
"Mrs.Harvey is out on a business trip (出差) today," the principal (校长) tells Alma's class.
Now they might not have that math test this morning.Alma thinks that news (消息) is just(1) ______ .Then a new teacher walks into the room.When Alma sees(2) ______ ,she feels embarrassed(尴尬的).
"That's your dad?" (3) ______ Cary.
"Yes,it is," Alma answers.
"He is wearing a funny T-shirt," Cary says.
"Yes,he is," Alma says.
Alma's father,Mr.Alvarez,says(4) ______ to everyone.He writes his name on the blackboard.Then he smiles and says, "I know you are going to take a math test this(5) ______ .But tests aren't fun."
The kids all look at each other.
"(6) ______ let's sing songs!"Mr.Alvarez says.
Then the class sing songs.They tell stories,have a snack and Mr.Alvarez shows them(7) ______ to make hats out of colored paper.
"Your dad is great!" Cary tells Alma. "School is so much better now for he's(8) ______ teacher." But Alma looks worried (担心的).
On the way home,Alma says, "Dad,I like fun,but we need to learn."
"I know,but I want your classmates to(9) ______ me," her dad says.
"Just be yourself," Alma says, "and they will like you."
The next day,Mr.Alvarez dresses like a(10) ______ . "Today we will get back to learning," Alma's dad tells the class. "But don't worry,Learning can be fun,too!"
Alma smiles.
1.A. bad B. interesting C. boring D. great
2.A. them B. him C. her D. me
3.A. asks B. says C. teaches D. reads
4.A. thank you B. sorry C. hello D. good-bye
5.A. morning B. noon C. afternoon D. evening
6.A. So B. But C. Because D. And
7.A. when B. how C. where D. why
8.A. her B. their C. your D. our
9.A. help B. like C. find D. thank
10.A. father B. principal C. classmate D. teacher
B:Hello,Mary.Do you want to play tennis with me this afternoon?
A:( 1) ______
B:It's OK.We can ask my sister to help us.Look at my two new tennis bats.
A:They are beautiful. (2) ______
B:In Mr.Cool's Sports Store.It's a new store.
A:How much are they?
B:( 3) ______
A:My brother's birthday is coming.I want to buy a basketball for him.
B:( 4) ______
A:Yes,he does.He is only ten years old,but he likes playing it very much.
B:Wow! (5) ______ I think he will like your gift.
A.Ten dollars.
B.Let's go and buy one.
C.I'd love to,but I'm a new player.
D.Does he like playing basketball?
E.Where do you buy sports things?
F.Where does he play basketball?
Here are four information cards from students in River Stone School.They really want to join a club after school and have fun there with their friends.
My favorite subject is art and I like sports,too.I really enjoy learning about animals.I want to take better care of (照顾) my cat. Name:Paul
I like Chinese and math.I also like painting very much.I want to paint a really good picture of my dog.
I like science and history is OK,but I like art best.
I want to improve (提高) my drawing. Name:Ken
I like English and music.I like playing the piano lot,but I am a beginner now.So I want to learn more.
12.What subject do Helen and Annie both like best? ______
A. Chinese. B. History. C. Science. D. Art.
13.What does Ken want to do by (通过) joining a club? ______
A. He wants to take care of his cat.
B. He wants to paint a picture of his dog.
C. He wants to play the piano better.
D. He wants to learn more about animals.
14.According to their interests,who might (可能) join the same club? ______
A. Helen and Paul. B. Paul and Annie. C. Annie and Ken. D. Helen and Ken.
Dear _____,
We are happy to say that there's a trip to Apple Farm for all the children in Class 2 S.The trip is on Wednesday.On this trip,your children learn about farm life and have great fun in the open air(野外).
There are lots of animals on the farm.In the morning,the children can feed (喂) the hens and the ducks.They can also see the cows,horses,and sheep.Then the farmer,Mr.James,teaches the children about life on the farm and about where food comes from.In the afternoon,at about 2 o'clock,the children can also ride (搭乘) in his big tractor (拖拉机).This is always very popular.
We are traveling by school bus.The bus goes at 9 o'clock,so please don't be late.Please bring lunch boxes and drinks.Also bring boots,as the farm can be muddy (泥泞的)!It's also sunny at the farm,so bring a sun hat,too.We will be back to school at about 4:00 p.m.
