
第一部分 听(共两节,满分30分)
1.How was Dave's summer vacation
A.To Qingdao.
B.It was exciting.
C.With my parents.
2.What does Jenny never drink
3.How does Tom usually exercise
A,Go camping B.Help with housework.
C.Ride a bike.
4.What does Bill think of Star Movie Theater
A.Pretty good.
B.It's over there.
C.I don't think so
5.What role does Mr.Lee play in the aotion movie
A.A doctor.B.A teacher、
C.A policeman.
6.What does Ted want to be when he grows up
A.A computer player.
B.A computer shop owner.
C,A computer programmer
7.Where is Ted going to work
A.In his father's company(公司).
B.In his uncle's company C In his own company.
8.What is the movie about
A.Future life,
C.The earth.
9,Does Gina want to see the film with the boy
A.Yes,she does.B.No,she doesn't.
C We don't know.
10.How long will the movie last
A.Two hours.
B.Two hours and fifteen minutes.
C.Two hours and a half.
11.Who is cooking the soup
12.Where is the bowl
A.On the table.B.In the drawer(抽屉).
C.Next to the plate.
13.How many people are there in the family
14.Can Eric take food
A.Yes,he can.
B.No,he can't.
C.He doesn't know.
15.What will Eric wear finally
When did the girt's mother make a strawberry milk shake for her
A Last Wednesday
B Last Thursday
C:Last Friday
17.How much honey did the girl's mother put into the milk
A.Two spoons
B.Three spoons
C.Four spoons.
18.How long did the girl's mother wait after she turned on the blender
A.For ten minutes
B.For five minutes.
C.For three minutes.
19.How is the strawberry milk shake
20.Where is the girl going
A.To a supermarket.
B.To a restaurant
C.To a coffee shop
第一节 完形填空(共15个小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
In September,my family and I will leave London to travel around the world.We 1_planning the trip last January,and we will be back in June.We plan to 2 20 countries.
People often have to lose their jobs to have a(n) 3 like this,but my parents will never do that.They have a pet shop,and they plan to find someone to help them. 4 I will have to do my homework and e-mail it to my teachers.
We have to decide what we need to take.We can't take too many clothes and shoes,but I know I must take my travel pillow(枕头).If I have that,I can 5 anywhere.Of course we can't take our cat and I know I will miss her.But I'm sure shell play happily with my grandparents.
21.A.stopped B.started C. disliked D. minded
22.A.visit B.show C. describe D. prepare
23. A.trip B.idea C. answer D. question
24. A.Where B.When C. So D. But
25.A jump B.shout C. sleep D. study
Everybody knows that healthy eating habits are very important.Here are five good eating habits for you.I'm sure you will live a healthy and happy life if you 26 them.
★Drink enough water
Drink about 8 cups of water every day.You may 27 even more water when you do exercise.
★ Don't 28 breakfast.
Breakfast is the most important__29 of the day.You will have more energy after you eat breakfast.
★Try to eat light lunch.
Do not eat junk food or food that has too much fat for lunch.They 30 your health.If you do not have enough time to have a healthy lunch,bring some bread with_ 31 for a quick lunch.
★ Eat fruit and vegetables every day.
Fruit and vegetables Should be a necessary 32 of your food.You can have a vegetable salad for your lunch. 33 you don't like eating vegetables,you can eat some fruit.
★Don't have dinner too late.
Try to have dinner at least 3 hours 34 you go to bed.Your body needs_ 35 _to digest(消化)most of the food.
26.A.miss B.follow C.show D.get
27.A.need B.give C.sell D.lose
28.A.choose B.order C.forget D.have
29.A.reason B.menu C.meal D.food
30.A.are necessary to B.are bad for C.are good to D.are fit for
31.A.you B.him C.her D.it
32,A.gift B.example C.part D.thing
33.A.What B.Because C.Although D.If
34.A.over B.of C.after D.before
35.A.money B.time C.water D.energy
第二节 阅读选择(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
One day,Mr.Smith took an apple to class.He stood in front of the classroom and said,"Please smell(闻)the smell(气味)in the air!"
One student put up his hand and answered,"I have smelled(闻到)it.It is the smell of an apple."Mr,Smith walked to the students,passed by each of them and said,"Please smell again to see if(是否)the smell of the apple is still in the air."
