D 39.B
honest诚实的;average普通的;eager热切的;important重要的。根据“Actually, he was King Charles II’s baker.”可知,他是查理二世的面包师,可见他不是一个普通的面包师。故选B。
arrive到达;keep保持;spread蔓延;pass通过。根据“but they stood very close together, making it easy for fire to…”可知,建筑物之间挨得比较近,这样造成的结果就是火势容易蔓延。故选C。
fun有趣的;fear害怕;interest兴趣;pain痛苦。根据“Instead of fighting the fire, people’s first reaction was to get away as quickly as possible.”可知,人们的第一反应不是救火,而是尽可能快地逃离,可见人们的情绪是害怕的。故选B。
37.句意:我们了解的伦敦大火的大多数内容来自两个叫Samuel Pepys和John Evelyn的人的日记,他们留下了这个著名悲剧的详细描述。
diaries日记;proverbs谚语;stories故事;tricks骗局。根据“Most of what we know about the Great Fire of London came from the…of two men called Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn, who both left detailed descriptions of this famous tragedy”以及结合选项可知,此句表达的是我们了解的伦敦大火的内容来自两个人的日记。故选A。
Unluckily不幸地;Certainly当然;Immediately迅速地;Surprisingly令人吃惊地。根据“only six official deaths were recorded, but the actual figure is likely to be much higher.”可知,死亡人数众多,而留下记录的却只有6人,差距之大,应是令人吃惊的事情。故选D。
because因为;so that因此;although尽管;if如果。根据“The city was rebuilt in a safer and more organized way, …such a disaster would not happen again.”可知,城市以一种更安全、更有组织的方式重建,这样的灾难不会再次发生,两句是因果关系,需用so that来引导结果状语从句。故选B。
40.D 41.B 42.C 43.B 44.C 45.D 46.B 47.A 48.B 49.B
surprised at对……感到惊讶;afraid of害怕;angry about对……生气;interested in对……感兴趣。根据“It’s not that I wasn’t interested in going to Paris,”可知,起初并不感兴趣,故选D。
At first首先;At once立刻;In the end最终;By now到如今。根据“I wasn’t that… the idea at first”可知,起初并不感兴趣,最后爸爸说服了作者,故选C。
stay保持;get到达;fly飞;walk散步。根据“takes about two hours to… there”可知,花费2个小时左右到那,故选B。
happy开心的;hungry饥饿的;worried担心的;cold寒冷的。根据“because the train travelled through a 50-kilometer-long tunnel(隧道)under the sea”可知,火车穿过海底隧道让作者感到害怕和担心,故选C。
America美国;Germany德国;Russia俄罗斯;France法国。根据前文“When Dad told me he had to go to Paris for a business trip”可知,他们要去法国巴黎,所以这个隧道是连接英国和法国的,故选D。
free有空的;busy忙碌的;tired疲惫的;sleepy困倦的。根据“So we planned to visit some places”可知,爸爸剩下的时间都有空,所以决定去参观一些名胜古迹,故选A。
made制造;asked要求;talked谈论;helped帮助。根据“I’m not usually a big fan of art museums”以及but可知,爸爸要求作者去的,故选B。
interesting有趣的;boring无聊的;exciting兴奋的;relaxing放松的。根据“It is actually quite exciting to see such a famous painting in real life”可知,没有想象中的那么无聊,故选B。
50.B 51.A 52.D 53.C 54.D
50.词义猜测题。根据“Although it might sound a little far from you, living in a “smart” city like this could happen sooner than you think”可知,或许住在智能城市听起来有点遥远,但很快就能实现,所以it指代“People live in a ‘smart’ city”,故选B。
51.段落大意题。根据文中“The towns that we have lived in for centuries have changed a lot, while completely new cities are being built”可知,我们生活了几个世纪的城市将发生巨大的变化,而全新的城市正在建设中,由此可以推断出,本段主要介绍的是将来的城市会是什么样子,故选A。
52.细节理解题。根据文中“The great mind behind Songdo is from the company Cisco”可知,Songdo背后的伟大思想来自思科公司,故选D。
53.细节理解题。根据文中“so cities will need to be more modern to solve the coming problems.”及“Making cities smarter is one way out, and I think this will in turn make cities greener”可知,Dan Hill认为让城市变得更加智慧是解决城市未来问题的一种方式,故选C。
54.最佳标题题。根据整个文章的理解及文中“living in a ‘smart’ city like this could happen sooner than you think.”可知,本文主要讲述的是未来的智能城市的生活情况,故选D。
55.A 56.C 57.B
