
孝昌县 2O23—2O24 学年度上学期期末学业水平测试
考试时间:120 分钟 满分:120 分
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祝你取得优异成绩!Good luck!
第 I卷 (选择题 88分)
听力部分 ( 25分)
一、听力测试(共三节;计 25分)
第一节(共 5小题;每小题 1分,满分 5分)
听句子。从下面所给的 A、B、C、D、E、F六个选项中,按顺序选出与所听句子相符的图片。
听完每个句子后,你将有 5秒钟的作答时间。每个句子读两遍。
1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5._________
第二节(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
听下面 6段对话。每段对话后面有几个小题,从题后所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选
项。听完每段对话后,你将有 10秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。
听第 6段对话,回答第 6、7小题。
( ) 6. When is the boy’s birthday party
A. On Monday. B. On Sunday. C. On Saturday.
八年级英语 第 1页 (共 8 页)
( ) 7. Why can’t Mary go to his party
A. She has the flu. B. She has to look after her sister. C. She has to do homework.
听第 7段对话,回答第 8、9小题。
( ) 8.Why can’t the girl wear jeans
A. Her jeans aren’t new. B. The boy doesn’t want her to wear them.
C. The teacher won’t let her in.
( ) 9. What can they do at the party
A. Watch videos. B. Play games. C. Drink some wine.
听第 8段对话,回答第 10、11小题。
( ) 10.What are the two speakers talking about
A. ATV show. B. A football game. C. Things to do tonight.
( ) 11. Which program do both of them want to watch
A. Discovery. B. Animal World. C. A football game.
听第 9段对话,回答第 12、13、14小题。
( ) 12. How often does Jack eat vegetables
A. Every day. B. Sometimes. C. Hardly ever.
( ) 13. How many times does Jack exercise a week
A. More than three times. B. Less than three times. C. Twice.
( ) 14.How does Jack like coffee
A. He likes it very much. B. He never drinks it. C. We don’t know.
听第 10段对话,回答第 15、16、17小题。
( ) 15. What are Jim and Anna going to make
A. Chicken sandwiches. B. Chicken noodles. C. Chicken soup.
( ) 16. How much water do they need
A. Three bowls B. Four bowls C. Five bowls
( ) 17.What will Jim go to buy
A. Cabbages B. Salt C. Onions
听第 11段对话,回答第 18、19、20小题。
( ) 18. What is Maria going to do next year
A. To learn Chinese. B. To exercise every day C. To study hard at her lessons
( ) 19. Where is John going to work next year
A. In Canada. B. In China. C. In Australia.
( ) 20. What does John’s aunt do
A . A writer. B. An artist C. A teacher.
第三节(共 5小题;每小题 1分,满分 5分)
你将有 25秒钟的作答时间。短文读两遍。
( ) 21. How long did Sam decide to stay in Penang on vacation
A.For one week B. For two weeks C. For three weeks
八年级英语 第 2页 (共 8 页)
( ) 22. How did Sam go to Penang with his parents
A. By plane B. By bus. C. Buy train.
( ) 23. Which word can’t describe the hotel
A. Small. B. Quiet. C. Dirty.
( ) 24. What did Sam do in Penang
A.He went to the mountains. B. He visited his friends. C. He visited a museum.
( ) 25. How was Sam’s vacation
A. Wonderful B. Enjoyable. C. Boring.
二、单项选择题(共 10小题,每小题 1分,满分 10分)
( ) 26.The opening of the new library will be ______ the morning ______ Wednesday.
A.in; in B.on; in C.on; of D.in; of
( ) 27. Mrs. Zhang taught English in a poor mountain village. And she said she would never forget
some wonderful __________ there.
A. experiences B. differences C. examples D. information
( ) 28.—The air pollution is terrible.
—It will be worse ____ we take action to protect the environment.
A.if B.unless C.until D.when
( ) 29. All the students want to get good grades. So they study _____ than before.
A.hardly B. more hardly C. harder D. more harder
( ) 30. The shoes are a little expensive and aren’t comfortable, so Mom advises me___ them.
A. buying B. not buying C. to buy D. not to buy
( ) 31.—I want to know if Ted ________ next Sunday.
