六年级英语下册(牛津上海版)Unit1 Great cities in Asia(单元测试·基础卷)(原卷版+解析版)

Unit1 Great cities in Asia
1.Some bread ________ on the table and some apples ________ in the box.
A.is, is B.are, are C.is, are D.are, is
2.We see some restaurants, a few shops and a lot of people ________ I’m on the bus.
A.how B.where C.because D.when
考查连词辨析。how怎样;where在哪;because因为;when当……时候。根据“We see some restaurants, a few shops and a lot of people...I’m on the bus.”可知,此处是“当我在公共汽车上时”,应用when引导时间状语从句,故选D。
3.Jerry promised not ________ the class rules next time.
A.to break B.break C.breaking D.broke
考查非谓语动词。promise (not) to do sth.“承诺(不)做某事”,应用动词的不定式形式作宾语。故选A。
4.Kitty and her friends ________ a holiday trip now.
A.plan B.planned C.are going to plan D.are planning
5.Helen ________ a day in Shanghai Museum with her parents last weekend.
A.spend B.spent C.spends D.has spent
考查一般过去时。根据句尾时间状语“last weekend”可知,此句表述过去发生的事情,时态用一般过去时,因此谓语动词用过去式。故选B。
6.Let’s go to Longhua Temple together, ________
A.will you B.won’t you C.shall we D.shall I
本题考查反意疑问,一般是“前肯后否”或“前否后肯”,但要记住几种特殊情况:以Let’s开头的祈使句,后面的附加问句要用shall we;而以Let us或Let me开头的祈使句,其后的问句部分应用will you。故选C。
7.Lucy ________ more food for the picnic.
A.needn’t B.doesn’t need C.need D.doesn’t need to
考查need的用法。根据“more food”可知,此处need是实意动词,主语是三单,所以否定句用助动词doesn’t,后用动词原形,故选B。
8.—Do you know Betty
—Yes, she is ________ American girl and she has a round face.
A.an B.a C.the D./
考查冠词用法。an一个,用于以元音音素开头的单词,a一个,用于以辅音音素开头的单词;the这个,表特指;/指不填。根据“she is...American girl ”可知,表泛指,需不定冠词,American是以元音音素开头的单词,需用an来修饰。故选A。
9.Shall we buy some fish ________ the fish stall
A.in B.at C.on D.to
考查介词辨析。in在……里,后接比较大的空间范围;at在,后接小地点;on在……上;to到,朝向。设空处后the fish stall为小地点,选项B符合语境。故选B。
10.Mr. Li has two sons. _________ of them are good policemen.
A.Both B.All C.Each D.Every
11.On his way ________, he met an accident.
A.to home B.for home C.back to home D.home
考查固定短语。on one’s way to“在某人去……的路上”,home为地点副词,前不用任何介词,所以介词to要省略,故选D。
12.My father likes his job and he usually makes sick people _________.
A.good B.well C.better D.best
考查比较级。根据“he usually makes sick people ”可知,此处是固定搭配nake sb+形容词“使某人……”,且此处指的是比原来更好,因此应用比较级。故选C。
13.People ________ smoke on the underground.
A.needn’t B.may not C.can’t D.mustn’t
考查情态动词。needn’t不必;may not不得;can’t不能;mustn’t禁止。根据“People...smoke on the underground.”可知,此处表达禁止吸烟。故选D。
14.Could you give me ________, Mary
A.two bag of ice B.two bags of ices
C.two bag of ices D.two bags of ice
考查不可数名词。ice“冰”,是不可数名词,bag“袋”,是可数名词。表示“两袋冰”应用two bags of ice。故选D。
15.I enjoy ________ music, so my mother bought me an MP3 for my birthday.
A.listen B.to listen to C.listening D.listening to
考查非谓语动词。enjoy doing sth.是固定短语,表示“喜欢做某事”,listen to music指“听音乐”,故应用动名词listening to。故选D。
Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only be used once.(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。)
A.all B.centre C. spends D.including E. takes
One of the most interesting places to visit in Singapore is the bird park. It’s located in the industrial area of Singapore, called Jurong(裕廊). The bird park is about 12 kilometres from the 16 of the city and it’s easy to get there by bus or taxi.