Best wishes, Mrs.Evans
15.Who does Mrs.Evans write the email to? ______
A. Students. B. Mr.James. C. Parents. D. Apple Farm.
16.What can children do on the farm? ______
A. Feed the hens and sheep. B. Ride the horses and cows.
C. Cook food in the open air. D. See a lot of animals there.
17.How long does the trip last (持续)? ______
A. About 4 hours. B. About 5 hours. C. About 7 hours. D. About 9 hours.
18.What's the purpose (目的) of the last paragraph? ______
A. To show some interesting things on the farm.
B. To tell how great the school trip to the farm is.
C. To ask them to take something and not to be late.
D. To teach the children where food comes from.
Here's a blog (博客) of Abd Allah with some replies (回复).
Abd Allah Posted by Abd Allah at 8:32 a.m.on 11th December 2023
Hi.I am Abd Allah from Egypt.I sometimes eat bread with jam.But usually I eat fuul and bread for breakfast.Fuul is mashed beans (豆).It's great with olive oil and bread.I sometimes have an egg with it,too.
I also want to ask you a question :▲?
Pete Posted at 9:02 a.m.on 11th December 2023
My name's Pete.I am from the U.S.A.For breakfast,I usually have a bowl of cereal (麦片) with milk,and then bread with butter.We have lots of different cereals at home,but my favorite is cornflakes (玉米片).
I don't have a very big breakfast because I eat lunch early at school.
Huong Posted at 11:35 a.m.on 11th December 2023
Hi,everyone.I am Huong and I come from Vietnam.For breakfast,I usually have noodle soup.My grandma makes it every morning.Sometimes,I have Xois.These are balls of rice with beans.They are wrapped in coconut leaves (椰子叶) and are really yummy.
Mariana Posted at 2:32 p.m.on 11th December 2023
Hi.My name is Mariana and I am from Mexico.My favorite breakfast is huevos rancheros.These are eggs cooked with tomato and chili pepper sauce.Under the eggs is a com pancake.I always eat a big breakfast because we don't have lunch at school.
19.What does Abd Allah usually have for breakfast? ______
A. Fuul and bread. B. A bowl of cereal.
C. Xois with noodle soup. D. Huevos rancheros.
20.What does the underlined word "it" refer to (指代)? ______
A. Milk. B. Rice with beans.
C. Noodle soup. D. A Coconut leaf.
21.Why does Mariana have a very big breakfast? ______
A. Because she thinks the breakfast is yummy.
B. Because she doesn't have lunch at school.
C. Because she eats lunch at school very late.
D. Because her grandmother wants her to eat a lot.
22.Which of the following can be put into ▲in Abd's blog? ______
A. Where do you come from? B. How do you make breakfast?
C. Who makes breakfast at home? D. What do you like for breakfast?
China keeps the same time over all the seasons in a year.But it's different in many countries,like the UK and Germany.
These countries have summer time and winter time.In March,they set (设置) their clocks one hour forward (往前).However,in October or November,they set their clocks one hour back.
In the Northern Hemisphere (北半球),after March 23,days slowly become longer and the sun comes out earlier.During that time,if people wake up earlier,they can use more sunlight(阳光).It saves electricity (电).In the winter,however,they can sleep more in the morning to save electricity.
People working in cinemas dislike setting the clock.They say that when people get more sunlight,they don't want to go to dark cinemas.But baseball lovers like it.When they are in summer time,they can play for a longer time because there is more sunlight.
23.What can we learn from paragraph 1 and 2? ______
A. China has summer time all year around.
B. China keeps the same time in a year.
C. The UK has winter and spring time.
D. The UK sets their clocks every season.
24.What might the underlined word "saves" mean in the passage? ______
A. 浪费. B. 产生. C. 使用. D. 节约.
25.What will happen (发生) in the Northern Hemisphere after March 23? ______
A. Days slowly become longer. B. Sun comes out later.
C. People can sleep a lot more. D. People get up later.
26.Why do baseball lovers like setting the clock? ______
A. Because they can sleep more in winter.
B. Because they can play longer in summer.
C. Because they find it is really interesting.
D. Because they like the sunlight very much.
How to Be a Good Friend?
Everyone needs friends.And it is important to be a good friend.Can you be a friend?Read on to learn how.
A.Introduce yourself.Say hello to someone new.Invite them to play.Ask questions to get to know them better.
B.Do things together.What are your favorite things to do?Ask a friend to do them with you.Take an interest in the things they like to do.
C.Help each other.Ask how a friend is feeling.If they're sad,make them happy.Ask them for help when you need it.
D.Listen to friends.Pay attention and don't stop their talking.Ask questions to show your care and try to be a good listener.
E.Smile (微笑) at others.A smile is a great way to show you are kind and friendly.So,make sure to always have a smile on your face.
(1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ (5) ______
in have pair what new
You may not be surprised to see one or two twins (双胞胎) at school.But(1) ______ about a lot of twins?