—Well, if he _______ , I will give you a call.
A. comes; will come B. comes; comes
C. will come; comes D. will come; will come
( ) 32. There are _______ of students in their school. But only ________ of them are girls.
A. hundred; two hundred B. hundred; two hundreds
C. hundreds; two hundreds D. hundreds; two hundred
( ) 33. —_______
—It’s Friday, October 25th.
A. What day is it today B. What’s today C. How is today D. What’s the date today
( ) 34.—Now more and more people like to buy things on the Internet.
—You’re right. Because of that, my aunt_____ selling things on live stream(直播) last year.
A. took up B. put up C. woke up D. made up
( ) 35. —I think everyone should play a part in protecting the earth.
—________. The earth is our home.
A. I don’t mind it B. I agree with you C. It’s up to you D. That’s too bad.
八年级英语 第 3页 (共 8 页)
三、完形填空(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项,
Before I went to Chiang Rai, I had been traveling around Thailand with six of my friends. We had a
36 time. But on the seventh day, my friends had to go back home, while I had decided to stay there
for another week.
Seeing my friends off at the airport, I felt a little 37 . The three-hour bus ride to Chiang Rai
was not easy for me, it was my first 38 to be all alone while traveling abroad. The thought of
loneliness(孤独) made me nervous. I tried to 39 it by looking out of the window to watch the
beautiful countryside.
40 a short rest, I arrived at Chiang Rai, I got off the bus and looked for a 41 to my hotel.
But I failed to find one in sight. I 42 how I could go to my hotel.
I’m sure the look of 43 showed on my face. Before I knew it, a policeman had caught a taxi for
me. A smile 44 on my face at the kindness of this stranger. I was lucky to meet 45 in my lonely
journey and as I climbed into the taxi, the driver was 46 to drive for free because the hotel was just
around the corner. As I walked into the hotel, I was also greeted(打招呼)with beautiful 47 . A
friendly hotel worker talked with me 48 while leading me to my comfortable room.
Suddenly, I realized I no longer felt nervous as I was deeply moved by the strangers’ kind 49
Sitting alone in my room, I started to 50 my trip around Chiang Rai. I took a good rest and started off
the next morning with a smile on my face.
( ) 36.A. long B. busy C. different D. wonderful
( ) 37.A. angry B. sad C. comfortable D. tired
( ) 38.A. way B. study C. time D. role
( ) 39.A. forget B. keep C. taste D. feel
( ) 40.A. After B. Before C. When D. Until
( ) 41.A. car B. bike C. bus D. taxi
( ) 42.A.realized B. checked C. wondered D. expected
( ) 43.A.surprise B. worry C. hope D. joy
( ) 44.A. happened B. started C. came D. appeared
( ) 45.A.me B. him C. her D.it
( ) 46.A. careful B. bored C. afraid D. glad
( ) 47.A. promises B. reasons C. smiles D. invitations
( ) 48.A. warmly B. seriously C. quietly D. clearly
( ) 49.A. words B. plans C. actions D. excuses
( ) 50.A. look for B. prepare for C. care for D. pay for
八年级英语 第 4页 (共 8 页)
四、阅读理解(共 19小题;每小题 2分,满分 38分)
阅读下面三篇短文,根据短文内容,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
(共 14小题;每小题 2分,满分 28分)
Tom, Jean, Jack and Lucy are talking about the movie theaters in the city.
My name’s Tom. I go to Movie Palace twice a month. It’s about two
kilometers from my home. The service is good. But the price of the ticket is a
little high. I never go to Moon Cinema. It’s about 10 kilometers from my
I’m Jean. I go to Moon Cinema more often. There are often new movies
on show and the screen are big. Most importantly, the price is lower. It’s
always half price for students, about 30yuan. I go there once a week.
I’m Jack. I live about 5 kilometers from Moon Cinema and 8 kilometers
from Movie Palace. I think the seats in Moon Cinema are hard and the music
is too loud. So I prefer(更喜欢) to go to Movie Palace. I go to Movie Palace
once a month.
I’m Lucy. I prefer to go to Movie Palace. It’s in the center of the city and
is very modern. I like shopping and there are shopping centers around. I go
there once a month.