There are hundreds of beautiful birds from many different parts of the world, 17 penguins(企鹅), parrots, eagles and ostriches. The birds are kept in large cages. There’s also a very large cage which you can walk inside to get a closer look at the birds. It 18 about two hours to see all the birds. You can walk around the park or ride on the bus. The best time to visit the park is in the early morning or late in the afternoon when the birds are 19 singing beautifully.
【答案】16.B 17.D 18.E 19.A
16.句意:鸟类公园距离市中心约12公里,乘公共汽车或出租车很容易到达。根据“about 12 kilometres from the ... of the city”及备选词可知,应是距离市中心12公里,the centre of“……的中心”,故填B。
17.句意:有来自世界各地的数百种美丽的鸟类,包括企鹅、鹦鹉、鹰和鸵鸟。根据“There are hundreds of beautiful birds”和“penguins(企鹅), parrots, eagles and ostriches”可知,应是包括企鹅、鹦鹉、鹰和鸵鸟,including符合语境,故填D。
18.句意:看完所有的鸟大约需要两个小时。根据“It.... about two hours to see....”可知,此处应是指看鸟花费两小时,it作主语,备选词takes符合语法,故填E。
19.句意:参观公园的最佳时间是在清晨或下午晚些时候,鸟儿都在优美地歌唱。根据“when the birds are ... singing beautifully”及备选词可知,应是所有的鸟儿在歌唱,all符合语境,故填A。
20.Tomorrow is Jack’s birthday.(nine)
21.Doing some outdoor activities can help us stay (health).
22.You can see a lot of tall and huge department stores in Shanghai.(build)
【详解】你可以在上海看到许多高楼和巨大的百货公司。根据“and huge department stores”可知,空处需填入名词形式。building“建筑物”,名词;a lot of后跟可数名词复数形式。故填buildings。
23.Take some exercise if you (want) to lose weight.
24.Shall we go this weekend (travel)
【答案】travelling /traveling
25.Let’s go (cross) the bridge and help the crying boy.
【详解】句意:让我们过桥去帮助哭泣的男孩。cross“越过,横过,渡过”,动词。across“穿过,从一边到另一边,横过”,介词。空格前有动词go,所以本空用介词形式和单词go一起构成固定短语,go across意为“穿过,横过”。故填across。
26.took some photos, for, on the Open Day, the English Club, Kitty(连词成句)
【答案】Kitty took some photos for the English Club on the Open Day
【详解】根据标点及所给词可知,本句是陈述句,Kitty是主语;took some photos谓语;for the English Club目的状语;on the Open Day时间状语。故填Kitty took some photos for the English Club on the Open Day“Kitty在开放日为英语俱乐部拍了一些照片”。
27.Tom’s father will go to Beijing to attend a meeting next week by air. (保持句意基本不变)
Tom’s father will Beijing to attend a meeting next week.
【答案】 fly to
【详解】句意:汤姆的父亲下周将乘飞机去北京参加一个会议。by air“乘坐飞机”,相当于fly to sp“飞往某地”,will后跟动词原形。故填fly;to。
28.She would like to be a teacher because she likes children. (对划线部分提问)
she like to be a teacher
【答案】 Why would
【详解】根据题干可知, 划线部分的意思是"因为她喜欢孩子", 疑问词应用why, 首字母要大写, 句中含有情态动词would。故填Why;would。
29.You must not walk across the road when the lights are red. (改为祈使句)
across the road when the lights are red.
【答案】 Don’t walk
30.Kitty has already been to the Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower. (改为否定句)
Kitty been to the Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower .
【答案】 hasn’t yet
Kitty’s mother is reading a notice. Read the notice.
Rose Garden School “Be Healthy” Day16 March Dear parents Our school is going to have an activity called “Be Healthy” Day. Details are as follows: Date: 22 March (Monday) Time: lunchtime What to do: 1. Have vegetables and fruit for lunch on that day. 2. We will prepare “Healthy” lunchboxes for them. 3. Each “Healthy” lunchbox is 10. It includes (包括) some pork, some vegetables, some rice, a carton of orange juice and an apple. 4. Money for the school lunchboxes will be collected by class teachers on 19 March. 5. Your children will receive lunch coupons (券) after paying for the “Healthy” lunchboxes. They can get the lunchboxes by giving the coupons to the persons working in the canteen during the lunchtime. Thank you! John Duncan Headmaster
31.The school is going to have “Be Healthy” Day ________.