They start primary school in Inverclyde in Scotland (2) ______ August.It is known for its large number of twins.In 2015,there were nineteen(3) ______ of twins starting primary school there.On the first day of school every year,there is a tradition(传统) in Inverclyde to welcome twins.They(4) ______ a group photo at school.They also meet many (5) ______ twin friends and play soccer together.
29.Some boys and girls don't like math.They think it's difficult.But in fact,it isn't difficult to learn math well.Here are some(1) ______ ( use) ideas for you.
Listen carefully in all your math(2) ______ ( class).When you listen to teachers(3) ______ (good),you can understand much.You can also ask your math teacher(4) ______ ( help) you when you don't understand any problems in class.
Your math teacher isn't always with you.You can ask (5) ______ ( you) classmate when you find a math problem is too difficult and you can't work it out.He or she must be(6) ______ (real) happy to help you.
Do you want to be good(7) ______ math?Do math exercises (练习题) every day.It(8) ______ ( need) time.You can't learn it well in a day.
Math is difficult(9) ______ interesting.Let's do our best (尽力) to learn(10) ______ subject well.
30.It is a lovely afternoon with a b ______ sky and some white clouds.
31.Tina is standing in the m ______ ,between Jim and Laura.
32.The l ______ in our city is so big and there are over 5,800,000 books.
33.The store s ______ things at high (高的) prices,but they are really good.
34.My birthday is March n ______ ,a day after the Women's Day.
35.The Greens have two ______ (女儿) and one son.They are all teachers.
36.This is my jacket. ______ (你的) is over there.
37.I find it is ______ (令人放松的) to read a book after a long day at school.
38.______ (九月) is my favorite month because my birthday is in this month.
39.She usually ______ (完成) doing her homework before 8:30 every day.
Hello everyone!We have some interesting and fun things next term.______
【解析】(1)形容词辨析。句意:阿尔玛认为消息真是太好了。A.坏的,B.有趣的,C.无聊的,D.好的,结合上文Now they might not have that math test this morning.(他们今天早上可能不会有数学考试了。)可知这个消息太好了。故选D。
(2)人称代词辨析。句意:当阿尔玛看到他时,她感到很尴尬。A.他们,B.他,C.她,D.我,结合下文That's your dad?(那是你的爸爸?)可知阿尔玛看到他感到尴尬。故选B。
(3)动词辨析。句意:"那是你爸爸?"加里问。A.询问,B.说,C.教,D.读,根据That's your dad?(那是你的爸爸?)可知是询问。故选A。
(4)名词辨析。句意:阿尔玛的父亲,阿尔瓦雷斯先生,向大家问好。A.谢谢你,B.抱歉,C.你好,D.再见,根据Then a new teacher walks into the room.(然后一个新老师走进教室。)可知向大家问好。故选C。
(5)名词辨析。句意:我知道你们今天早上要参加数学考试。A.早上,B.中午,C.下午,D.晚上,根据Now they might not have that math test this morning.(他们今天早上可能不会有数学考试了。)可知是早上要考试。故选A。
(6)连词辨析。句意:"所以让我们一起唱歌吧!"阿尔瓦雷斯说。A.所以,B.但是,C.因为,D.而且,根据But tests aren't fun.(但是考试不好玩。)可知表示结果。故选A。
(8)形容词性物主代词辨析。句意:现在学校好多了,因为他是我们的老师。A.她的,B.他们的,C.你的,D.我们的,根据Then a new teacher walks into the room.(然后一个新老师走进教室。)可知形容词性物主代词用第一人称复数。故选D。
(9)动词辨析。句意:"我知道,但我希望你的同学喜欢我,"她爸爸说。A.帮助,B.喜欢,C.找到,D.感谢,根据they will like you(他们会喜欢你的)可知他希望阿尔玛的同学喜欢他。故选B。
