
Hello,everyone.I'm a golden monkey(金丝猴).You can see some of my friends in the(1) ______ .But I live with my family in the forest(森林) in Sichuan.I (2) ______ I'm beautiful because my hair is golden.I'm (3) ______ in the forest.And I'd like to be with my family.In the daytime,I look for(寻找) food and (4) ______ with them.When we are free,we play with each other.When night comes,we go to (5) ______ , like you.
But we are in danger(危险) now.We have no (6) ______ to live.Many people cut down(砍伐)trees,( 7) ______ we can't find our home.They are too (8) ______ .But I know a lot of people are trying to save (9) ______ .I want to say"Thank you"to these people.These are our (10) ______ .I like them.
1.A. library B. school C. zoo
2.A. use B. think C. watch
3.A. clean B. cold C. happy
4.A. water B. map C. pencil
5.A. read B. sleep C. sweep
6.A. places B. rivers C. mountains
7.A. or B. so C. but
8.A. busy B. bad C. healthy
9.A. us B. you C. them
10.A. farmers B. teachers C. friends
Welcome to the New Year's Party
December(12 月) 31st,2023
7:00 pm-8:00 pm
The New Year is coming.Do you know how to celebrate it?We would like to have a party for all students and teachers.Let's celebrate it together.
We can sing,dance and play games.But we can't left or drink at the party.Girls wear beautiful dresses and boys wear suits(西装).Please meet us in the school hall.
You can call Ms Wang at 345 677 for more information.
Teachers' office
11.What kind of party is it? ______
A. A dancing party. B. A dinner party.
C. A New Year's party. D. A-birthday party.
12.The party is for ______ .
A. the boys B. the girls
C. the teachers D. all the students and teachers
13.The students can't ______ at the party.
A. eat delicious food B. sing songs
C. play games D. dance
14.The students meet in ______ .
A. the dining hall B. the school hall C. the library D. the science lab
15.Who organized(组织) the party? ______
A. Boys. B. Girls.
C. Students. D. Teachers' office.
Hey,my name is Wang Haibei.You can call me Grandpa Haibei.I'm Chinese and I'm from China.I'm 76 years old.I'm old but I like new things.Now I'm in Copenhagen,the capital city of Denmark(丹麦).It's a very nice city.I have a good day here.
I get up at 7:00 am.Then I have a delicious breakfast with my son at 8:00 am.
At 8:30 am,we go to Hamlet's Castle(城堡).It is very interesting.
We have some fish,beef and soup for lunch at 11:40 am.It's really delicious.
In the afternoon we go to a museum(博物馆).We want to know the history of the city.We meet lots of old people there.I'm happy.
16.Grandpa Haibei has breakfast with his ______ .
A. son B. daughter C. parents D. friends
17.Grandpa Haibei thinks Hamlet's Castle is ______ .
A. big B. interesting C. new D. important
18.What do they have for lunch? ______
A. Noodles. B. Beef,fish and soup.
C. Hamburgers. D. Rice with meat.
19.Why do they go to the museum? ______
A. To see a friend. B. To take some photos.
C. To have a break. D. To know about the city.
20.Which of the following is NOT true(正确的)? ______
A. Grandpa Haibei is Chinese.
B. Copenhagen is in Denmark.
C. They have lunch at ten to twelve.
D. Grandpa Haibei likes his day in Denmark.
In London,it's five o'clock in the afternoon and people are leaving work and are going home.They're waiting for buses or trains.Some people are driving home.Some are getting off buses or trains.Some are having afternoon tea at home or having a drink.
In Moscow,it's eight o'clock in the evening,so people aren't having afternoon tea.They are having dinner at home or in restaurants.Some are going to the theatre or watching a film.Some are watching television or playing games at home.
In Beijing,it's one o'clock at night,so people aren't having dinner.Most people are sleeping.Some people are still working and some are going home from work.
21.What time is it in London now? ______
A. 1:00 am. B. 5:00 pm. C. 7:00 pm. D. 8:00 pm.
22.Which meal are people having in Moscow? ______
A. Breakfast. B. Lunch. C. Afternoon tea. D. Dinner.
23.People in ______ are watching TV at home.