A.on 16 March B.on 19 March C.none of above D.on 22 March
32.Students should have ________ for lunch on “Be Healthy” Day.
A.snacks B.fast food C.vegetables and fruit D.dairy food
33.Kitty should ________ the “Healthy” lunchbox.
A.pay 10 for B.pay 20 for C.prepare food for D.collect money from
34.The underlined “We” in the sentence “We will prepare ‘Healthy’ lunchboxes for them ” refers to ________.
A.the parents B.the students C.the lunchboxes D.Rose Garden School
35.We can find the notice (通知) ________.
A.at the school gate B.in the hospital C.in a department store D.at the railway station
【答案】31.D 32.C 33.A 34.D 35.A
31.细节理解题。根据“Date: 22 March (Monday)”可知,学校将在3月22日举办“健康日”。故选D。
32.细节理解题。根据“Have vegetables and fruit for lunch on that day.”可知,学生们应该在“健康日”午餐吃蔬菜和水果。故选C。
33.细节理解题。根据“Each ‘Healthy’ lunchbox is 10.”可知,午餐盒售价10元。故选A。
34.词句猜测题。根据“We will prepare ‘Healthy’ lunchboxes for them.”可知,“We”指代的是玫瑰花园学校。故选D。
What is a Chinatown Is it a town in China Of course not! It is in a foreign country. It is a 36 where many overseas (海外的) Chinese live together.
There are lots of Chinatown in America. And the 37 one is in New York. There are about 150,000 people in it. It is the home of Chinese New Yorkers. And it is also a 38 place to go shopping in Chinatown. It’s a good place in the following ways.
39 in Chinatown is fun. You can find lots of things there. Most of them are made in 40 . Mott Street is the best place to shop because the things there are very 41 .
Chinatown has more than 200 42 . You can enjoy traditional Chinese food here. New Silver Palace Restaurant is one of the best restaurants. You can eat some Shanghai food in Evergreen Restaurant.
Living in Chinatown is 43 . You can find hospitals, schools, banks, libraries and supermarkets in it. In some schools, students must study Chinese. Many overseas Chinese 44 their children to these schools. They want their 45 to learn more about China and its culture.
36.A.time B.person C.club D.place
37.A.big B.biggest C.bigger D.small
38.A.favorite B.good C.bad D.quiet
39.A.Playing B.Working C.Studying D.Shopping
40.A.America B.France C.China D.Japan
41.A.expensive B.cheap C.high D.low
42.A.restaurants B.schools C.banks D.hospitals
43.A.boring B.bad C.convenient D.sad
44.A.send B.bring C.fetch D.carry
45.A.workers B.children C.students D.friends
36.D 37.B 38.B 39.D 40.C 41.B 42.A 43.C 44.A 45.B
time时间;person人;club俱乐部;place地方。根据“where many overseas”,可知先行词是地方。故选D。
favorite最喜欢;good好的;bad坏的;quiet安静的。根据“It’s a good place in the following ways”,可知它是购物的好地方。故选B。
Playing玩;Working工作;Studying学习;Shopping购物。根据“Mott Street is the best place to shop”,可知在唐人街购物。故选D。
America美国;France法国;China中国;Japan日本。根据“in Chinatown is fun”,可知唐人街的东西大多是中国制造。故选C。
restaurants餐馆;schools学校;banks银行;hospitals医院。根据“You can enjoy traditional Chinese food here”,可知此处是说中国餐馆。故选A。
boring无聊的;bad糟糕的;convenient方便的;sad悲伤的。根据“You can find hospitals, schools, banks, libraries and supermarkets in it.”,可知基础设施很齐全,生活很方便。故选C。
send发送;bring带来;fetch去取;carry搬、提、扛。根据“They want their...to learn more about China and its culture.”,可知海外的中国人送孩子去必须学汉语的学习。故选A。
workers工人;children孩子;students学生;friends朋友。根据“their children to these schools.”,可知海外的中国人送孩子去必须学汉语的学校。故选B。
China is a great c 46 with many beautiful cities. For example, Guangzhou is a l 47 and modern city in the south-east of China. There are many places of interest in Guangzhou, so many people like to travel to the city. The weather in Guangzhou is also nice. Spring is warm and autumn is cool. In summer, the Sun shines b 48 . People like to swim at this time of year. In winter, it is sometimes cold but it s 49 snows. On weekends, people like have morning tea with their families. They enjoy s 50 time with their relatives. Welcome to Guangzhou and you will have a wonderful time.