( ) 51.Who go to a cinema once a month
A. Tom and Jean B. Jean and Jack C. Jack and Lucy D. Lucy and Tom
( ) 52.Jack’s home is ______ kilometers farther from Movie Palace than Tom’s.
A.2 B.8 C.6 D. 10
( ) 53.How much is a full-price ticket in Moon Cinema
A. About 150 yuan B. About 100 yuan C. About 30 yuan D. About 60 yuan
( ) 54.Which of the following is NOT true
A. Tom thinks the service in Movie Palace is good.
B. Jean and Jack like Movie Palace better than Moon Cinema.
C. Lucy likes Movie Palace because she can go shopping.
D. Movie Palace is in the middle of the city.
One day, Mr. Smith took an apple to class. He stood in front of the classroom and said, “Please
smell the smell in the air!”
One student put up his hand and answered, “I have smelled it. It’s the smell of an apple.” Mr. Smith
walked to the students, passed by each of them and said, “Please smell again to see if the smell of the
apple is still in the air.” Half of the students put up their hands to show that they could smell it. Mr.
八年级英语 第 5页 (共 8 页)
Smith returned(返回 ) to the front of the classroom and asked for the third time if the students could
smell the apple. Everyone said yes but one student, Henry. Mr. Smith went to him and asked, “You really
can’t smell the apple ” Henry answered, “No, I can’t smell it. I don’t think it is a real apple.” Mr. Smith
smiled and said to the class, “He’s right! This isn’t a real apple. It doesn’t have any smell.”
All of the other students were stunned. Some of them might have thought that the apple wasn’t real,
but they didn’t have the confidence(自信 ) to speak up. They just “followed the leader(领导者 )” and
went along with the first student.
( ) 55.Howmany students said they could smell the apple whenMr. Smith asked for the second time
A. None. B. One. C. Half of them. D. Most of them.
( ) 56. What can we know about Henry
A. He could smell the apple.
B. He didn’t think the apple was real.
C. He followed the leader and didn’t speak up his idea.
D. He wanted to be different from other students.
( ) 57. What does the underlined word “stunned” mean in Chinese
A. 无动于衷 B. 心灰意冷 C. 愤怒的 D. 惊愕的
( ) 58. Mr. Smith used the apple to ________.
A. celebrate with the students B. teach his students a lesson
C. give a lesson about smells D. play a game with his students
( ) 59.What does the passage mainly tell us
A. Believe in yourself B. What you see is what you get.
C. Two heads are better than one. D. Saying and doing are two things.
Are you feeling sleepy in class I remember that I often got up at eight when I was young. And we
didn’t do homework. But now, everything has changed(改变).
For 12-year-old Liu Xiangjian, the most difficult thing in life is getting up at 5:50 a.m. every school
day. “I don’t want to get up so early, but I am afraid of being late,” the sixth-grade Beijing primary
school student said. “ I want more sleep.”
Liu has breakfast at 6:15 a.m., and after a 30-minute bus ride, he arrives at 7 a.m. Like most of his
28 classmates, Liu arrives at school a full hour before lessons start at 8 a.m.
In 2020, a survey of 2,500 school children in six cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, found that
about 77% of the students were short of sleep. In another recent survey made by the China Daily website,
almost 70% of the 1,130 people said that they agree with cutting school hours, while 22% disagreed and
10% had no comment(评论).
Their children spend long hours at school, but many parents arrange(安排) for them to take more
studies. Liu’s mother, Wang Qun, who teaches at a high school in Beijing, thinks her son is still not
doing enough to win a place at a good high school. “Of course I want my son to have more sleep, more
exercise and more fun,” she said, “but the common saying is that if you give your child a happy hildhood
(童年)in China, you will give him a failed(失败的)future.”
Something must be done to change people’s traditional thought that a college diploma(毕业证) is a
ticket to a good job.
八年级英语 第 6页 (共 8 页)
( ) 60.How many people in the survey had no comment
A. 1130. B. 149. C. 113 D.991
( ) 61.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Liu Xiangjian likes to get up earlier.