A. Beijing B. London C. Moscow D. New York
24.What are most people doing in Beijing? ______
A. Sleeping. B. Running.
C. Playing games. D. Having breakfast.
25.How many cities are mentioned(提到) in the passage? ______
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
阅读短文,根据短文内容判断其后面所语句子的对错。选 Right填A,选 Wrong填B。
Hello,I'm Dizzy.Today is June(六月) 1st.It's our festival—Children's Day.I'm very happy because we have a big party at school.Many children are singing,dancing,telling stories and so on.It's very interesting.We like the party very much.
After the party,we go to the zoo to see animals and we take many photos there:The pandas are very cute and they like to play with us.We also visit the science museum(博物馆).We like the science museum because we can learn something important there .
We get presents from our parents today.We like them very much.
26.Dizzy has a big party at home. ______
A. Right. B. Wrong.
27.There are lots of children singing at the party. ______
A. Right. B. Wrong.
28.The monkeys like to play with the students. ______
A. Right. B. Wrong.
29.The students don't like the science museum. ______
A. Right. B. Wrong.
30.On Children's Day,the children get some presents from their parents. ______
A. Right. B. Wrong.
31.Today is Alice's 13th birthday.Her parents have a party for her. 许多朋友来到她的家里。She is happy to meet them.They bring lots of things for Alice:a birthday cake,some nice cards,books,pens and clothes.And they say "Happy birthday" to Alice. Alice likes the presents very much.She says thank you again and again.Then they sit down and talk.
Alice's mother goes to cook a big lunch.The meal is very nice.They all like it very much.After lunch,they sing,play games and eat the big birthday cake.They have a good time.At about 5:00 in the afternoon,Alice's friends say goodbye to her and go back home.
(1) 回答问题:
What does the underlined word"her"in Paragraph 1 refer to(指代)? ______
(2) 将文中划线的汉语句子译成英语。 ______
(3) 将文中划线的英语句子译成汉语。 ______
(4) 在文中找出与下面所给句子意思相近的句子。
All of them like it a lot. ______
(5) 回答问题:
When does they say goodbye to Alice? ______
32.How are you in Australia these days?( 1) ______ (连词) I can only use my computer every Sunday,I'm sorry for not writing to you last week.
There (2) ______ (be) two computers in my home.One is in my parents 'room and they share it.The other one is in my (3) ______ ( brother) room and he and I share it.My dad works in (4) ______ (冠词) Internet company.He often has to work on the computer even after (5) ______ ( come) back home from work.My mother often (6) ______ (learn) new songs on the Internet.
( 7) ______ (疑问代词) do my brother Peter and I do on our computer?Peter uses the computer to do his homework on weekdays.I can use the computer for only forty(8) ______ (minute) on Sunday evening.My mum says too much screen time is bad(9) ______ (介词) my eyes.I (10) ______ (usual) check my emails and listen to some music.
33.假如你是李华,你收到了美国笔友 Tina 的一封邮件。她知道春节就要来了,想了解你和你的家人是怎么度过春节的。请你根据图片和文字提示信息,用英语给 Tina 回复一封邮件。
Dear Tina,
The Spring Festival is coming.It usually comes in January or February.Here are some photos of it.Have a look at them!
What else do you want to know?Feel free to ask me.