(10)名词辨析。句意:第二天,阿尔瓦雷斯先生穿得像个老师。A.父亲,B.校长,C.同学,D.老师,根据Today we will get back to learning(今天我们要回到学习中)可知阿尔瓦雷斯先生穿得像个老师。故选D。
【解析】(1)根据It's OK.We can ask my sister to help us.(好的。我们可以喊我姐姐帮忙。)可知上文表示愿意去,结合选项,C(我愿意去,但是我是一个新手。)符合情境,故选C。
(2)根据In Mr.Cool's Sports Store.(在酷先生的体育商店。)可知上文询问地点,结合选项,E(你从什么地方买体育用品?)符合情境,故选E。
(3)根据How much are they?(它们多少钱?)可知下文回答价格,结合选项,A(十美元。)符合情境,故选A。
(4)根据Yes,he does.可知,结合选项,D(他喜欢打篮球吗?)符合情境,故选D。
(5)根据I think he will like your gift.(我想他会喜欢你的礼物。)可知提议去买礼物,结合选项,B(让我们去买一个吧。)符合情境,故选B。
【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据表格一中的My favorite subject is art(我最喜欢的学科是美术)和表格三中的but I like art best.(但是我最喜欢美术。)可知,Helen和Annie最喜欢的学科是美术。故选D。
(2)细节理解题。根据表格四中的I like playing the piano lot,but I am a beginner now.So I want to learn more.(我很喜欢弹钢琴,但是我现在是一个初学者。所以我想学习更多。)可知,Ken想通过加入俱乐部来更好地弹钢琴。故选C。
(3)细节理解题。根据表格二中的I also like painting very much.(我也非常喜欢画画。)和表格三中的I want to improve my drawing.(我想提高我的画画。)可知,Paul和Annie可能会加入相同的俱乐部。故选B。
这篇短文主要介绍了四位River Stone School的学生想要参加课外俱乐部,并且和朋友一起玩乐的愿望。他们分别介绍了自己的兴趣爱好和想要学习的技能,比如绘画、运动、动物保护、音乐等。他们希望能够在俱乐部里找到志同道合的朋友,一起度过愉快的时光。
【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据文中第段:We are happy to say that there's a trip to Apple Farm for all the children in Class2 S(我们很高兴地告诉大家,2 S班的所有孩子都有一次去苹果农场的旅行。)可知,埃文斯夫人这封电子邮件是给孩子父母得。故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据文中第2段:They can also see the cows,horses,and sheep.(他们还可以看到牛、马和羊。)可知,孩子们在农场能看到许多动物。故选D。
(3)细节理解题。根据文中最后1段:The bus goes at 9 o'clock...We will be back to school at about 4:00 p.m.(公共汽车9点出发......我们将在下午4点左右回到学校)可知,旅行持续大约7个小时。故选C。
(4)推理判断题。根据文中最后1段:The bus goes at 9 o'clock,so please don't be late.Please bring lunch boxes and drinks.Also bring boots,as the farm can be muddy (泥泞的)!It's also sunny at the farm,so bring a sun hat,too(公共汽车9点出发,所以请不要迟到。请带午餐盒和饮料。还要带靴子,因为农场可能会泥泞不堪!农场的天气也很晴朗,所以也带上太阳帽。)可知,最后一段的目的是告诉他们带些东西,不要迟到。故选C。
短文是一封信,内容是关于2 S班的孩子们将去苹果农场进行一次农场之旅。在农场,孩子们将学习农场生活并在户外玩得很开心。农场上有很多动物,孩子们可以喂鸡和鸭子,还可以看到牛、马和羊。下午他们还可以坐农场主的大拖拉机。旅行将乘坐校车,出发时间是早上9点,要带午餐盒、饮料和靴子,因为农场可能很泥泞。此外,还要带上遮阳帽。最后,孩子们将在下午4点左右回到学校。这封信由Evans女士写给家长。
【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据表格第1行:But usually I eat fuul and bread for breakfast.(但是通常我早餐是富尔和面包。)可知,阿卜杜拉通常早餐是富尔和面包。故选A。
(2)代词指代题。根据表格第3行:For breakfast,I usually have noodle soup.My grandma makes it every morning.(早餐,我通常喝汤面。我奶奶每天早上做。)可知,it指代的是汤面。故选C。
(3)细节理解题。根据表格第4行:I always eat a big breakfast because we don't have lunch at school.(我总是吃丰盛的早餐,因为我们在学校不吃午饭。)可知,马里亚纳的早餐非常丰盛因为她在学校不吃午饭。故选B。
(4)推理判断题。根据表格第1行:I also want to ask you a question (我还想问你们一个问题)以及下面的回复,可知,他想问"你早餐喜欢吃什么?"。故选D。
【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段China keeps the same time over all the seasons in a year.(中国一年中四季的时间都是一样的)可知,中国一年的时间是一样的,B选项最符合语境。故选B。