Half of the students put up their hands to show that they could smell it.Mr.Smith returned to the front of the classroom and asked again if the students could smell the apple.Everyone said yes but(除了)one student,Henry.Mr.Smith went to him and asked,"You really can't smell the apple "Henry answered,"No,I can't smell it.I don't think it's a real apple."
Mr.Smith smiled and said to the class,"He is right!This is not a real apple:It doesn't have any smell.”
All of the other students were stunned.Some of them might have thought(认为)that the apple was not real,but they didn't have the confidence(自信)to speak up.They just "followed the、leader"and went along with the first student.
36.What does the underlined word"stunned"mean in Chinese
A.无动于衷的 B.心灰意冷的 C.愤怒的 D.惊愕的
37.Mr.Smith used the apple to
A:celebrate with his students
B.teach his students a lesson
C.give a lesson about smells
D,play a game with his students
38.Henry said
A.he could smell the apple
B.he couldn't see the apple
C.he couldn't smell the apple
D.he could touch the apple
39.In what order did the following events take place(发生)
a.Half of the students showed that they could smell the apple.
b.All of the other students were surprised.
c.Mr.Smith walked to the students,passed by each of them,
d.Henry said that he couldn't smell the apple.
40.What does the passage mainly tell us
A.Believe in yourself.
B.What you see is what you get.(所见皆所得)
C.Two heads are better than one.(三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮)
D.Saying and doing are two things.
How do you spend your free time Playing sports or seeing movies Do you want to live a different after-school life How about mixing into elements of intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产元素) Here are four examples.
Li Chenxi, an 11-year-old girl, is at the No.2 Primary School in Yinchuan. Her school brings traditional Chinese culture into the after-school care services.
Li is interested in tie-dye (扎染). She can make dolls and dresses after learning for more than a year. “In the past, I had too much homework to do. But now I can do what I want to do in my free time. I enjoy it.” she said.
When Antoine, an international student from Rwanda (卢旺达), first watched the dragon dance, he was surprised and could not wait to join in it.
However, the training was not easy. He kept practicing the basic skills day by day to perfectly do the jumps and turns and lift the dragon body high in the air. In 2015, Antoine built the first international student dragon dance team in his school. Now the team has about 100 students from different countries.
It is Saturday afternoon. A group of children of all ages are following Zhu Wei in Zimbabwe (津巴布韦). Zhu, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor and the captain of the Chinese medical team in Zimbabwe, teaches them Tai Chi.
These children like Tai Chi. In their opinions, Tai Chi helps them keep healthy and focus on studies. It’s mind-body exercise.
Chloe from Canada is a paper-cutting lover. Every Sunday, she learns paper-cutting from Mrs. Smith. The girl can easily cut butterflies, horses, flowers and so on.
Last weekend, Chloe made a paper-cutting work of Rongbao. She felt excited to see it shown on the school wall.
41.What does Li Chenxi make using tie-dye
A.Toys and clothes. B.Rongbao.
C.Animals and:flowers. D.Clothes for dragon dance.
42.What can we learn about Antoine
A.He comes from America.
B.He practiced hard on dragon dance.
C.He built a dragon dance team five years ago.
D.His dragon dance team is the second in his:school.
43.Why do children in Zimbabwe choose to practice lai chi
①To make more friends.
②To learn about Chinese culture.
③To be healthy and strong.
④To help them pay attention to studies.
A ①② B③④ C.①③ D.②④
44.How often does Chloe learn paper-cutting from Mrs Smith
A.Once a.week. B,Twice a week. C.Once a month. D.Twice a month.
45.Which of the following can be the theme(主题)of the four passages
A.Foreign students enjoy traditional Chinese culture.
B.The world is beautiful because of different cultures
C.Chinese culture is popular among people of all ages.
D.Traditional Chinese culture lights up the after-school life.
Phones are more important than ever in the daily lives of students, but how they use them has changed greatly in the past six years.
London University teachers surveyed 1055 young people aged 13 to 18 about their mobile phone habits. Students use mobile phones mainly for two reasons: “communication” or “munication means talking on the phone and writing messages using texting (短信) or chatting software like qq or wechat. Entertainment was made up of playing games, watching movies, listening to music and surfing the Internet. The findings are different from the study of 2016. The results are shown below:
Six years ago student spent around 30% of their mobile phone time making or answering calls. In 2022, only 10% of time was used for talking. When students use their phone to communicate, they’d like to use qq or wechat.
“Communication is still an important use of mobile phones. But now mobile phones are being used more for entertainment than for communication,” said Dr. Harry Lectre, the research leader.