Yours, Li Hua
【解析】(1)考查名词。句意:你可以在动物园里看到我的一些朋友。A.图书馆;B.学校;C.动物园;根据I'm a golden monkey(金丝猴).(我是金丝猴。)可知空处应填:动物园,故选C。
(2)考查动词。句意:我认为我很漂亮,因为我的头发是金色的。A.使用;B.认为;C.观看;根据because my hair is golden.(因为我的头发是金色的。)可知空处应填:认为,故选B。
(3)考查动词。句意:我在森林里很开心。A.干净的;B.冷的;C.快乐的;根据But I live with my family in the forest(森林) in Sichuan.(但是我和我的家人住在四川的森林里。)结合常识可知金丝猴在森林里很开心,故选C。
(4)考查名词。句意:白天,我和它们一起寻找食物和水。A.水;B.地图;C.铅笔;根据 food (食物)可知空处应填:水,故选A。
(5)考查动词。句意:当夜晚来临,我们像你一样入睡。A.阅读;B.睡觉;C.打扫;根据When night comes(当夜晚来临),可知空处应填:睡觉,故选B。
(6)考查名词。句意:我们没有地方住。A.地方;B.河流;C.山脉;根据Many people cut down(砍伐)trees,so we can't find our home.(许多人砍伐树木,所以我们找不到我们的家。)可知空处指没有地方住,故选A。
(7)考查连词。句意:许多人砍伐树木,所以我们找不到我们的家。A.或者;B.所以;C.但是;根据Many people cut down(砍伐)trees,(许多人砍伐树木,)可知前后句之间表示因果关系,故选B。
(8)考查形容词。句意:他们太坏了。A.忙的;B.坏的;C.健康的;根据Many people cut down(砍伐)trees,so we can't find our home.(许多人砍伐树木,所以我们找不到我们的家。)可知空处应填:坏的,故选B。
(9)考查代词。句意:但我知道很多人都在努力拯救我们。A.我们;B.你们;C.他们;根据 so we can't find our home.(所以我们找不到我们的家。)可知空处应填:我们,故选A。
(10)考查名词。句意:这些是我们的朋友。A.农民;B.教师;C.朋友;根据But I know a lot of people are trying to save us.(但我知道很多人都在努力拯救我们。)可知空处应填:朋友,故选C。
【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Welcome to the New Year's Party(欢迎参加新年聚会)可知这是一个新年聚会。故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据We would like to have a party for all students and teachers.(我们想为所有的学生和老师举办一个聚会。)可知派对是为所有的学生和老师学生举办。故选D。
(3)细节理解题。根据We can sing,dance and play games.(我们可以唱歌、跳舞和玩游戏。)可知聚会不能吃美味的食物。故选A。
(4)细节理解题。根据Please meet us in the school hall.(请在学校礼堂等我们。)可知学生们在学校礼堂聚会。故选B。
(5)细节理解题。根据Teachers' office(教师办公室)可知教师办公室组织的派对。故选D。
【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段提到Then I have a delicious breakfast with my son at 8:00 am.(然后我在早上8点和我儿子一起吃美味的早餐。)可知,与儿子一起吃早餐,故选A。
(2)细节理解题。根据第三段提到At 8:30 am,we go to Hamlet's Castle(城堡).It is very interesting.(早上8:30,我们去了哈姆雷特的城堡。非常有趣。)可知,他认为这个城堡非常的有趣,故选B。
(3)细节理解题。根据第四段提到We have some fish,beef and soup for lunch at 11:40 am.(上午11:40我们午餐吃一些鱼、牛肉和汤。)可知,中午吃了牛肉,鱼和汤,故选B。
(4)细节理解题。根据最后一段提到In the afternoon we go to a museum(博物馆).We want to know the history of the city.(下午我们去了博物馆。我们想了解这座城市的历史。)可知,去博物馆是想了解当地的历史,故选D。
(5)细节理解题。根据第四段提到We have some fish,beef and soup for lunch at 11:40 am.(上午11:40我们午餐吃一些鱼、牛肉和汤。)可知,在11点四十吃的午餐,而不是11点五十,故选C。
【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据首段中In London,it's five o'clock in the afternoon and people are leaving work and are going home.(在伦敦,现在是下午五点,人们下班回家。)可知,现在伦敦下午五点,故选:B。
(2)细节理解题。根据第二段中In Moscow,it's eight o'clock in the evening,so people aren't having afternoon tea.They are having dinner at home or in restaurants.(在莫斯科,现在是晚上八点,所以人们不喝下午茶。他们在家里或餐馆吃饭。)可知,人们在莫斯科吃晚餐,故选:D。
(3)细节理解题。根据第二段In Moscow,it's eight o'clock in the evening,...Some are watching television or playing games at home.(在莫斯科,现在是晚上八点,……有些人在家看电视或玩游戏。)可知,莫斯科的人们在家里看电视,故选:C。
(4)细节理解题。根据最后一段中Most people are sleeping.(大多数人都在睡觉。)可知,在北京大多数人都在睡觉,故选:A。
(5)细节理解题。根据文中提到 London、Moscow、Beijing(伦敦、莫斯科、北京)可知,提到了三个城市,故选:B。
