牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 2 Travelling Grammar同步练(无答案)

Unit 2 Grammar 同步练习
1. Eddie has ______ cleaned the room, but she hasn’t watered the plants _______.
A. still; already B. already; yet C. yet; still D. yet; already
2. --- Has your father finished the report yet --- Sorry, I don’t know. He ___________ it this morning.
A. was writing B. wrote C. has written D. is writing
3We have __________ time that we can finish the work very well.
A.such much B.so many C.so much D.such many
4When the dancers stopped __________ to us, we couldn’t stop __________ excitedly.
waving; shout B.to wave; shouting C.to wave; to shout D.to waving; to shouting
5Millie __________ a lot about sea salt culture since she came to Yancheng.
A.learns B.learned C.will learn D.has learned
6—Where is Lucy I haven’t seen her for days.
—She __________ Chengdu. She’ll be back next week.
A.has gone to B.has been to C.have gone to D.have been to
7I __________ this bike for three years. I like it so much.
A.bought B.had C.have bought D.have had
8I will meet Jane at the station. Please __________ what time she will arrive.
A.count B.choose C.check D.catch
9.--Where is Catherine I haven't seen her for days. --She_______ Wuhan. She'll be back next week.
A.has gone to B.has been to C.have gone to D.have been to
10. --It seems that you have learnt a lot about Chengdu.
--Of course. I _________ here for ten years.
A.have been in B.have been C.have come D.came to
1. Hello Kitty is one of the most popular ____________ (卡通)characters among children.
2 Spring Festival is the best time to visit ______________ (亲戚)in China.
3 Last term, I ______________ (骑)a bicycle to school every morning.
4. The ________(城堡) looked very beautiful in the picture.
5. I haven't seen my grandpa for a long time. I________ (想念)him so much.
6. The little girl will travel _______ (在国外) to learn more about art.
7. I’d like to ask a (直接) question. How long have you known that man
8. Because of the bad weather, our (生意) hasn’t been good for weeks.
9. It’s only an hour’s _________(fly) to Beijing from here.
10. Bud has invited us to go __________(sail) this weekend.
1. The girl ___________ (learn) English for about two years.
2. Mother ____________ (bring) us some nice food when she came back from work.
3. Jim met his friend on his way home and stopped____________(chat) with her.
4. A: _____________anybody _____________(call) the police B: No, not yet.
5. I hope the government _____________(improve) the environment.
Tom always lived for grades. He was always interested in books and ideas. Why should he care about people They only made fun of him. They were jealous (妒忌的) because he was so smart, or so he thought. It seemed that Tom knew everything — except one thing. He didn’t know how to get along with other people.
He made his parents believe that school was a waste of time, so he began home schooling with special teachers. He dreamed of being the youngest person to enter university, and he sent letters to famous professors (教授) to see if it was possible.
One day, the doorbell rang. When Tom opened the door, there was his idol—Professor Rosen. Tom was so excited that he could hardly speak. The two talked for a long time, exchanging ideas. The professor was surprised at what this young boy knew. “Tom, tell me about your friends. What do you do for fun ” the professor wanted to know.
There was silence as Tom realised that he didn’t really have any friends. “Well, I don’t have time for all that. I’m too busy with my studies,” he said.
“That’s a problem, Tom. You have to learn that the world is not just filled with ideas. It’s filled with people. And you have to remember to be what you are … a boy. Boys need to have fun.”
The professor talked a bit more and then said, “I have to go, but I have a test for you. In this box, there are three things. I want you to learn how to use them. It is not very simple and you’ll need another person to help you. Experiment and learn how to use them, and I’ll be back in a week to see how you’re doing. Then, I’ll have another test for you.”
The professor left and Tom opened the box. Inside were two baseball gloves and a ball. He tried on a glove and picked up the ball, looking at the other glove with a bright smile …
1.What does the underlined word “it” mean in Paragraph 2
A.Writing letters. B.Attending university early.
C.Studying at home. D.Visiting famous professors.
2.What do Professor Rosen’s words mean in Paragraph 5
A.It’s good for Tom to share new ideas with his teachers.
B.It’s important for Tom to remember what he’s learnt.
C.It’s necessary for Tom to realise what his problem is.
D.It’s helpful for Tom to know the differences among people.
3.Why did Professor Rosen set the first test for Tom according to the text
A.To improve Tom’s testing skills.
B.To check Tom’s language level.
C.To stop Tom from being silent.
D.To encourage Tom to make friends.
4.What will Tom probably do next according to the text
A.Work much harder on his studies.
B.Give the box back to the professor.
C.Go out to play baseball with someone.
D.Ask for more information by letter.




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