46.What are the least popular mobile phone activity in 2022
A.Talking B.Playing games C.Texting D.Listening to music
47.In total(总共),what percentage of time did students use their mobile phones for communication in 2016
A.35%. B.27%。 C.29%: D.71%.
48.According to the chart,which of the following is TRUE about watching movies on mobile phones
A.It has increased most over the past six years.
B.Students now spend more time watching movies than talking on the phones.
C.It was the most popular type of mobile phone entertainment in 2016.
D.Students doesn't like watching movies on mobile phones in 2022
49.Which mobile phone activities were more popular than surfing the Internet in 2022
A.Talking and texting.
B.Playing games and watching movies.
C.Chatting and watching movies.
D.Chatting and listening to music
50.What can be the best title of this passage
A.A study from London University
B.What are the uses of mobile phones
C.What do students do with their mobile phones
D.The advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones.
第三节 阅读填空(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Do you know what the world will be like in 100 years 51
Every family will have robots as servants instead of humans. There will be roads both in the sky and on the ground and many people won’t travel by car. 52 That won’t cause traffic jam, or air pollution.
In the future, people won’t use paper books. 53 Surfing the Internet will be free. There won’t be so many paper-making factories pouring polluted water. 54 Because people won’t cut trees to make paper any more, the earth will get more and more beautiful. And people all over the world will live in peace.
55 If we want to have a bright future, we should try our best to master (掌握) science and technology and play an active part in(积极参加) saving the earth.
A.They’ll ride a flying bicycle instead.
B.They will use e-books on the computer.
C.Do you believe these predictions will come true
D.So they won’t pollute so many rivers or lakes any more.
E.There are some wonderful predictions about the future.
F.There will be more and more water pollution.
第一节 单词拼写(共10个小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据句意和首字母、音标或中文提示补全单词(每空一词)
56.The math problem is so easy.A_____can do it.
57.Amazing China is my son's favorite p______.
58.I miss my good friend Li Wei,and I look forward to h_______from him.
59.O__all the boys,David did worst in the high jump.
60.Mrs.Green e_ her daughter to win the English competition yesterday.
61.Take the_ ['medsn]and you'll soon feel better.
62.Now there are_ [,s:l'redl]new factories in Xingwen.
63.This movie made me so (悲哀的),I couldn't help crying
64.Please speak more loudly,I can't hear you __(清楚地),
65.She looks _ (更年轻)if she wears this new dress.
Students these days often have a lot of worries and problems.It's 66.n_____to have them in life.But what should they do
Robert Hunt,an expert,67_ (advise)students not to run away from their problems.He says it's the worst to keep the problems to 68.______(them),.They should always try to 69,s__them.He thinks the first step is to find someone else they 70.t___to talk to.Unless they talk to someone,they'll 71._ (certain)feel worse.
It is also a good way to talk with their parents.Maybe sometimes they are afraid to tell their parents because they think they will be 72.a_ .In fact,most parents are 73._(understand).And they have more 74.e__________than teenagers.
As an English saying goes,"Sharing a problem is like cutting it in 75.h__
第三节 信息归纳(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺信息,每空仅限一单词。
Weekend is coming.After finishing your homework early.you turn on the TV to watch a reality show(真人秀)to relax.However,there are more than 100 different reality TV program snow.Which would you like to watch the most
People started to make the reality show in the 1990s in America.At that time,the most famous and popular reality show was Survivor.It was popular not only in America but also.around the world.
These years,reality shows are pretty hot in China.A study says nine of the ten most popular shows are reality shows.The reality show is quite different from the other kinds of TV shows.It shows the stories that are from our everyday life,and some people in the shows are even students,farmers or workers.
Why are reality shows becoming more and more popular First,stories in the shows are from our life.Second,there are lots of famous people in the shows and people can know more about them.Last,there are interesting and relaxing games and activities in the shows.
However,many of the shows in our country copy(模仿)other countries' programs.Many people think that China's program makers can make better shows of our own if they care more about our history,culture and people.
Party Birthday party People Tim,Jim,Lisa,Ann
Time 元月二十日(周六)下午三点钟开始 Activities 下午在我家花园烧烤,打 篮球,玩游戏:晚上吃蛋糕,唱歌……
Place 我家(书店与街心花园之间) Notes(备注) 晚会结束后我父母会开车送你们回家。
1.center park街心花园;
3.drive sb.home开车送…回家。
Dear Larry.
How time flies!