【答案】46.(c)ountry 47.(l)arge 48.(b)rightly 49.(s)eldom 50.(s)pending
46.句意:中国是一个伟大的国家,有许多美丽的城市。根据“China is a great c...with many beautiful cities.”可知,中国是一个伟大的国家,country“国家”,a修饰可数名词单数。故填(c)ountry。
47.句意:例如,广州是中国东南部的一个现代化的大城市。根据“Guangzhou is a l...and modern city”可知,广州是一个现代化的大城市,large“大的”,作定语修饰city。故填(l)arge。
48.句意:夏天,阳光灿烂。根据“In summer, the Sun shines b...”可知,夏天阳光灿烂,brightly“耀眼地”,在句中修饰动词。故填(b)rightly。
49.句意:在冬天,天气有时很冷,但很少下雪。根据“In winter, it is sometimes cold but it s...snows.”和常识可知,冬天很少下雪,seldom“很少”符合语境,故填(s)eldom。
50.句意:他们喜欢和亲戚待在一起。根据“On weekends, people like have morning tea with their families. They enjoy s...time with their relatives.”可知,周末和家人聚在一起,所以喜欢花时间和亲戚待在一起。spend“花费”,enjoy doings sth“喜欢做某事”,故填(s)pending。
If you are travelling in Hong Kong, I think you can eat in a Chinese restaurant or go to McDonald’s or Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) to have fast food. When you come into a Chinese restaurant, you first sit down at the table. The waiters will bring you a menu soon. They usually ask, “What would you like to have ” You give your order. Then they begin to cook. It often takes some time to cook the dishes. After you have all your food, you will find your meal is always dear.
But to eat in a fast food restaurant, things are quite different. You just stand in a line in front of a counter (柜台). On the counter you will see pictures of a lot of food and drinks such as rice, hamburger, potato, cabbage, meat, hot dog, cake. You can choose any of them right away. After you give your order, people behind the counter get your food for you quickly, usually in less than three minutes. They give you your food on a plate, or in a paper bag or a box. You pay for it before you eat. And you can eat just there or take it away.
Now people like to go to fast food restaurant because to eat there is cheap and can save time. This is why fast food is becoming more and more popular in Hong Kong.
51.Can you eat in a Chinese restaurant if you travel in Hongkong
52.What will the waiter bring you when you at a Chinese restaurant
53.When do we pay for our food in a fast food restaurant
54.Why do people like to eat in fast food restaurant in Hong Kong
55.Which do you like to eat, in a fast food restaurant or in a Chinese restaurant Why
【答案】51.Yes, I can/Yes 52.A menu 53.Before we eat 54.Because it is cheap and can save time to eat there 55.A Chinese restaurant. Because Chinese dishes are very delicious
51.根据“If you are travelling in Hong Kong, I think you can eat in a Chinese restaurant or go to McDonald’s or Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) to have fast food.”可知在香港可以去一个中国餐馆或麦当劳、肯德基吃快餐,故填Yes, I can/Yes。
52.根据“When you come into a Chinese restaurant, you first sit down at the table. The waiters will bring you a menu soon.”可知在一个中国餐馆,服务员会很快拿给你一个菜单,故填A menu。
53.根据“You pay for it before you eat.”可知吃快餐之前付钱,故填Before we eat。
54.根据“Now people like to go to fast food restaurant because to eat there is cheap and can save time.”可知现在人们喜欢吃快餐是因为快餐便宜并且在快餐店吃可以节省时间,故填Because it is cheap and can save time to eat there。
55.开放性作答,合理即可,参考答案为A Chinese restaurant. Because Chinese dishes are very delicious。
56.Write at least 50 words about the topic “My favourite city”, using the following questions for reference.(请根据提示问题,以“我最喜爱的城市”为题写一篇短文,不少于50个词,标点符号不占格)
Suggested questions:
(1) Which city do you like best
(2) What can you see in the city
(3) What can you do there
(4) What do you think of your favourite city
My favourite city
My favourite city is Dalian. It’s in the northeast of China. Now the population of Dalian is more than six million. Dalian is on the coast and it’s especially famous for its seafood. Of course, Dalian is a good place to have a holiday. There, the weather is fine. It’s not hot in summer and not cold in winter. And it has got many interesting places, such as Laohutan Ocean Park, Bangchui island and Dalian Modern Museum.