【解析】(1)细节推断题。根据第一段提到I'm very happy because we have a big party at school.(我很高兴,因为我们在学校有一个大聚会。)可知,在学校举行的聚会而不是家里,这个题是错误的,故选B。
(2)细节推断题。根据第一段提到Many children are singing,dancing,telling stories and so on.(许多孩子在唱歌、跳舞、讲故事等等。)可知,有许多的孩子在聚会上唱歌,这是正确的,故选A。
(3)细节推断题。根据第二段提到 After the party,we go to the zoo to see animals and we take many photos there:The pandas are very cute and they like to play with us.(晚会结束后,我们去动物园看动物,我们在那里拍了许多照片:熊猫非常可爱,它们喜欢和我们一起玩。)可知,是熊猫很可爱,与他们一起玩,而不是猴子,所以这个题是错误的,故选B。
(4)细节推断题。根据第二段提到We like the science museum because we can learn something important there .(我们喜欢科学博物馆,因为我们可以在那里学到一些重要的东西。)可知,他们非常喜欢科技博物馆,这个题是错误的,故选B。
(5)细节推断题。根据最后一段提到 We get presents from our parents today.(我们今天从父母那里得到很多礼物)可知,这句是正确的,故选A。
【小题2】Many friends come to her home.
【小题4】They all like it very much.
【小题5】At about 5:00 in the afternoon.
【解析】(1)代词指代题。根据第1段Today is Alice's 13th birthday.Her parents have a party for her.(今天是爱丽丝的13岁生日。她的父母为她举办了一个聚会。)可知her指的是爱丽丝,故答案为:Alice.
(2)汉译英题。根据全文时态是一般现在时,Many friends很多朋友,come to来到,her home她家,故答案为:Many friends come to her home.
(3)英译汉题。根据Alice人名,likes喜欢,the presents礼物,very much非常,故答案为:爱丽丝非常喜欢这些礼物。
(4)同义句题。根据All of them like it a lot.(他们都很喜欢。)和第2段They all like it very much.(他们都非常喜欢。)意思相近,故答案为:They all like it very much.
(5)细节理解题。根据第2段At about 5:00 in the afternoon,Alice's friends say goodbye to her and go back home.(下午5点左右,爱丽丝的朋友们向她道别,然后回家。)可知下午5点左右,爱丽丝的朋友们向她道别,故答案为:At about 5:00 in the afternoon.
(2)考查主谓一致。句意:我家有两台电脑。此处用there be句型,表示"有",文章用一般现在时,主语是two computers,是复数,因此谓语动词用are,故填are。
(6)考查动词的时态。句意:我妈妈是一所中学的音乐老师,她经常在网上学新歌。根据often可知,此处用一般现在时,主语是My mother,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,因此learn用第三人称单数形式learns,故填learns。
(9)考查介词。句意:我妈妈说看屏幕太多对我的眼睛不好。根据句意可知,此处是be bad for短语,意为"对...不好",故填for。
33.【答案】Dear Tina,
The Spring Festival is coming.It usually comes in January or February.Here are some photos of it.Have a look at them!
Firstly,we do a lot of preparation before it is coming.We really decorate our doors and windows and get lots of food ready in order to welcome the new year.【高分句型一】We clean up,too. (打扫卫生)Secondly,we usually celebrate it on the first day of the year according to the Lunar calendar,and all family members get together and have a big meal.We will spend time with family till midnight and do all kinds of activities for good luck. (聚餐)Thirdly,during this holiday,we visit our relatives and neighbors. (访友)
Spring Festival is the time to say goodbye to the old year,and to welcome the new year.【高分句型二】It means a lot to all the people.
What else do you want to know?Feel free to ask me.
Yours, Li Hua
We really decorate our doors and windows and get lots of food ready in order to welcome the new year.为了迎接新的一年,我们真的装饰了我们的门窗,准备了很多食物。to welcome the new year不定式作目的状语。
Spring Festival is the time to say goodbye to the old year,and to welcome the new year.春节是告别旧年,迎接新年的时刻。and表并列。