55.词义猜测题。根据上文“in the mid-20th century, several hutongs in Beijing had disappeared for the modern development.”可知,很多胡同消失了,又因为“However”表示转折,所以猜测很多胡同被保留下来了,划线部分单词与kept意思相近。故选A。
57.推理判断题。根据“If you want to explore the culture and experience Beijing hutong food and hutong shopping, a hutong tour should not be missed.”如果你想探索文化,体验北京胡同美食和胡同购物,胡同之旅不容错过,所以这是一篇旅游旅宣传广告,猜测在旅游杂志可以看到。故选B。
58.B 59.C 60.D 61.A 62.C
58.细节理解题。根据“London is the capital of England. It’s a very big city with a population of about 7 million”可知,伦敦是一个人口约700万的大城市,故选B。
59.细节理解题。根据“London is a busy city.”以及“London is also a beautiful city.”可知,伦敦是一个繁忙而又漂亮的城市,故选C。
60.细节理解题。根据“The people are usually friendly and helpful, especially the policemen.”可知,伦敦的警察非常友好并乐于助人,故选D。
61.细节理解题。根据“Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am your guide today. First, I'd like to tell you something about London before we arrive.”可知,导游在与游客交谈,故选A。
62.推理判断题。根据“Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am your guide today. First, I'd like to tell you something about London before we arrive.”可知,导游正在去伦敦的路上,故选C。
63.C 64.B 65.A 66.D
63.细节理解题。根据“It has shaped the buildings and also the culture. ”以及“Cefalu is a town which is rich in culture in Italy.”可知,Cefalu以丰富的文化而出名。故选C。
64.细节理解题。根据“You can also see the cathedrals and visit the public “Wash House”, where villagers have been washing their clothes for centuries.”可知,当地导游会带你参观公共“洗衣房”,而不是帮你洗衣服,可排除②。故选B。
65.推理判断题。根据“Perhaps you’ve been to Rome and Venice and are looking for a new place to visit in Italy.”以及“Here are two people’s opinions on the town.”可知,本文是两个人对Cefalu村的看法,最有可能是在一本旅游指南上看到。故选A。
66.推理判断题。根据“So, what are you waiting for Come and have a different experience!”以及通读全文可知,本文通过两个人对西西里岛北部海岸的Cefalu村的看法,介绍了Cefalu村的景点和文化,目的就是吸引更多人参观Cefalu。故选D。
67.A 68.C 69.A 70.B
67.细节理解题。根据“Not only is it the most expansive(广阔的)Chinatown outside of China, but it is also the oldest one in the United States. ”可知洛杉矶唐人街是历史最悠久的,故选A。
68.细节理解题。根据“You’ll find the authentic(地道的)Chinese cooking at the city’s first Chinese restaurant.”可知在纽约唐人街我们可以吃到正宗的中国菜。故选C。
69.词义猜测题。根据“The story of Honolulu’s Chinatown is one of total change. It developed from one of the worst neighborhoods in the city to one of the most culturally advanced.”可知檀香山唐人街发生了彻底的改变,应是从城市最糟糕的社区之一发展到文化最先进的社区之一,故选A。
71.T 72.F 73.T 74.F 75.T
71.细节理解题。根据原文“The novel coronavirus pneumonia (新型冠状病毒肺炎) broke out in Wuhan in 2019, Hubei province in December 2019”可知,2019年12月在湖北省武汉市爆发新型冠状病毒肺炎。该小题说法正确,故填T。
72.细节理解题。根据原文“The novel coronavirus pneumonia (新型冠状病毒肺炎) broke out in Wuhan in 2019, Hubei province in December 2019 … This year the city was locked down from January to April to prevent the virus from spreading”可知,2019年12月在湖北省武汉市爆发新型冠状病毒肺炎,2020年1月至4月封城,由此可知不是新冠一爆发就封城。该小题说法错误,故填F。
73.细节理解题。根据原文“They built the hospitals in two weeks”可知,雷神山医院和火神山医院在两周内就建成了医院。该小题说法正确,故填T。
74.细节理解题。根据原文“The two hospitals have a big capacity (容量) and one of them has room for 1,600 beds”可知,两家医院容量很大,其中一间医院能容纳1600张床位,故此处指的两家医院能容纳1600张床位的说法错误。故填F。
75.细节理解题。根据原文“over 30,000 medical workers, came to help the city”可知,有超过3万的医务工作者来到武汉支援。该小题说法正确,故填T。



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