Dalian is a beautiful city, and I like it best.
① 题材:本文为一篇话题作文;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:根据提示问题,介绍自己最喜欢的城市,适当增加细节,突出写作重点。
① in the northeast of 在……的东北部
② be famous for 因……而出名
③ have a holiday 度假
Dalian is a good place to have a holiday.(动词不定式作后置定语)Unit1 Great cities in Asia
1.Some bread ________ on the table and some apples ________ in the box.
A.is, is B.are, are C.is, are D.are, is
2.We see some restaurants, a few shops and a lot of people ________ I’m on the bus.
A.how B.where C.because D.when
3.Jerry promised not ________ the class rules next time.
A.to break B.break C.breaking D.broke
4.Kitty and her friends ________ a holiday trip now.
A.plan B.planned C.are going to plan D.are planning
5.Helen ________ a day in Shanghai Museum with her parents last weekend.
A.spend B.spent C.spends D.has spent
6.Let’s go to Longhua Temple together, ________
A.will you B.won’t you C.shall we D.shall I
7.Lucy ________ more food for the picnic.
A.needn’t B.doesn’t need C.need D.doesn’t need to
8.—Do you know Betty
—Yes, she is ________ American girl and she has a round face.
A.an B.a C.the D./
9.Shall we buy some fish ________ the fish stall
A.in B.at C.on D.to
10.Mr. Li has two sons. _________ of them are good policemen.
A.Both B.All C.Each D.Every
11.On his way ________, he met an accident.
A.to home B.for home C.back to home D.home
12.My father likes his job and he usually makes sick people _________.
A.good B.well C.better D.best
13.People ________ smoke on the underground.
A.needn’t B.may not C.can’t D.mustn’t
14.Could you give me ________, Mary
A.two bag of ice B.two bags of ices
C.two bag of ices D.two bags of ice
15.I enjoy ________ music, so my mother bought me an MP3 for my birthday.
A.listen B.to listen to C.listening D.listening to
Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only be used once.(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。)
A.all B.centre C. spends D.including E. takes
One of the most interesting places to visit in Singapore is the bird park. It’s located in the industrial area of Singapore, called Jurong(裕廊). The bird park is about 12 kilometres from the 16 of the city and it’s easy to get there by bus or taxi.
There are hundreds of beautiful birds from many different parts of the world, 17 penguins(企鹅), parrots, eagles and ostriches. The birds are kept in large cages. There’s also a very large cage which you can walk inside to get a closer look at the birds. It 18 about two hours to see all the birds. You can walk around the park or ride on the bus. The best time to visit the park is in the early morning or late in the afternoon when the birds are 19 singing beautifully.
20.Tomorrow is Jack’s birthday.(nine)
21.Doing some outdoor activities can help us stay (health).
22.You can see a lot of tall and huge department stores in Shanghai.(build)
23.Take some exercise if you (want) to lose weight.
24.Shall we go this weekend (travel)
25.Let’s go (cross) the bridge and help the crying boy.
26.took some photos, for, on the Open Day, the English Club, Kitty(连词成句)
27.Tom’s father will go to Beijing to attend a meeting next week by air. (保持句意基本不变)
Tom’s father will Beijing to attend a meeting next week.
28.She would like to be a teacher because she likes children. (对划线部分提问)
she like to be a teacher
29.You must not walk across the road when the lights are red. (改为祈使句)
across the road when the lights are red.
30.Kitty has already been to the Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower. (改为否定句)
Kitty been to the Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower .
Kitty’s mother is reading a notice. Read the notice.
Rose Garden School “Be Healthy” Day16 March Dear parents Our school is going to have an activity called “Be Healthy” Day. Details are as follows: Date: 22 March (Monday) Time: lunchtime What to do: 1. Have vegetables and fruit for lunch on that day. 2. We will prepare “Healthy” lunchboxes for them. 3. Each “Healthy” lunchbox is 10. It includes (包括) some pork, some vegetables, some rice, a carton of orange juice and an apple. 4. Money for the school lunchboxes will be collected by class teachers on 19 March. 5. Your children will receive lunch coupons (券) after paying for the “Healthy” lunchboxes. They can get the lunchboxes by giving the coupons to the persons working in the canteen during the lunchtime. Thank you! John Duncan Headmaster
31.The school is going to have “Be Healthy” Day ________.