(2)词义猜测题。根据第三段During that time,if people wake up earlier,they can use more sunlight(阳光).It saves electricity (电).In the winter,however,they can sleep more in the morning to save electricity.(在这段时间里,如果人们早起,他们可以利用更多的阳光。它......电。在冬天,他们可以在早上多睡一会儿以......电。)可知,利用更多阳光应是可以"省电";早上多睡一会也可以"省电",结合四个选项,此处"save"应是指"节约"。故选D。
(3)细节理解题。根据第三段In the Northern Hemisphere (北半球),after March 23,days slowly become longer and the sun comes out earlier.(在北半球,3月23日之后,白天会慢慢变长,太阳也会提早出来。)可知,在3月23日之后的北半球,白天会慢慢变长,A选项最符合语境。故选A。
(4)细节理解题。根据最后一段But baseball lovers like it.When they are in summer time,they can play for a longer time because there is more sunlight.(但是棒球爱好者喜欢它。当他们在夏天的时候,他们可以玩更长的时间,因为有更多的阳光。)可知,棒球爱好者喜欢调钟是因为这样他们可以玩更长的时间。故选B。
【解析】(1)细节推理题。根据Keep smiling!(保持微笑!)可知此处是关于微笑的。E选项"对他人微笑。微笑是显示你是友好的一种方式。所以,确保你脸上总是带着微笑。"符合题意。故选E。
(2)细节推理题。根据Can you help me?(你能帮助我吗?)可知此处是关于互助的。C选项"互相帮助。问你朋友的感觉。如果他们伤心,就让他们开心。当你需要的时候向他们求助。"符合题意。故选C。
(3)细节推理题。根据Let's play soccer together!(让我们一起踢足球吧!)可知此处指一起做事情。B选项"一起做事。你最喜欢做的事情是什么?让朋友和你一起做。对他们喜欢的事情表示出兴趣。"符合题意。故选B。
(4)细节推理题。根据Thanks for listening to me.(谢谢你听我说!)可知此处与倾听有关的内容。D选项"倾听朋友说话。注意不要打断他们说话。适当提问以表示你对话题的关心,并尽量做一个好的倾听者。"符合题意。故选D。
(5)细节推理题。根据Hi,I'm Amy.Nice to meet you!(你好,我是Amy。很高兴见到你!)可知此处表示打招呼。A选项"介绍自己。向新朋友问好。邀请他们一起玩。提问让彼此更了解。"符合题意。故选A。
【解析】(1)考查代词。句意:但是很多双胞胎呢?根据上句You may not be surprised to see one or two twins at school.(在学校看到一两对双胞胎,你可能不惊讶。)和本句a lot of twins(很多双胞胎)可知,此处应该表示"很多双胞胎呢"。what about意为"…怎么样"。故填what。
(4)考查动词。句意:他们会在学校合影。根据a group photo(一张合影)可知,此处应该表示他们会在学校合影。have a group photo意为"有一张合影"。故填have。
(5)考查形容词。句意:他们还会见到很多新双胞胎朋友并一起踢足球。根据meet many(见到很多)和twin friends(双胞胎朋友)可知,此处应该表示见到很多新双胞胎朋友。故填new。
【小题4】to help
(3)考查副词。句意:当你认真听老师讲课时,你会明白很多。根据 listen 动词,可知空处应用副词修饰,故填:well。
(4)考查动词不定式。句意:当你在课堂上不理解任何问题时,你也可以请你的数学老师帮助你。ask sb to do sth(请求某人做某事)固定搭配,故填:to help。
(6)考查形容词。句意:他或她一定很乐意帮助你。根据空后happy 形容词,可知空处应用副词修饰,故填:really。
(7)考查介词。句意:你想擅长数学吗?be good at(擅长)固定搭配,故填:at。
(10)考查冠词。句意:让我们尽最大努力把这门课学好。根据Math is difficult but interesting.(数学很难,但很有趣。)可知空处特指数学,故填:the。
【解析】空格后面的词语是名词,根据句子后面的部分是some white clouds"一些白云",可知,这是一个晴朗的下午,蓝天白云。所以要用形容词来填空,作定语。
【解析】根据at high prices"以高的价格",及首字母提示可知,应该"卖"东西。主语store单数,一般现在时态,谓语动词用sell的第三人称单数sells。
【解析】在英语中,表示日期应用序数词;根据"a day after the Women's Day"(妇女节的第二天),妇女节是三月八日,第二天应是三月九日,ninth"第九",序数词,符合题意。
40.【答案】Hello everyone!We have some interesting and fun things next term.On March 17th,we have the soccer match.We will compete with the strongest team in the school.(足球比赛)On April 23rd,we have the book sale.You can sell and buy books you like at good prices.【高分句型一】(图书销售)On May 1st,we have the school clean-up. (学校清理)On June 1st,we go to visit the zoo. (参观动物园)I believe we will have a pleasant term.【高分句型二】If you have any other good suggestions,you can contact me directly.
You can sell and buy books you like at good prices.你可以以好价钱买卖你喜欢的书。
I believe we will have a pleasant term.我相信我们会有一个愉快的学期。I believe+宾语从句。