B. Liu’s mother thinks her son is hard-working enough.
C. Liu goes to school by bike.
D. In Liu’s school, the first lesson starts at 8 a.m.
( ) 62.What is the passage mainly about
A. Students’ sleeping time B. Survey about school children
C. Parents’ ideas D. School life
( ) 63.The underlined expression “if you give your child a happy childhood in China, you will give
him a failed future” means “ __________”.
A. If the child plays happily, he will fail the game
B. If a child doesn’t spend more time on study, he will not have a good job in the future
C. If a child has more sleep, he will go to a good college in the future
D. If a child plays happily, he will get a college diploma
( ) 64. What is the writer’s opinion according to the passage
A. A college diploma doesn’t mean a good job. B. The students should have less sleeping time.
C. The writer agrees with Liu’s mother’s idea. D. The writer disagrees with cutting school hours.
第二节 阅读还原 (共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分)
Buying gifts for teenagers can be hard sometimes. A bad gift can send the wrong message. A good
gift shows that one understands the teenager well. 65._________The following are two helpful ideas.
Think about your friend’s hobbies and interests.
Don’t choose a gift by only thinking your own hobbies and interests. Think more about your
friend’s hobbies and interests. 66.____If he likes playing the guitar, you can buy him a book about
playing the guitar.These types of gifts show that you are interested in his talent and support him. 67. ___
A special experience is a good choice.
Some of the best gifts are good experiences.68.____Concert tickets and travel tickets all make
unforgettable experiences. Learn about your friend’s favorite singer and pay attention to the upcoming
(即将到来的)concerts of the singer. 69. He will even remember this type of gift forever.
A. Give your friend something that will be in his mind forever.
B. If he likes painting, you can buy some paintbrushes and paints for him.
C. Do you find it hard to choose a good gift for your best friend
D. You can buy two tickets and go with him.
E. If your friend has no special likes, it’s usually safe for you to give him a book or a CD.
F. You’d better make a gift by yourself instead of( 而不是) buying it.
65 66 67 68 69_______
八年级英语 第 7页 (共 8 页)
第 II卷 (非选择题 32分)
五、综合填空(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 (每空不超过三个单
词)。(共 10小题; 每小题 1分,满分 10分)
My friend Jim has got a restaurant in a big city. It is near a supermarket. He gets ten robots for the
restaurant. He bought them from 70 foreign company in the United States when he decided to open
a restaurant last month. He spent 20,000 yuan 71 each robot.
The restaurant is not the biggest, but 72 (popular) in that city. Now more and more people
come here 73 (have) dinner. The robots have different 74 (job) in the restaurant. Two robots
cook different kinds of food; one washes the dishes; one cleans the floor and the 75 (other) give
food to the guests.
76 all the staff(员工 ) are robots, it is not expensive to eat in this restaurant. Because Jim
doesn’t need to pay for the robots every month. Robots do the most of jobs in the restaurant, but Jim is
still very busy. He must do many things to keep the robots 77 (work) well. 78 (lucky), Jim is
good at studying robots and he knows robots very well.
I think in the future, there 79 (be) a lot of robot-themed restaurants (机器人主题餐厅) around
the world.
六、完成句子(共 7小题;每小题 1分,满分 7分)
A good lifestyle _____________ your health.
81. 你应该学会礼貌的拒绝邀请。(turn)
You should learn _____________ the invitation politely.
You __________________ if you do things in a hurry.
I’m really____________________ my teacher again.
84. 当我尝试滑翔伞运动时,我感觉到我像一只小鸟。(feel)
When I tried paragliding, I __________________ I was a bird.
Mulan dresses up like a boy and ______________________ to fight in the army.
86.妈妈昨天早上 7点钟把我叫醒。(wake)
Mom ________________ at 7:00 yesterday morning.
七、书面表达(共 1小题;满分 15分)
1) 必须包括所有相关信息,可作适当发挥;
3) 词数:70左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。
参考词汇: study hard, read, healthy food, exercise, housework, travel
Tuesday, January 24th
The New Year is coming. I have several plans for the new year. I am going to
八年级英语 第 8页 (共 8 页)




下一篇:Module 4 Unit 3 Language in use易错题专练(2课时含答案)