A.on 16 March B.on 19 March C.none of above D.on 22 March
32.Students should have ________ for lunch on “Be Healthy” Day.
A.snacks B.fast food C.vegetables and fruit D.dairy food
33.Kitty should ________ the “Healthy” lunchbox.
A.pay 10 for B.pay 20 for C.prepare food for D.collect money from
34.The underlined “We” in the sentence “We will prepare ‘Healthy’ lunchboxes for them ” refers to ________.
A.the parents B.the students C.the lunchboxes D.Rose Garden School
35.We can find the notice (通知) ________.
A.at the school gate B.in the hospital C.in a department store D.at the railway station
What is a Chinatown Is it a town in China Of course not! It is in a foreign country. It is a 36 where many overseas (海外的) Chinese live together.
There are lots of Chinatown in America. And the 37 one is in New York. There are about 150,000 people in it. It is the home of Chinese New Yorkers. And it is also a 38 place to go shopping in Chinatown. It’s a good place in the following ways.
39 in Chinatown is fun. You can find lots of things there. Most of them are made in 40 . Mott Street is the best place to shop because the things there are very 41 .
Chinatown has more than 200 42 . You can enjoy traditional Chinese food here. New Silver Palace Restaurant is one of the best restaurants. You can eat some Shanghai food in Evergreen Restaurant.
Living in Chinatown is 43 . You can find hospitals, schools, banks, libraries and supermarkets in it. In some schools, students must study Chinese. Many overseas Chinese 44 their children to these schools. They want their 45 to learn more about China and its culture.
36.A.time B.person C.club D.place
37.A.big B.biggest C.bigger D.small
38.A.favorite B.good C.bad D.quiet
39.A.Playing B.Working C.Studying D.Shopping
40.A.America B.France C.China D.Japan
41.A.expensive B.cheap C.high D.low
42.A.restaurants B.schools C.banks D.hospitals
43.A.boring B.bad C.convenient D.sad
44.A.send B.bring C.fetch D.carry
45.A.workers B.children C.students D.friends
China is a great c 46 with many beautiful cities. For example, Guangzhou is a l 47 and modern city in the south-east of China. There are many places of interest in Guangzhou, so many people like to travel to the city. The weather in Guangzhou is also nice. Spring is warm and autumn is cool. In summer, the Sun shines b 48 . People like to swim at this time of year. In winter, it is sometimes cold but it s 49 snows. On weekends, people like have morning tea with their families. They enjoy s 50 time with their relatives. Welcome to Guangzhou and you will have a wonderful time.
If you are travelling in Hong Kong, I think you can eat in a Chinese restaurant or go to McDonald’s or Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) to have fast food. When you come into a Chinese restaurant, you first sit down at the table. The waiters will bring you a menu soon. They usually ask, “What would you like to have ” You give your order. Then they begin to cook. It often takes some time to cook the dishes. After you have all your food, you will find your meal is always dear.
But to eat in a fast food restaurant, things are quite different. You just stand in a line in front of a counter (柜台). On the counter you will see pictures of a lot of food and drinks such as rice, hamburger, potato, cabbage, meat, hot dog, cake. You can choose any of them right away. After you give your order, people behind the counter get your food for you quickly, usually in less than three minutes. They give you your food on a plate, or in a paper bag or a box. You pay for it before you eat. And you can eat just there or take it away.
Now people like to go to fast food restaurant because to eat there is cheap and can save time. This is why fast food is becoming more and more popular in Hong Kong.
51.Can you eat in a Chinese restaurant if you travel in Hongkong
52.What will the waiter bring you when you at a Chinese restaurant
53.When do we pay for our food in a fast food restaurant
54.Why do people like to eat in fast food restaurant in Hong Kong
55.Which do you like to eat, in a fast food restaurant or in a Chinese restaurant Why
56.Write at least 50 words about the topic “My favourite city”, using the following questions for reference.(请根据提示问题,以“我最喜爱的城市”为题写一篇短文,不少于50个词,标点符号不占格)
Suggested questions:
(1) Which city do you like best
(2) What can you see in the city
(3) What can you do there
(4) What do you think of your favourite city



上一篇:2023-2024鲁科版必修3 第一章 静电力与电场强度 单元测试B卷(含解析)
